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Examples (p.169-172)
• • • • • • • • Much, more Little, few Answer, reply Sick, ill Statesman, politician Mature, ripe Cuddle, hug, embrace 拥抱 fondle, touch
• More examples on the complementary antonyms: • Pass-fail, hit-miss (target) • honest-dishonest, legal-illegal, • Capable-incapable
(2) 两极反义词或分级反义词 Gradable pairs of antonyms
• There are several kinds of antonym: (p.182-186) • (1) 绝对反义词或互补词 • complementary pairs of antonyms • (2) 两极反义词或分级反义词 • Gradable pairs of antonyms • (3) 关系反义词 relational opposites • (4) 多项不相容词 semantic incompatibles
• • • • • • • • • c. British and American English British English American English Coach (长途汽车) _________ Garage (车库) _________ Lift (电梯) _________ Car park (停车场) _________ Lay-by (休息区) _________ Petrol (汽油) _________ Tube (地铁 ) _________
Cuddle, hug, embrace Cuddle: to hold sb/sth close in your arms to show love or affection Hug: to put your arms around sb and hole them tightly, especially to show that you like or love them (syn: embrace)
(3) 关系反义词 relational opposites
• The relational antonyms has an opposite direction: for example: • Give-receive buy-sell teacher-student parentchild * If you give sth to me, I receive sth from you. * If you are my student, I am your teacher. * Pairs of words ending in -er and –ee are usually relational opposites, e.g. * employer-employee, interviewer-interviewee * payer-payee
• b. native words and borrowed words, • native words borrowed words • answer reply • homely ________ • house mansion • buy ________ • fiddle violin • world ________
Lexical variation • Whenever-whensoever
• • • • • • Some words ending with ‘ward’ or ‘wards’ e.g. Toward-towards hippie-hippy Egoism-egotism Whisky-whiskey
• Do the exercise by yourself with answer references.
2. 反义关系 Antonymy
• Words that are opposite in meaning are often called antonyms.
1) 反义词的类型 types of antonyms
3).词汇变体和误用户 Lexical variation
• There are some words with same meaning but a minute difference in spelling and with two pronunciation. • E.g. • Whatever-whatsoever • However-howsoever • Whichever-whichsoever • Whoever-whosoever
American English
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
• • • • • • • • • •
2. 同义词辨析 p.169 How to distinguish synonyms
• The conceptual meaning is the core of the sense. Therefore to tell the minute different conceptual meaning is the essence to distinguish the synonyms. • 概念意义是词义的核心, 因此, 区别同义词 在核心意义的微小差别是区别同义词的核 心.
Unit 6 词义关系 (Sense relations):
1. Synonymy (synonimus ) 同义关系 2. Antonymy 反义关系 3. Hyponymy 上下义关系
(superordinate and subordinate )
4. ClassificHale Waihona Puke Baidution
1. synonyms
• • • • • • • • • • British English American English Call box 电话亭 telephone booth Suspenders 吊带裤 garters Vest 背心 underskirt Telephonist 接线员 switchboard operator Tin 罐 can Post 邮寄 mail Railway 铁路 railroad Cab 出租车 taxi Silencer 消声器 muffler
c. British and American English British English American English Coach (长途汽车) bus Garage (车库) service station Lift 电梯 elevator Car park 停车场 parking lot Lay-by (车辆) 休息区 rest area Petrol 汽油 gasoline (gas) Tube 地铁 subway Autumn fall
• British English
• • • • • • • • Call box (电话亭) Suspenders (吊带裤) Vest (背心) Telephonist (接线员) Tin (听,罐) Post (邮寄 ) Railway ( 铁路 ) Cab (出租车) Silencer (消声器) Autumn
(1) 绝对反义词或互补词 complementary pairs of antonyms
• See p.183-183 examples: • Alive/dead present/absent awake/asleep • Agree/disagree perfect/imperfect * They are complementary in that: not alive=dead and not dead=alive * If you agree, then ‘disagree’ is not applicable. • Can you make some other examples?
confusable words
• • • • Defective 有缺点的 deficient 缺乏的 Euphemism 委婉词语 euphuism 绮丽文体 Ingenious 机灵的 ingenuous 天真的 Observance 遵守 observation 观察
Exercise P.175
• See p.183 • Big-small hot-cold fast-slow happy-sad • Good-bad wet-dry * For these antonyms, there are some sth in between them. e.g. between ‘big’ and ‘small’, there might be sth ‘medium’. * If you are not happy, you are not necessarily sad.
• More examples on these gradable antonyms: • Rich-poor, fast-slow, young-old, • Beautiful-ugly, thick-thin, long-short • Interesting-boring, clever-stupid, tall-short, • Near-far, strong-weak, heavy-light • Hard-soft, difficult-easy
• • • • 1) sources of synonyms: a. native words e.g. much and more b. native words and borrowed words c. British English and American English
Fondle: to touch or move your hand gently over sb./sth, especially in a sexual way. (syn: caress) Touch: to put your hands or fingers onto sb/sth
4. (容易混淆的词)Some confusable words Some words are not synonyms but they are easily confused. These are called confusable words. see page 174
Predict 预言 Reversal 颠倒 Masterful 专横的 Acceptance 接受 predicate论断 reversion 回复 masterly确熟练的 acceptation 词义
confusable words
• • • • • • • Alternate 交替的 alternative 两者选一的 Definite 明确的 definitive 决定的 Distinct 独特的 distinctive 区别性的 Fateful 命中注定的 fatal 致命的 Informer 通知者 informant 提供消息者 Intense 强烈的 intensive 深入细致的 transcendent 卓越的 transcendental先验论
• Touch: • to make sb feel upset or sympathetic • (what he said really touched my heart)
• Move: • to cause sb to have strong feelings, • expecially of sympathy or sadnes. • (we were moved to tears at the scenes)