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S04E01 There’s a certain time of morning. It occurs after kids have left for school and husbands have headed off for work. It’s a time when women think of the secrets they’ve been keeping from their friends and how shocked they would be if the truth was discovered and how they’ll do everything in their power to keep that from happening. But what if those lucky women who have no secrets left to keep? What do they think about every morning? These women spend their mornings thinking of their neighbors and the secrets they may be keeping.


S04E02 There’s nothing more deceptive than a smile and no one knows this better tha n the people who hide behind them. Some flash their teeth as a polite warning to their enemies, some put on beaming faces to keep their tears from falling, others wear silly grins to mask their fear. But then, there is that rare smile that is actually genu ine. It’s the smile of a person who knows his troubles will soon be over.


S04E03 All children love games. But children grow up and then they find new games to play. They pretend to be well so that t heir families won’t worry. They lie to their lovers about where they go in the afternoon. They invent stories to hide the truth from their friends. Yes, everyone has fun playing games, right up till the moment someone gets hurt. 孩子们都爱玩游戏,只是随着年龄的增长而有了更多的选择。为了让家人放心,他们假装自己安然无恙;为了不让爱人怀疑,他们掩饰自己外出的真正目的;为了不让朋友知道真相,他们不得不编造故事。没错,所有人都深深沉迷于游戏不能自拔,直到有人因此受伤。

S04E04 Pests, they come in all shapes and sizes and disrupt our lives in a variety of ways. At first, they’re merely annoying, and we do our best to ignore them. But if we don’t take them seriously, they can become quite dangerous. For some, death seems to be the easiest solution. But the problem with the pests is that what they leave behind is just as dangerous.


S04E05 It’s the same for all of us. We try not to get too close to the people who live next door. It’s easier to give them a polite nod than to ask what’s wrong. It’s safer to keep walking by than to get involved. True, we sometimes do get to know the people we share our faith with and end up lifelong friends. Mostly, we keep our distance because we’d rather our neighbors know nothing about us than know too much.


S04E06 There’s much to be afraid of in this world. But what we fear has nothing with gruesome masks, or plastic spiders, or lifelike monsters. Now, it’s the thoughts in our head that terrify us the most. What if she comes to regret her decision? What if he’s really unhappy? What if the chance for love has passed forever? How do we conquer these terrifying thoughts? We start by reminding ourselves what does not kill us just makes us stronger.


S04E07 Deception! You find it in all the best homes. Parents rely on it when dealing with inquisitive children. Women use it to help keep secrets, big and small. Lovers need it to cover all the inconvenient accidents. Why do people resort to deception? Because it’s a handy tool that helps get us exactly what we are looking for.


S04E08 The past is never truly behind us. Ghosts look in the shadows, eager to remind us of the choices we made. But if we look back, we might find a friend with open arms, or an old enemy with a hidden agenda, or a grown-up son with a forgiving heart. Sadly, some of us refuse to look back, never understanding that by denying the past, we’re condemned to repeat it.

