美国文学课件2The Literature of the Revolutionary Period

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alliance with France; the Treaty of Paris and the Constitution – In 1789 George Washington was elected the first president
American Enlightenment
– Newtonian ideas: The universe is a mechanism operating by unchanging laws. Mankind can realize all “Nature’s Laws”.
2. Literary works
⑴ Poor Richard’s Almanac 《 穷查理的年历》 Print runs: 10000 per year. Chiefly remembered for being a repository of Franklin’s aphorisms and proverbs
Some sample maxims from Poor Richard’s Almanac: He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals. Eat to live, and not live to eat. God helps them that help themselves. Diligence is the mother of Good Luck. “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”
Philadephia; – University of Pennsylvania; – American Philosophical Society; – The postal system
Franklin’s contributions to science
– Inventions : Franklin stove, effective street lighting, bifocal glasses, a miniature printing press, efficient heating devices and lightning-rod
⑵ The Autobiography《自传》 To whom is he writing? Began at 65 until his death, unfinished
– A plan to reach moral perfection – Thirteen virtues – Franklin writes the virtues in a notebook to see how
– God created everything and let it go. It is up to the human beings themselves to take care of themselves and to run the world.
– public and utilitarian: for purposes of social reform and philosophical declaration
– Declination of Puritan influences
Ⅱ. Benjamin Franklin (17061790)
If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead & rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing.
– Franklin signed The Declaration of Independence, the alliance with France, the Treaty of Paris ending the Revolution and the US Constitution.
Franklin’s contributions to American ideas
– Franklin’s a primary figure in the rise of American pragmatism
– Created the cult of self-reliance
– Pragmatism: a term describing a doctrine that determines values through the test of consequences or utility
A scientist
1. Franklin’s Accomplishments
Franklin’s contributions to American institutions
– Pennsylvania Hospital; – America’s first circulating library in
美国文学课件2The Literature of the Revolutionary Period
Ⅰ. Historical Overview
The establishment of independent nationhood and federation
– The War of Independence (1775-1783) – The Declaration of Independence; the treaty of
– The theories of electricity; the terms “positive” and “negative” to electrical charges
Franklin was drawing down electricity from the sky.
Franklin’s contributions in American politics