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Classification of English speech sounds
---- English speech sounds are generally classified into two large categories: Vowels Consonants
[i: ] [u:],[ a:] [ɔ:][ə:]
[i] [u] [ə] [ ‫[ ]כ‬e] [ae] [a] [∧]
Diphthongs/gliding vowels
[εə] [uə] [əu] [au] [ei] [ai] [ɔi]
Exercises: underline the words that begin with a sound as required.

Speech organs: three important areas •Pharyngeal cavity(咽腔) ---- the throat; •The oral cavity (口腔) ---- the mouth;
•Nasal cavity (鼻腔) ---- the nose.
The diagram of speech organs

Some major articulatory variables
---- dimensions on which speech sounds may vary:
Voicing--- Nasality
voiced & voiceless
---- nasal & non-nasal ----- aspirated & unaspirated
The manner of articulation

stops/plosives: [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g]; (塞音)
(摩擦音) ( 塞擦音) (流音) (鼻音) (滑音)
fricatives: [f], [v], [s], [z], [∫], [h], affricates:
Broad transcription ---- used in dictionary and textbook for general purpose, without diacritics, e.g. clear [ spit ], [ pit ] Narrow transcription ---- used by phonetician for careful study, with diacritics, e.g. dark [ l ], aspirated [p]
Three branches of phonetics

Articulatory phonetics(发声语音学)----from the speaker’ point of view, “how speakers use their speech organs to produce speech sounds”
The description of English consonants
Place manner Voicing Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Stops or plosives
Fricatives Affricates Nasals Liquids Glides
Note: The essential difference between these two classes is that in the production of the former the air stream meets with no obstruction of any kind in the throat, the nose or the mouth, while in that of the latter it is somehow obstructed.
1 Lips(唇) 2 Teeth 3Teeth ridge (alveolar)齿龈 4 Hard palate(硬腭) 5 Soft palate (velum) 6 Uvula(小舌) 7 Tip of tongue 8 Blade of tongue(舌面) 9 Back of tongue(舌根\后) 10 Vocal cords(声带) 11Pharyngeal cavity 12 Nasal cavity

front vowels:[i:] , [i] , [e] [ae] [a] central vowels: [ə:] [ə] [∧] back vowels: [u:] [u] [‫[ ]כ[ ]:כ‬a:]

According to the openness of the mouth
According to the shape of the lips or the degree of lip rounding
[u:] [u] [‫]כ[ ]:כ‬
, [i] , [e] [ae] [a] [ə:] [ə]
[∧] [a:]
According to the length of the vowels
or gliding vowels
Monophthongs or pure/single vowels
----According to which part of the tongue is held highest in the process of production, the vowels can be distinguished as:
Underline the words that contain the sound as required:
Orthographic representation of speech sounds
---- A standardized and internationally accepted system of phonetic transcription is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The basic principle of the IPA is using one letter to represent one speech sound.
Classification of consonants
---- English consonants may be classified according to two dimensions:
manner of articulation (发音方式) place of articulation(发音部位)

Underline the words that end with a sound as required
fricative pay horse tough rice breath push sing wreathe hang cave message A nasal train bang leaf limb A stop drill pipe fit crab fog ride laugh rack through tip An affricate: rack such ridge booze
:[i:] , [i] [u:] [u]
[e] [ə:]
[ə] [‫]: כ‬
[ae] [a] [∧] [ ‫[ ;]כ‬a:]
The diagram of single vowel classification by applying the two criteria so far mentioned:
The place of articulation
1. 2. 3.
6. 7. 8. பைடு நூலகம்.
Bilabial; Labiodental; Dental or interdental; Alveolar; Palatoalveolar; Palatal; Velar; Uvular; Glottal.
A bilabial consonant: mad sad bad cad pad had lad A velar consonant: nod god cod pod rod Labiodental consonant: rat fat sat mat chat vat pat An alveolar consonant: nick lick sick tick kick quick A palato-alveolar consonant: sip ship tip chip lip zip A dental consonant: lie buy thigh thy tie rye A glide: one war yolk rush
[b] [ f] [v] [] []
[t] [d] [s] [z]
([] )
[n] [l], [r]
[ ]
Classification of vowels
---- English vowels can be divided into two large categories: Monophthongs(单元音) or pure/single vowels
Chapter 2 Phonology
is primarily vocal. The primary medium of human language is sound. Linguists are not interested in all sounds, but in speech sounds----sounds that convey meaning in human communication.

Auditory phonetics(听觉语音学)----from the hearer’s point of view, “how sounds are perceived” Acoustic phonetics(声学语音学)----studies the physical way sounds travel or means by which sounds are transmitted from one to another.

liquids: [l] (lateral), [r]; nasals: [m], [n], glides/semivowels: [w], [j].
The place of articulation
[p], [b], [m], [w]; 双唇音 labiodental: [ f], [v]; 唇齿音 dental: 齿音 alveolar: [t], [d], [s], [z], [n], [l], [r]; 齿龈音 palatal: 硬腭音 velar: [k], [g], 软腭因 glottal: [h]. 喉音
----A branch of linguistics which studies the phonic medium of language, i.e, the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription, e.g. [p] bilabial, stop.