综合教程2 Unit 3综合训练配套练习

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解析:not so much…as…,not so 后面接的和as后面接的应 该是对称的成分。句意为:学校教育的伟大用途与其说是教 你东西,不如说是教你学习的艺术。
12. I would like to go to a school ____ the one my sister goes to. A. as B. like C. in D. to
解析:under no circumstances为含有否定意义的副词。将 情态动词前置于主语前,其他不变。
5. By no means ____ their own language well. A. it is true that all English people know B. is it true that do all English people know C. it is true that do all English people know D. is it true that all English people know
Unit 3 Comprehensive Practice
1. ____ to go to the exhibition this Saturday. A. No every student wants B. Not every student want C. Not every student wants D. None student want
解析:只有C选项有完整的as…as…结构,句意为:我的健康 状况即使不比我哥哥差,至少也和他一样差。
11. The great use of a school education is ____ to teach you things ____ teach you the art of learning. A. as much, as B. not so much, as to C. much as, as D. much more, as
1. Banks are not supposed to _a_u_t_h_o_r_i_ze_ loans to
those who failed to keep their credit good. (authority)
2. The team arrived to rescue the pilot trapped in
15. ____ national swimmers sunned themselves on the beach. A. A team of B. A pack of C. A board of D. A choir of
解析: a team of 一队 a pack of wolves 一群狼 a board of directors 董事会 A choir of (合唱)
7. ____ but a fool can make such a mistake. A. Everyone B. No other C. Not all D. None
解析:none but 只有……才……。类似的结构还有 nobody but.
8. I didn’t choose any of the three offers because I found ____ satisfactory. A. none of them B. all of them not C. not all of them D. either of them not
the _w__r_e_ck_a_g_e____ of a cargo plane after the crash.
3. I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how
to combine marriage and an _o_c_c_u_p_a_t_io_n_. (occupy)
4. I really miss my mother. My one _co_n_s_o_la_t_io_n_ is that her suffering was not prolongedห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ (console)
5. Programmers _d_i_a_g_n_o_se_d___ the problem as a computer virus. (diagnostic)
A. it begin
B. does it begin
C. and begin D. beginning
解析:不倒装的句子为: It doesn’t begin to exhibit signs of independence from its mother until a monkey is several years old. 题干为部分倒装,将not放句首,将助动词放在主 语前。
解析:by no means 为含有否定意义的副词,须倒装。将be 动词前置于it之前,其他不变。
6. Most people would agree that only in exceptional circumstances ____ the truth from the patient. A. a doctor should hide B. should a doctor hide C. a doctor would hide D. a doctor will hide
解析:题干意思:三者都不满意。 A选项,正确。 B选项,结构不完整。 C选项,部分否定,不合题意。 D选项,either为两者,排除。
9. ____ an official delegate, he is supposed to be more respectful. A. He is B. That being C. As D. Because of
解析:从句意判断,应该是副词修饰found这个动作,排除A、 C选项。New species are rarely found these days. Rarely置 于句首,将are置于主语之前,谓语的其他部分保留在主语 后面。
4. We have been told that under no circumstances ____ the telephone in the office for personal affairs. A. may we use B. we may use C. we could use D. did we use
3. ____ found these days. A. Rare are new species of animals B. Rarely are new species of animals C. Rare new species of animals are D. Rarely new species of animals are
解析:不定代词every, all, both 等词加not表示部分否定, 全部否定用none, neither, nothing, nobody 等词。
2. Not until a monkey is several years old ____ to exhibit signs of independence from its mother.
13. Please tell my friend your interesting experience exactly ____ you have told it to me. A. as B. that C. the same D. and
解析: “作为”,选C。
10. My health is ____. A. as poor, if not poorer than, my brother B. poor as my brother’s if not poorer C. as poor as, if not poorer than, my brother’s D. as poor, if not poorer than my brother’s
14. ____ dew are glittering in the sun. A. Drops of B. Sheets of C. Stretches of D. Layers of
解析:a drop of 一滴 a sheet of 一张 a stretch of rice field 一大片稻田 a layer of clay一层 粘土