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7、如果有视网膜睫状动脉存在时,由此血管供养的视网 膜可不坏死,该处仍保存正常色泽和机能,呈典型红 色舌状区。视野检查时,可发现一个小的中央岛状区, 因而得以保持中央视力。 8、中央动脉阻塞时,很少伴有视网膜出血。如果有出血, 多系合并有小静脉血栓。
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (#1,1), with Cilioretinal Artery Comment: Faded whitening (a sign of a little older event) of the retina and cherry-red spot. Only the papillo-macular bundle looks normal. Vision is 0.01.
体 征
1、瞳孔直接光反射消失,间接光反射存在。 2、视乳头变白,边缘模糊,压迫眼球在视乳头上 不能压出动静脉搏动。 3、视网膜动脉显著变细 呈线状,或伴有白线。有 的动脉距视乳头不远即消失。静脉也变细,血 柱常间断成节状或念珠状。
4、视网膜呈急性贫血状。于眼底后极部呈乳白色半透 明混浊水肿区。
5、黄斑部因无视网膜内层,部分脉络膜色泽经透明的 视网膜外层透露而出,与其周围水肿的灰白色内层 相对比,呈鲜红色,即所谓“樱桃红点”。此为本病 的典型现象。
formation, as a sign of very slow perfusion.
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (#1,1) (CRAO), Few Days Old
Regressing edema of the retina, disappearing red spot in fovea and narrow arteries. The disc not yet atrophic

视网膜中央动脉阻塞 视乳头退色,边缘模糊,颞侧缘可见小出血灶;动脉 细,有的走行不明;后极视网膜混浊肿胀,黄斑中心“樱桃红”。

Central Retinal Artery Occlusion Edema makes the retina look whitish exept for the fovea where it is so thin that one can see the perfused underlying tissues (cherry red spot)
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (#4), Total Optic Atrophy Comment: After complete occlusion of the central artery ascending total optic atrophy and obliteration of vessels.

系视网膜中央动脉的主干或其分支阻塞,使 其所供血的区域发生急性缺血,致使该区营 养切断而引起极度的机能障碍。本病发病急, 多见于单眼。
病 因

筛板水平的粥样硬化所致 系统性疾病:偏头痛、外伤、凝血障 碍、炎症或感染性疾病 视网膜脱离手术或眶内手术

症状 一只眼突然发生无痛性完全失明。 有的病人在发作前有阵发性黑朦。
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
Atrophic retinal periphery where the retina has become transparent again with ensheathed and/or occluded vessels
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (#1,2), (CRAO), Old, Angiogram Comment: Retinal vessels are only filling near the disc while there来自百度文库is a good choroideal flush.
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (#1,3), Angiogram Comment: The late angiogram shows very slow perfusion of the retinal vessels as indicated by the so called box-car formation in the vessels
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (#1,2) with Cilioretinal Artery. Angiogram. Comment: While all other vessels are not perfused the cilio-retinal artery with its veins is open
先天性 血管性 黄斑部 退行变性 全身病相关性 视网膜脱离 视网膜肿瘤
(Retinal artery occlusion)
一.视网膜中央动脉阻塞 二.视网膜分支动脉阻塞 三.视网膜毛细血管前小动脉阻塞 四.眼缺血综合症
(central retinal artery occlusion)
6、数周后,视网膜水肿可逐渐消散,眼底恢复红色,但视 网膜完全萎缩,视神经纤维变性。视神经乳头因缺乏营 养而萎缩,呈苍白色,边缘整齐。血管呈白线状。视力 永久不能恢复。
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
After a while the retinal edema turns into atrophy and the retina becomes transparent again. In some of the vessels one sees an interrupted blood column, so called box-car