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∙Pork with shell, potato, eggs of quail

Anis, sugar and vinegar

1, put oil and after it is hot, put sugar and ginger

2, put meat and after color is yellow, put water to the top of it, put sauce, salt, vinegar and anis

3, smaller fire to cook after soup is boiled

4, put carrot, potato, eggs before it is ready.

∙Meat with fat, potato

Sugar, dark soya sauce, anis, cinnamon, pelargonium, spirit,salt

1, cut meat small piece, but it is not very small, it will be broken when cooking, put meat in the cold water with spirit for 15 minutes, it is to remove the smell.

2, put sugar in the hot oil till change the color, and put meat in the pot till the fat come out from the meat.

3, put soup or water and anis, cinnamon, pelargonium, when the soup boiled, put one spoon of dark soya sauce and spirit, then cooking with cover over 1 hour with smaller fire

4, before it is ready, put potato in the pot and put salt at last, it is ready when there is no soup in the pot.

∙Meat with fat 400g

Soya sauce, sugar, spirit,ginger, anis, canela

1, cut meat

2, put meat to the pot till it is white and put spirit, soya sauce, ginger, anis,canela, and put water or chicken soup , then cooking with smaller fire after soup boiled ∙Thin meat 150g, mushroom 300g

Green onion 10g, ginger 5g, salt 3g, sesame oil 10g

1, cut mushroom and meat

2, put meat and mushroom to the pot and put water, then put green onion and ginger, cooking with strong fire, then change to smaller fire. Put sauce at last

∙meat with 300g, seawave 250g

oil, green onion, ginger, anis, pepper, salt, Soya sauce, vinegar, sugar

1, cut sea wave

2, cut meat big piece and cooking in the boiled water few minutes , then take out 3, fry sugar in the oil and put meat after sugar change to color.

4, put water 500g, and all sauce, cooking with smaller fire after soup boiled

5, put sea wave .

∙Bone 300g, potato 1 piece, seawave 100g.

ginger, salt

1, bone in the boiled water and remove the dirty, take out and wash

2, get ready water in another pot, when it is boiled, put bone and ginger

3, cut potato to small piece, put potato and seawave.

4, before it is ready, put salt.

Tomato can replace seawave.

Peanuts can replace potato


Sugar, vinegar, soya sauce, sesame

1, clean bone in the boiled water

2, add two bowls of water , put bone, then put sugar, vinegar and soya sauce, cooking with media fire.

3, cooking till there is no water and put sesame.

∙Bone 400g

Oil 60g, Soya sauce 10g, sugar 20g, vinegar 5g, green onion5g, ginger 5g, pepper 5g 1, cut bone 3cm long and cut green onion and ginger

2, cooking bone in the oil and take out

3, cooking green onion and ginger and put water 400g, put sugar, soya sauce, salt, vinegar, pepper and bone at last, cooking it with smaller fire till the soup is very thick.

∙Bone 500g, tomato 25og, ketchup 40g

Ginger, salt, spirit small spoon

1, bone in the boiled water and remove the dirty, take out and wash

2, get ready water in another pot, when it is boiled, put bone and ginger

3, after bone is soft, put tomato, ketchup and salt, cooking a bit more.

∙Bone, pumpkin , carrot and corn

1, clean bone

2, put all together

∙Bone 500g, carrot 300g, small potato 300g


1,cut carrot and potato

2, bone in the boiled water and remove the dirty, take out and wash
