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Chinglish的,但却是美国人写的,很有意思。这篇长文的标题是Chinglish 2

① 欢迎你到... ② welcome you to ... ③ welcome to ...
① 永远记住你 ② remember you forever ③ always remember you(没有人能活到forever)
① 祝你有个... ② wish you have a ... ③ I wish you a ...
① 给你 ② give you ③ here you are
① 很喜欢... ② very like ... ③ like ... very much
① 黄头发 ② yellow hair ③ blond/blonde(西方人没有yellow hair的说法)
① 厕所 ② WC ③ men's room/women's room/restroom
① 真遗憾 ② it's a pity ③ that's too bad/it's a shame(it's a pity说法太老)
① 裤子 ② trousers ③ pants/slacks/jeans
① 修理 ② mend ③ fix/repair
① 入口 ② way in ③ entrance
① 出口 ② way out ③ exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思)
① 勤奋 ② diligent ③ hardworking/studious/conscientious
① 应该 ② should ③ must/shall
① 火锅 ② chafing dish ③ hot pot
① 大厦 ② mansion ③ center/plaza
① 马马虎虎 ② so-so ③ average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so)

① 好吃 ② delicious ③ good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用)
① 尽我最大努力 ② try my best ③ try/strive(try的本意就是try my best)
① 有名 ② famous ③ well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用)
① 滑稽 ② humorous ③ funny/witty/amusing/entertaining
① 欺骗 ② to cheat ③ to trick/to play a joke on/to con/to deceive/to rip off
① 车门 ② the door of the car ③ the car's door
① 怎么拼? ② how to spell? ③ how do you spell?
① 再见 ② bye-bye ③ bye/see you/see you later/later(bye-bye有些孩子气)
① 玩 ② play ③ go to/do(play在中国被滥用)
① 面条 ② noodles ③ pasta(noodles有些孩子气)
① 据说 ② it is said ③ I heard/I read/I was told
① 等等 ② and so on ③ etc.
① 直到现在 ② till now ③ recently/lately/thus far
① 农民 ② peasant ③ farmer
① 宣传 ② propaganda ③ information
Allanson。他根据自己在中国五年任教期间所见所闻的中式英语Chinglish,写了一篇据说叫“Chinglish 2

① 欢迎你到... ② welcome you to ... ③ welcome to ...
① 永远记住你 ② remember you forever ③ always remember you(没有人能活到forever)
① 祝你有个... ② wish you have a ... ③ I wish you a ...
① 给你 ② give you ③ here you are
① 很喜欢... ② very like ... ③ like ... very much
① 黄头发 ② yellow hair ③ blond/blonde(西方人没有yellow hair的说法)
① 厕所 ② WC ③ men's room/women's room/restroom
① 真遗憾 ② it's a pity ③ that's too bad/it's a shame(it's a pity说法太老)
① 裤子 ② trousers ③ pants/slacks/jeans
① 修理 ② mend ③ fix/repair
① 入口 ② way in ③ entrance
① 出口 ② way out ③ exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思)
① 勤奋 ② diligent ③ hardworking/studious/conscientious
① 应该 ② should ③ must/shall
① 火锅 ② chafing dish ③ hot pot
① 大厦 ② mansion ③ center/plaza
① 马马虎虎 ② so-so ③ average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用so-so)
① 好吃 ② delicious ③ good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用)
① 尽我最大努力 ② try my best ③ try/strive(try的本意就是try my best)

① 有名 ② famous ③ well-known/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用)
① 滑稽 ② humorous ③ funny/witty/amusing/entertaining[amusing用于褒义词偏多]
① 欺骗 ② to cheat ③ to trick/to play a joke on/to con/to deceive/to rip off
① 车门 ② the door of the car ③ the car's door
① 怎么拼? ② how to spell? ③ how do you spell?
① 再见 ② bye-bye ③ bye/see you/see you later/later(bye-bye有些孩子气)
① 玩 ② play ③ go to/do(play在中国被滥用)
① 面条 ② noodles ③ pasta(noodles有些孩子气)
① 据说 ② it is said ③ I heard/I read/I was told
① 等等 ② and so on ③ etc.
① 直到现在 ② till now ③ recently/lately/thus far
① 农民 ② peasant ③ farmer
① 宣传 ② propaganda ③ information[第一个单词是贬义词,比如对人民或者敌人进行洗脑式教育。]
以下观点及内容来源:Chinadaily BBS,仅供参考
But i have some questions and would like to communicate with friends here.

① 永远记住你 ② remember you forever ③ always remember you(没有人能活到forever)
后者是客观一些,可是在表达强列的情感时FOREVER更能达意吧?比如VITAIMIN C的歌曲里“We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever”

① 真遗憾 ② it's a pity ③ that's too bad/it's a shame(it's a pity说法太老)
IT IS A PITY,是从学校里学来的,印象很深,也常用,只是不知何时过时了:)有个问题:如何知道一个词是否过时呢?有标准吗?

① 裤子 ② trousers ③ pants/slacks/jeans
PANTS在英式英语里有着和美语里不同的意思, 这里是不是有些以偏盖全?

① 好吃 ② delicious ③ good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用)

① 尽我最大努力 ② try my best ③ try/strive(try的本意就是try my best)
Try my best是不是程度更强一些?存在即合理,这个词组不是CHINA-MADE吧?

① 怎么拼? ② how to spell? ③ how do you spell?

’s wrong? I can’t get it.

① 面条 ② noodles ③ pasta(noodles有些孩子气)
Pasta refers to Italian noodles, different from Chinese ones. I am right?

① 据说 ② it is said ③ I heard/I read/I was told
In my opinion, the former is objective without definite person involved
and the latter is with more details.

① 等等 ② and so on ③ etc.
What’s the difference between them? Confused.

① 农民 ② peasant ③ farmer
If it refers to the “农民” in the old times, peasant may be more accurate.

① 宣传 ② propaganda ③ information
I am always confused at the translation of “宣传”. It is said “propaganda”
has negative indication, but information is at large. Who would be kind
enough to help me out? Thanks very much.

BTW, there may be some mistakes in my expression, please don't hesitate to
point them out! Appreciating
laoxianggg :
这位美国朋友的见解比较片面 and good comments by Applezy

Calling dumpling ravioli is inappropriate. If anything, Ukrainian perogy
looks a lot more like Chinese dumpling than ravioli does. Ukrainians don’t
call perogy ravioli, why should Chinese call dumpling ravioli?

Beancurd/tofu are both well accepted terms, so either name is OK.

①厕所 ② WC ③ men's room/women's room/restroom
WC (water closet) is a British term.

①真遗憾 ② it's a pity ③ that's too bad/it's a shame(it's a pity说法太老)
Pity is very British.

①裤子 ② trousers ③ pants/slacks/jeans
Trousers is more British and pants is more American.
一位美国妇女在英国吃饭时不小心把水倒洒在裤子上后大叫:“My pants are all wet!”,引起英国人大笑。原来在英国 pants

①应该 ② should ③ must/shall
Should/must/shall have different meanings:
You should go 你应该去
You must go 你必须去 (中性语气)
You shall go 你必须去 (强制性语气)
Shall we start? 我们开始吧 (比如主人请客人吃饭)
Shall 在法律文件理又是必需的意思 - Party A shall provide Party B with ...

① 尽我最大努力 ② try my best ③ try/strive(try的本意就是try my best)
Try 与 try my best 有量的差别

①面条 ② noodles ③ pasta(noodles有些孩子气)
noodles 没错。英文也有chicken noodle soup, 但是没有chicken pasta soup.

①等等 ② and so on ③ etc.
and so on 比较口语化,etc. 在文章里多见。

①直到现在 ② till now ③ recently/lately/thus far
till now and thus far have the same meaning, they are very different from

①农民 ② peasant ③ farmer

不要老外一讲什么,holy-moly, 不得了了,我们是一无是处。。。。

I agree with laoxianggg's and apple's opinions. Please bear it on your
mind ---- there are so many different versions of English in the world.

Chinglish is one of them.

Please don’t forget it -----老外are very interested in Deng XiaoPing's
well-known remarks --"It doesn't matter whether the cat is white or black,
so long as it can catch a mouse, it is a good cat。"

This is a typical Chinese idiom with strong Chinese characteristics and
philosophical way of thinking but expressed in a perfect way of English

When I first introduced it to our foreign guests, some of them had no clue
of what I was talking about, as it didn’t exist in their language at all,
however some very well-educated ones managed to have a grasp of the
connotation or implication, they didn’t give it a fussy comment as such
----“oh, that is crappie, this is bloody Chinglish, as we don’t express
things in that way, blah blah ….” Big BS….

Well, even if they say so, who will give a rap?

By the way, with regard to the issue of --- 好吃 ② delicious ③

When I invited my foreign friends to a Chinese dinner, after trying a few
dishes, they all unanimously put thumb up and kept saying ---“Mmmmm, that
is wonderful, it is so beautiful, very delicious indeed, it is so yummy
and it tastes marvelous” and then sucking their fingers dripping with
delicious and succulent roast duck’s juice.

I am wondering how a word like “delicious” can be greatly abused in
China…..I don’t know what “在中国被滥用” mean to me at all. Please clarify
Again regarding Chinglish…..sometimes they are just a kind of metaphor
expressing with Chinese philosophy spoken in English…..
I wonder how you can regard them as under-standard language ------

----- 在俞大姻教授主编的《英语》书中的第一课 ----lesson one “Reminiscences of an interview
with Chair-man M’ao Tse-Tung on the paper tiger”

It says like this……”M’ao’s direct speech, wide range of knowledge, sharp
analysis and poetic imagery made his conversation the most stimulating I
have ever known. In speaking of American weapons captured from Chiang’s
troops he called them ---a blood transfusion,

….the metaphor of the “paper tiger” was used during this talk and I was
especially impressed, not only by the metaphor but by the way in which
Chair-man M’ao, without knowing English, was able to correct the inexact
translation of his words….w

hen he first said that reactionary rulers are
paper tigers, the expression was translated “scarecrow”, Chair-man M’ao
immediately stopped the talk and asked me to tell him just what a
“scarecrow” was. When I replied that it is a figure like a man which
peasants put up in a field to scare away crows, he at once expressed
dissatisfaction, and said that this was not his meaning. A paper tiger, he
said, is not something dead to scare crows with. It scares children. It
looks like a terrible tiger but actually, being made of pressed paper; it
softens when damp and is washed away in a heavy rain.

“Paper tiger” ---yes, Chinglish indeed, but it is very good indeed. I
can’t stop my cheering at all. We need to create more and more colorful
words or expressions like that……

Long live Chinglish!!! Long long life to Chinglish!!!!!!
1.① 永远记住你 ② remember you forever ③ always remember you(没有人能活到forever)
个人认为,remenber you
比如说love you forever永远爱你, 难道非得说成always love you?
2.① 厕所 ② WC ③ men's room/women's room/restroom
room/women's room/restroom,还有bath room, gentleman' room/ladies'
room.一般厕所门上标记的都是简写men's/women's, gent's/ladies'.
3.① 好吃 ② delicious ③ good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用)
这一点儿,不敢苟同,对于一种语言表达方式,我们不能因为滥用了就抛弃它. 只是应该甚用而已,如果仅仅是一般的可口,那就用③
4.① 给你 ② give you ③ here you are
我想一般学过英语的人是不是都不会用give you啊?因为here you are是中国的英语学习者一开始就学到的,

色看看,give you some color to see see)^_^
5.① 尽我最大努力 ② try my best ③ try/strive(try的本意就是try my best)
我觉得说try one's best并没有什么错误,起码,谁都能听得明白,这就足够了.语言不就是为了交流么?
try one's best/do one's best这么说,没有老外会笑话你.
谁也没说try就一定是try one's best.只是我们在很多场合这么说是别人就明白而已.i'll try肯定不如i'll try my
best语气来得强烈.另外,也许可以这么说i'll make it.
6.① 农民 ② peasant ③ farmer
7.① 怎么拼? ② how to spell? ③ how do you spell?
个人认为,how to spell比how do you
8.① 等等 ② and so on ③ etc.
如果一定要说两者有区别的话,那我只能说后者写法更为简单,除此之外,我找不处and so on有什么不对.
9.① 祝你有个... ② wish you have a ... ③ I wish you a ...
如果两个人聊天,或者面对面说话,最后表达祝愿的话,难道一定要说"I" wish you a...吗?wish you have a ...
在表达上肯定是没错的,不过既然省略了I,那么干脆省到家吧,把wish也一起省略了,have a nice trip,have a good
dream,have a wonderful weekend.....
10.① 宣传 ② propaganda ③ information
china to the world.本意是向世界宣传中国的,但是他没有用propaganda.
