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In the end, the warrior was killed, and the God got angry. He sent insects to destroy crops and damage farmers‟ houses. However, Zhigealu led farmers to light torches everywhere to burn up the insects. Finally, they killed all the insects and defeated the God. That day was June 24th of the lunar calendar. To honor the victory over the insects, the local people set that day as the Torch Festival, and this festival has lasted until today.
2. Worshipping the Dragon(祭龙 )
About four days after the Spring Festival, Huayao people will celebrate another major festival, Ji Long, to worship the dragon. Since spring is coming, they celebrate this festival to pray dragons for a good weather for the crops.
Dances and folk songs of Huayao
Dragon Dance of Huayao
1. Torch Festival (火把节) celebrated on June 25 of Lunar Year. It is mostly for driving diseases and misfortunes away, and praying for a good harvesting.
Huayao, who am I?

The paramos mountainous area in North Shiping County, Yunnan Province is a beautiful and magical place. Here lives the majority of a branch of Yi nationality named Huayao, of which the population is just over 30,000 in the whole world, mostly scattered in three towns, Shaochong, Longwu, Longpeng of Shiping county. 在云南省石屏县北部的哨冲、龙武、龙朋 三个乡镇,居住着全世界仅有的3万多花腰彝人。 花腰是云南彝族尼苏支系的一部分。

As a variant of Haicai Qiang, the Haicai Qiang of the Yi people in Shiping County, together with the other three variants of "Shayouqiang"(Shayou Tune), "Si Qiang" (Four Tune) and "Wushan Qiang"(Wushan Tune) are called "Four Major Tunes", and also called "Quzi (a kind of folk singing) by the Yi people. It is created by the Yi people in their long time of labor and life, and it is evolved from the mountain song sung by lovers within the mountain, in the field and on the lake.
农历六月二十五日举行,人们用火把趋赶 病害,希望有个收成更好.
A legend of Torch Festival

The Torch Festival, „Duzai‟ in the Yi Language, is a grand traditional festival of Yi People, and it has lasted for more than one thousand years. There are many legends about the origin of the Torch Festival. The most famous one goes like this: the God of Heaven sent down a warrior to exploit farmers on the earth, but the Yi hero Zhigealu commanded the farmers to fight against this warrior.
Traditional houses, villages of my hometown
Costumes of Huayao, Yi Nationality

In the long history, Huayao people have created a colorful, unique and self-contained costume culture. The splendid Huayao costumes consist of turban(头巾), big front robe (前长带), collar ornament (领饰), waistband (花腰带), bellyband (肚带), and embroidered satin shoes (绣花缎面 鞋), etc. The patterns include the moon, stars and clouds in the sky and mountains, water, plants and animals on the ground, giving a back-to-nature feeling of plainness, boldness and implicating graceful cultural deposits.
大约在春节后的使天左右,并不固定,这个节日是花要彝族最 热闹的节日,由于在春季举行,祈祷龙让庄稼风调雨顺,人们 幸福安康!
Language and Dialect
A Movie about Us
花腰新娘 A Bride of Huayao

Thank you!
尼苏人~花腰彝 Huayao, a branch of Nisu
师永谋 Huayao, Nisu, Yi of Shiping
Baidu Nhomakorabea
The Nisu, whose population exceeds one million, are one of the seventy-odd branches of the Yi and are scattered in wide areas of southern Yunnan and some countries in Southeast Asia. The language of the Nisu is a southern dialect of the Yi language, has its own ancient scripts, and is rich in literature (see David Bradley, chapter 12 in this volume). The famous creation myth The Chamu Epic and The Shuangbo Yi Medicinal Gazetteer, which has been praised as “a jewel of the Yi nationality, ” were actually translated from ancient Yi documents of the Nisu. Because this Yi branch is concentrated in the Ailao mountain range and the Hong River basin, it is known to scholarship as the Ailao Yi.

Specifically, the Nisu are distributed in Kunming Municipality and nearly thirty counties and cities in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Honghe Hani-Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yuxi Prefecture, and Simao Prefecture of Yunnan. Because of geographic differences and influences from ethnic in- teraction, there are variations and differences in culture, customs, and language among the Nisu of different areas.
collar ornament领饰
broidered satin shoe
Folk songs and dances
Hai Cai Qiang

The folk song, as a kind of important form of expressing emotion, self-education and entertainment, has impregnated into every aspect of Yi people's life. The original meaning of Haicai Qiang (Haicai Tune) is the singing on the "sea", and it is named after this for an aquatic herb in the local "Yilong Lake" which is called "haicai". As a special folk song of the Yi people in Yunnan Province with high reputation at home and abroad which is also called "dapanjiang" and "daobanjiang" with the popular name of "Shiping Qiang"(Shiping Tune), Haicai Qiang of the Yi nationality is mainly spreading in villages of nisuren of Yi nationality in Shiping County in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province.