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1) matter n.问题, 麻烦, 事件, 通常与介词 “with”连用。 2) wrong是形容词, 前面没有“the”; matter和trouble都 是名词, 前面应有“the”, trouble前还可以用形容词性 的物主代词。
What’s your trouble, young man? 年轻人, 你怎么了?
2) sore“痛, 疼”, 通常指因发炎引起的肌肉疼, 在表示身 体的某部位疼痛时,常置于部位名词前。
ache常指持续性的疼痛, 它常与身体部位的名词构成 复合词, 如: headache头痛, backache背疼等。
3. have a cold
伤风, 感冒,是固定词组, 表示身体不适的常用词组还有: 牙疼 have a toothache 胃疼 have a stomachache 发烧 have a fever
a coat with four pocket
6. …Bus No. 26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.
1)过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一时间内进 行或发生的动作。 其形式为was/were+ V-ing。常与表示过去的时间状 语连用。如:last night,last Saturday等;或与 when,while,as引导的过去时间状语连用。
4. lie down and rest lie down 躺下 Don’t lie down on the ground. 不要躺在地上。 与down有关的词组 sit down 坐下 come down 下来 get down 下车 write down 写下, 记下
5. hot tea with honey 1) hot adj. 热的 2) with 介词, 意思是“ 有, 用, 同……,由于, 和……一 致, 赞成, 关于”, 此句中是 “有, 带有……”的意思。 如: 有四个口袋的外套
1c Look at the picture. What are the students’
problems? Make conversations.
A: What’s the matter with Judy? B: She talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water. She has a very sore throat now.
Mandy: That’s probably why. You need to take breaks away from the computer.
Lisa: Yeah, I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.
Mandy: I think you should lie down and rest. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor.
A: What’s the matter with…? B: He / She has a …
1a Look at the picture. Write the correct letter [a-m]
for each part of the body.
Check the answers!
__h_arm __e_back __g_ear __i _eye _b__foot __a_hand ___j_head __l _leg __c_mouth ___d_neck _m__nose __k_stomach ___f _tooth
1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the
names [1-5].
Nancy __3___ David ___2__ Judy ___4__
Sarah __1___ Ben ___5__
Practice Listen and find out what’s the matter. Conversation 1
Look and say What’s the matter with him/her…?
He has a toothache. She has a toothache.
He has a fever.
She has a fever.
He has a sore throat. She has a sore throat.
You should __p_u_t_s_o_m__e__ _m_e_d_i_c_in_e__o_n_i_t_. _______.
Role Play
Imagine you are the school doctor. A few students have health problems. Role-play a conversation between the doctor and the students.
Nurse: You don’t look well. What’s the matter, Sarah?
Sarah: I h__a_v_e__a_c__o_ld_.
Conversation 2 Nurse: What’s the matter, David?
David : I _h__a_v_e__a_s_t_o_m__a_c_h__a_c_h_e_.
Unit1 What’s the matter?
Section A(1a-2d)
Language points
Sing a song
Presentation Let’s learn the parts of the body.
2a Listen and number the pictures [1-5]in the order
you ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ear them.
2b Listen again. Match the problems with the advice.
1.fever 2.sore throat 3.stomachache 4.toothache 5.cut myself
3) see somebody doing something
固定结构,表示“看到某人正在从事某事或所处的 状态”。类似的结构还有:hear/watch somebody doing… see somebody do something “看见某人做了某事”, 是指看见事情发生的全过程。
You should __l_i_e_d_o_w_n___ I have a stomachache. _a_n__d_r_e_s_t_.
I have a fever.
You should __ta_k_e__y_o_u_r__ __te_m__p_e_r_a_tu_r_e_.
I cut myself by accident.
2) when常常用来引出时间状语从句,放在过去进行时 构成的主句后,表示某事正在进行时,另一件事情发 生了。
那天下午他们正在商场购物, 就在这时一场大火发生了。 They were shopping in the mall that afternoon when a big fire broke out. 我正想着这件事时,突然听到有人叫我的名字。 I was thinking of this when I heard my name called.
Listen again. Then fill in the blanks.
I have a cough and sore throat
You should drink some hot tea with honey.
I have a toothache.
You should _s_e_e_a__d_e_n_tist _a_n_d__g_et__a_n_X__-r_a_y_.____
2d Read the conversation and fill in the blanks.
Mandy: Lisa, are you OK? Lisa: I have a headache and I can’t move my neck.
What should I do ? Should I take my temperature ? Mandy: No, it doesn’t sound like you have a feverWhat did you do on the weekend ? Lisa: I played computer games all the weekend.
2. I have a sore throat. 1) have vt. 患(得)病, (不用于进行时态)
He had a bad cold last week. 他上周患了重感冒。 She often has a stomachache. 她常胃(肚子)疼。 一般情况下用have+a+n. 表示患了某种疾病。如: have a cough 咳嗽 have a cold 感冒
He hurt himself.
She hurt herself.
He has a stomachache.
She has a stomachache.
He has a cough.
She has a cough.
He has a headache. She has a headache.
Pair Work 根据下面的图片两人一组编对话
Where is his neck?
face mouth
back arm hand
leg foot (feet)
head, hair eye
nose tooth(teeth) stomach
Follow me:
Everybody moves your body Nod your head and touch your face Touch your nose and close your eyes Touch your ears and clap your hands Raise your arms and look at your back Touch your stomach and tap your foot Sit down and move your legs
Conversation 3 Nurse: What’s the matter, Ben?
Ben : I __h_a_v_e__a__s_o_r_e_b__a_c_k____.
Conversation 4 Nurse: What’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy : I _h_a_v_e_a__to_o_t_h_a_c_h_e_. Conversation 5 Nurse: What’s the matter, Judy? Judy : I _h_a_v_e_a__so_r_e__th_r_o_a_t_.
Lisa: OK. Thanks, Mandy.
Language points
1. What’s the matter? 这是询问病人病情时最常用的问句, 意思是“怎么了? ”, 其后通常与介词with连用。类似的问句还有:
What’s wrong? What’s wrong with you? What’s your trouble? What’s the trouble with you? What’s up?
a. lie down and rest b. drink some hot tea with honey c. see a dentist and get an X-ray d. take your temperature e. put some medicine on it
1- d 2- a 3- b 4- c 5- e