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1、 Law of mass action 质量作用定律:

The rate of an elementary reaction (defined by reduction of reactant or formation of product) is proportional to the concentration of each individual species involved in the elementary reaction.


fF eE bB aA +→+b B

a A C KC V = V ----reaction rate 反应速率

K ---- reaction constant 反应速度常数

a 、b----concentration index 反应浓度指数

2、 Arrhenius Law 阿累尼乌斯定律:

The rate coefficient for a chemical reaction (k) increases exponentially with increasing temperature (T).

化学反应速率常数随着温度的增加呈指数关系增长。 )exp(0RT

E K K -= E ---- activation energy 反应活化能

R ----gas constant 气体常数 K 0----frequency factor 频率因子

3、 Reaction rate for elementary reactions 基元反应速度方程

)exp(0RT E C C K V b B


A -= V ---- reaction rate 反应速率

E ---- activation energy 反应活化能

R ---- gas constant 气体常数

K 0---- frequency factor 频率因子

C A 、C B ----concentration of reactant A and B 反应物A 、B 浓度 a 、b---- reaction concentration index 反应浓度指数

4、 Reaction rate for combustion reactions 燃烧反应速度方程 )exp(o s s y ox

x F s s RT E C C K V -= K os ----apparent reaction constant of combustion reaction rate 表观燃烧反应速度常数

E s ---- apparent activation energy of combustion reaction rate 燃烧反应的表观活化能

C F 、C ox ----represent the concentration of fuel and oxygen respectively 分别为可燃物浓度和氧气浓度

T s ----reaction temperature 反应温度

x 、y ----reaction concentration index, for combustion of most hydrocarbon: x ≈y ≈1 反应浓度指数,一般碳氢化合物的燃烧:x ≈y ≈1

5、 Stefan-Boltzmann law 斯蒂芬-玻尔兹曼定律

The total energy radiated from a blackbody is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature of the body.



T E b σ=E b ---- emissive power of black body 黑体辐射力;

σ---- stefan boltzmann's constant 斯蒂芬-玻尔兹曼常数,其值为

5.69×10-8W/(m 2.K 4);

T ----absolute temperature 表面的绝对温度。

6、 Mendeleev's empirical formula for combustion heat calculation


[])/()(263008118.4kg kJ S O H C Q H −×−×+××=


/(18.4)9(6kg KJ W H Q Q H L ×+×−= Q H ----high combustion heat 燃烧高热值,kJ/kg

Q L ---- low combustion heat 燃烧低热值,kJ/kg

C 、H 、S 、W ----percentage of Carbon, Hydrogen, sulfur and water 可燃物中碳、氢、硫和水的百分比含量

7、 热传导傅里叶定律:

The rate of heat flow through a homogenous solid is directly proportional to the area, A, of the section at right angles to the direction of heat flow, and to the temperature difference along the path of heat flow.

当物体内部各点间存在温度差时,单位时间内由热传导传递的热量Q 与温度梯度以及垂直于热流方向的截面积A 成正比。 dx

dT K q x −=′′& ----heat flux 热通量,W/m 2x

q &′′λ----heat conduction coefficient 导热系数,W/(m .℃)


dT ----沿方向的温度梯度,℃/m 8、 Newton's law of cooling 牛顿冷却定律

The rate of change of the temperature of an object is proportional to the difference between its own temperature and the ambient temperature

当物体表面与周围存在温度差时,单位时间从单位面积散失的热量与温度差成正比。 --- conduction heat flux 对流换热量,W/m 2

----temperature difference between at the surface of the solid and the cooling fluid 流体与壁面间的温差,℃

---- surface heat transfer coefficient 对流换热系数 W/(m 2.℃)


h q Δ=′′&′′q &T Δh
