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“The Old Manse” From "Mosses from an Old Manse" by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
It is a marvel whence this perfect flower (white pondlily) derives its loveliness and perfume, springing as it does from the black mud over which the river sleeps, and where lurk the slimy eel, all speckled frog, and the mud turtle, whom continual washing cannot cleanse. //It is the very same black mud out of which the yellow lily sucks its obscene life and noisome odor. //Thus we see too in the world, that some persons assimilate only what is ugly and evil from the same moral circumstances which supply good and beautiful results—the fragrance of celestial flowers-to the daily life of others.
1. For months , Alan Greenspan , chairman of the Federal Reserve , has been saying the economy is sailing into headwinds. (The New York Times , April 12 ,1992) 2. What foreign businessmen find encouraging is that ideology is no longer in the driver’s seat. 3. Sure , Bob , everybody talks about empowerment , but when the rubber hits the road , the bosses demand to have the last word. (Fortune , Mar. 20 ,1995) 4. People consider that what he had played on that occasion was no more than a Judas’s kiss.
原文是一段十分精彩的议论。共三句话,103词。托物取 譬,抑扬讽喻,可谓意美;结构紧凑,对照鲜明,可谓形 美。 意美:原文的语义信息,即哪些巧妙的比喻、侃侃的议论 ,通过译者的匠心巧运,几乎全部以最自然的对等形式得 到了保留;
形美: 原文特点:1、用词简朴。多用单音节和双音节词常用词,极易上口。 adj. perfect, black, slimy, speckled, very, ugly, evil, good, beautiful; n. loveliness, perfume, odor, fragrance v. derive, lurk, suck, supply 2、句式巧妙。 第一、二句均用强势句型,在结构上形成了工整的对仗,在意义上则体 现了强烈的对比。 第三句中that引导的宾语从句结构精巧,整个从句以the same moral circumstance 为中心,ugly and evil 与good and beautiful左右对照, assimilate 与supply 上下映衬,some 与others遥相呼应, 形式之美,跃 然纸上。
1.联邦储备委员会主席Alan Greenspan 说,几个月来经济发 展遇到了逆风。(直译) 2.令外商感到鼓舞的是意识形态问题不再左右一切了。(意 译) 3.当然,Bob ,每个人都在谈论放权,但真正开始执行总要等老 板的最后决策。(意译) 4.人们认为他在那个场合的表演不过是犹大之吻, 居心险恶。 (直译加意译)

荷花如此清香可爱,可以说是天下最完美的花, 可是它的根,却长在河底的黑色淤泥中,根浊花 清,这不得不说是一种奇迹。河底潜伏着滑溜的 泥鳅,斑斑点点的青蛙,满身污秽的乌龟。这些 东西虽然终年在水里过活,身上却永远洗不干净 。//黄色睡莲的香味恶俗,姿态妖媚,它的根也是 生在河底的黑泥里面。//因此我们可以看见在同样 不道德的环境之下,有些人能够出污泥而不染, 开出清香的荷花,有些人却受丑恶的熏陶,成了 黄色的睡莲了。--夏济安《古屋杂忆》
译文形美的特点:体现在遣词造句上。 以词而论:灵活运用汉语的四字结构; 以句而论:将原文的长句化作译文的短句,使之“无生硬 拗口之病”,“能郎朗上口”,且“音节和谐” 译者以原文的形美为基础,通过重组句式、调整词序、增 减词语、改变说法等手段进行翻译。 例如:原文句1通过句型加以强调;译文通过增词的方法 加以强调(如此、可以说是、最、不得不说) 译文1、3句也基本保留了原文对仗的特色; 译文最末一句,以其丰富的文学想象力,将原文中的 ”the fragrance of celestial flowers”一分为二,分别译 为“开出清香的荷花”、“成了黄色的睡莲”,从而使该 句成了十分工整的对仗句。
5.她就是这样风里来雨里去,成年累月地工作着。 6.我若是她,会恨不得立刻在地上挖个洞,钻进去。 7.遗憾的是,我们当时的呼吁石沉大海。
5.This is how she carries on her work, rain or shine, all the year round. (直译) 6.Were I in her place, it seems to me I should wish the earth to open and swallow me up. (直译) 7.It’s regrettable that our appeal remained a dead letter.( 转换形象)