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20110512044 张莉敏8班Discussion. To distinguish the origin of words,
Latin or French ?
state, power, prince, duke, judge, crime, angel, bacon, fry, roast, dress, coat. solar, lunar, abbot(修道院男院长), candle, altar, amen, apostle(传道者).
early 13c., "circumstances, temporary attributes of a person or thing, conditions," from Latin status"manner of standing, position, condition,"
noun of action from past participle stem of stare "to stand" from PIE root *sta- "to stand" (see stet). Some Middle English senses are via Old French estat (French état; see estate).
The Latin word was adopted into other modern Germanic languages (e.g.
German, Dutch staat) but chiefly in the political senses only. Meaning "physical condition as regards form or structure" is attested from late 13c.
Meaning "mental or emotional condition" is attested from 1530s (phrase state of mind first attested 1749); colloquial sense of "agitated or perturbed state" is from 1837.
Prince prince
=Parts Reliability Information Center 零件可靠性情报中心([美]NASA)
A male member of a royal family other than the monarch, especially a son of the monarch. 王子,亲王:王室中非君主的男性成员,尤指君主的儿子
The ruler of a principality.
A hereditary ruler; a king.
A nobleman of varying status or rank.
An outstanding man, especially in a particular group or class:
a merchant prince.
Prince: c.1200, "ruler of a principality" (mid-12c. as a surname), from Old French prince"prince, noble lord" (12c.), from Latin princeps(genitive principis) "first man, chief leader; ruler, sovereign," noun use of adjective meaning "that takes first," from primus"first" (see prime(adj.)) + root of capere"to take" (see capable). German cognate fürst,from Old High German furist"first," is apparently an imitation of the Latin formation. Colloquial meaning "admirable or generous person" is from 1911, American English.Prince Regent was the title of George, Prince of Wales (later George VI) during the mental incapacity of George III (1811-1820).
Duke 公爵(Duke)。早在罗马帝国时期,欧洲大陆的公爵称号通常授予守疆拓土、军功卓著的高级指挥官,以后因重大政治变化而中断。几百年后,公爵爵位又见于德国。大约在公元970年,德国皇帝奥托一世初设公爵爵位。不久法国和欧洲大陆其他地区也建立了公国(duchy;大公国,Archduchy)。在英国,公爵是仅次于国王或亲王的最高级贵族,与作为一国之主的欧洲大陆的“大公爵”(即大公,Archduke)有所不同。英国公爵爵位出现很晚。1337年,爱德华三世把康沃尔郡升为公国,将公爵爵号授予年方7岁的“黑太子”爱德华。该王储16岁参加百年战争,锋芒显露;1355年前往法国指挥作战,军功卓著。父王对他赏赐有加,使太子身兼多种称号,如1343年封为威尔士亲王,1362年加封为阿基坦公爵。为突出公爵特殊地位,以后多年里除女王配偶和王子外,其他王亲均不许称王,最高可获公爵爵位。随后,爱德华三世及其继承人又先后建立了兰开斯特公国(1351年)、克拉伦斯公国(1362年)、约克公国和格洛斯特公国(1385)、赫里福德公国(1397)、贝特福德公国(1413)和萨默塞特公国(1443)等。这些公国的领有人都是王室宗亲,他们得到高级爵位后,在贵族中鹤立鸡群,威势不凡,为以后争夺王权、扰乱朝纲、制造战乱埋下了隐患。自从1483年建立诺福克公国以后,公爵爵位开始授予王亲以外者,但很少建立公国。而且能获此最高爵位者多是军功显赫的统帅。行政界政务家即使任职多年,政绩昭著,也难获此