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1). But his wife kept dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family. 可是他老婆不断地在他耳边唠叨个没完,说他懒惰, 说他粗心,并且说他的一家人都要毁在他的身上。 2). We wanted to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligation as a clerk in the company. 我们想要确定,他是否履行了受雇条件,是否履行了 作为公司职员所应尽的义务。
At times, the verb is still to be repeated in Chinese even if the prepositions have been omitted in English, as is shown in the following (有时英语中连前置词也省略了,
2). The chief effects of electric currents are the magnetic, heating and chemical effects. 电流的主要效应是电磁效应、热效应和化学 效应。 3). People use natural science to understand and change nature. 人类利用自然科学去了解自然、改造自然。 4). It was he who first repudiated and breached the understanding. 是他首先否定了这一谅解,破坏了这一谅解。
2. Modes of Repetition
1). Repetition for Semantic Clarity 2). Repetition for Emphasis 3). Repetition for Expressiveness
3. Repetition in E-C Translation
3). The use of poison gas is clear violation of international law—in particular of the Geneva Convention. 使用毒气显然违反国际法,特别是违反《日 内瓦公约》。 4). Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration. 无知是羡慕的根源,也是恐惧的根源。 5). The story of Tom is a story of groans and tears, of a poor fellow ill-treated. 汤姆的故事是一个充满呻吟和泪水的故事, 是一个不幸的人惨遭虐待的故事。
3). But they did not show their feelings and they
spoke politely about the current and depths they had drifted their lines at and the steady good weather and of what they had seen. 但是他们并没有把感情流露出来,只是斯斯 文文地讲起海流,讲起他们把钓丝送进海水的 深度,讲起好久不变的好天气,还讲起他们所 看到的一切。
B). Repeat verbs common to several prepositions (英语句
子中动词后有前置词时,在第二次第三次往往只用前 置词而省略动词,在译文中则要重复动词)
1). He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength. 他不再梦见风涛,不再梦见惊人的遭遇,也不再梦 见大鱼、搏斗和角力。 2). Then he spoke of the rise of charity and popular education, and particularly of the spread of wealth and work. 接着他谈到了慈善事业的兴起和教育的普及,特别 谈到了财富和工作面的扩大。
5). Last year, the output of coal in this region amounted to about 20 percent of the whole country; of steel 25 percent; of grain 30 percent; of cotton 35 percent. 去年,这个地区的煤产量约占全国总产量的 百分之二十,钢产量占百分之二十五,稻谷产 量占百分之三十,棉花产量占百分之三十五。 6). A good play serves to educate and inspire the people. 一出好戏足以教育人民和鼓舞人民。
3). The primary aim of science is to find truth, new truth. 科学的基本目标就是寻找真理,寻找新的真 理。 4). He owned a town house, a summer lodge in the mountains, a winter cabin in the desert, a car and a driver’s license to take himself about. 过去,他在城里有一所住宅,在山间有一处避 暑的住所,在沙漠地带有一处避寒的住所,外 出还有汽车和驾驶执照。
B. Repetition of Verbs A). Repeat the verb shared by several objects or predicatives (英语句子中常用一个动词连接几
1). The blow hurt not only his hands but his shoulder too. 这一下不仅震痛了他的手,也震痛了他的肩膀。 2). They were starting from scratch and needed men, guns, training. 他们是白手起家,他们需要人员,需要枪支, 需要训练。
D). Repeat anticipatory nouns (定从中的先行词) 1). The little apprentice in particular lived in terror of the boss, who had borne down on him so often and so hard that there was little left. 小学徒对老板尤其怕得要死,老板经常整他 而且整得很重,简直把他整瘪了。 2). We have advanced the principle of peaceful coexistence, which is now growing more and more popular among the nations of Asia and Africa. 我们提出了和平共处的原则,该原则现越来越 受到亚非国家的欢迎。
A. Repetition of Words or Expressions for Clearness (意义明确) What is usually omitted in English is often to be repeated in Chinese so as to make the translated version clear and idiomatic. A). Repetition of Nouns (重译名词) (A). Repeat nouns used as objects (commonly modified by different modifiers) 1). Let us revise our safety and sanitary regulations. 我们来修订安全规则和卫生规则吧。
B). Repeat nouns used as predicatives 1). This has been our position—but not theirs. 这一直是我们的立场—而不是他们的立场。 2). Tom is your friend as much as he is mine. 汤姆既是你的朋友,也是我的朋友。 3). He became an oil baron—all by himself. 他成为一个石油大王—一个白手起家的石油大 王。
Repetition 重译法
1. Definition Repetition: the way the key words are repeated in a given sentence or paragraph or passage in such a way as to conform to the idiomatic usage of the target language in E-C and C-E translation. 为了明确、强调或生动,需要在翻译中重复 某些关键性词语。重译法其实也是一种增词 法,只是所增加的是上文出现过的词语。目 的有三: (1).使意义明确;(2). 表示强调;(3). 使译文生动。
C)பைடு நூலகம் Repeat the omitted nouns before prepositions
1). A foreign language learner will get more knowledge from practice than from books. 一个学外语的人从实践中学到的知识比从书本 上学到的知识要多。 2). The doctor will get more practice out of him than out of several hundred ordinary patients. 医生从他身上得到的实践,会比从几百个普通 病人身上得到的实践更多。
3). They talked of themselves, of their prospects, of the journey, of the weather, of each other—of everything but our host and hostess. 他们谈到自己,谈到前途,谈到旅程,谈到 天气,谈到彼此的情况—谈到一切,只是不谈 我们的男女主人。 4). He supplied his works not only with biographies, but with portraits of their supposed authors. 他不仅在他的作品上提供作者传记,而且还 提供假想作者的画像。
3). May I extend my hearty congratulations to the Chinese athletes, through you, for the glowing success of their performance at the Beijing Olympic Games, which is now inspiring the entire country. 让我通过您衷心地祝贺中国运动员,祝贺他 们在北京奥运会上获得的辉煌胜利, 这个胜利 正鼓舞着全国人民。 4). All of these arrangements were a prelude to the ball, the hostess’ ultimate prize. 所有这些安排都只是这次舞会的序曲,舞会才 是女主人的最终目的。