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培养单位 :理学院

学科专业 :应用数学

研 究 生 :林 卉 指导教师 :童恒庆 教授



UDC 学校代码 10497



英文The Research on the Method of the Modeling

题目of Nonstationary Time Series

研究生姓名林 卉



单位名称理学院邮编 430070 申请学位级别硕士学科专业名称应用数学

论文提交日期 2005年5月论文答辩日期 2005年6月学位授予单位武汉理工大学日期











(4)在参数估计方面,提出采用卡尔曼滤波、固定区间平滑以及改进的EM 算法融为一体的方法进行估计。



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Time series analysis is one of important branch in probability and statistics. Recently, the theory and application of time series is developed quickly. According to the characteristic of statistics, time series is divided into two classes. One is stationary time series, the other is nonstationary time series. In daily time we usually observe time series which is almost nonstationary especially in the phenomena of society and economic. The nonstationary time series presents obvious tendency and periodicity. The research of the modeling of nonstationary time series is very important in practice. The study narrates mainly about the method of the modeling of nonstationary time series.

Firstly, some traditional research methods of the modeling of nonstationary time series are introduced in the study. For example, ARIMA model, season model, X-11 model, grey model and so on.

The emphasis of the study is the research of the state space modeling of nonstationary time series, it includes the five points:

(i) In modeling phase, according to the method of Kitagawa and Gulan on the state space modeling of nonstationary time series, time series is decomposed into four items which are trend item, cycle item, season item and random item. Then the study establishes the state space modeling of four items separatly which constitute the total state space modeling of nonstationary time series.

(ii) In the estimate of state vector, the study introduces the academic gist of the Kalman filtering and uses the arithmetic of the Kalman filtering and optimal fixed interval smoothing.

(iii) The study introduces the improved EM algorithm, and it proves the convergent property.

(iv) In the estimate of the parameter, the study uses the arithmetic of the Kalman filtering, optimal fixed interval smoothing and improved EM algorithm.

(v) The study uses the ARIMA model and state space model to forecast the total value of the three industry in our country. It compares the impact of the two model. And it testifies that the arithmetic of the Kalman filtering and optimal fixed interval smoothing is better than the Kalman filtering. And the Kalman filtering and the arithmetic of the Kalman filtering and optimal fixed interval smoothing are steady in arithmetic.

Keywords: nonstationary time series, ARIMA model, state space model

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