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Manipulation of dominant poetics on the translation from several examples
• 刘半农翻译 《洋迷小影》-其实是对安徒生 刘半农翻译-《洋迷小影》 其实是对安徒生 名作《皇帝的新装》 名作《皇帝的新装》原文进行改写的翻译 • 林纾和魏易合作节译华盛顿欧文的《见闻 林纾和魏易合作节译华盛顿欧文的《 札记》 札记》将该书名仿译为宋代刑居石的同名 笑话集《拊撑录》被称之为滑稽小说。 笑话集《拊撑录》被称之为滑稽小说。其 李迫大梦》的故事痛中国的” 中《李迫大梦》的故事痛中国的”山中方 七日,世上几千年“ 七日,世上几千年“的神话又异曲同工之 妙。
译者的个人诗学对文学翻译的影响——江苏大学学生硕士论 译者的个人诗学对文学翻译的影响 个人诗学对文学翻译的影响 江苏大学学生硕士论 文 意识形态、诗学、赞助人与翻译操纵霍华德_法斯特部分作 翻译操纵霍华德 意识形态、诗学、赞助人与翻译操纵霍华德 法斯特部分作 品汉译分析-上海外国语大学学士论文 品汉译分析 上海外国语大学学士论文 翻译即改写-试分析意识形态和诗学操纵在 拊撑录》 试分析意识形态和诗学操纵 翻译即改写 试分析意识形态和诗学操纵在《拊撑录》的体 现-湖南师范大学学位论文 湖南师范大学学位论文 通过比较_京华烟云 三译本看意识形态及诗学对翻译的操控 京华烟云_三译本看意识形态及 通过比较 京华烟云 三译本看意识形态及诗学对翻译的操控 -燕山大学硕士论文 燕山大学硕士论文 论意识形态和诗学 文革时期文学翻译的操控 硕士论文-湘 诗学对 的操控-硕士论文 论意识形态和诗学对文革时期文学翻译的操控 硕士论文 湘 潭大学学生硕士论文 诗学因素对严复翻译的影响—湖南农业大学学报 诗学因素对严复翻译的影响 湖南农业大学学报
• Details about dominant poetics • Dominant poetics of a period is either embraced by the translator himself or is enforced by individuals,groups and institutions by using it as the yardstick against which the produaction is meaured.
• It may accept,digest,and absorb a translation product,or it may criticize,repress, and reject a certain translation.
• As a result, if the original is too blatantly(明显的)opposed to the 明显的) 明显的 dominant poetics in the target culture, the translator will frequently adapt it to make it deemed acceptable to the poetics of a certain time and place.
concepts are difficult to distinguish and closely connected.
Attention in translations: When doing translations, we shouldconsider poetics and ideology.As Lefevere claims "on every level of the translation process, it can be shown that, if linguistic considerations enter into conflict with considerations of an ideological and poetologicalnature, the latter tend to win out"Lefervere,2004a:39)
主流诗学对严复翻译的操控 中国翻译一直是以为特定读者服务的, 中国翻译一直是以为特定读者服务的,历 史上多读古书的人往往是统治阶级, 史上多读古书的人往往是统治阶级,对他 们的影响就是对国家命运的影响, 们的影响就是对国家命运的影响,而当时 人们的文化自傲和古文的地位,使严复明 人们的文化自傲和古文的地位, 白译成达雅古文的重要性, 白译成达雅古文的重要性,翻译时选用古 也满足读者的要求。 文,也满足读者的要求。
Two components of poetics
1.Inventory component includes literary devices, genres, motifs,prototypical characters and situations, symbols
一张文学技巧、体裁、主题、 一张文学技巧、体裁、主题、典型人 物和情景象征的清单
• 五四前期的文学翻译目的是为了开启民治。 五四前期的文学翻译目的是为了开启民治。 思想启蒙” “思想启蒙”和“消遣娱乐成为当时文学 翻译的选择规范。 翻译的选择规范。依着在翻译的过程中操 纵原文,采取编译, 纵原文,采取编译,是按照当时中国翻译 界根据”国情“任意增删改写译文的风气。 界根据”国情“任意增删改写译文的风气。 这两个改写的例子就说明: 这两个改写的例子就说明:受到中国读者 这种喜爱笑话、轶闻的“诗学”影响, 这种喜爱笑话、轶闻的“诗学”影响,翻 译无形之中受到了诗学的操纵。 译无形之中受到了诗学的操纵。
• Therefore,the translator of literary , works is consciously or unconsciously influenced by the poetics of his own culture, and is manipulated.
There's one phenomenon in China's translation: Poetics on translation study in China is often combined with ideology or neglected. That's because,literature is closely related with the ideology. The two
E.G. If the writer wants his/her work of literature to be read in the target literary system, he/she has to choose the theme that must be relevant to the target social and literary system.
Thank you!
诗学对翻译的操纵 The manipulation of poetics on translation
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poetics?什么是诗学 What's poetics?什么是诗学
An influential concept of Lefevere's: • Poetics, according to him, is"the dominant concept of what literature should(be allowed to) be.文学应该或者 文学应该或者 可以是怎样的 • Lefevere, also thinks of it as a code which makes literary communications possible.
2.A functional component which refers to a concept of what the role of literature is, or should be, in the social system as a whole.
关于文学在整个社会系统里有什么或应有什么角色的 观念
Inventory component tends to have a more conservative influence because, once a poetics is codified, the inventory component is not easily subject to the direct influence from the environment.
The functional component is more important in that it influences the selection of themes and determines the reception of literary works.And it exerts an innovative influence on the literary system as a whole.