小学英语《At the farm(3)》优质课教学设计、教案

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一、教学内容(Teaching contents)

New sentences( 新句型): What are these? They’re tomatoes.

Are these carrots? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.

New phrases(新单词):carrot/tomato

二、教学目标(Teaching aims and demands)

(一)认知目标(Knowledge Aims)

1.能听说认读句型:What are these?They’re tomatoes.

Are these carrots? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.

2.能在语境中理解新词carrot 和tomato 的意思,并能正确发音。


(二)能力目标(Skill Aims)

1.能够在情境中运用句型What are these?They’re ...

Are these …? Yes, they are../ No, they aren’t.询问物品名称并作答。

2.能在情境中恰当运用句型They’re good/so big!描述物品特点。


(三)文化、情感目标(Emotion Aims)




三、重点、难点(Difficult and important point)

重点:能听说认读句型What are these? They’re tomatoes.和Are these carrots?Yes, they are./No,they aren’t. 能听说认读新词carrot、tomato,能听懂、会说、会表演Let’s talk 的内容,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行交流和运用。

难点:掌握涉及名词复数形式的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句。在语境中理解并运用They’re good/so big!描述物品特点。

四、教学准备(Teaching aids)


五、教学过程(Teaching procedure)


1.F ree talk:

Good morning boys and girls!Nice to meet you !

How are you? What time is it? I t’s time for English.Are you ready? Class begins.

(设计意图:学生在教师创设的轻松和谐的学习氛围中利用Free talk 朋友式的对话,有效地复习巩固旧知,同时拉近了师生关系,为下一步语言输入做好铺垫。)

2.S ing a song: Let’s go to the farm.

(设计意图:自编歌曲,直接引出本节课的话题和语境。既活跃了气氛,融洽师生情感,又激发了学生参与课堂活动的热情,使学生迅速进入英语学习的状态,快乐地感受英语。)Step 2:Presentation:

1.课件呈现农场的图片:This class,let’s go to the farm.Today Sarah and Mike are at the farm.They design a “Farm visit

guide”.The first step:Fruit zone, the second step:Vegetable

zone,the third step:Experience zone.

(设计意图:直接将学生带入农场的主情境,Chen Jie 和Mike 到农场参观,并且设计了“农场参观攻略”,分三步,第一步:水果区,第二步:蔬菜区,第三步:体验区。让学生带着任务进行学习,展开任务型教学活动,整个教学过程围绕这个主情境展开,步步递进,层层深入。) 2.F irst ,let’s go to the “Fruit zone”.Here is a pass

card1.What can you see at the fruit zone?

Review the words:





3.W hat’s this? It’s an apple.

What are these?They are apples.

It’s a... They are...

(设计意图:利用水果单词,从单数到复数,让学生有一个清晰的单复数意识,同时引出句型:They are...)

4.T he second step:Let’s go to the “Vegetables zone”.Here is

a pass card2.What do Sarah and Mike see at the vegetables

zone? Watch the video and answer the question.

(设计意图:参观第二步,进入蔬菜区。通过观看动画视频进入课文,能够更加形象的展现故事,吸引学生的注意力,通过Sarah and Mike 在农场看到的They are carrots and tomatoes.引出本课重点句型:What are these ?They are tomatoes/potatoes/green beans/carrots...运用指名读、个读、齐读、分组读等将单词及句型的操练也落到了实处。)

Let’s make a chant:What are these? What are these?
