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Unit 1

basic parts of a plant a the root system, which is below the ground , and the shoot system above. 一植株最基本组成部分是地下根系统和地上茎系统

takes in, or absorbs, water and mineral from the soil through the root hairs, which are single cells near the tip of each root根毛是靠近根顶端的单细胞,它可以从土壤中吸收水分和矿物质

addition, plants such as clover and Lucerne, known as ‘legumes’have special bacteria which live on the roots. 另外,一些豆科作物,如三叶草和苜蓿,有特殊的寄生在根部的细菌

important function is to enable water and mineral to pass up from the roots to the leaves and flowers.另一种重要的功能是使水和矿物质从根运输到叶片和花上

main job is to make food for the plant by the process known as photosynthesis.它们的主要任务是光合作用为作物提供营养

from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air are converted into sugars and other carbohydrates.来自土壤中的水和来自大气中的二氧化碳被转变成糖和碳水化合物

stamens produce the male sex cells, or spermatic, which are carried in the pollen grains雄蕊产生雄性细胞或是性孢子,它们被花粉粒携带.

fruit, the ripened ovary of the flower, encloses the seeds and protects them while they are developing,果实,花中成熟的子房,包围着种子,当它们发育时候并保护它们

seed itself consists of an embryo and foodstore种子是由胚和.胚乳构成的

embryo is the part which will develop into anther plant and the foodstore is necessary to provide nourishment for the young plant while it is growing.胚是能发育成另外作物的器官,胚乳是为发育中的幼体提供必要的营养

Unit 2

remain dormant, or in a resting state, if they are kept cool and dry.种子在低温和干燥条件下,处于休眠状态

the amount of moisture and the temperature level are right, the seeds germinate and start growing.当温度和湿度适宜时,种子发芽并开始生长

is because wet soils remain cold for a longer period of time than drier, well-drained soils.这是因为湿的土壤比干燥的排水好的土壤更能保持更长时间的低温

seeds require very little oxygen in order to stay alive, but when they start to germinate they require more. 种子在休眠状态时为保持活力需要较少o2,但当它们发芽时需要较多的o2

the early stages of development the seedling depends entirely on the foodstore in the seed but as soon as the first leaves are produced, it is able to manufacture food for itself.发育早期,幼苗完全依靠种子中的胚乳,但是一旦第一片子叶产生,它就能为自己生产食物

the process of pollination the pollen is carried by wind or insects from the stamens to the stigma of the carpel.传播花粉过程中,花粉被风或是昆虫从雄蕊传播,到雌蕊柱头上

germinates on the stigma and grows down the style into the ovary, where fertilization takes place.它在柱头上产生并在子房中发育,进行受精

Unit 3

material originates from dead plants and animals and material other than this are derived from rocks of various kinds. 有机质发源于死的动植物,而矿物质是与之不同的不经分解,来源于不同种类的岩石

rocks are broken down into small particles by mechanical disintegration and chemical decomposition.这些岩石通过物理和化学分解成小颗粒

arid regions weathering is mostly by physical means.在干旱地区,风化主要由于物理因素

in humid regions chemical processes of weathering are equally important但是在湿润的地区,风蚀的化学过程是同等重要的.

, the insoluble mineral residues in the soils have less resemblance to the original rocks. 因此,土壤中难以溶解的残余矿物质与原始的岩石无什么类似处

of them contain various proportions of sand, silt and clay and these varying proportions make up a soil’s textural class.土壤主要包括沙子,粉砂,粘土。。它们不同的比例构成了土壤不同的质地等级

principle classes in order of increasing fineness of material are sand, loamy sand, loamy, silt loamy, silty clay loam, clay loam, silt and clay.依照矿物质纯度顺序排列依次为沙土,壤砂土,壤土粉砂土,粘壤土,粉砂和粘土 is to say, smaller sized particles can react or combine with water, nutrients and humus more sassily than larger sized particles.就是说,小颗粒与水,营养和腐殖质比大颗粒更容易结合

from decomposed organic matter is vital to a soil as it makes a heavy soil lighter. 来源于腐烂有机物质的腐殖质,对土壤至关重要,因为它使土壤变的更疏松

Unit 4

2.The ease with which water san pass through a soil depends on the proportions in it of coarse and fine particles such as sand and clay.水分渗入土壤的容易度依靠土壤粗细比例,例如砂土和粘土

10.Another advantage is that a well-drained soil will have enough air for aerobic bacteria to break down humus and so provide food for the plant.另一个优点是排水很好的土壤会有足够的空气,为好氧的细菌去分解腐殖质,然后为作物提供营养

12.Ditches can be cut at certain intervals between the crops.在作物之间沟渠被切割成特定的间隔

16.Porous drainage tiles may be laid in or on the land and these will help draw off the surplus water. 多孔排水管平放入地下或地面下,这样会有助于放掉多余水分

17.The distance between the drains will depends on the level of the land, the permeability of the soil, and the amount of rainfall.排水间的距离取决于土地的平坦程度,土壤渗透性和雨量的多少

22.We should distinguish between the collection of water and its application我们应辨别水的集合和它的利用之间加以区别.

23.There are two main sources of irrigation water: surface water and ground water.有两种主要的灌溉水资源:地表水和地下水

31.By this we mean the amount of water which is needed to bring the soil to full capacity.意思是需要的水的量是能使土壤达到充分的的数量

32.It also depends on the type of crop, the stage of growth of the crop and the amount which it will use at that particular time.它也取决于作物的类型,作物生育时期和它在特殊时期的使用量
