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成该项工作不是不可能的8) “If only I were rich(要是我很有钱就好了)·”

2)Itis not impossible for you to become a top student(你不是不可能成为优等生),

3)itis not uncommon for students to have a friendly relationship with their teachers

4) e-mail is not such an unusual word(电子邮件已不再是一个不同寻常的字眼)

5)is not unrelated to his ineffective learning method与他低效率的学习方法无关系).1) Each time I meet him(每当我遇到他)2Each time I catch a cold(每次感冒)

3)each time I went to Washington(每次我去华盛顿)

4)Each time I sang this song每次唱这首歌7If only I were back home我要回家了多好),5) If only he hadn't snored(要是他不打忓就好了)

6)If only she would shut up for a moment(要是她闭会儿嘴就好了)

1Many governments are promoting above and underground transit systems to fight increasing congestion对日益严重交通堵塞很多国家致力于发展地面和地下交通系统。

2) But a majority of Americans still commute-with cars and most transportation funds are spent in building roads多数美国人仍开车上下班大部分交通基金用于修建公路。

3) Many countries support public transportation to a much greater degree than what happens in the United States, particularly in Europe.


4) Rising levels of pollution from cars is also leading to more investment in public transportation.汽车尾气导致的污染问题日益严重,这也使得更多的投资流向公共交通。5) It can also carry far more people in terms of the amount of energy used.


1) It saddened me to see others walk past the prisoners looking straight ahead or with eyes averted so as not to acknowledge their presence.


2) So, I was surprised rather than concerned when one evening after work there was

a package wrapped in newspapers on the seat of the car.

所以当某天傍晚下班回来看到车座上有个包着报纸的包裹时我感到的是吃惊而不是担心。3) But it remains one of the best gifts I ever received because each time I see it I'm reminded all over again of the power of a simple smile:

但它仍是我收到的最好的礼物之一。因为每次看到它,我都会回想起,小小微笑的力量。4) No matter what might be confining others we meet, a smile can reach through real fences as well as fences of the mind to touch the human spirit.


5) Then the reward will be much greater than any tangible gift when you find your day brightened by another's response to your own warm smile.


