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Translate the following sentences: 1.煤气用完了。 The gas has given out/run out. 2.这桌子摸起来很硬。 The desk feels hard. 3.我昨天看了一部电影。 I saw a film yesterday. 4.母亲给我买了一本书。 Mother bought me a book. 5.他们使女孩生气。 They made the girl angry.
例1: (1)立意:这个部门的经理正在细心地制定一个为 我们大家认可的销售计划。 (2)设计句子主体结构(主谓语):经理制定计 划。 The manager is making a plan. (3)填补次要成分:修饰语(定语、状语、补语) The manager of this department is carefully making a plan which is acceptable to all of us.
遣词 造句
1.What should we take into consideration to write a good composition ? 2. How do we choose words and phrases in writing a good sentence? 3. How do we write sentences in writing a good composition?
2. 尽量用高级类的词汇
户外活动有益于身体健康: Outdoor activities are good to people’s health. Outdoor activities are helpful to people’s health. Outdoor activities are beneficial to people’s health Outdoor activities contribute to people’s health. Outdoor activities do help to people’s health.
2.主语 + 谓语(动词为Vi) Building has started. 主语 谓语 The train leaves at 7:40. 主语 谓语
3.主语 + 谓语 + 宾语(动词为Vt) The boss employed five more workers. 主语 谓语 宾语 Few students like taking exams. 主语 谓语 宾语
② make, buy, do, fetch, get, paint, play, save, spare, order, look, sing, find等+sb. sth./ sth. for sb.
5.主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 The villagers didn’t allow them to do this. 主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语 I will keep the box in the shade. 主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语
make an effort to do sth. spare no effort(s) to do sth. take all/every possible means to do sth.
3. I had a good idea.
A good idea occurred to / struck / came to me.
例2. (1)立意:我们都希望在大学四年学习中 所学到的知识在今后的工作与学习中能起到重 要作用。 (2)设置句子主体结构(主句的主谓语): 我们希望 We hope 设置两个从句的主体(主谓)结构: the knowledge will play a role we have learned (3)填补次要成分: We hope (that) the knowledge (that) we have learned in the four years in college will play an important role in our future study and work.
要求考生根据所给材料,写一篇120个词左右的短 文。评分标准: 1、覆盖所有内容要点; 2、应用较多语法结构和词汇; 3、使用适当连接成分,使上下文连贯; 4、在使用较复杂结构或高级词汇时,应尽量避 免出现一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误; 内容完整 表达正确 行文连贯 词句高级
1.试用笼统词 在英语作文中,词汇量不足是影响作文的一个重 要因素.英语语言中笼统词有have,take等,笼统词 的重要特点在于意义广泛、搭配性强,构成词组 后可替代众多具体动词。往往能大致表达意思. 如:我经历了一个极其艰难的时代. I experienced (had) a terrible / hard time. 又如: They occupied (took) the city. The boy resembles (takes after) his father. Do you understand (take) my meaning, sir?
在这类结构中最常用的系动词是be, look(看起来), sound(听起来),smell(闻起来),taste(尝起 来),feel(摸起来,感到),seem(似乎,好象), appear(显得,好象),remain(仍是),keep (保持),become(变得,成为),turn(变得,成 为),get(变得),go(变得)等表示状态和变化 的词。
• 语言的功能在于表达,而表达的方式是多种多样 的.当一个词影响到某个意思的完整表达时,我们 可以用迂回的方法加以沟通.英语当中多功能解 释性语句,就可以起到这一作用.如: He is a dumb.=He is a person who can not speak. He refused.=He said “no”. I’ve never seen such a stubborn person. =I’ve never seen such a person who never listens to other’s advice.

写 作 的 五 个 步 骤
1、审题 (审要求,审人称,审 体裁,审时态) 2、以词及点——遣词 3、联词成句 ——造句
用词要多样化,如果几个地方都用同一个词,那 效果就不大好. 如:重要( important, significant, vital) 不能(can not do, fail to do, be unable to do) 不同的(different, not the same, distinct , distinctive) 缺点(fault, weakness)
• 联想同义词: I had a nightmare(bad dream) last night. He is stupid.(foolish /a fool /silly ) The food is delicious.(tasty/nice to eat) • 联想反义词: The knife is blunt.(not sharp) This is expensive.(not cheap) She is talkative.(never quiet)
二. 造句:
1.熟练应用五种基本句式(尤其针对一些简单句, 是我们写作的基本句):
1. S+V ——主谓结构 2. S+V+P —— 主系表结构 3. S +V+O —— 主谓宾结构 4. S+V+O1+O2 —— 主谓双宾结构 5. S+V+O+C —— 主谓宾补结构
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
1.主语 + 系动词 + 表语 The city will become rich. 主语 系动词 表语
可接复合宾语的常见动词有:ask, tell, find, help, like, allow, take, make, let, have, force, call, advise, persuade, watch, see, hear, feel(认为, 觉得), consider, choose, elect等。
I came up with a good idea.
I am tired of the same old breakfast every morning. am fed up with / am sick of 5.在阅读时碰到一个新单词就查字典是没有好处的.
It’s no good to look up every word in a dictionary while reading.
4.主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语(指人) + 直接宾语(指物) He has fetched us some new textbooks. 主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语 A car factory will bring the province more jobs. 主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语 ① give, show, send, bring, offer, read, pass, lend, leave, hand, tell, return, write, pay, throw, allow, wish, teach, promise, owe, refuse等+ sb. sth. / sth. to sb.
consult every word / refer to a dictionary
Enjoy your reading: On the other hand, television can also be harmful , especially to children who don’t have enough experience to make a clear distinction between fantasy and reality. They want to imitate what they see, which sometimes is dangerous. They believe the violence they see is normal and acceptable. This may be the reason why “television generations” are more violent than their parents. But it is not the television’s fault. We should tell our children how to handle these problems properly.
2.使用“框架填充法”正确写句子(特别是一些复 杂句) 1. 弄清楚要表达的意思(idea ) 为句子立意 ↓
2. 决定一个意思用几句话来表达。 ↓ 3. 如果两个或两个以上的句子来表达的话, 必须确定这几层意思的主次, 以便确定用哪种句型。 设计句子的 ↓ 4. 确定每个句子的主谓部分 主体结构: 主 谓 ↓ 5. 如果是主从句,确定了整个句子的主谓部分 之后,还必须清楚从句的主谓部分。 ↓ 填补次要成分,使 6. 最后根据要表达的内容确定还需要填补 意思完善,结构 句子次要成分。 完整
Let’s practice!
like, enjoy, be fond of , be crazy about , would like, feel like, be into, be interested in
Try/do one’s best to do sth. do all /everything (that) /what one can to do sth.