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国际商务合同起草与翻译> 3/3

Unit 10 Reading through the Text

liquidated damages 预定违约赔偿金at one's own expense 自费

know-how 实际知识,本事,窍门,技能to take measures 采取措施

transfer 转变,改变confirmed L/C 保兑信用证

in conformity with 与……一致combined trademark 联合商标

at one's discretion 单方面associated trademark 联结商标

in case of 假使,如果发生idle 使……停滞

at the disposal of 任某人处理production lines 生产作业流水线

substandard 不合格的arise from 由……所发生的

compensate sb for sth 因为……向某人赔偿to be governed by 由……管辖、控制

Arbitration Tribunal 仲裁院to be binding on/ upon 对……有约束力

the arbitration award 仲裁裁决registered letter 信件确认

to be borne by 由……负担apply to …for… 向……申请

losing party 败诉方ratify 批准

in the course of 在……的过程中ratification 批准

to be under… 在……进行中respective 个别的

exert one's effort to do sth/ exert oneself to sth 尽力做某事

claims 债权liabilities 债务

to have the same effect/ to have the same force/ to have the same legal force/ to be equally authentic 具有同等效力

Unit 11 Pitching upon the words

cover 包括;应付;偿付;投保construe 解释

to perform a contract/ to fulfill a contract/ to execute a contract/ to implement a contract 履行合同comply with 遵守all right reserved 版权所有

in consideration of 由于reference 编号,资信情况,谈到,资信备询人;查阅

call off 取消forthwith 立即

lodge 提出grant 许可

with reference to 关于operations 有计划的业务活动

choice 优质的discount (银行业务)贴现

commision 委托代理promissory note 本票

through sb's good office 承某人的鼎力帮助instrument (商业)单据文件;(结算业务)票据的总称

freight 运费,货物in one's favor 以…为收益人

in the case of 至于;就….来说in favor 受赏识,受好评

in case of 假如ensure 保证;担保

(claim) allowance (索要)赔偿费in question 正在被谈起的

make allowance for 考虑到某事物out of the question 不可能的

negotiable bank 议付行out of question 毫无疑问

negotaible certificate of deposit 流通存单

lieu 代替impost 税

lien 留置权mortgage 用财产担保(抵押)

taxes and levies (政府所征收的)一切税金pledge 质押(动产或权利)

Unit 12 Restructuring the sentence

partial shipments 分批发货exclusive sale 包销

at one's own cost 以….为代价budget 预算

take actions 采取行动convenance (常用复)惯例,习俗

agent 代理人liquidation 结算

to be under arbitration 正在仲裁to be of the opinion that 认为

upon the expiration of 在…终止时be entitled to do sth 有权做某事

mutually 双方地come into force 生效

after …..之日起divulge 泄露

when 如果,倘若obtain (习惯等)流行,通行,得到公认

before ….后,才能…… paying bank 付款行

put into practical use 投入实际应用brand-new products 新产品

prior to 在….之前surplus 盈余

pursuant to 按照affiliate 附属机构

proceeds (从银行贷的)款项in the event 倘若,如果

Unit 1 Ascertaining Basic Documents

询盘inquiry 发盘offer

还盘counter-offer 承诺acceptance

暂定价格provisional quotations 印记stamping

如果订购in the event of order 发盘人offerer


设计使用年限和已经使用年限rated and spent

电子数据交换Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) 实盘firm offer

99年产大路货F.A.Q.99 Corp, 虚盘non firm-offer

以我方最后确认为准subject to our final confirmation 以认可样品为准subject to approval of sample

以未售出为准subject to prior state 不受约束without engagement


we have to urge you to send us your quotation by return lest it should arrive here too late for the user to consider


we trust the above will be acceptable to you and await with keen interest your trial order.


the increase in price can be well set off by the saving in freight and thereof the unit price of this order should be identical with that of our last order.


Pls consider our comments and let us have your confirmation by fax.


reduce prices by 10% as you mentioned could not be done without considerable lowering our standards of quality. This is something we are not prepared to do. Instead of 10% reduction on XXX, we suggest a reduction of 5% of all lines on order for US$1,000 or more on orders of this size so we could manage to make the reduction without lowering our standards.

