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论文题目: A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Phatic Communion from a Cross-Cultural Perspective







A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Phatic Communion

from A Cross-Cultural Perspective




In linguistics, a phatic communion is one whose only function is to perform a social task, as opposed to conveying information (Bronisław Malinowski, 1923, p. 146-152). The utterance of a phatic expression is a kind of speech act. In speech communication the term means "small talk" that is conversation for its own sake.It is used to create an atmosphere of shared feelings, goodwill, or to establish social contact and to express sociability rather than specific meaning. phatic communion in Chinese refers to “寒暄语”. The definition of “寒暄语” in Chinese dictionary Cihai is expressed as courtesy remarks for greeting and caring for others,etc.it is a ubiquitous phenomenon in human communications. It is widely used in daily greetings, informal visits or gatherings and even in formal business negotiations. In order to be polite or for some other reasons, people may embark on a small talk before getting to the main points. It can help shorten the distance between people and enhance the intimacy among them, and thus creates a relaxing atmosphere.Besides, Halliday (1985, p. 56) thinks there is “phatic function” in language which is used for setting up a certain atmosphere or maintaining social contacts. It strengthens its role in social communication and even in the whole human language. As phatic communion is a kind of speech act, its topic or content and the way to express may differ from language to language. And there are obvious differences of phatic communion between Chinese and English and the cultural difference behind it has great impact on the cross cultural communication concerning it.

As we know, phatic communion is widely used in communication in the workplace and in the community. It has been attracting increasing attention these days. There are many studies of the origin of phatic communion or the function of phatic communion.Malinowski(1923), for instance, firstintroduces the concept of phatic communion into linguistics and points out “the communion of words is the first act to establish links of fellowship.After the first formula, there comes a flow of language, purposeless expressions of preference or aversion, accounts of irrelevant happenings, comments on what is perfectly obvious. There can be no doubt that we have a new type of linguistic use — phatic communion”(p. 10).Andthe phatic function serves to
