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生本能(Libido)与死本能( Thanatos )
生本能:在弗洛伊德看来,就是广义的性本能,或 者说,快乐本能。趋乐避苦的本能。里比多。 general sex instinct, or pleasure instinct
生本能(Libido)与死本能( Thanatos )
死本能(死与攻击的本能):弗洛伊德认为,每个生命身上都有一种使自己 趋向毁灭的本能冲动。而这种冲动的目标是生命本身,这就是死亡本能。 死亡本能设法要使个体的人走向死亡,因为对于处在死亡本能状态下的人来 说,只有死亡才是真正宁静的状态。只有在死亡的状态下,个体的生命才有希 望完全解除失望、紧张、焦虑和挣扎。 这个自毁的冲动有时会受生命本能的压制而减弱,或者改变了方向。不过当 生命本能不足以对抗死亡本能的时候,死亡本能就会以“自杀“方式表现出来。 Death Instinct: Freud believed that each life has an instinct impulse to destroy itself. Death instinct manages to kill a person himself, because it’s only in death state, the person can finally eliminate all of the despair, stress, anxiety, and struggle. This instinct is generally repressed by the life instinct (libido), it transfers its direction. However, when the life instinct is not able to counteract the death instinct, the later might should its existence by suicide.
肛门人格:固执,吝啬(有时又过度大方),过度整 洁,喜好收藏,言辞富有学究气,且说话不着实际, 扯三拉四,爱用无意义的术语等。
3. 性器期(phallic stage)(3岁-6岁)
性器崇拜人格(phallic personality):鲁莽、冲 动,实际胆小却佯装大胆以掩饰惧怕,两性关系的不 正常表现
无意识 意识
(conscious) (Unconscious)
意识(conscious) 前意识(preconscious)
自我 ego 超我 super ego subconscious
本我 id
Fra Baidu bibliotek
本我即原我,是指原始的自己,包含生存所需的基本欲望、 冲动和生命力。本我是一切心理能量之源,本我按快乐原则 行事,它不理会社会道德、外在的行为规范,它唯一的要求 是获得快乐,避免痛苦,本我的目标乃是求得个体的舒适, 生存及繁殖,它是无意识的,不被个体所觉察。 Id is primitive part of the personality, contains basic desires, impulses, and life energy. Id is the source of all psychological energy, which follows the law of pleasure. It disregards social morality and the regulations for behaviors. Its only purpose is to get happiness and to avoid pain. Its goal is to pursue for comfort, survive, and reproduction. Id is unconscious, which is not noticed by conscious.
超 我
自 我 ego
客观现实 reality
本 我 id
在和本我的关系上,自我好像是骑在马背上的人,他驾驭着这匹 桀骜不驯的马,约束着它前进的方向--Freud The ego is like a man one a horse back. He drives this stubborn and unruly horse, regulates its direction.
超我,是人格结构中代表理想的部分,它是个体在成长过程中通过 内化道德规范,内化社会及文化环境的价值观念而形成,其机能主要 在监督、批判及管束自己的行为,超我的特点是追求完美,所以它与 本我一样是非现实的,超我大部分也是无意识的,超我要求自我按社 会可接受的方式去满足本我,它所遵循的是“道德原则”。 The superego represents the idealistic part of the personality, which is the internalization of moral rules and values of the culture. Its function is to supervise, to criticize, and to restrict the behaviors of oneself. The contents of the superego are perfectionistic. So it’s as unrealistic as the id. The major part of the superego is also unconscious. The superego requires ego to limit its way according to the acceptability and the society when it fulfills the desires of the id. Superego follows the principle of morality.
第三讲:精神分析流派人格理论 Lecture 3: Personality Theories of Psychoanalytic Approach
(Three Levels of Conscious)
意识(Conscious) 前意识(Preconscious) 无意识(Unconscious)
(psychosexual stages of development)
1. 口唇期(oral stage)(0-18个月)
口欲人格(oral personality):过度依赖性,不 现实且富于幻想,爱做嘴巴动作,惯于吮吸拇指, 咬指甲,好吸烟,贪食等。
2. 肛门期(anal stage)(18个月-3岁)
自我,其德文原意即是指“自己”,是自己可意 识到的执行思考、感觉、判断或记忆的部分,自 我的机能是寻求“本我”冲动得以满足,而同时 保护整个机体不受伤害,它遵循的是“现实原 则”,为本我服务。
The noticeable part of our mind, which thinks, senses, judges, and remembers. Ego aims for the fulfillment of the desires of id, but at the same time to protect the whole body from harm. It follows the principle of reality.
心理(自我)防御机制 ego defense mechanism
定义:自我的一种功能,为了减轻或消除人格内部的冲突、 降低或避免焦虑、以保持人格的完整和统一。(a function of
the ego, to decrease or eliminate inner conflicts within personality, to reduce or avoid anxiety, in order to keep the integrity and the unification of the personality)
生本能(Libido)与死本能( Thanatos )
死亡本能有时戴着各种形式的假面。死亡本能的潜在诱惑也会使他可 能成为一个自虐的,一个享受自己身心痛楚的人。或许,也可能把所 有“毁灭能“的方向转向外界,而成为破坏性、虐待性的人。在同样 的压力下,有些人可能会沉溺于酒、麻醉品或者性,这时他们心里的 生命本能和死亡本能是相抗衡的,力量均等的。我们应该承认死亡在 某种环境状况下是诱人的。比如当绝症缠身时,当对一切都深深地绝 望时。即使在普通情况下,死亡同样可能是吸引人的。 Death instinct often guise itself under different illusions. A person might enjoy self-abuse and psychological and physical pain. He might transfer the destructive instinct to the outside, and becoming a sadistic and aggressive person. Under the same motivation, some of such individuals will indulge into alcohol, drugs, or sex. We have to acknowledge that death, under certain circumstance, is attractive. Such situation as being despaired or being seriously sick are examples.
(defense mechanisms)
压抑(repression) 区别于抑制(suppression) 拒绝(否认,denial) 投射(projection) 替代(转置,displacement) 反向形成(reaction formation) 理智化(intellectualization) 合理化(rationalization) 升华(sublimation)
特点:是无意识的,往往具有与现实相脱离的特性 (function unconsciously, often dissociated with reality) 类型:有多种类型,弗洛伊德并未清楚归类,而是在后来 的精神分析家(如安娜*弗洛伊德)的归纳后变得越来越清 晰。(Freud did not summarize the types of the defense mechanism. Anna Freud summarized them into 15 types.)
问题:以舒适、繁殖与生存为目的的本我(id)与 荀子所定义的“性”的含义之比较 人之性恶,其善者伪也。今人之性,生而有好利 焉,顺是,故争夺生而辞让亡焉;生而有疾恶焉, 顺是,故残贼生而忠信亡焉;生而有耳目之欲,有 好声色焉,顺是,故淫乱生而礼义文理亡焉。然则 从人之性,顺人之情,必出于争夺,合于犯分乱理 而归于暴。故必将有师法之化,礼义之道,然后出 于辞让,合于文理,而归于治。用此观之,然则人 之性恶明矣,其善其伪也。(荀子 《性恶篇·第二十
4. 潜伏期(6- )(latency stage)
5. 生殖期(genital stage)(青春期以后) 生殖人格:在性、社会、心理等各方面达到成熟、完 美状态,获得独立性,俄狄浦斯情结的解决。