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1.很多国有企业正在努力摆脱债务的纠缠,尽快实现盈利的目标。(get rid of
Many state-owned company is trying to get rid of the trouble of debts and realize the goals
of making profit
2. 一般来说,人们总是希望工作时间要短些,而工资却要高些。(in general)
In general, people hope that the working time is shorter, while salary should be higher.
3. 面试时,面试官会想尽办法让你打消顾虑,畅所欲言。(feel free)
Interviewer can try his best (make his effort ) to feel free to talk.
4. 有了商品标识,我们就能从一百种同类产品中很快认出我们公司的产品来。(identify)
With the trademark, we can quickly identify our products from a hundred products of the same style.
What we have learned from book is far from enough.
People alway will cofuse the president with the general manager. Because they are sometimes occupied by the same person.
7.他们终于意识到计划经济在他们国家是行不通的。(come to)
At last,they came to realize that the planed economy is unfeasible in their country.
8.你在暗示这是管理层的错误,是吗?(lie with)
You hint that this is the fault lying with the
The sales of air-condition are affected by weather
10.她悲伤过度,眼中满含着泪水。(swim with)
She was so sad that her eyes swam with tear .
11.在这样寒冷的冬日里走了十英里后,他们很想喝一杯热茶。(feel like)
They feel like drinking a cup of hot tea after walking 10 miles in such cold winter.
12.公司应将一般营业费用记入流水账。(keep a running tab of)
Company should keep a running tab of the general business expenses.
13.他的诺言没有什么价值。(count for)
His promise counts for nothing.
相信贵方能接受我们的报价, 此盘有效期可到回电为止。
We trust that you will be able to accept our offer, which shall be kept open against reply by wire.
This offer will remain open until receipt of your wire per return.
We offered them the goods.
We offered the articles to the firm.
上列货物, 按本季行情, 报价为:
We offer the goods at the current season's prices of
现减价处理库存货物, 价格至少减50%, 是家俱及五金制品前所未有的优惠价, 请勿失良机。
The stock on hand at present will be sold at a reduction of at least 50 per cent., and purchasers are respectfully in vited to avail themselves of this opportunity of providing themselves with articles in furniture and ironmongery at unprecedentedly low prices.
请各位早日光临, 勿失良机。
Purchasers are respectfully requested to come early to prevent disappointment.
我们正在清仓, 有丝织品、天鹅绒、丝带、披风、披肩、毛制品、棉织品以及其他男士服饰, 均以进货价出售, 特告。
We are pleased to notify you that the whole of their extensive stock of silks velvets, ribbons, mantles, shawls, woollen and cotton goods. haberdashery, is now on sale at prime cost.
本店另有他用, 全部货物急需清仓处理。
As the premises will be shortly required for other purposes, the whole of the goods must be immediately disposed of without reserve.
我们与本地一流的厂商均有贸易联系, 所以能提供贵方所需的东西, 只要贵方有吩咐,定能使贵方满意。冒昧请你关照。
We venture to solicit a share of your favour, as being in touch with all the leading merchants here, we are able to deal satisfactorily with any commissions with which you may entrust us.
尽管孟加拉在抵制英货, 但棉织品仍然畅销。贵方如委托我们试销, 相信您不会失望。
In spite of the boycott of British manufactures in Bengal, there is still a fine market for cotton goods, and if you would consign us a small trial parcel, we are sure you will not be disappointed with the result.
我公司是制造厂商, 能保证产品质量和做工精美。贵公司订货如能一如既往, 将不胜感激。我当迅速、认真履约, 提供高效优质服务。