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• 1976年4月27日至29日在比利时召开的一 次研讨会上,勒弗维尔发表了《翻译研究: 学科的目标》(Translation Studies: The Goal of the Discipline),标志着 “翻译研究”作为一门正式学科的成立。
The root of early translation studies can be found in Russian formalism(俄国形式主 义), and the precursors to the present generation of Flemish and Dutch scholars included a group of Czech and Slovak scholars well schooled in Russian poetics. 多元系统理论 (polysystem theory)
• Miko: expressive features of the text can be best be determined by relating those features of style of a specific text to similar characteristics used within the literary tradition.
语文本进行某种程度的操纵。” “Translation Studies and a New Paradigm P11翻译研究与一种新的
模式 ”

也有“描述翻译研究”(Descriptive Translation studies) 或多元系统研究 (Polysystem Approach) • 也有“操纵学派”之称
The Development of Translation Studies
• 第一阶段:from nineteen sixties. • 第二阶段:形式主义阶段(during the nineteen seventies) • 第三阶段:after nineteen eighties • 第四阶段:from nineteen nineties
• Mostly come from the Lowland Countries Group (荷兰、丹麦、芬兰及北欧国家,中东国 家以色列) • 共同观点: 认为文学是一个复杂和动态的系统,相信理论模 式与应用性个案研究之中应该不断地相互影响, 对文学翻译采取一种描写性、功能性、系统性的 以目的语为取向的研究方法,着意于规范限制、 翻译与其他类型的语篇处理有何关系,在一种文 学内部以及多种文学的互动关系中有何地位和作 用。 • 主要课题:结构主义文学理论、翻译在学史中的 地位、从风格与题材角度对翻译与原文的区别进 行描写的方法,翻译同其它平行文本(metatext) 相比它的区别性特征。
• Levýalso wrote significant essays on T. S. Eliot(1888-1965), Walt Whitman(1810-1892), Ben Jonson (1572-1637) and others. • Will the Study of Literature Become an Exact Science? • The collection of his essays appeared posthumously死后in 1971.
• 作为三剑客之一,列维将其翻译研究的焦 点放在三方面: • (1)译者作为历史、文化的代言人的作用; • (2)翻译在民族传统或文学分期中呈现诗学 差异形式; • (3)翻译方法是某些规范的结果和翻译态度 的表现。具体翻译需要上下文背景来分析 (Hermans 1999:21)。 • 列维早在1963年《论文学翻译》一文中就 指出,译者在翻译决策过程中起着重要作 用,译者的任务就是通过不同的决策和手 段来传递文学作品的艺术感染力。
3 James Holmes, Andre Lefevere and Raymond van den Broeck 4 5
Ostranenie as the Evaluative Standard
Translation Studies‟ Place in LiteraryΒιβλιοθήκη BaiduHistory
Jiří Levý and Czech and Slovak Connections
· Theories Background · Russian Formalism (俄国形式主义) * Russian Formalists attempted to isolate and define ―literariness‖ * The Russian Formalists avoided deep-structure arguments, looking instead at actual texts and specific features of texts * The Formalists belief that poeticity was a formal quality, something that could be separated out of a work, is crucial to understanding Levy’s translation theory. · 多元系统理论
Frantisek Miko
• “Expressive categories” (expressive features or qualities) of language that it lend its artistic quality. • First made distinction between expressive character and expressive features • Form and theme/ content • Posits??? the primary importance of lingustic elements.
• James Holmes (詹姆斯-霍尔姆斯1924-1986)
• Andre Lefevere (安德烈-勒菲弗尔1946—1996美)
霍尔姆斯是早期翻译研究学派的创始人, 美籍学者,生前在阿姆斯特丹大学普通文 学系任讲师。他是诗人、翻译家、文学家, 但在翻译研究方面的成就最大。1972年发 表的《翻译研究的名与实》(The Name and Nature of Translation Studies),被普 遍认为是翻译学科的创建宣言。
• The two dominant modes of research in the field of translation through the 17th were both limited the kinds of texts they addressed to show their methodologies to best advantage. • The effect of Russian formalists.
• 《翻译的艺术》1963——a fundamental opus on the translation of “artistic literature” • 《文学翻译理论与实践》1969 • 论文:The Development of Translation Theories and Methods in the Czech Literature (1957) ——first published monograph(专著) Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Translation (1958) Problems of Comparative Versification诗律(1963) 《翻译理论对翻译工作者有用吗?》1965 《翻译是一个做决定的过程》1967

翻译研究学派(Translation School)也可称为 低地国家学派(Low Countries Group);因为 大多数学者属于“低地国家”、即比利时、卢 森堡、荷兰等国人士,如荷兰的詹姆斯 . 霍尔 姆斯(James S. Holmes), 雷蒙 . 梵 . 登 . 布 鲁克(Rayondvan den Broeck) 等; 但也有其他 国家人士。“从目的语文学的角度看,所有的翻译都是译者为某个特定的目的而对
• Jiří Levý
• Frantisek Miko
• Anton Popovič
在莱维和米科的基础 上向前推进了一步。
• Jiří Levý列维是捷克著名文学翻译理论家。
• A Czech literary theoretician, literary historian and translation theoretician. • Member of the Prague school of linguistics • A member of the Union of Czechoslovak Writers • A member of the International Federation of Translators
Early Translation Studies 早期翻译研究派
钟淑敏 吴丹青 刘丽丽 朱健媚 杨秋婵
1 2
The Introduction of Early Translation Studies Jiří Levý , Frantisek Miko and Anton Popovič
• Only through a historical analysis can the function of the original text be understood.
• 传统认为: the expressive features construct the work’s meaning and value. Language determines content.
• Miko: believing that he could determine and catalogue a system of expressive features independent of any one specific style, features that can be interchanged
1. 2. 3. 文学翻译重在再创作,比较历史的作诗方法及分析阐明 译者在翻译中的只能和任务是构成这理论的先决条件 文学翻译必须采用“错觉”理论 翻译是一种做决定的过程 (R.Jacohson)
列维是捷克著名文学翻译理论家。在1967年写的一篇文章中,他提出翻 译—包括美国语言学家雅各布逊(R.Jacohson)所区分的“语内翻 译”(interlingual translation)、“语际翻译”(intralingual translation) 和“符际译”(intersemiotic translation)——过程是一个决定过程. · 运用语言学理论讨论文学翻译的标准和技巧
——捷克斯洛伐克学者 “三剑客”
· The Czech and Slovak group of translation scholars: Jiří Levý, Frantisek Miko, and Anton Popovič ,they evolved from Russian Formalism, simultaneously reflecting and distancing themselves from some of the oldtime tenets.