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Rethinking emotion in discursive psychology: A systemic functional perspective

Emotion, as a classic topic in psychological studies, has been intensively investigated by scholars across disciplines. In discursive psychology, emotion discourse refers to the rich variety and situated uses of emotion words and metaphors. Many studies of emotion in discursive psychology focus on the rhetorical contrasts of emotion. Conceptual analysis is another significant part of emotion discourse, and one that requires further inv e stigation. To reveal how people describe and evoke emotions in discourse, this article starts with a reinterpretation of emotion in discursive psychology, followed by setting up an emotion system from a systemic fun c tional perspective to i llustrate how conceptual analysis may be conducted and rhetorical contrasts explored. During the process of establishing the emotion system, the paper elaborates upon the emotion concept and rhetorical contrasts on the basis of four illustrative examples taken from authen t ic extracts (including news and testimonies). The paper discusses the purpose behind the construction of the emotion system in terms of (1) the constitu en ts in conceptual analysis and rhetorical contrasts of discursive psychology from a functional perspective, (2) the collaboration between conceptual analysis and rhetorical contrasts, (3) the traits of the emotion system as a method of discursive psychology analysis.

A polycultural theory of wisdom based on Habermas's worldview

Building on Habermas's worldview, this paper attempts to construct a theory

of wisdom that integrates the advantages of Eastern and Western cultures. To this end, we review previous definitions of wisdom and their problems and analyze the importance of worldview for wisdom. A worldview provided by the German philosopher Jurgen Habermas is eminently persuasive. We argue that Habermas's worldview provides a more suitable basis for a polycultural theory of wisdom. The specific components of the wisdom theory are: (1) a relationalist belief in the universal world; (2) transcendental agency in the subjective world; (3) intersubjective communication orientation in the social world; and (4) integrated principles of certainty and uncertainty in the objective world. Inspired by this theory, people could adopt different principles for their subjective, social, and objective worldviews and coordinate them to deal with the problems of human survival, which would also promote the long-term flourishing of human civilization.

From the constructive memory of Bartlett to narrative theories of social (Brady Wagoner: The constructive mind. Bartlett's Psychology in Reconstruction. 2017)

The paper is partly a review of a new book by Brady Wagoner on Frederick Bartlett as a theoretician of constructive memory, and partly a survey of what has become of memory constructionism. The basic message of Wagoner analyzing Bartlett is that constructive memory processes are not the exception but the rule. The details of the reemergence of this memory model in modern cognitive psychology are clearly presented by Wagoner. One crucial point is missing,
