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Interpersonal Interaction
Symbowk.baidu.comic mediation,a kind of interaction,is a link between a person's current mental state and higher order functions that is provided primarily by language.
例如,在下列对话中,Mark 和Judy 是本族语者, Homer 是英语初学者。Homer 本没有独立表达思想 的能力,但在与本族语者的交互中利用对方提供的 “支架”,通过加词的方式成功表达了自己的思想 (Ellis,1994)。 Mark: Come here. Homer: No come here. … Judy: Where is Mark? Homer: Where's Mark is school. ( = Mark is at school. )
Sociocultural Perspectives of Interaction for L2 Learning
According to Sociocultural(S-C)Theory(Vygotsky 1 9 6 2 , 1 9 7 8 ) , interaction not only facilitates languagge learning but is a causative force in acquisition;further,all of learning is seen as essentially a social process which is grounded in sociocultural settings. According to S-C Theory,the interaction incudes interpersonal interaction:i.e.communicative events and situations which occur between people,and intrapersonal interaction:i.e.communication that occurs within an individual's own mind.
Intrapersonal Interaction
1.Reading 2.Private speech 3.Private writing
• Scaffolding,developed by Jerome Bruner, David Wood, and Gail Ross while applying Vygotsky's concept of ZPD to various educational contexts,is a process through which a teacher or a more competent peer helps the student in his or her ZPD as necessary and tapers off this aid as it becomes unnecessary. In order for scaffolding to work and have an effect, one must start at the child's level of knowledge and build from there. • Very importantly, Learner not a passive recipient, but an active participant.
The Zone of Proximal Development(ZPD)
The ZPD, introduced by Vygotsky, is the difference between what a learner can do without help and what he or she can do with .it is an area of learning that occurs when a person is assisted by a teacher or peer with a higher skill set of the subject. The person learning the skill set cannot complete it without the assistance of the teacher or peer.
以下对话发生在两个ESL 学习者之间的对话(Gass,Selinker.2008):
A: A man is uh drinking c - coffee or tea with uh the saucer of the uh uh coffee set is uh in his uh knee. B: in him knee. A: uh on his knee B: yeah A: on his knee B: so sorry. On his knee.
Vygotsky and some educators believe education's role is to give children experiences that are within their zones of proximal development, thereby encouraging and advancing their individual learning.