


论鲁迅的翻译思想 lu xun (1881-1936)has been zhou shu-ren’s pen name since he published diary of a madman. he was born into a declining feudal family. his extensive reading in youth enabled him to accumulate a great store of national culture. during the reform movement,he read translation works of modern social science and literature of the west,in which his favorite was huxley’s evolution and ethics and other essays entitled《天演论》.actually,evolutionary ideals used to be his spiritual weapon against feudalism. in 1902,his academic excellence won him an opportunity to study in japan where he laid a solid foundation in japanese,german,english and russian. in 1906,he gave up medicine and began his lifelong literary creation and translation career. in chinese history,he is considered as a great man of letters,thinker,revolutionist as well as an outstanding literary translator. he devoted himself to translation of foreign literature. it is he


收稿日期!2009-11-29 作者简介!王亚敏,女,1982年生,安徽芜湖人,英语语言文学专业在读硕士研究生,皖南医学院助教;韦丽,女,1957年生, 安徽芜湖人,副教授。 第8卷第2期2010年5月辽宁医学院学报(社会科学版) Journa l of L iaon i ng M ed i ca lU n i versity (Soc ial Sc ience Edition)V o l 8N o 2M ay ,2010 运用巴氏翻译学说评价鲁迅小说杨译本的得失 ???以#祝福?和#药?为例 王亚敏 1、2 ,韦丽 2 (1安徽师范大学,安徽芜湖241000;2皖南医学院,安徽芜湖241002) 摘 要!以鲁迅小说#祝福?和#药?的英译本为例,用巴尔胡达罗夫的符号学翻译理论从指称意义、语用意义和言内意 义三个方面分析和评价杨宪益、戴乃迭两位翻译家的翻译实践 通过对原文一些细微之处的深层涵义的分析,与学界同仁共同探讨如何争取翻译的最大程度的等值,从而达到译文的%功能相似,意义相符&。 关键词!符号学翻译理论;指称意义;语用意义;言内意义 中图分类号!H 159 文献标识码!A 文章编号!1674-0416(2010)02-0105-04 鲁迅先生是中国新文学的奠基人,他的小说真实地描绘了从辛亥革命到五四运动时期的社会生活,揭示了种种深层次的社会矛盾,对封建制度及陈腐的传统观念进行了深刻剖析和彻底否定。其中#祝福?和#药?两篇的英译本,均被选为耶鲁大学东亚语言文学系%中国文学&课程教材。 著名翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭两先生凭借其深厚的文化底蕴和精湛的翻译技巧,出色地完成了这两篇小说的英译。译文的语言流畅生动,与原著的风格基本上达到了统一,无论在形式还是内容方面都极其忠实地再现了原著。 一、巴尔胡达罗夫学说的理论基础 符号学认为,世界是由符号组成的,万事万物都可以视为各类符号系统中的一个符号。美国行为语义学家查尔斯 莫里斯(1901~1979)将符号学划为三个分支:语义学、语用学和结构学。语义学研究符号与其指称对象的关系;语用学(又称实用学)研究符号使用者与符号之间的关系;结构学(又称句法学)研究同一符号体系内部符号与符号之间的关系。 把符号学理论引入翻译研究的代表人物是巴尔胡达罗夫。他在其代表作#语言与翻译?一书中非常明确地指出,语言单位也同任何其他符号一样 由表达形式和意义内容组成,意义仅是一种符号关系。巴尔胡达罗夫(1894~1983)把现代符号学的三大类型关系移植至翻译领域,把翻译过程中应当传达出来的意义分为相应的三种类型:一是语言符号和该符号所标志事物之间的关系,即语言符号的所指意义(Desi g native M eaning);二是语言符号和符号使用者(言语过程参与者)之间的关系,即语言符号的语用意义(Prag m atic M ean i n g);三是同一语言符号体系内部各符号之间的关系,即言内意义(L i n gu istic M ean i n g)。 巴尔胡达罗夫对语言这种特殊的符号做了相当深入的分析。在论述如何传达语言符号的语义内容时,他分析了两种语言词汇单位语义对应的三种情况:完全对应、部分对应和无对应。在此基础上他总结出一些翻译无等值词汇的一些方法和手段,如注音、转写、仿造法、描写法、近似译、转换法等。文中他还详细分析了语言符号的语用意义类型,如词的修辞色彩、语域、词的情感色彩、交际重点、转义用法、伴随意义、蕴涵意义等和多种语言内意义。 二、指称意义与译文分析 指称意义体现符号与其所指称或描写的实体与事物之间的关系,这个事物可以是实物如%桌子&


从多元系统理论看鲁迅的翻译思想和翻译策略 摘要:鲁迅是中国伟大的革命文学家、思想家,也是一位杰出的文学翻译家。他的文学翻译和翻译思想在中国翻译史上具有重要的地位。鲁迅翻译思想,几乎涵盖了翻译问题的各个层面,对我国翻译界产生了极其深远的影响。本文运用多元系统理论来研究鲁迅翻译思想和翻译策略,进一步加深鲁迅翻译研究深度。 关键词:鲁迅;翻译思想;异化翻译;多元系统理论; On Lu Xun’s Translation Thought and Strategy from the Perspective of Polysystem Theory Huang Xiaojun (School of Foreign Language Studies, Gannan Normal University, JiangxiGanzhou, 341000) Abstract:Lu Xun was a great revolutionary writer, thinker and outstanding literary translator in China. His literary translation and translation thought have important position in China’stranslation history for proposing a series of excellentments with profound and unique insights on translation, which almost coveredevery aspect of translation, such as the purpose of translation, translation principles, the translation strategy and translation criticism and so on.This article applies Polysystem Theory to study Lu Xun’s translation thought and strategy and further deepen the research on Lu Xun’s translation. Keywords: Lu Xun;translation thought; foreignization strategy;Polysystem Theory 引言 鲁迅是中国伟大的文学家、思想家、革命家,也是一位杰出的文学翻译家。鲁迅的翻译活动贯穿他的战斗的一生。在长达30多年的翻译生涯中,鲁迅共翻译了14个国家100多位作家的200多部(篇)作品,共计300余万字,大致跟他一生的创作量相当。鲁迅的译品除了外国文学外,还包括外国的自然科学和哲学方面的论著。(方梦之,2004:419)在他长期的翻译实践中,鲁迅发表了相关评论文章。这些文章表达了他的翻译思想,这些翻译思想对我国翻译界产生了极其深远的影响。因此,本文将运用多元系统理论对鲁迅的翻译思想和策略进行研究,进一步深入研究鲁迅的翻译思想和策略。 一.多元系统理论简介 多元系统理论是以色列学者伊塔马·埃文-佐哈尔(Itammar Even-Zohar)在20世纪70年代提出的一种普通文化理论。这一理论是佐哈尔在充分吸收俄国形式主义和捷克结构主义的思想的基础上,借用了“系统”这一概念。该理论认为,各种符号现象,即文化、语言、文学与社会等由符号主导的人类交际形式,须视为系统而非由各不相干的元素组成的混合体,才能得以更充分地理解与研究,


简介 Lu Xun is an eminent translation theorist. His views on translation were formed by inheriting and absorbing Chinese and foreign traditional translation theories. He adopted different translation strategies at different stages of his translation. Stage The early stages of Lu Xun”s translation activities are from the year of 1903 to 1918,which means he began to study in Japan until the eve of the May 4th movement, in this stage, translation works introduce one’s reflecting the people’s suffering and the n ational liberation movements about Russia Northern Europe and Poland and other countries. The second stage is from 1919 to 1927,which also focuses on the people’s suffering and the aspects of social darkness in Russia, Japan and so on . The last stage is from 1927 to 1936, which was from the eve of revolutionary literature controversy to the proletarian literature movement. Lu Xun emphasizes the Soviet revolutionary and proletarian literature theory. 类型 Practice of Lu Xun’s translation 1.Science novels 2.Short stories of Eastern Europe 3.Foreign arts 4.Children’s literature 5.Children’s works 6.After 1919 Strategy In the early period of his translation career, he adopted free translation, that is, between 1903 to 1906, but very soon in 1906 to 1909, he shows his new ideas about translation in his series of literary works especially in his co-published Stories from Abroad with his younger brother Zhou Zuoren, which marked his great change of translation methods from free translation Free translation and adaptation Free translation reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content without the form of the original. Usually it is a paraphrase much longer than the original, a so-called “intralingual translation”, often prolix. Another method adopted by Lu Xun at his early translating stage is

翻译:风筝 (鲁迅)对比

翻译:风筝 (鲁迅)对比 (a) Kite (translation: alexcwlin/edit: adam.L) (b) The Kite (杨宪益、戴乃迭译) (c) Kite (刘士聪译) 北京的冬季,地上还有积雪,灰黑色的秃树枝丫叉于晴朗的天空中,而远处有一二风筝浮动,在我是一种惊异和悲哀。 (a) It is wintertime in Beijing. The ground is covered with thick snow. Leafless tree-branches in greyish-black color reach into the clear sunny sky. A couple of kites floating high in the air at distance saddle me with a feeling of bewilderment and melancholy. (b) A Peking winter dismays and depresses me: the thick snow on the ground and the bare trees' ashen branches thrusting up towards the clear blue sky, while in the distance one or two skies arefloating. (c) When,in late winter in Beijing,there was still snow on the ground and, up in the air,an entanglement of dark-gray bare branches against a sunny sky,a couple of kites were already fluttering up and down in the distance - a sight that filled me with amazement and forlornness. *************************************************** 故乡的风筝时节,是春二月,倘听到沙沙的风轮声,仰头便能看见一个淡墨色的蟹风筝或嫩蓝色的蜈蚣风筝。 (a) The kite-flying season of my hometown is around February in springtime. If you happen to hear rustling sound of wind-wheels, look up and you would see a grayish-black crab-shaped kite or a light-blue centipede-shaped kite. (b) At home, the time for kites is early spring. When you hear the whirr of a wind-wheel, you raise your head to see a grey crab-kite or a soft blue centipede-kite. (c) In my hometown,kites were flown in early spring. When you heard the whirring of wind-wheels and looked up,you saw a darkish crab-kite or one resembling a centipede of limpid blue. 还有寂寞的瓦片风筝,没有风轮,又放得很低,伶仃地显出憔悴可怜的模样。 (a) There is also the solitary tile-shaped kite which doesn’t have wind-wheels. Helplessly it flies at low altitude with a worn-out and piteous look. (b) Or there may be a solitary tile-kite, without wind wheel and flown too low, looking pathetically lonely and forlorn. (c) There were one or two others in the shape of old-fashioned tiles, without wheels. They flew at a lower level,looking lonely and shriveled,arousing a sense of compassion. 但此时地上的杨柳已经发芽,早的山桃也多吐蕾,和孩子们的天上的点缀相照应,打成一片春日的温和。 (a) At this time, the foliating willows and budding wild-peaches on the ground complement those children’s high-flying adornments to fill a warm spring’s day. (b) By this time, though, the willows on the ground are putting out shoots, and the early mountain peaches have budded. Set off by the children’s fancy work in the sky, together they make up the warmth of spring. (c) Around this time of the year,poplars and willows began to sprout,and new buds appeared on


杨译《鲁迅小说选》的翻译策略研究 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 一、适应选择论概述 胡庚申教授在其专著《翻译适应选择论》中,将达尔文生物进化论中的“适应/选择”学说引进翻译理论研究,将翻译定义为译者适应翻译生态环境的选择活动,从“适应”与“选择”的视角对翻译的本质、过程、标准、原则和方法作出新的描述和解释。他认为: “翻译是译者不断自我适应和优化选择交替进行的循环过程,具体地说,翻译过程是译者对以原文为典型要件的翻译生态环境的‘适应’和以译者为典型要件的翻译生态环境对译文的‘选择’。”这里所说的“翻译生态环境”是指“原文、原语和译文所呈现的世界,即语言、交际、文化、社会以及作者、读者、委托者等互联互动的整体,是制约译者最佳适应和优化选择的多种因素的集合”。在翻译实践中,成功的翻译就是“整合适应选择度”最高的翻译( 胡庚申,2004) 。本文选用杨宪益、戴乃迭的《鲁迅小说选》英译本,分析译者在具语言层面上如何在词汇、句法、修辞风格几个方面有效地进行适应性选择并恰当处理英汉异质成分。

二、杨译本的翻译策略 翻译是一项语际转换活动,译者在语言维的适应性选择是成功翻译的基本要素。语言维的适应性选择即译者在翻译过程中对语言形式的适应性选择。“该维度的适应性选择是在不同方面、不同层次上进行的”。具体包括词汇、句法、以及整体的修辞、风格等方面的适应性选择。 ( 一) 词汇层面 ( 1) 原文: 鲁镇的酒店的格局,是和别处不同的。( 《孔乙己》) 译文: The layout of Luzhen’s tavern is unique. 语言不同则思维不同,社会文化的差异引起了价值观念的差异。中国几千年来深受儒家文化的影响,意识形态中渗透着“中庸之道”、“大同思想”。因此,鲁迅眼里的“酒店格局”是“和别处不同的”,侧重的是一种和其他同类事物相比较而得出的不同之处,“不同”是“同”中的不同。而西方世界在人文主义思潮的影响下,注重的是对个体的关怀,倡导对个性的尊重和自我价值的体现。他们看酒店格局,更多的是看到这间酒店的独特之处,至于是否和别处不同,并不重要。杨宪益夫妇十分了解中西方这些思维和观念的差异性,所以他们在词汇的选择上作出了适应性选择。译

鲁迅《祝福》英文全文 The new year's sacrifice

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4813261717.html,/english/n12.htm(这是网址) THE NEW YEAR'S SACRIFICE New Year's Eve of the old calendar seems after all more like the real New Year's Eve; for, to say nothing of the villages and towns, even in the air there is a feeling that New Year is coming. From the pale, lowering evening clouds issue frequent flashes of lightning, followed by a rumbling sound of firecrackers celebrating the departure of the Hearth God; while, nearer by, the firecrackers explode even more violently, and before the deafening report dies away the air is filled with a faint smell of powder. It was on such a night that I returned to Luchen, my native place. Although I call it my native place, I had had no home there for some time, so I had to put up temporarily with a certain Mr. Lu, the fourth son of his family. He is a member of our clan, and belongs to the generation before mine, so I ought to call him "Fourth Uncle." An old student of the imperial college who went in for Neo-Confucianism, I found him very little changed in any way, simply slightly older, but without any moustache as yet. When we met, after exchanging a few polite remarks he said I was fatter, and after saying that immediately started a violent attack on the revolutionaries. I knew this was not meant personally, because the object of the attack was still Kang Yu-wei. Nevertheless, conversation proved difficult, so that in a short time I found myself alone in the study. The next day I got up very late, and after lunch went out to see some relatives and friends. The day after I did the same. None of them was greatly changed, simply slightly older; but every family was busy preparing for "the sacrifice." This is the great end-of-year ceremony in Luchen, when people reverently welcome the God of Fortune and solicit good fortune for the coming year. They kill chickens and geese and buy pork, scouring and scrubbing until all the women's arms turn red in the water. Some of them still wear twisted silver bracelets. After the meat is cooked some chopsticks are thrust into it at random, and this is called the "offering." It is set out at dawn when incense and candles are lit, and they reverently invite the God of Fortune to come and partake of the offering. Only men can be worshippers, and after the sacrifice they naturally continue to let off firecrackers as before. This happens every year, in every family, provided they can afford to buy the offering and firecrackers; and this year they naturally followed the old custom. The day grew overcast. In the afternoon it actually started to snow, the biggest snow-flakes as large as plum blossom petals fluttered about the sky; and this, combined with the smoke and air of activity, made Luchen appear in a ferment. When I returned to my uncle's study the roof of the house was already white with snow. The room also appeared brighter, the great red rubbing hanging on the wall showing up very clearly the character for Longevity written by the Taoist saint Chen Tuan.One of a pair of scrolls


翻译:雪 (鲁迅) Translation: Snow (Lu Xun) (translated: alexcwlin; edited: adam.L) 暖国的雨,向来没有变过冰冷的坚硬的灿烂的雪花。 All along rain in the warm Southern Region of China has not been changed into ice-cold and solid-hard dazzling snowflakes. 博识的人们觉得他单调,他自己也以为不幸否耶? Erudite people feel snowflakes are just too simple and dull. Do snowflakes also think likewise that they are so unfortunate? 江南的雪,可是滋润美艳之至了;那是还在隐约着的青春的消息,是极壮健的处子的皮肤。 The snow in Jiangnan is so very moist and striking. It inconspicuously reveals signs of youth and is as vivacious as a virgin’s skin. 雪野中有血红的宝珠山茶,白中隐青的单瓣梅花,深黄的磬口的蜡梅花; Snowfield abounds with blood-red camellias, greenish-white single-layer-petal plum blooms, and darkish-yellow wintersweet flowers. 雪下面还有冷绿的杂草。蝴蝶确乎没有; Underneath the snow there are chilled greenish weeds. Butterflies definitely have vanished. 蜜蜂是否来采山茶花和梅花的蜜,我可记不真切了。 Are bees coming to gather nectar of camellia and plum flowers? I can’t remember with certainty. 但我的眼前仿佛看见冬花开在雪野中,有许多蜜蜂们忙碌地飞着,也听得他们嗡嗡地闹着。 But in front of my eyes I seem to be looking at winter flowers blossoming in snowfield. Swarms of bees are busy flying around and buzzing. ************************************************************* 孩子们呵着冻得通红,像紫芽姜一般的小手,七八个一齐来塑雪罗汉。 Children are blowing warm breath on their cold reddish hands looking like purple-colored ginger. Seven to eight of them get together to make a snow Buddha. 因为不成功,谁的父亲也来帮忙了。罗汉就塑得比孩子们高得多, When they fail, someone’s father comes over to help. The Buddha is taller than the children. 虽然不过是上小下大的一堆,终于分不清是壶卢还是罗汉;然而很洁白,很明艳,以自身的滋润相粘结,整个地闪闪地生光。 Even though it is a snow pile with a big bottom and a small top, in the end it is hard to tell whether that is a Buddha or a gourd. However it is very white and beautiful. It sticks together well with its own moisture and glistens bright. 孩子们用龙眼核给他做眼珠,又从谁的母亲的脂粉奁中偷得胭脂来涂在嘴唇上。这回确是一个大阿罗汉了。他也就目光灼灼地嘴唇通红地坐在雪地里。 Children uses longan pits as eyes and put rouge sneaked from a mother’s cosmetic box on lips. This time they really have a big Buddha sitting on the snow ground with beaming eyes and rouge lips. ************************************************************* 第二天还有几个孩子来访问他;对了他拍手,点头,嘻笑。但他终于独自坐着了。晴天又来消释他的皮肤,寒夜又使他结一层冰,化作不透明的水晶模样; A few children visit him on the next day. They clap hands, nod, and laugh. But finally he has to sit alone.


117覃忠盛(1950—),男,广西宜州人,河池学院中文系高级讲师。研究方向:现当代文学。 作者简介: 参考文献: [1]林语堂.林语堂名著全集?第10卷[M ].长春:东北师范大 学出版社,1994. [2]陆梅.试论林语堂的人生哲学[J ].大连海事大学学报,2002(4). [3]刘文浩.余秋雨散文中的文人形象及精神[J ].湖北经济学院学报,2007(7). [4]司马晓雯.论余秋雨散文的双重对话[J ].华南师范大学学报,2006(3). [5]余秋雨.余秋雨文集?A 卷[M ].南海:南海出版公司,2003.[6]葛培贤.林语堂现代小品文创作渊源浅析[J ].中央社会主义学院学报,2007(4). 而老庄之精神在焉”的明证。“天人合一”是老庄哲学的最高境界,也是林语堂最为推崇的,他用“性灵”来代替“天人合一”,强调了人对无穷自然的认知的局限性和人的精神生活的丰富性,还将明代公安派的“性灵说”融入进来,讲究“独抒性灵,不拘格套”,注重作者内心的真情实感的表达,将传统“淡雅”进行了革新。 余秋雨所处的背景则不同,中国自20世纪80年代初对新中国成立前后作家的美学理想和话语方式的清算之后,散文从原来的题材、观念中走向新领地,转向抒发作家的自身观照和个人性灵,主张精神和个性的解放。但又不免走向了另一个极端,散文被等同于抒情美文,认为散文就应精美、雅致、玲珑,拘泥于身旁琐事和个人隐私的叙说,于是“小女人散文”大量涌现,感性有余、理性不足,柔媚有加、厚重缺乏,精英文化逐渐失落,知识分子阶层面临着人文精神的失落和理想价值消解的危机。余秋雨感叹:“做不成现代人是悲哀的,斩断了自己的生命根源的现代人,就更悲哀了。”他毅然辞去上海戏剧学院院长的职务,自觉肩负起一个文化精英历史的及现实的使命:“我是个文化人,我生命的主干属于文化,我活在世上的一项重要使命是接受文化和传递文化。”在那纷乱、喧嚣、浮躁的年代,他将自己关在书斋,以古籍为伴,静心探寻民族文化的命脉,认真反思中国文化内在的生命力及其结构性缺陷,成就一系列“雅正”散文。 林语堂和余秋雨,作为两代文化精英的代表,同具尚“雅”审美取向,鉴于所处文化背景不同,林语堂取向消极遁世的“淡雅”,余秋雨 117 引言 鲁迅的翻译是我国翻译史上一笔宝贵的财富,其中涉及翻译理论中的很多方面,但常有不少人因为鲁迅所提出的“宁信而不顺”的口号而对其加以质疑和诟病,但是从“目的论”的角度来看,为了达到特定的翻译目的,译者可以采取任何翻译策略。因此本文将从“目的论”出发,对鲁迅的翻译策略进行解析,以便人们能正确认识鲁迅的翻译。 一、目的论的基本思想“目的论”起源于20世纪70年代,由德国翻译理论家汉斯?维米尔创立,后来由克里斯蒂安?诺德继续发扬,属于功能主义学派。“这个理论的中心思想是,行动皆有目的,行动者参照实际环境选择一种他认为最合适的方式以求达到预期目标;既然翻译也是一种行动,所以译者也会在翻译目的的指引下,尽量考虑一切可能有关的因素,从而决定最合适的行动方式。”“目的论”强调,翻译是一种有目的的行为,因此,译者就不是纯粹意义上的译文文本作者,而是在一定社会和历史文化条件下,带着特定的目的与任务走进原作的译者。而原文目的与译文目的不一定会相同,在这样的情况下,“目的论首要关注的是译作的目的,这个目的决定了译者需要采用何种翻译方法和策略,才能产生功能上可满足需要的结果”。这样一来,译者所追求的就不是与原文“等值”的译文,而是能达到译文与译者目的的文本。在“目的论”目的决定策略的观照下,只要能达到预期目的,不管是直译也好,是意译也罢,各种策略皆可采用。根据“目的论”,评价译文的标准不在于译文在多大程度上忠实于原文,而是在于译文完成预期目的的适宜性,即译文是否达到了预期目的。同时“目的论”也将读者对象纳入考虑范围,认为译者在完成其翻译目的时,必定有其意向读者,因此翻译策略的制定也应考虑到意向读者。“目的论”的出现为我们解读一些译者的翻译观提供了有效的借鉴。 二、鲁迅的翻译目的与意向读者1.鲁迅的翻译目的鲁迅在翻译方面,“基本观念是既定的,那就是以思想启蒙和政治救亡为目的的功利翻译观”。简而言之,即是想通过思想启蒙来改造社会、救亡图存。而要想进行思想启蒙,文艺是较为有效的办法。关于这一点,鲁迅自己也说过,“我们在日本留学时,有一种茫漠的希望:以为文艺是可以转移性情,改造社会的。因为这意见,便自然而然的想到介绍外国新文学这一件事。”为了达到这一目的,鲁迅总是翻译一些弱小国家或被压迫民族的作品,意欲“传播被虐待者的苦痛的呼声和激发国人对于强权者的憎恶和愤怒……”。除此之外,鲁迅还站在改造中国语言的高度,想通过翻译来改造汉语。他一直认为汉语不够严谨,需要借鉴外语来丰富我国语言,所以鲁迅的译本,“不但在输入新的译本,也在输入新的表现法。中国的文或话,法子实在太不精密了,作文的秘诀,是在避去熟字,删掉虚字,讲话的时候,也时时要词不达意,这就是话不够用……要医这病,我以为只好陆续吃一点苦,装进异样的句法进去,古的,外省外府的,外国的,后来便可以据为己有”。“翻译,的确可以帮助我们造出许多新的字眼,新的句法,丰富的词汇和细腻的、精密的、正确的表现。” 2.鲁迅的意向读者 鲁迅提倡对读者进行分类,根据不同的读者采取不同的对策,同时他也认为在开始翻译时,就应确定自己的意向读者。他明确宣称,从目的论的角度解析鲁迅的翻译策略 作家评论 2009.09.B 田 玲 取向积极处世的“雅正”,虽然所取文化定位各异,但传递中华文明的文化人格却同质。


上海翻译Shanghai Journal of Translato rs 2005No .4 [收稿日期]2005-05-10 [作者简介]任淑坤,女,河北大学外语副教授,现为南开大学博士生,研究方向:翻译理论与实践;王 慧,女,河北师范大学外语学院讲师,研究方向:英美文学。 鲁迅与翻译的政治 任淑坤 (河北大学外语学院,保定071002) 王 慧 (河北师范大学外语学院,石家庄050016) [摘要]翻译并非简单的文字转换活动,它与文化、意识形态、政治有着密不可分的联系。鲁迅在翻译中自觉为翻译定位,充分发挥译者的主体意识,使翻译既为政治服务,又不盲从政治,表现出翻译与现实政治之间的断裂与统一。从而,他为中国翻译事业的繁荣、文化的重构做出了不可磨灭的贡献。[关键词]鲁迅;翻译;政治;对立统一[中图分类号]H059 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1672-9358(2005)04-0044-03 翻译的传统定义是把一国文字表达的意义用另一国文字进行转述。这往往给人以错觉:翻译是简单的文字转换活动。随着翻译事业的繁荣与多元发展的趋势,人们越来越意识到翻译已不再是与文化 体系、意识形态和政治斗争无关的语言活动,而是其冲突的工具和场所。在翻译过程中,源语中的词语、表达模式及思想,或者经过试用、筛选、淘汰而最终被译入语拒绝而告终,或者通过与译入语语言与文化的接触和冲突,最终在译入语中兴起流传,成为其活的语言的一部分。在从源语到译入语的过程中,一方面,由于语言差异,意义会不可避免地发生某些改变;另一方面,译入语也会根据自己的需要赋予它们某些新的意义。(刘禾,2002)翻译的政治在这个过程中体现得颇为明晰。 一 随着二十世纪翻译研究的文化转向,“翻译是一种政治行为”的论断越来越广为人知,“翻译的政治”这一术语也频频出现于字里行间。就目前所见,“翻译的政治”出现时通常包含以下三种含义。 其一,指“翻译对于译入语文化及社会所造成的冲击,以及因而带来的改变”。(王宏志,1999:263)1987年,王佐良先生在以“新时期的翻译观”为题的讲话中指出,对于翻译(史)研究,不仅仅要有简史、通史对事实的叙述爬梳,也要有结合文化、社会、历史等考察“由翻译引起的大的文化潮流或思想运动”。(王佐良,1989:2—6)西方翻译研究学派的研究成果为此提供了理论依据。理论模式与个案研究互动,用描述的方法,将翻译在特定民族文化中的功用作为聚焦点,由此,对翻译结果的关注成为了一种新的研究趋向。王克非教授的《翻译文化史论》,谢 天振教授的《译介学》,孔慧怡女士的《翻译、文学、文化》,王宏志先生的《翻译与创作》等都是在这方面的斐然成果,分别涉及了翻译给中国的语言文学、思想文化、社会状况等方面带来的变化,从不同的视角重新定位翻译。 其二,指翻译活动由于两种语言及其社会、历史、文化、翻译主体等的差异而导致的带有偏见或偏差的交流,这种偏见和偏差有可能是有意识的,也可能是无意识的。美籍巴勒斯坦学者赛义德在其力作《东方学》中阐发了存在于文学、历史、社会学等各个领域的西方话语霸权,希望能激发一种新的看待东方的方式,抛除西方对东方的固有支配模式。然而,赛义德自己也承认,除了存在于社会、语言、文学、历史等方面可以明确感知显性东方学外,还有建立在集体无意识之上的隐性东方学,后者的稳定性和持续性将“或多或少地永远存在”(赛义德,1999:262)。同样引人注目的还有男性话语霸权等。话语霸权在翻译中比比皆是,斯皮瓦克讲到过一个巴勒斯坦妇女的文学,经翻译,其行文竟似台湾男子的笔调。因此,只要存在性别差异,“只要存在着地域文化,便存在着翻译的政治问题”。(蒋桂琴,2002:134) 其三,翻译活动受到现实政治气候和个人政治取向的制约。翻译同文学一样,与政治同属于上层建筑。在上层建筑内部,政治是经济基础最直接、最集中的体现,因而对其他上层建筑形式的影响最为强烈。在政治开明、广开言路的时期,在社会变革、思潮纷涌的时期,文学和翻译活动也会比较繁荣;在文字狱盛行、思想受到禁锢而蛰伏的时期,文学与翻译活动也就处于低潮。翻译的政治还常常表现为译本的政治倾向、语言风格的选择等。五四时期的重 · 44·
