第十二条 国际航行船舶进出中华人民 共和国港口,必须接受主管机关的检查。 本国际国内航行船舶进出港口,必须办理 进出港签证。 第十三条 外国籍船舶进出中华人民共 和国港口或者在港内航行、移泊以及靠港 外系泊点、装卸站等,必须由主管机关指 派引航员引航。
2000年4月1日起施行。共十章,九十八条。 第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章 第五章 第六章 第七章 第八章 第九章 第十章 总则 海洋环境监督管理 海洋生态保护 防止陆源污染物对海洋环境的污染损害 防治海岸工程建设项目对海洋环境的污染损害 防治海洋工程建设项目对海洋环境的污染损害 防治倾倒废弃物对海洋环境的污染损害 防止船舶及有关作业活动对海洋环境的污染损害 法律责任 附则
如:《中华人民共和国海上交通安全法》 第三条 中华人民共和国港务监督机构, 是对沿海水域的交通安全实施统一监督管 理的主管机关。 第四十四条 对违反本法的,主管机关 可视情节,给予下列一种或几种处罚: 一、警告; 二、扣留或吊销职务证书; 三、罚款。
简易程序 第三十三条 违法事实确凿并由法定依 据,对公民处以50元以下、对法人或其他 组织处以1000元以下罚款或者警告的行政 处罚的,可以当场作出行政处罚决定。当 事人应当依照本法第四十六条、第四十七 条、第四十八条的规定履行行政处罚决定。
1996年10月1日起实施。共八章,六十四条。 第一章 总则 第二章 行政处罚的种类和设定 第三章 行政处罚的实施机关 第四章 行政处罚的管辖和适用 第五章 行政处罚的决定 第六章 行政处罚的执行 第七章 法律责任 第八章 附则
第十七条 法律、法规授权的具有管理 公共事务职能的组织可以在法定授权范围 内实施行政处罚。
SOLAS 公约 ppt
规定了适用范围、基本原则、有关名词的定义 ,规定了防火、探火、灭火系统与设备的安装 要求,规定了对客船、货船、液货船在构造方 面的防火措施和设备方面的灭火措施。 目的是要求船舶的防火、探火和灭火,须达 到最充分可行的程度。
第Ⅲ章 Life-Saving Appliances and Arrangeme源自ts 救生设备与装置§6-2
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
• SOLAS公约是1974年颁布的,是现行的关 于船舶与船员管理最为重要的国际公约之一。
• 《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》英文简称 SOLAS 74或SOLAS。
I. Ship’s stability
• 1.2 watertight openings in bulkheads and internal decks
• • • •
access door 道门 access hatch cover 道门盖 ramp 驳门 manhole 舱口
I. Ship’s stability
第Ⅴ章 Safety of Navigation 航行安全 包括气象服务、冰区巡逻服务、船舶航 线以及搜寻与救助。规定船长有义务进行 危险通报、救助遇险船舶及其人员。船员 配备、自动舵的使用、操舵装置的检查和 试验、应急操舵演习和记载、各种救生信 号的规定。
第Ⅵ章 Carriage of Cargoes 货物的装运 在1991年以前,本章仅涉及谷物运输的 安全。1991年的修正案扩展到除了散装液 体和气体货物以外的各类货物。
I. Ship’s stability
4.客船上,遇险控制板和遇险报警板都应安装 在指挥位置
5.客船按下遇险控制板上的按钮时,应能连续 和自动的将船舶位置资料传送至初始遇险警报 动用的所有相关无线电通信设备
1.安装在机械、电气或其他干扰源的有害干扰不 会影响其使用的地方
1988年进行了全面修改,将“无线电报和无 线 ”改为“无线电通信”,并引入了
全球海上遇险和安全系统(GMDSS) the Global Maritime Distress and Safety
System 该系统从1992年至1999年逐步实施,逐步取消
莫尔斯电码,规定从事国际航行的客船和 300GT及以上的货船根据航行海区(A1、A2、 A3和A4)必须配备规定的无线电通信设备。
2.设备的构造和安装应易于进行检查和船上维护 3.应备有足够的的资料以能对设备进行正确的操
作与维护 4.应备有足够的工具和备件以能对设备进行维护 5.主管机关应确保无线电设备可予以维护,以保
护规定的功能要求的有效性,并达到对这些设备 所建议的性能标准
主要内容:包括为船舶提供气象服务、冰区巡 逻服务、船舶航线以及搜寻与救助。
线电装置 3.一台能在9GHz频带上工作的雷达应答器 4.一台能接收国际NAVTEX业务广播的接收机 5.一台接收来自Inmarsat增强群呼系统的海上安
全信息的无线电设备 6.一台卫星应急无线电示位标
1.船舶在海上时,应始终可获得足够的电源供无 线电装置工作,并对作为无线电装置的一个或 多个备用电源组成部分的蓄电池进行充电。
本章还规定船长有义务进行危险通报、救助遇 险船舶及其上人员,各缔约国政府必须承担义 务,确保其所有的船舶有效的驾驶,以确保航 行安全,同时还对船员配员、自动舵的使用、 操舵装置的检查和试验、应急操舵演习和记载、 各种救生信号做出明确规定。
3第三章 国际海事公约
(7)证书失效时船舶不在其接受检验的港口时, 可延长证书的有效期让其完成驶往检验港口 的航次,展期不得超过3个月,船舶抵达后 必须换妥新证书方可驶离
② 应急电源可以是一台独立的发电机,当主发电 机发生故障时应急发电机能自动启动,应急电 源也可以是一组蓄电池。
③ 并在下列处所,客船应保证36小时、货船为18 小时的应急供电:
(1)服务和居住处所的走廊、梯道、电梯; (2)储藏消防员装备的处所; (3)操舵装置处; (4)航行灯、信号灯处; (5)甚高频无线电话装置及其他GMDSS设备。
防火控制图:所有船上应有固定展示的防火控制总布置图, 作为对船上高级船员的指导;图上标明每层甲板的控制站, A级、B级分隔的各区域,探火和失火报警系统、灭火设备, 各舱室和甲板出入通道的细节以及通风系统。控制图的说明
能立即更正。所有船上的应有1套防火控制图或具有该图的 小册子的复制品,永久性地置于甲板室外面有醒目标志的风 雨密盒子里,以有助于岸上消防人员取用。
套独立的通信设施,其中一套应为车钟。1994 年10月1日或以后(书本没有介绍)建造的船
舶在其他能控制发动机的任何处所也应配备适 当的通信系统,以便接受来自驾驶台和机舱的 指令。
① 船舶应设有一个独立的应急电源,在船舶处于 正浮状态和横倾角达22.5°或纵倾达10°或在 这些范围内的任何组合的倾角时能全额、定功 率供电
②换新检验:间隔期不超过5年; ③定期检验:在货船无线电安全证书的每一周
World Maritime Day 2007IMO’s response to current environmental challengesA message from the Secretary-General of theInternational Maritime Organization, Mr. Efthimios E. MitropoulosThere is today, quite rightly, a growing concern for our environment and a genuine fear that, if we do not change our ways right now, the damage we will inflict on our planet will render it incapable of sustaining – for future generations – the economy we have grown accustomed to over the better part of the past two centuries.The environmental credentials of every country and industry are now under sharper scrutiny than ever before. The pressure is mounting for every potential polluter, every user of energy and every conspicuous contributor to climate change and global warming to clean up their act and adopt greener practices. The transport industry is no exception to such scrutiny and pressure; indeed, it seems to attract more than its fair share of attention in this regard – certainly enough to ensure that environmental concerns are now high on the agenda in all of its sectors.Statistics reveal that, of all modes of transport, shipping is the least environmentally damaging when its productive value is taken into consideration. The vast quantity of grain required to make the world’s daily bread, for example, could not be transported any other way than by ship. Both the economic and environmental costs of using, say, airfreight, would be exorbitantly high. Moreover, set against land-based industry, shipping is a comparatively minor contributor, overall, to marine pollution from human activities.While there is no doubt that the shipping industry, and IMO, still have more to do in this respect, there is, nevertheless, an impressive track record of continued environmental awareness, concern, action, response and overall success scored by the Organization and the maritime community and industry, which cannot go unnoticed.IMO’s original mandate was principally concerned with maritime safety. However, as the custodian of the 1954 OILPOL Convention, the Organization, soon after it began functioning in 1959, assumed responsibility for pollution issues and subsequently has, over many years, adopted a wide range of measures to prevent and control pollution caused by ships and to mitigate the effects of any damage that may occur as a result of maritime operations.The most serious problem at the time IMO began to address environmental issues was the spillage of oil into the seas, either through accidents or poor operating practices. To address these effectively, the Organization embarked on a multi-faceted, ambitious programme of work, which, spurred by some spectacular oil pollution incidents, culminated successfully in the adoption, in 1973, of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, now known universally as MARPOL. Not only did this introduce a number of radical new concepts, such as a requirement for new oil tankers of 70,000 tons deadweight and above to be fitted with segregated ballast tanks, so as to obviate the need to carry ballast water in cargo tanks, it also enshrined the best of existing industry practices, such as the “load-on-top” system which had been developed by the oil industry during the 1960s, precisely to prevent the discharge of oil into the sea with ballast water.More than 30 years later, albeit much expanded, amended and updated, the MARPOL Convention remains the most important international convention covering the prevention of pollution by ships, whether from operational or accidental causes. Today, MARPOL has six separate annexes, which set out regulations dealing with pollution from ships by oil; by noxious liquid substances carried in bulk; harmful substances carried by sea in packaged form; sewage, garbage; and the prevention of air pollution from ships. There can be no doubt that, in conjunction with a variety of other measures, MARPOL has laid the foundation for substantial and continued reductions in pollution from ships and, this, despite a massive increase in world seaborne trade.According to shipping market analysts, world seaborne trade increased by around 135 per cent between 1985 and 2006. Oil and petroleum products accounted for a significant part of this increase, rising by a similar percentage. In sharp contrast, estimates of the quantity of oil spilled during the same period show a steady reduction by some 85 per cent. Figures reveal that, despite the rare major accident, which can cause a spike in the annual statistics, the overall trend demonstrates a continuing improvement, both in the number of oil spills and quantity of oil spilled each year.In the current decade, the average number of oil spills over 700 tonnes has shrunk from over 25 in the 1970s to just 3.7. It is interesting to note, in this context, that the biggest single “decade-to-decade” reduction was from the 1970s to the 1980s, coinciding with the adoption and entry into force of the MARPOL Convention, which is rightly credited with having had a substantial positive impact in decreasing the amount of oil that enters the sea from maritime transportation activities. One major oil company has estimated that the tankers it owns, or uses under long-term lease, spill less than one teaspoon of oil for every million gallons transported; while tanker owners take pride in statistics that show that 99.9996 per cent of all oil transported by sea is delivered safely and without impact on the marine environment.While always advocating a global approach, MARPOL, nevertheless, recognizes that some areas need protection over and above that sought under normal circumstances. To this end, it defines certain sea areas as “Special Areas”, in which the adoption of special mandatory measures for the prevention of sea pollution is required, so that such areas are provided with a level of protection higher than elsewhere. Moreover, IMO has adopted criteria for the identification and designation of “Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas”, which are deemed to require an even higher degree of protection because of their particular significance for ecological or socio-economic or scientific reasons, and because they may be vulnerable to damage by international maritime activities.IMO’s environmental work in recent years has covered a remarkably broad canvas, embracing everything, from the quality of our atmosphere to the microscopic aquatic life-forms that can be transported around the world in ships’ ballast water and deposited in alien local ecosystems where, by disrupting their delicate balance, they can cause immense damage.IMO’s work on this latter topic led to the adoption, in February 2004, of the Ballast Water Management Convention, and is still continuing today. Another significant milestone for the protection of the marine environment was reached in March 2006, with the entry into force of the 1996 Protocol to the 1972 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, which represents a major change of approach to the question of how to regulate the use of the sea as a depository for waste materials in that, in essence, dumping is now prohibited, except for materials on an approved list.Other IMO Conventions deal with issues such as the use of harmful anti-fouling paint on ships’ hulls; preparedness, response and co-operation in tackling pollution from oil and from hazardous and noxious substances; and the right of States to intervene on the high seas to prevent, mitigate or eliminate danger to their coastlines or related interests from pollution following a maritime casualty.The issue of ship recycling has also become a growing concern, not only from the environmental point of view but also with regard to the occupational health and safety of workers in the industry. IMO is currently developing a new mandatory instrument providing legally binding and globally applicable ship-recycling regulations for international shipping and recycling facilities, which is due for adoption in the 2008-2009 biennium. And, in May of this year, IMO adopted a new Convention on the removal of wrecks that may present either a hazard to navigation or a threat to the marine and coastal environments, or both.Although IMO’s traditional role is dealing with shipping and shipping-related accidents, we have, from time-to-time, also become involved in the aftermath of marine pollution incidents emanating from sources outside shipping operations. There is sound basis in international law for our participation in the response to such incidents, through such treaties as the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation. Last year, for example, we helped to draw up and implement an action plan to assist the authorities in Lebanon with the clean-up of coastal oil pollution following an air-strike on a refinery. The plan was agreed at an international meeting convened by IMO and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Piraeus, Greece, and its execution was supervised by the IMO-administered Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) and the Minister of the Environment of Lebanon.But perhaps the most significant threat to our environment today concerns atmospheric pollution. And, once again, although the shipping industry is but a small contributor to the total volume of gas emissions – compared to road vehicles, aviation and public utilities, such as power stations – atmospheric pollution from ships has, nevertheless, been significantly reduced in the last decade and IMO continues to work towards further reductions as the evidence mounts and the world becomes more aware and more concerned about the further damage that might be caused if, from our various perspectives as Governments, industry and individuals, we do not address the challenges posed by air pollution, global warming and climate change.A good deal has already been done by the shipping sector. Annex VI of MARPOL, for example, set, for the first time, limits on sulphur oxide (SOx) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from ship exhausts; prohibited deliberate emissions of ozone-depleting substances; and put a global cap on the sulphur content of fuel oil. It also contains provisions allowing for special SOx Emission Control Areas to be established (such as, for example, those agreed for the Baltic and North Sea areas), with more stringent controls on sulphur emissions. However, although the Annex entered into force in 2005, it had actually been adopted as long ago as 1997. As a result, a comprehensive review of its provisions, taking into account experience gained thus far in its implementation, as well as improvements in engine and fuel technology, is currently underway at IMO.Whether we like it or not, there is no avoiding the fact that the modern world is utterly dependent on motorized transport systems that run largely on fossil fuels. Moreover, it is also a fact of life that the use of fossil fuels carries an environmental burden. An engine burning fossil fuel will emit a quantity of so-called greenhouse gases (GHGs), principally CO2, and these emissions are now widely accepted as being significant contributory factors towards global warming and climate change.Although no mandatory instrument has yet been adopted by IMO to cover the emission of GHGs from ships, the Organization has given ample consideration to the matter, leading to the adoption, in December 2003, of an Assembly resolution on the reduction of such emissions from ships.The most comprehensive assessment to date of the contribution made by international shipping to climate change is contained in the IMO Study on GHG Emissions from Ships published in June 2000. This study identified a number of areas in which there was considerable potential for the further reduction of CO2 emissions from ships, such as optimization of hull shape, hull maintenance, propeller design and maintenance, fuel choices, machinery monitoring, ship-routeing considerations, and optimizing vessel trim, engine performance, propeller pitch and rudder angles. The study cautioned, however, that if none of the measures are applied, the projected annual growth in the world fleet size could lead to an increase in fuel consumption of some 72 per cent between the years 2000 and 2020.This study is now being updated, and a work plan with a timetable has been adopted for IMO’s future work on the reduction of GHGs from ships, in which the Organization intends to maintain its leading position, co-operating closely with international shipping and with other relevant UN bodies, to avoid unilateral action either on a global, regional or national level.* * *IMO has, over the years, adopted a wide range of measures to prevent and control pollution caused by ships and to mitigate the effects of any damage that may occur. These are all positive proof of the firm determination of Governments and the industry to reduce, to the barest minimum, the impact that shipping may have on our fragile environment. There remain, however, serious concerns at the slow pace of ratification of IMO’s environmental conventions. It took almost eight years, for example, for MARPOL’s Annex VI to reach its entry into force criteria – by which time, as mentioned earlier, it needed to undergo a substantial review; and neither the 2004 Ballast Water Management Convention nor the 2001 International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships are yet in force.My concerns in this area are threefold: first, that by not bringing IMO instruments into force at a reasonable time after their adoption, their implementation is delayed, thereby depriving the environment of their beneficial effects; second, that any further delay in tackling the issues regulated by such instruments may spur unilateral or regional measures by individual countries or groups of countries, with all the attendant negative repercussions such actions entail; and, third, that any prolongation of the situation may lead to ambiguities, which, in the final analysis, may count against seafarers, the maritime industry and the environment.The urgent need to ratify, as soon as possible, not only IMO’s environmental but, indeed, all outstanding Conventions adopted under its auspices, should be promptly recognized by all the parties concerned. After all, it was thanks to the strenuous and concerted efforts of the same Governments, working together under the aegis of the Organization, over long periods of time, that these Conventions were developed and adopted in the first place.But, even more than this, I do not wish to see the maritime community stand accused of failing in its duty towards the protection and preservation of this beautiful planet, which, it seems to me, we have neglected for too long.IMO’s work in this respect must be part of a broad-based effort in which everyone has a responsibility and everyone has a role to play, a concept precisely reflected in the well-known environmental call to action “think globally – act locally”. And, in the long term, society will need to address its own priorities and understand that nothing comes for nothing and that there will be prices and sacrifices that we must be prepared to pay and make, for the greater good of all.The decision of the IMO Council to select environmental issues to take centre stage this year, as the theme for World Maritime Day, was timely and appropriate. The theme will play centrepiece in a host of activities and initiatives, which will form part of a concerted action plan that we have been undertaking to educate people; increase their awareness about the true, and deteriorating, state of the planet; and help us all to become responsible citizens, in its fullest sense. It is only very recently that mankind has begun to understand that the planet that sustains us and gives us life is a fragile entity and that our actions can, and do, have massive repercussions. That the earth and its resources do not belong to us and are not ours to squander without thought for the future is not proving an easy lesson for us to learn, but we are gradually succeeding – or, at least, waking up to the enormity of the task that confronts us.___________。
--国际散装运输液化气船舶构造和设备规则 (IGC规则)
第I章 总则
本 公 约 仅 适 用 于 500 总 吨 以 上从事国际航行的机动船舶。
除外: ——军用舰艇和运兵船 ——非机动船 ——制造简陋的木船 ——非营业性的游艇 ——渔船 ---500总吨以下的货船
海难发生后,1914年1月20日签订了第一个《国际海上人 命安全公约》(《SOLAS公约》)
公约的主要内容涉及船舶构造、分舱、救生和消防设备、 无线电通信、航行规则和安全证书等。
第三章 国际S海OL事AS公约
第三章 国际海事公约
第一节 国际海上人命安全公约 第二节 国际载重线公约 第三节 国际吨位丈量公约 第四节 海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约 第五节 港口国监督程序 第六节 国际船舶安全营运和防止污染管理规则 第七节 国际卫生条例 第八节 国际劳工组织公约 第九节 国际航行船舶要求随船携带的证书和其他文件
4.2 国际海事组织各委员会的职责4.2.1 大会(The Assembly)的职责大会(The Assembly)是该组织的最高决策机构,它由所有成员国组成,每两年举行一次会议,但在必要时可以召开特别会议。
4.2.2 理事会(The Council)的职责理事会(The Council)由大会选举的32个成员国组成,每两年改选一次,于每届大会结束后开始工作。
4.2.3 海上安全委员会(MSC)的职责海上安全委员会(MSC)是该组织的最高技术机构。
(一)SOLAS 1974附则第Ⅰ章总则主要内容 主要内容包括3节21条 第一节(适用范围、定义等),共5条。第一节对于公
约的适用范围、有关名词的定义、适用公约的例外、免 除以及规则的生效等内容作了详细的规定。 适用范围:适用于从事国际航行的船舶;本规则各章适 用于何种船舶与适用范围,在各章中详加规定。
将签发“货船无线电报安全证书、货船无线电话安全 证书”改为“货船无线电安全证书”
SOLAS 1988议定书附则I修正案MSC.204(81):船底外 部检查: 明确在货船构造安全证书或货船安全证书有效 的5年期内,至少进行2次船底外部检查。但在任何情 况下,任何两次检查的间隔期不得超过36个月。
它被认为是关于船舶与船员管理最为重要的国际公约 之一,在国际上受到高度重视
愿共同制订统一原则和有关规则,以增进海上人命安 全。 ——摘自《SOLAS公约》条款
在IMO制定所有与海上安全有关的国际公约中,SOLAS 公约是最重要,也是最早的一个。
第VIII章 核能船舶 第IX章 船舶安全营运管理 第X章 高速船安全措施 第XI-I章 加强海上安全的特别措施 第XI-II章 加强海上保安的特别措施 第XII章 散货船安全附加措施 附录 证书
SOLAS公约的修正案及综合版本 SOLAS公约、议定书及历次的修正案(1974年SOLAS公约有
明示接受程序 60年SOLAS公约引入的修正程序为明示接受程序,该程序
规定修正案只有在2/3缔约国接受之日起12个月后才能生效 。 明示接受程序要求缔约国政府采取主动行动接受修正案。 这意味着延误,因为在采取主动接受行动之前,需要国内 立法,而在和平年代,海运公约往往不是缔约国政府优先 处理的事务,特别是看到其它国家接受的步子比较慢时更 是如此。
04 国际海事公约与规则.ppt
(1978年)海员培训、发证和值班 标准国际公约(1984年生效)
SOLAS: International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
MARPOL: International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973
1.3 Verification and display of planned
When the route planning is verified
taking into consideration all pertinent
14. make rounds: patrol 15. raise: 发出,使听江苏海到事职业技(术学e院.g. raise a shout) 11
3 4
5. ILO Convention
& Expressions
Structure of
the passage
Text Analysis
1991年修正案,1992年12月1日生效 1994年修正案,1996年1月1日生效 1995年修正案,1997年2月1日生效 1997年修正案,1999年11月1日生效 1998年修正案,2003年1月1日生效 2006年修正案,2008年1月1日生效
并非所有STCW船员白名单上的国家均提供船员训练,有些上榜的国 家可能只提供范围受限制的训练。
一个国家在STCW船员白名单上,并不解除该国家对STCW公约的相 关职责。
公约履约 -1
总体思路和原则 –在公约的基础上,具有中国海事管理特色,服 务国际国内航运业。
MSC81会议纳入,STW37次开始启动,STW38完成识别和策划工 作,MSC83次会议批准实施具体研究,MSC84批准会间会。
2010年召开的STW41次会议完成修正案终稿。 2010年6月将在菲律宾马尼拉召开外交大会上,最终通过对
STCW公约和STCW规则的修正案。 2012年该修正案将生效适用。
2009年4月1日,中国国际海事研究委员会船员培训发证分委会 正式向国际海事组织提交《中华人民共和国海员教育、培训、 考试、评估和发证质量管理独立评价报告》。
STCW 78/95公约自生效实施以来,航运业有了巨大发展、海事 技术更广泛地应用于船上操作、海事安全和防污染的要求越来 越高以及公约本身有些条款的过时和不一致。
国际公约的适用 – 国内法的渊源之一。 公约的安全管理机制和具体要求,通过内置程序和要
第三章 国际海事公约
1. 第I章 总则 后来增加: 第IX章 船舶安全营运
2. 第Ⅱ章 构造
3. 第Ⅲ章 救生设备与装置 4. 第Ⅳ章 无线电通信设备 5. 第V章 航行安全 6. 第Ⅵ章 货物装运 7. 第Ⅶ章 危险货物的装运 8. 第Ⅷ章 核能船舶
第X章 高速船安全措施
第XI章 加强海上安全、 保安的特别措施 第XII章 散货船安全附加 措施 鉴于公约内容的迅速扩充,多采 用单项规则置于附则之外。 FSS,LSA,IMDG,ISM,ISPS等
第Ⅱ章构造 (结构、分舱与稳性、机电设备)
2.2驾驶台与机器处所的通讯 从驾驶台到机器处所或集控室至少设置两套独立的控制系统,
其中一套应为在机器处所和驾驶台均能直接显示指令或回令的车种。 在其他任何可以控制推进器速度和方向的位置处,也应配备适当的
第Ⅱ章构造 (结构、分舱与稳性、机电设备)
第Ⅱ章构造 (结构、分舱与稳性、机电设备)
2.4 破损控制 (1)驾驶室内应有固定显示的或可随时使用的破损控制图,指导高 级船员,图上应清晰显示每层甲板及货仓的水密舱室界限面,上面 的开口及其关闭装置和任何控制装置,以及扶正由于进水产生的横 倾的装置,此外,还应给船上高级船员提供包含上述资料的小册子。 (2)应收入资料的一般预防措施应包括主管机关认为在船舶正常营 运时为保持水密完整性所需的设备、条件和操作程序清单;特殊预 防措施应包括主管机关认为对船舶、旅客和船员的生存至关重要的 各种事项。
保持船舶的良好技术状况,以保证船舶的营运安全和防止污染、损 害海洋环境;保证船旗国和港口国政府对船舶实施有效的管理和控 制;同时也为船舶所有人提高船舶在航运市场的竞争力,降低保险 费率;以及为公证、索赔、海事处理等提供必要的技术依据。