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How could he think I would go back on my words? I am not his sort, who is fickle and always blowing hot and cold.


Xiao Li is a Jack-of-all-trades. She is marvelous at a range of things, such as cooking, embroidery, knitting, typing and whatnots.


She is a real wet blanket. She started quarreling with Li Ling when everyone of us was in high spirits.


I cannot make it out why a handsome-looking man like him would fall in love with a plain Jane like Liu Lan.


People don't know the importance of good health till they are over the hill.


To be vain of one’s rank or position i s to show that one is below it.

他不至于捉弄他人。He is above playing tricks on others.

几乎一切都对他不利。Almost everything was against him.

那都不关正题。That’s all beside the point.

他绝不是一位学者。He is anything but a scholar.

副本总不如原本。Copies always fall below their origininals.

他们都不满十岁。They are under ten years of age.

在我看来,他的正直不容置疑。To my mind, his integrity is above suspicion.

这本书我看不懂。The book is above me.

这种事情不值得关注。This kind of thing is beneath attention.

地震后的景况难以描绘。The scene after the earthquake was beyond description.

他差点大叫起来。She only just refrained from giving a cry.

我们好长时间没有下雨。We have been without rain for a long time.

书下架了。The books are off (=no longer on) the shelves.

还没走一英里,我们的车又坏了。Our car broke down again inside a mile.

她现在不当班。She is off duty now.

疼痛难以忍受。The pain was past bearing.

我对那不感兴趣。That’s outside my interests.

没有一次下雨不是倾盆大雨。It never rains but it pours.

没有人不能做这件事。No one but can do it.

没有一个人对病痛没有识别力的。There is not a person but doesn’t get an eye for illness.


I don’t deny but that he will become an outstanding teacher.

没有一个月他不给父母写信。Never a month passes but he writes to his parents.

讲座颇有教育意义,但不生动。The lecture was not instructive and interesting.

你去,但我不去。/你不去, 我也不去。

I shall not go as well as you./ I , as well as you, shall not go.


Success as well as failures will not cause him to lose his head.


I could remember neither the name of the author nor the title of the book.

他们不会泄气,他们不会的。They will not be discouraged, not they.

他不会骑马,不会打猎,不会钓鱼,也不会游泳。He doesn't ride, nor shoot, nor fish, nor swim. 此事无人不知。There is nobody but knows this matter.

实验的结果根本不能令人满意。The outcome of the experiment was not half satisfactory.

他从来不会发脾气,即使遇到烦恼也不发火。He is never out of temper, not even in trouble. 我对这件事情一无所知。I haven't the least idea about the matter.

他绝不会干这样的事。He is the last person to do such a thing.

他毫无借口可言。He has no excuse whatever.

世界上一切事物无不具有两重性。There is not a single thing in the world without a dual nature. 他有勇无谋。He is more brave than wise.

他既非教师,也非作家。He is no more a teacher than a writer.

说他是教师,不如说他是作家。He is not more a teacher than a writer.

他不至于去吵架。He knows better than to quarrel.

她不当教师已有十年了。It is ten years since she was a teacher.

无论多么聪明的父亲也未必了解自己的孩子。It is a wise father that knows his own child.


Tom was going to leave school, but later he thought better of it.
