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中国现代应用药学2018年5月第35卷第5期 Chin

J Mod Appl Pharm, 2018 May, V ol.35 No.5 ·653· 知母皂苷BII 在模拟人体胃肠道环境及生物样品中的稳定性研究

刘艳平1,余自成2(1.上海市浦东新区人民医院,上海 201200;2.同济大学附属杨浦医院,上海 200090)

摘要:目的 考察知母皂苷B Ⅱ在不同生理pH 介质和生物样品中的体外稳定性。方法 取知母皂苷B Ⅱ分别在不同生理pH 介质(pH 1.2,6.8,7.4,8.0)的缓冲液、人工胃液、无蛋白酶人工胃液、人工肠液、无蛋白酶人工肠液介质和离体生物介质中进行孵育,利用HPLC 测定不同介质中知母皂苷B Ⅱ的含量变化,考察知母皂苷B Ⅱ的降解情况及酶稳定性。结果 知母皂苷B Ⅱ在不同生理pH 介质溶液中9 h 内未发生明显降解,在离体大鼠大肠和小肠及其内容物中发生明显降解。结论 知母皂苷B Ⅱ在模拟人体胃肠道环境的溶液中很稳定,不会发生明显降解,在大鼠大肠及其内容物和小肠及其内容物中发生明显降解,不受胃蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶的影响,受肠道菌群作用的影响。 关键词:知母皂苷B Ⅱ;人工胃肠液;生物样品;pH 液

中图分类号:R965.2 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1007-7693(2018)05-0653-04 DOI: 10.13748/ki.issn1007-7693.2018.05.007 引用本文:刘艳平, 余自成. 知母皂苷BII 在模拟人体胃肠道环境及生物样品中的稳定性研究[J]. 中国现代应用药学, 2018, 35(5): 653-656.

Stability of Timosaponin B Ⅱ in Simulated Conditions of Human Stomach, Intestines and in Biological Fluids in Vitro

LIU Yanping 1, YU Zicheng 2(1.Pudong New Area People’s Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai 201200, China; 2.Yangpu

Hospital of Tongji University of Medicine , Shanghai 200090,China )

ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE To investigate the in vitro stability of timosaponin B Ⅱ in different physiological pH and biological sample. METHODS Timosaponin B Ⅱ was incubated in different phosphate buffer solutions with pH of 1.2, 6.8, 7.4 and 8.0, artificial gastrointestinal fluid, artificial gastrointestinal with no pepsin and trypsin and isolate biological media. The concentration of timosaponin B was determined Ⅱ by HPLC in order to investigate the degradation and the enzymatic stability of timosaponin B .Ⅱ RESULTS Timosaponin B Ⅱ was stable in pH 1.2, 6.8, 7.4 and 8.0, artificial gastrointestinal fluid, artificial gastrointestinal with no pepsin and trypsin within 9 h. Obvious degradation of timosaponin B Ⅱ was observed after incubationed in the large intestine and small intestine and their contents of isolated rats. CONCLUTION Timosaponin B is stable in Ⅱsimulated conditions of human stomach, intestines fluids, with no degradation and influence by pepsin and trypsin. But obvious degradation of timosaponin B Ⅱ is observed after incubationed in the large intestine and small intestine and their contents of isolated rats. Unaffected by pepsin and trypsin, it is affected by intestinal flora. KEY WORDS: timosaponin B Ⅱ; artificialgastrointestinal fluid; biological sample; pH fluids


作者简介:刘艳平,女,博士,主管药师 Tel: (021)65690520-433 E-mail: lyp1066@

知母是百合科植物知母(Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bge.)的干燥根茎,味苦,性寒,归肺、胃、肾经,具有清热泻火、止渴除烦、滋阴润燥等功效,临床用于外感热病、高热烦渴、骨蒸潮热、肺热燥咳、内热消渴、肠燥便秘等症状[1]。知母皂苷B (Ⅱtimosaponin B Ⅱ,TB Ⅱ,结构见图1)是知母中的主要活性成分。TB Ⅱ具有改善学习记忆、抗老年痴呆、抗抑郁、抗炎、抗肿瘤、降糖等多方面的药理活性,中国药典规定,知母中TB Ⅱ不得少于3.0%[2]。

目前,对TB Ⅱ药理方面的研究比较多,而对其在胃肠道内的稳定性还鲜有报道。本实验通过考察TB Ⅱ在不同pH 体液环境,模拟在人工胃液、人工胃液NE(无胃蛋白酶)、人工肠液、人工肠液NE(无胰蛋白酶)、pH 1.2,6.8,7.4,8.0及大鼠离体胃、小肠、大肠及肝脏组织匀浆中的代谢降解情况,阐明其影响体内稳定性的因素,为TB Ⅱ体内处置过程提供一定研究基础,对其剂型选择和生物利用度改善有重要意义,并为进一步阐明知母的体内药效物质提供参考。
