
商务英语综合教程4Unit4Businessethics课后答案Unit 4 Business ethicsExtensive ReadingCorporate Philanthropy Responds to DisastersExercisesI.Speed Reading ComprehensionRead the text for FIVE minutes, and find the best answer to each of the following questions.nd paragraph, why some companies faced internal criticism?According to the 21.A. These companies have donated too much money to the communities, regardless of theirown capacity.B. These companies ignored the needs of their own employees who were affected by thedisasters.C. The philanthropic programs of these companies were too cheap.D. Corporate had to go back to boards for additional donation resources.2. Why is it that some companies are suggested donating cash instead of products whendisasters take place?A. Products are often hard to transport and warehouse.B. Using cash in the locality helps rebuild the economy.C. Product may not fit the needs of the beset community.D. All of above.3. Which of the following statement is NOT true with Pitney Bowes Inc.?A. It has operated a fund that helps employees out ofpersonal tragedies.B. Its Employee Involvement Fund can reflect employees' interest and support.C. It has started splitting some of its corporate giving between immediate and long-termassistance in the consideration of the complicated nature of identifying appropriatedisaster aid.D. Medical and funeral expenses will not be the focus of its fund.4. According to the text, which of the following company's foundation is NOT long-term-focused?A. Baxter InternationalB. MitsubishiC. General Electric Co.D. Pitney Bowes Inc.5. The software module of MicroEdge Inc. helps the company's community foundation the bestin terms of _______.A. free-of-charge serviceB. online serviceaccountingC.D. disaster reliefII.VocabularyFill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text. The initial letter of each word hasbeen supplied for you.1. It's wise to use just as much caution when making yourcharitable giving decisions as you dowhen making other decisions affecting your life.2. With soil that has had its biological components destroyed, the first step toward restoration isto stop adding any more chemical fertilizers.3. The global obesity pandemic combined with society's anti-fat bias is more damaging towomen than to men, an expert has warned at an international conference.4. Turkey's two major cities are grappling with water shortages after record-low snow and rainfalls in the winter and searing summer temperatures.5. The importers who do not intend clearing the imported goods for home consumptionstraightaway may choose to warehouse the goods.6. The Foundation is a public charity that works with individuals, families, businesses and foundations, serving their philanthropic needs as well as initiating giving programs.7. As the little copyist proceeded with her work, she sent every now and then a responsiveglance toward her admirer.8. Beset by rumors, and four months from a primary election, the Mayor yesterday for the firsttime gave his account of a 2007 incident in which he argued with a police officer.9. Like so many others around the world, we are following the devastation caused by theearthquake and tsunami that has hit many parts of Southeastern Asia.10. Some coincidences are small, and seeminglyinconsequential, but others have the potential to change lives.A Question of EthicsExercisesI.Reading Comprehension1. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE with Waterschoot's case?A. It raised the ethical concerns regarding information technology and the management obligation.B. Waterschoot immediately reported to her boss and the unit's legal counsel about the problem because there was some crucial information for Lockheed Martin in the template.C. Waterschoot found the competitor's confidential information before 5 p.m.aprotecting of purpose the with server the from document the removed Waterschoot D. competitor of Lockheed Martin's.2. According to the text, as e-business and IT are developing, companies need to put the following into consideration EXCEPT _______.A. equipping the employees with essential IT ethicsB. establishing a set of ethical guidelines in a companyC. the impacts brought by IT on the employees concernedD. how to deal with the potential problem brought by e-business partnerships3. According to the Information Week Research survey, we can infer that _______.A. If your personal data is collected by a health-care company, they are more likely to be sold to third parties than by any other industries.B. Most companies will inform their customers know whenspecific types of data of their own are being collected.C. When evaluating the ethical and moral implications of business decisions, a larger number of people will rely on their personal experience only.D. Not many people know some ethical impacts may be brought by their business decisions.4. Paragraph 7 suggests that ________.A. Canon Information Systems Inc is monitoring its employees' online activities;B. Canon Information Systems Inc's human resources department tries to make sure that their employees are using the Internet in an ethical and legal way;C. James Underwood, manager of IS, reports to the human resources department;D. Canon Information Systems Inc's human resources department may be violating the privacy of the employees.5. Companies nowadays concern not only about the employees' awareness of business ethics, but also about ________.A. how the employees interact with the information technology in a digital context;B. the safety when the employees are handling the digital devices;C. the protection of the privacy of its customers;all of above. D.。
商务现场口译第四单元Unit 4 Business Travel(商务旅行)

Unit 4 business travel
Descriptive writing
Narrative writing
Expositive writing
Persuasive writing
Identification of the speech types
Sentence level
1.When did the author first arrive in the US? 2.What did the author do on his way to the hotel? 3.Where did the author get something to eat after his friend had left? 4.Why couldn’t he have what he really wanted at the restaurant? 5.What did the author do after dinner?
I am honored to accompany you throughout your travel here. I will be glad if I can answer some of your questions now and address the others as we tour.
• Subject, verb and object • Major information
Discourse level
• Gist of the speech • The first few sentences • Speaker’s logical guidelines
Listen to the passage and answer the followingห้องสมุดไป่ตู้questions:
商务英语口译Unit 4 Time of Delivery

• L: Sorry, I’m afraid we can not guarantee.
• J: I see. I hope you can contact me in good time if you have any problems or changes.
• L: Yes, thank you for your understanding. I’ll call you as soon as the goods are shipped.
Part Three
Unit 4 Time of Delivery
• L: Mr. Wilson, yesterday we have discussed this problem, right? I think we can supply 50,000 at the beginning of next month. However, in accordance with your request to deliver goods on 20th this month, we can only supply 40,000.
商务现场口译第四单元 Unit 4 Business Travel

U n i t F o u rB u s i n e s s T r a v e lUnit Objectives (单元目标)After reading this unit, you should➢understand the ways to identify the main ideas of the source text.➢find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.➢master the basic words and expressions about business travel.➢know some cultural background knowledge about business travel.PreparingI. Interpreting Skills (口译技能)Read the following presentation about discourse analysis and try tounderstand the four speech types and know how to identify the mainideas of the source text. Then complete the following task:1. Listen to the passage, “ My first day in New York”, and answer the followingquestions:1). When did the author first arrive in the US?2). What did the author do on the way to his hotel?3). Where did the author get something to eat after his friend had left?4). Why couldn’t he have what he really wanted at the restaurant?5). What did the author do after dinner?2. Listen to the passage again and try to catch more details, then retell thestory in your own words.Decoding Training (II): Discourse Analysis(语篇分析)Interpreting is to “understand and make understood”. To interpret the speech, one must first understand the message of the speech. However, comprehension(理解)of the source discourse goes beyond the simple recognition of words and linguistic structures. The interpreter shall make an analysis of the source discourse. More importantly, the interpreter shall identify(识别)the speech type and know how to identify the main ideas of the original speeches.Identification of the Speech TypesSpeeches are diversified serving different occasions and purposes. It will be of great help to the interpreters if they know the speaker’s style. In most cases, speeches are prepared beforehand. Therefore, a study of the different types of writing helps an interpreter identify the main idea of a given speech. Following are the basic types of writing.1. Descriptive WritingDescriptive(描述性的)writing involves a great deal of detailed information. A descriptive discussion aimed at providing details of an event, a scene, a procedure, or a situation.This speech type demands a thorough background investigation of the speaker and the relevant situation by the interpreter.2. Narrative WritingNarrative(叙述性的)writing focuses on the development of events. There is no doubt that the interpreter should be very sensitive to dates, time phrases, and verb tenses when a narrative speech is dealt with.3. Expositive WritingExpositive(说明性的)writing deals with its subject matter in such orders as chronological, spatial, comparison, and definition. It would be to the advantage of the interpreter to conduct a background investigation of the speaker and the situation, for that would provide the interpreter with not only thenecessary glossary but also the speaker’s standpoint(立场).4. Persuasive WritingPersuasive(劝说性的)writers always want to make their arguments clear, strong and convincing. When the purpose is to convince, writers of persuasive writing mainly employ two techniques -- induction(归纳)and deduction(推论). Inductive writing starts with specific examples or points to draw a general conclusion, while deductive writing illustrates its thesis at first and then supports and reinforces the thesis through specific examples or subordinate ideas.Identification of the Main IdeasIn the context of interpreting, the main ideas of the source speech can be identified at the sentence level and at the discourse level. Priority should always be attached to identifying the main idea at the sentence level. We argue that identification of main ideas be done on the basis of sentences. Training in identifying the main ideas in interpreting should naturally take place first at the sentence level.1. Sentence LevelThe most important task for an interpreter to identify the main ideas at the sentence level is to discern (洞悉)the subject, verb and object (SVO). It is highly significant for the interpreter to catch the SVO of the sentence while listening to the source text, as the SVO usually carries the major information of the sentence. For example, when listening to “The best way to carry money while traveling is to have a major credit card”, the interpreter is expected to catch “The best way is to have a credit card.” If the interpreter is able to catch the SVO of the sentence, he then will produce a complete sentence with the major information in the target language.2. Discourse LevelThere are also some skills an interpreter might employ on different occasions for grasping the gist (要点)of a speech at the discourse level. In a well-organized speech, the speaker usually explains his point in the first few sentences. Therefore, one of the ways to get the main idea of a speech is to attach priority to the beginning of the speech. Secondly, if the interpreter encounters a speech that is inductively constructed, the interpreter should, to the best of their ability, conduct a study of the speaker's background and viewpoints so that they can follow the speaker's logical guidelines.II. Phrase Interpreting (短语口译)Work on the following words and phrases. Interpret them into Chineseand English respectively.A. English to Chinese1. Have a population of…2. Cover an area of…3. Date back to…4. Have a history of…5. Be situated in…6. The gross domestic product7. Dive-in restaurant 8. Quarantine certificate9. Duration of stay 10. Residence permitB. Chinese to English1、日程安排2、旅行路线3、起飞时间4、机场大楼5、候机室6、贵宾室7、问讯处8、安全检查9、免税店10、个人物品III. Sentence Interpreting (句子口译)Work on the following sentences. Interpret them into Chinese andEnglish respectively.A. English to Chinese1. I believe you're going out of your way for us.2. Wouldn't you like to spend an extra day or two here?3. I'm afraid that won't be possible, much as we'd like to.4. I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us.5. I will keep you posted.B. Chinese to English1. 我特地为你们安排,使你们在北京的逗留愉快。
实用职场英文口译教程Chapter Four Business Negotiation

让步,妥协 make a concession
向……投诉 appeal to
达成协议 reach an agreement
遵守,信守 abide by
B. 句子精炼 Sentence in Focus 1. 您可以给我目录和价格表吗? Would you please leave your catalogue and price list?
(D/D)demand draft
(T/T) telegraphic transfer
advance payment
cash settlement
自动转账支付 auto-pay
自动转账收款 automatic credit transfer
time of validity
It is important that you approach the other party directly to make an appointment to negotiate, as this will allow you to set the agenda in advance, and improve the prospects of the other party preparing sufficiently enough to make a decision on the day. Try to be fairly open about your reason for contact or they may lose interest instantly and not follow up the appointment. Save all your comments for the actual appointment——don’t give away anything that will give them a chance to prepare too thoroughly. So, it’s time to negotiate and you’ve prepared well. What else must you have? Two things: confidence and power. Your power will come from your ability to influence.

建议:拆分成四个部分翻译,翻译词序调整。在翻译时, 对于长句的处理要灵活。
Alternative Interpretation
terms of shipment: 装运条款; the time of delivery: 交货日期; effect shipment: 装船; advance the time of shipment to : 将装运提前到; sell at profitable prices: 以盈利的价格销售; be fully/heavily committed: 订货过多; be compelled to: 不得不; work three shifts: 三班倒地工作; the balance: 余货;
draw on在这句话里可理解为相信或信任,翻译时 要注意句中出现的虚拟语气there were …, 全句的 意思是: “你可以相信我,就跟开了信用证一样。 ”
E-C Interpretation
If we make an exception here, we don’t know where to stop.
建议:注意“tie up”的翻译,原意为“捆住”, 此处引申翻译为“限制了资金”。
E-C Interpretation
As this is our first transaction concluded at a time when the world competition is rather keen,I would suggest that you give me more favorable terms so as to promote trade between our two parties.

Unit 4 Enquiry, Offer and Counter-offer 询盘、报盘和还盘Section 2 Note-taking Skills 笔记技巧Note-taking Practice 笔记训练Take notes of the words you hear with the skill of abbreviation and repeat the words to your partner according to your notes.Scripts and reference answer:accept ACPTarrival ARRVbefore BFRbank BKcould CLDcontract CNTRCTcompany COcenter CTRdraft DFTexport EXPfrom FMgroup GRPinform INFkeep KPlocal LCLmodel MDLmarket MRKToffer OFRpiece PCprice PRCquality QLYquotation QTNreceived RCVDshipped SHPDthrough THRUtotal TTLyour URwithout W/Oyard YDListen to the sentences and take notes. Check with your partner and try to reproduce them.Scripts and reference answer:1.While issues like human rights and freedom of speech capture much of the public's attention, one of the most pressing issues in U.S.-China relations is the continued trade deficit.可记录为:2. The 2nd CAEXPO was held from October 19 to 22, 2005 in the Nanning International Conference and Exhibition Center. Twenty-eight investment promotion activities and two signing ceremonies were held. Chinese and foreign companies signed 126 investment contracts worth nearly US$5.29 billion可记录为:3.中国是世界上四大文明古国之一,有着五千多年的悠久历史。
商务英语综合教程4 Unit 4 Business ethics课后答案

Unit 4 Business ethicsExtensive ReadingCorporate Philanthropy Responds to DisastersExercisesI.Speed Reading ComprehensionRead the text for FIVE minutes,and find the best answer to each of the following questions。
1. According to the 2nd paragraph,why some companies faced internal criticism?A。
These companies have donated too much money to the communities,regardless of theirown capacity。
B. These companies ignored the needs of their own employees who were affected by thedisasters.C。
The philanthropic programs of these companies were too cheap。
D. Corporate had to go back to boards for additional donation resources.2。
Why is it that some companies are suggested donating cash instead of products when disasters take place?A。
Products are often hard to transport and warehouse。
B. Using cash in the locality helps rebuild the economy。
世纪商务英语口译教程Unit 4

Macao → CN
■ The U.S. import from Japan 记录为:
美←日(US ← J)
■ Hong Kong’s return to China 记录为:
■ Increase by 60 percent 记录为:
60%↗■ Biblioteka 高人民生活水平记录为:生↗
■ 环境日益恶化记录为:
● 地名、国名
上海 SH
香港 HK
美国 US
英国 UK
● 国际组织

商务英语综合教程4Unit4Businessethics课后答案Unit 4 Business ethicsExtensive ReadingCorporate Philanthropy Responds to DisastersExercisesI.Speed Reading ComprehensionRead the text for FIVE minutes, and find the best answer to each of the following questions.nd paragraph, why some companies faced internal criticism?According to the 21.A. These companies have donated too much money to the communities, regardless of theirown capacity.B. These companies ignored the needs of their own employees who were affected by thedisasters.C. The philanthropic programs of these companies were too cheap.D. Corporate had to go back to boards for additional donation resources.2. Why is it that some companies are suggested donating cash instead of products whendisasters take place?A. Products are often hard to transport and warehouse.B. Using cash in the locality helps rebuild the economy.C. Product may not fit the needs of the beset community.D. All of above.3. Which of the following statement is NOT true with Pitney Bowes Inc.?A. It has operated a fund that helps employees out of personal tragedies.B. Its Employee Involvement Fund can reflect employees' interest and support.C. It has started splitting some of its corporate giving between immediate and long-termassistance in the consideration of the complicated nature of identifying appropriatedisaster aid.D. Medical and funeral expenses will not be the focus of its fund.4. According to the text, which of the following company's foundation is NOT long-term-focused?A. Baxter InternationalB. MitsubishiC. General Electric Co.D. Pitney Bowes Inc.5. The software module of MicroEdge Inc. helps the company's community foundation the bestin terms of _______.A. free-of-charge serviceB. online serviceaccountingC.D. disaster reliefII.VocabularyFill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text. The initial letter of each word hasbeen supplied for you.1. It's wise to use just as much caution when making your charitable giving decisions as you dowhen making other decisions affecting your life.2. With soil that has had its biological components destroyed, the first step toward restoration isto stop adding any more chemical fertilizers.3. The global obesity pandemic combined with society's anti-fat bias is more damaging towomen than to men, an expert has warned at an international conference.4. Turkey's two major cities are grappling with water shortages after record-low snow and rainfalls in the winter and searing summer temperatures.5. The importers who do not intend clearing the imported goods for home consumptionstraightaway may choose to warehouse the goods.6. The Foundation is a public charity that works with individuals, families, businesses and foundations, serving their philanthropic needs as well as initiating giving programs.7. As the little copyist proceeded with her work, she sent every now and then a responsiveglance toward her admirer.8. Beset by rumors, and four months from a primary election, the Mayor yesterday for the firsttime gave his account of a 2007 incident in which he argued with a police officer.9. Like so many others around the world, we are following the devastation caused by theearthquake and tsunami that has hit many parts of Southeastern Asia.10. Some coincidences are small, and seemingly inconsequential, but others have the potential to change lives.A Question of EthicsExercisesI.Reading Comprehension1. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE with Waterschoot's case?A. It raised the ethical concerns regarding information technology and the management obligation.B. Waterschoot immediately reported to her boss and the unit's legal counsel about the problem because there was some crucial information for Lockheed Martin in the template.C. Waterschoot found the competitor's confidential information before 5 p.m.aprotecting of purpose the with server the from document the removed Waterschoot D. competitor of Lockheed Martin's. 2. According to the text, as e-business and IT are developing, companies need to put the following into consideration EXCEPT _______.A. equipping the employees with essential IT ethicsB. establishing a set of ethical guidelines in a companyC. the impacts brought by IT on the employees concernedD. how to deal with the potential problem brought by e-business partnerships3. According to the Information Week Research survey, we can infer that _______.A. If your personal data is collected by a health-care company, they are more likely to be sold to third parties than by any other industries.B. Most companies will inform their customers know when specific types of data of their own are being collected.C. When evaluating the ethical and moral implications of business decisions, a larger number of people will rely on their personal experience only.D. Not many people know some ethical impacts may be brought by their business decisions.4. Paragraph 7 suggests that ________.A. Canon Information Systems Inc is monitoring its employees' online activities;B. Canon Information Systems Inc's human resources department tries to make sure that their employees are using the Internet in an ethical and legal way;C. James Underwood, manager of IS, reports to the human resources department;D. Canon Information Systems Inc's human resources department may be violating the privacy of the employees.5. Companies nowadays concern not only about the employees' awareness of business ethics, but also about ________.A. how the employees interact with the information technology in a digital context;B. the safety when the employees are handling the digital devices;C. the protection of the privacy of its customers;all of above. D.。
商务英语综合教程4 Unit 4 Business ethics课后答案【范本模板】

Unit 4 Business ethicsExtensive ReadingCorporate Philanthropy Responds to DisastersExercisesI.Speed Reading ComprehensionRead the text for FIVE minutes, and find the best answer to each of the following questions.1. According to the 2nd paragraph,why some companies faced internal criticism?A。
These companies have donated too much money to the communities,regardless of theirown capacity。
B. These companies ignored the needs of their own employees who were affected by thedisasters。
C. The philanthropic programs of these companies were too cheap。
D. Corporate had to go back to boards for additional donation resources.2. Why is it that some companies are suggested donating cash instead of products whendisasters take place?A. Products are often hard to transport and warehouse。
Using cash in the locality helps rebuild the economy.C. Product may not fit the needs of the beset community。

Unit1 P81.我们认为你方的格力空调在这里会很畅销,希望很快收到你们的样品。
4.随函附上我方最新的产品目录及CIF 纽约报价单。
6. 此盘5天内不接受就作撤销论。
7. 很遗憾,我们的价格和你方还盘之间差距太大,所以恐怕我方不能接受你方还盘。
8. 考虑到我们长期以来的贸易关系和友好合作,我方建议你方能接受保兑,不可撤销即期信用证。
9. 石油价格将在未来一段时间内继续下降。
10. 我们还想指出我们主要以承兑交单方式结账。
Unit1 P91.(我们正打算订购)We are thinking of placing an order for your Flying Pigeon Brand bicycles. We would be very grateful if you could make us an offer for 200 ones with details.2. (上述询价已于)The above inquiry was forwarded to you on Oct. 10, but we haven’t received your reply yet. Your early offer will be highly appreciated.3. (我方的冷冻食品)Our frozen foods have been shipped to many countries where they are received favorably. It would be to your advantage to try out a shipment.4. (很抱歉,贵方)We are sorry to say that the goods required by you are out of stock for the time being. Therefore we are unable to make you an offer at present.5. (我方于两个月前)We sent you our Quotation No. 44 two months ago, but we haven’t received any news from you. It wou ld be advisable if you could make an early decision on this matter.6. (所有报盘都以)All quotations, except firm offers, are subject to our final confirmation. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all prices are without any discount.7.(许多外国电讯)Many foreign telecommunications companies wish to come into the Chinese market such as AT &T, etc. the competition is very keen. I understand some companies are lowering their prices and offering technical assistance and after-sale services.8.(很高兴我们)I’m glad that w e have settled the price.9. (我们至多只能再减)The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 pounds. That’ll be definitely rock-bottom.10. (我们正在仔细研究)We’re now studying your offer carefully, so we hope that you can keep it open till the end of this month.Unit1 P101、我们的还盘与国际市场上的价格一致。
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Stock market
listening practice
• • • • • • • • • • • 1. wealth 2. financial advisers 3. mutual funds 4. securities 5. stocks 6. debt-based 7. financial share 8. dividend 9. bond 10. maturity 11. repaid
• English-Chinese Interpretation
• 1. 亚洲的股票市场,同美国的主要指数一样,出现了明显的 回落。 • 2.优先股是指继债券持有人之后对公司的收入和资产拥有第 一债券的股票。 • 3. 保罗相信,大体上说,投资中国股票的人仍应保持乐观。 • 4. 一旦公司倒闭,它的净资产将首先在债券持有人中分配, 然后是优先股持有人,最后是普通股票持有人。 • 5. 不过,古德温还是警告说,中国就业市场的任何疲软都会 对该股造成伤害。
Chinese-English Interpretation
• (1) Although it is the first overseas acquisition for Bocom, Chinese financial institutions are not opposed to snapping up assets abroad, having spent a total of $4.8bn on 30 overseas deals in 2014, following $5.1bn in deals in 2013. • (2) The Las Vegas Money Show coincided with a significant pullback both in the US and Chinese stock markets. As such, many of the advisors at the show were focused on the question of whether or not this pullback was simply a correction within a long-term uptrend or the start of a bear market. The advisors appear to be in general agreement that this is a healthy pullback.
• 8. If you're young and have 40 years until retirement, you'll have over $30,000 earned from that $2000 investment.
Paragraph Interpretation
• English-Chinese Interpretation • 按照徐的说法,该公司每股盈利12美分,超过华尔街分析师每股 9美分的预期,此外,他注意到销售额从3450万美元暴涨到8990 万美元,他将该股看作长线购买,并且建议在每股不到38美元的 时候建仓。 • 事实上,如果有人一开始投资2000美元,而后10年每年投入 2000美元,按7%的年利率计算,40年内该投资者的2000 美元的 投资总额将会增长到50多万美元。
Practice of Interpreting Skills
• English-Chinese Interpretation • 8. 如果一个投资者将2000美元用于组合投资,年收益率为7%,4 年后,该投资者将获得超过31%的投资回报。
Practice of Interpreting Skills
Chinese-English Interpretation
• 6. The credit crisis has triggered global stock market volatility in the past two weeks. • 7. Many investors are selling their shares because they fear the problem of credit crisis will spread to other companies and make it hard for businesses to borrow cash for their operation. • 8. The bottom line in picking stocks and being a contrarian while you’re doing that is: Don’t follow the crowd. • 9. However, real success in the stock market is a result of building a long-term portfolio. • 10. China’s stock markets doubled in value last year, leading to concerns of market bubbles that could collapse.
• Chinese- English Interpretation • 1. In all, IFC has provided $1.27 billion for the 54 projects, $778 million for IFC's own account, and $4.95 million for the accout of participating banks.
English-Chinese Interpretation
• 6. 在这份通讯中, 中国人寿在其挑选的股票中名列第一。 • 7. 交行表示,将支付5.25亿雷亚尔(合1.73亿美元)现金收购 未上市的BBM银行80%的股权,这一价格以后者5.76亿雷亚尔 的账面价值为基础。 • 8. 亚洲股市普遍下降,世界金融市场迹象呈现动荡局面。 • 9. 日经指数大跌5.4个百分点,以15273点作收,这是一年来的 最低点。 • 10. 拥有股票让买进代表企业所有权的证券的投资者具有获得大 量回报的可能。
Chinese-English Interpretation
• 1. One point worth mentioning is that in China, the issue of stocks is an important factor affecting the money market. • 2. Major money market transactions, particularly inter-bank lending and government bond repurchase, have played an important role in the formation of interest rate. • 3. When major indexes, such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) or S&P 500 top out and begin to decline, business journalists at all of the major magazines observe the fall out. • 4. Four sessions later, the Dow Jones confirmed its advance with a 2.7% gain on volume heavier than the previous session. • 5. But while the market recovered, Coke’s stock still slumped as profits fell during these two years.
Paragraph Interpretation
• English-Chinese Interpretation (1) • 皮特是一位股票分析师,最擅长的是科技股,最近一直在太阳能—又被 称为光伏电池– 领域内寻找机会,他认为该领域具有更长远的前途。 • English-Chinese Interpretation (2) • 中国的科技股热潮昨日创下新高,一家在上海上市的房地产公司更名为 P2P金融信息服务(上海)股份有限公司(P2P Information Service Co.)后,其股价上涨10%而涨停。
Paragraph Interpretation
• Chinese- EnglishInterpretation • George said that his investments in China focus on three primary areas. First, it is the infrastructure companies that allows Chinese businesses to operate and expand both inside and outside China. Second, he foucuses on businesses that make and export goods around the world. Finally, he focuses on Chinese businesses that are serving the growing consumer need of Chinese on a local level.
Chinese-English Interpretation
• 1.纳斯达克综合指数达到历史最高点5132.52,纳斯达克综合指 数于1971年2月创立,起点是100. • 2.有136个交易日的每天交易量超过10亿股。 • 3. 股票交易量达到了2700亿。 • 4. 纳斯达克4800多家上市公司的市场价值达到了52000亿美元。 • 5. 纳斯达克综合指数包括在纳斯达克股票市场挂牌的所有公司, 总数达到了5300多家,比其他任何单一的市场指数都多。 • 6. 整个纳斯达克综合指数的价值达5万亿美元以上。 • 7. 每日在该证券交易所的交易量通常超过1亿股,有时会超过2亿 股。