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Adsorption Study of phosphorus in water by Ceramic

Pan Zeyou

(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Dezhou University,

Dezhou 253023, P. R. of China)

Abstract:The adsorption of phosphate in water was studied by using ceramsites. The effect of the initial concentration of phosphate in the water, pH value, oscillating time, dosage of ceramsites and particle size of ceramsites on the removal of phosphate was investigated. The experimental results showed that: when the pH of wastewater containing phosphate was 4, dosage of ceramsites was 2.0 g/100 mL, particle size of ceramsites was more than 0.9 mm, oscillation time was 10 min, adsorption removal rate of ceramsites was the highest (reached 88%).

Keywords: ceramsites; adsorption; phosphate


Eutrophication in water

Growing problem of eutrophication in China and widely valued by many ecologists. Eutrophication easily leads to reduced water clarity, so that sunlight cannot reach the bottom, further hampering photosynthesis in aquatic plants, lowering the volume of dissolved oxygen in the water, causing mass deaths of fish, so as to block and break the water features and the stability of ecosystems. Meanwhile, for the utilization of water resources in the community, such as aquaculture, water, tourism, and water brought huge economic losses [1]. According to the 2013 China environmental situation bulletin, in 2013, severe pollution, water quality pollution, light pollution and excellent major lakes (reservoirs) ratio was 11.5%, 1.6%, 26.2% and 60.7%, poor nutrition, the nutrients and eutrophication in Lake (reservoir) was 14.8% and 57.4% and 27.8%, respectively. Among them, moderate eutrophication of Dianchi Lake, Taihu Lake and chaohu Lake is mild eutrophication. Therefore, treatment remediation of contaminated water into the construction of ecological environment and the urgent need for social progress, looking for cheaper and effective technology is around the corner.

Common of eutrophication control techniques

In recent years, as the impact of human activity, and inorganic nutrients such as n

and p, and so on, into velocity shallow bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, caused by rapid proliferation of algae and water hyacinth, rapidly reducing the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, declining water quality, fish, shrimp and other creatures most deaths caused, as well as water and the red tide phenomenon. By causing eutrophication of n and p are difficult to remove, and p is the cause of most water bodies eutrophication main-control factors. Therefore, removal of phosphate as first choice for harnessing eutrophication problems [2]. At present, the main methods of phosphorus removal of biological phosphorus removal, adsorption and chemical removal of phosphorus removal.

Biological phosphorus removal

Biological method except p principle can is divided into two species: first species is to poly p bacteria (PAOs) mainly of microbial biological except p technology, using PAOs can from bacteria body external environment in the absorption over its physiological by needs of p volume, and through aggregate will its storage in bacteria body, formed containing p volume super high of sludge, effective of will p from wastewater in the transfer to sludge in the, through discharge sludge, to reached reduced wastewater in the p concentration. In anaerobic environments, the phosphate accumulating organisms by decomposing the phosphorus in the body release energy, in which part of the energy is used to absorb fatty acid soluble, formation of intracellular c energy storage (PHB), and phosphate. In aerobic environments, PAOs revitalization of PHB produced from the decomposition of energy, part of the energy for the active p in excessive absorption of water, by means of Polyphosphate, p removed from the wastewater. In a suitable environment, in the process of removing waste 91% P[4]. Second is dominated by denitrifying phosphorus removal bacteria microbial phosphorus removal technology. Anaerobic denitrification phosphorus removal bacteria by polymers dissolved organic carbon into molecules of volatile organic acids, this organic acid intake to intracellular storage within cells in the form of carbon storage, and intracellular hydrolysis of Polyphosphate, phosphorus released into the water to get the energy you need. In hypoxia, the intracellular Polyphosphate bodies of carbon storage as a carbon source, energy, electron acceptors nitrate ion, excessive absorption of p from wastewater, and thus achieve the purpose of denitrifying p.

Rapid development of biological phosphorus removal from in the 1970 of the 20th century, due to which the full use of existing facilities for wastewater treatment, can also remove organic matter, low running costs, many researchers agree [6]. However, the disadvantage of biological method is: the BOD of water is too high, p concentrations higher than 10 mg/l, or organic matter concentrations below the minimum range, p concentrations of effluent to meet emissions requirements, which often requires removal once again approach to water.

Chemical phosphorus removal

Chemical removal of phosphorus is added to the water by iron, aluminum salts and other chemical phosphorus removal agents will convert p solubility in water insoluble
