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1. 因果关系

导致,产生give rise to,lead to, result in, be responsible for, prompt

解析:give rise to, lead to, result in 表示一般性的“导致、产生、造成”;be responsible for 不仅表示“为…负责”,也可以表示“产生”(being a source or cause),

但多指“产生某种负面后果和不利局面”;prompt 表示“激发”(To move to act; spur;


Fast-paced modern life is responsible for the consumption of junk food.

The bishop's speech has prompted an angry response from both political parties. Sharon S tone’s remarks about China’s Sichuan earthquake prompted angry responses from the Chinese public.

产生于result from, originate in (from)

解析:result from 表示“产生于”;originate in (from)表示“发源自”

例句:Youtiao originated in China.

归因于attribute ...to, blame..on, be the culprit of

解析:attribute A to B 表示“将A 归因于B”;blame A on B,表示“将A(负

面的)归咎于B”;culprit 本意表示“罪犯”(one charged with a crime or an offense),

比喻义表示“造成某种负面后果的原因”(the reason for a particular problem or difficulty)

例句:Children today are getting increasingly overweight. Experts believe that

excessive consumption is the main culprit.

使某人做某事prompt sb to do sth, motivate sb to do sth

解析:prompt 指“令某人做出某种具体行动的原因,强调快速激发”;motivate 一般功能性词汇



Many great businessmen are motivated not but the desire for money.

原因cause, reason

解析:cause 指“造成某事客观原因”,reason 指“用来解释的理由”。Reason

并不一定就是cause.跟cause 有关的几种常用搭配:

真实原因real cause,

根本原因root cause, underlying cause

主要原因major cause, primary cause

可能的原因likely cause, possible cause

contributory cause

例句:The reason he gave for his poor academic performances is that he had recently went through a emotional meltdown. But I know that is not the real cause. Unhealthy eating habits have many other contributory causes.

2. 事物数量

几个several, a number of, a couple of

解析:several 略显非正式;A number of 是正式表达。

A couple of days

Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard 很多个可数a large (vast) number of, numerous, a host of, a legion of , a flock of , flock to do sth

解析:A host of 表示“大量的”指”事物“。Legion 本意指“军团”、flock 本意表“羊群”,legion 和flock 都表示“大量的某一类人”。

例句:Making public transportation free might create a host of problems.



Flocks of consumers are buying products that they have no real use for.

很多,大量不可数a large deal (amount, supply, quantity) of

辨析:quantity 指“可以装在容器中的某物”;supply 指“提供的某物”

例句:a large quantity of drugs, a large quantity of food and drink, a large supply of oxygen, a large supply of food

很多可数&不可数plenty of

辨析:plenty of 可修饰可数和不可数名词

充足的sufficient, adequate


例句:sufficient income, an adequate supply of food, a sufficient supply of useful information

不充足的insufficient, inadequate


辨析:指more than enough,搭配较为局限。

例句:Ample evidence, ample opportunity, ample time

3. 重要性

重要的basic, fundamental, essential, vital, integral, indispensable

解析:essential 表示“因为是本质,所以必不可少的”;integral 表示“因为

是构成整体的一部分,所以必不可少的”,经常出现在integral part 这样的搭配中;

indispensable 表示“必不可少的”。
