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Why is the topic important?
• Despite the rapid growth of the medical-tourism industry, research about medical hotels, which are an essential part of the industry, remains rare. • Irrespective of the diverse advantages that a medical hotel provides to international patient-travelers, little academic research about this unique type of hotel has been conducted in the hospitality and tourism contexts. • The multitude of benefits that international travelers may receive in a medical hotel have not been thoroughly examined in the previous literature. • Research prwenku.baidu.comviding empirical evidence for the possible association between medical travelers' perceived advantages from staying at a medical hotel and for the role of such a relationship in generating international patient-travelers' behavioral intentions is rare. • Empirical testing of the effects of national culture on international medical tourists' decision-making processes for medical-hotel products remains scarce.
• Hl. Perceived benefits in a medical hotel positively affect perceived value. • H2. Perceived benefits in a medical hotel positively affect behavioral intentions. • H3. Perceived value in a medical hotel positively affects behavioral intentions. • H4. National culture has a significant impact on the relationships among perceived benefits in a medical hotel, perceived value, and behavioral intentions.
• The present study attempted, first, to identify the possible benefits that international medical tourists perceive in a medical hotel and examine what roles those benefits play in generating perceived value and behavioral intentions, second, to investigate the mediating impact of value, and finally to examine the theoretical associations among study variables across Chinese, Japanese, and Korean traveler groups. • The results of the study indicated that perceived benefits were generally associated with perceived value and behavioral intentions, that value had a significant mediating impact, and that national culture had a significant moderating role in the proposed relationships. In addition, among the components of perceived benefits, hospitality product played a prominent role in the Chinese group, and the impact of medical service was vital in the Japanese and Korean groups.
Multi-dimensions of the perceived benefits in a medical hotel and their roles in international travelers' decision一making process
what is your hypothesis?
Top 3 questions in writing
• Why is the topic important? • How does it relate to the previous knowledge? • what is your hypothesis?
Multi-dimensions of the perceived benefits in a medical hotel and their roles in international travelers' decision一making process
The healthcare hotel: Distinctive attributes for international medical travelers
Why is the topic important?
• Despite rapid growth in the medical/healthcare-tourism industry, research on the concept of the healthcare hotel, which can be a significant part of this industry, is rare. • Despite these types of benefits, however, customers remain poorly acquainted with the concept and distinctive characteristics of healthcare hotels. This ignorance is likely due to the fact that there are so few such facilities, but the practice of medical tourism is catching on, and hence more research is warranted in this area. • Numerous researchers have identified the perceptions, cognitions, affect, and trust-related matters that influence travelers' and lodging customers' decision-formation. In particular, perceptions and cognitions (e.g., image and value) have been verified by researchers as crucial concepts for anticipating intention, while affect and trust have long been considered major concepts in the prediction of traveler decisions and behaviors. However, relatively little research has considered these critical variables together to explain international travelers' decisionmaking processes, particularly in the medical-travel industry. • No researcher has ever examined or identified healthcare-hotel attributes and their impact on such variables in building international customers' intentions to stay in a healthcare hotel.
The healthcare hotel: Distinctive attributes for international medical travelers
• This study was designed to identify the distinctive attributes of a healthcare hotel-those facets unlikely to be available in regular medical clinics-and to test the role of these identified attributes in building visit intention among international travelers by considering the impact of perceptions/cognitions, affect, and trust. • Qualitative and quantitative approaches generated three dimensions (monetary and convenience advantages, personal security, and availability of products/services) involving 23 attributes and validated the assessment tool for them. • The results from the structural model revealed that the proposed relationships among study variables are positively and significantly associated. In addition, perceptions/cognitions, affect, and trust were found to be mediators in the proposed theoretical framework. Implications related to the identified attributes and tested relationships are discussed.
Multi-dimensions of the perceived benefits in a medical hotel and their roles in international travelers' decision一making process
How does it relate to the previous knowledge?