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EuroPean Tunnelling Review

Quality,Environment and Safety Focus

Bill Weburn

(Vinci Construction Grands ProjetsF一92851,France)

Abstract This paper provides an overview Of tunnelling projects with some of the themes covered by the Chengdu Tunnelling Conference.

(a)Environmental issues and tunnels under high groundwater

pressure((Hallandsas Rail Tunnel,Sweden)

(b)Fire-fighting and tunnel safety on long highway tunnels(Socatop Tunnel,West


(c)Mechanised tunnelling below the world’s largest airport (HeathrowTS)of a

quality that avoids disruption to its operation.

Each of these overviews show an enhanced performance in regard to projects specific events or objectives. Particularly,in tunnelling,project owners expect more than just a facility delivered on time for Iheir money: they expect an all roundperformance respecting deadlines,budget,environmental protection,safety,qualily and community harmony. Funding agencies do not always have the same agenda as project owners,acknowledging peripheral selection criteria but often demanding that the lowest bidder be awarded work. All round Performance requires all round project selection criteria.

Hallandsas Rail Tunnel,Sweden

The Hallandsas Rail Tunnel is located between Malmo and Gothenburg and is part of the Swedish high speed rail link between the Oresund crossing to Denmark and Oslo.

Vinci Construction Grands Projets and Skanska are currently working in a joint venture to complete this tunnel,on which work had stopped during the 1905s, after damage to the environment had been sustained.

The idea for a tunnel through the Hallandsas Ridge had first heen reviewed as early as 1975,and by 1988,the Swedish National Railway Administration(“ NRA”)drew up a conceptual design for the tunnel. The Hallandsa ridge is primary horst formation consisting of mainly fractured gneiss partly weathered into clay and amphibolite.It is considerably more aquiferous than most Swedish primary rock formations,which makes the area on the ridge and the Bj re peninsula highly suitable for cultivation.

In 1992,the NRA initiated construction with its first contractor who commissioned an open-mode TBM for an unlined tunnel,designed with lateral rock grippers. In mid 1993,it became stuck after advancing 16m, when the machine sank into the machine sank into the highly weathered surrounding ground. Work continued by conventional tunnelling until the end of 1995,when with 3,000 metres bored,the contractor withdrew.

By 1996,work recommenced and a central access gallery was exeavated to open four additional tunneling faces using conventional tunnelling methods.High rates of water ingress at 601/ second,instead of the amounts Provided for in the contract at less than 331/second,seeped into the tunnel and hampered progress. This water inflow caused a draw down of the water table locally and dried a number of wells in the vicinity. Over 80 different grouting agents were tested for suitably low enough viscosity to penetrate all fractures,before Rhoca-Gil(bi-component chemical sealing agent) was used.This grout sealing agent polluted the ground water,Poisoned livestock and high levels of acrylamide(toxic additive)were subsequently found in water flowing from the tunnel.This ecological scandal in october 1997 drove the media into a frenzy and,with substantial local stakeholder protest,caused work on the project to be suspended with only 6 000m bored.

Decontamination of the tunnel and water table was carried out in 1998-99,by removing active acrylamide and installing a waterproof lining in a re-dimensioned tunnel in zones of high water ingress.Decontomination consisted of draining the ground
