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Part l.翻译溯源





唐朝,是我国佛经翻译的鼎盛时期,翻译大家玄奘在唐太宗贞观二年去印度取经,历时间17年,带回佛经657部,《西游记》A Pilgrimage to the West便是以他的取经经历为蓝本的。在19年里,共翻译山75部佛经,多达1335卷,1300多万字。他不仅把佛经翻译成汉语,而且是将老子著作翻译成梵文,他是将汉语著作介绍给外国人的中国第一人。


明未有许多有志之士认识到西方科学的先进,立志引进西学,其中,徐光启贡献最大。他与意大利传教士利马竇,M. Ricci合译了欧几里得《几何学》。

清朝在各地专设翻译出版机构,西方流行的政治学说与文化艺术大规模地传进中国。贡献较人的有晚清的严复,他在13年期间翻译了一些西方政治经济学说,如赫胥黎(T.H.Huxley)著的《天演论》Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays、亚当·斯密(A. Smith)著的《原富》An Inquiry Into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations、约翰·穆勒(J.s.Mill)著的《群己权界论》On Liberty 及甄克思E. Jenks著的A History of Politics《社会通诠》等。

与严复同时代的林纾与人才合作以文言文的形式翻译了1200万字的各国小说。其中,最具有代表性的有《茶花女》或《巴黎茶花女遗事》Camille (or La Dame aux Camelias)、《黑奴吁天录》Uncle Tom's Cabin、《块肉余生记》David Copperfield、《王子复仇记》Hamlet 1.3五四运动后的现代阶段。


Part II 翻译的定义

Part III 翻译的分类

Part IV 翻译的标准和原则

1.Jane does not work hard because she wants to earn money.

2.I’m up to my neck in your bullshit.

3.Don’t turn your back on friends who are down and out.

4.You just keep your hair on and listen to me.

5.Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability.

6.Many people believe that our progress depends on two different aspects of science. The

first of these is the application of the machines, products and system of applied knowledge that scientists and technologist develop.

Part V 译者必须具备的条件

1.Just imagine it.

2.You’re telling me.

let made a portrait of Lady Chesterfield, which flattered her.

4.This large body of men had meet on the previous night, despite the elements which were

opposed to them, a heavy rain falling the whole of the night and drenching them to the skin.

5.However, such measures touch only the tip, but not address the basis of the problem.




9.John can be relied on, he eats no fish and plays the game.

10.The Security Council has been seized of the question since then.

11.The European empires in African have disappeared.

12.They were sons of the men who had left their homes and taken to the mountains with their

broad swords by their side.

13.He was weak and old.

14.Like Hemingway’s Grave, the memorial is a simple affair: a pile of flat stones with a

column rising from its middle.


16.biological parents

17.The enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed an enemy agent.

18.The peasants and workers were hand in glove with one another in the struggle against the

landlords and capitalists who worked hand in glove with each other.
