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Patient,female, 22 years old Cheif complaint epigastric pain continued for 1 day
Patient had upper abdominal persistent pain without apparent inducement 1 day ago ,without nausea and vomiting,diarrhea,frequent urination,palpitation,chest discomfort, rushed to the local hospital.Blood amylase, urine amylase were 928u/l,2880u/l.Abdominal ultrasound showed swelling of the pancreas.She was considered acute pancreatitis and admitted to our hospital for further treatment.
Coagulation function PT 16 sec PT-act 41.10 % APTT 37.70 sec
Blood gas PH 7.45 PO2 58 mmHg PCO227mmHg BE -3.4 mmol/L Lac 3.30 mmol/L
Heart rate was 165 beats per minute with neat rhythm .Each valve auscultation area was without pathological murmur.The muscle abdominal muscle was intense.The left upper abdominal was tender and had rebound tenderness.Liver and spleen could not be touched under surface of rib. Murphy sign and mobile dullness was negative . Double lower extremities were without edema.
Myocardial infarction CKMB 2.67 ng/mL MYO >1000 ug/L ultra-TnI 11.376 ng/mL NT-proBNP 456 pg/mL
Electrocardiogram nodal tachycardia Colour Doppler Ultrasound of heart
History peptic ulcer,cesarean section 2 months ago,denied hypertension, coronary heart disease,diabetes and drug allergy.
Vital sign showed blood pressure 98/69 mmHg(millimetre mercury column),respiratory rate 26 times per minute ,pulse 165 beats per minute, temprature 39 degree celsius .She had dysphoria and poor spirit.General skin and sclera was stained mild yellow . Bilateral pupil were equal large and round.The reflection of light was sensitive. Double lung breath sounded clear,without obviously wet rales.
Blood amylase 1104 U/L ,lipase 4116 U/L Abdominal CT ,acute pancreatitis with pancreatic peritonitis ,seroperitoneum, severe fatty liver,gallbladder wall was slightly thick
Routine blood test WBC 10.23*109/L Neu 71% Hb 120g/L
PCT 32.050 ng/mL Blood biochemistry
ALT 228 U/L AST 86 U/L ALB 35.4g/L TBIL 58.67 umol/L DBIL 24.60 umol/L Urea 13.70 mmol/L Creatinine 105 umol/L TG 2.90 mmol/L Glu 16.00 mmol/L
Since the onset,she had had poor spirit, appetite and sleep.She had not defecated.Urine had been less .Physical body weight had decreased.