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(1)汉语不少介词是从动词转变而来,可做 介词,可做动词,汉译英时要注意。 Eg: a1.他向我走来。 He came to me. a2.我一点也不是向着他们说话,我是为你。 It’s not them I’m thinking of but you.
b1. 两年谈判,差不多一年多的时间是拖在归属和 主权问题上,她没有让。 Of the two years of talks, more than a year was spent on the issue of jurisdiction and sovereignty, but she made no concessions b2.要让城乡百姓特别是困难群众都能够享受到公共 财政的阳光。 We will ensure that urban and rural residents, especially the poverty stricken population, enjoy the benefits of public finance.
B1. He roared aloud, and his hanger went up above his head, flashing in the sunlight. 他大吼一声,将他的弯刀举过头顶,刀子 在阳光下闪闪发亮。 B2. At this the crowd roared approval. 人群一听便大喊大叫,表示赞成。
(5)英语介词短语可以后置,修饰名词短语 a. There was a Hispanic girl in special education because she just never learned to read. 有个西班牙女孩,她从没学会阅读,正在接受特殊 教育。 b. If a protein appears or disappears completely, investigations can be focused on the protein in question. 如果一种蛋白质出现或完全消失了,研究工作就可 以集中在这个有问题的蛋白质上。
(3)增添或省略 有时,英语拟声词不仅拟声,还有动作意义。 汉译是可将拟声词和行为动作一起使用, 以把意思表达的更清楚。 Eg: a. The firecrackers were crackling and spluttering 鞭炮噼里啪啦地响。 b. Those standing behind begin whispering and chattering with their heads together… 站在后面的便交头接耳叽叽喳喳地聊着…
to crow
蛙叫 鸭叫 狗叫 猫叫 母鸡叫 老鼠叫 山羊叫 绵羊叫 牛叫
to croak to quack to bark to mew to crackle to squeak to bleat to baa to moo
(1)直译 a. The ice was here, the ice was there,the ice was all around. It cracked and growled and roared and howled. Like noises in a swound. 这里是冰,那里是冰,到处是冰墙重重,崩 裂、咆哮、猴鸣,猿啸,真是个震耳欲聋。
英语的Preposition,意为通常放在它作用的 名词性成分之前,1)以引出动作对象,2) 给行为、状态进行时间或空间定位,3)表 达与行为动作关联的工具。 介词不充当句子成分,只表达语法关系。 Eg: Who is in goal for Manschester United? 谁为曼联队守门?
(2)引出动作对象作adj补语 a. They had to be aware of the consequence. 他们必须意识到这一后果。 b. The committee is responsible for carrying out the investigation. 该委员会负责调查。
(4)be + of表示事物的属性 a. The Iraqi situation is of particular concern to refugee organizations. 伊拉克局势引起了难民机构的特别关注。 b. Manufacturing is of major importance to the Swiss. 制造业对瑞士人来说十分重要。
(5)有时可用反译法 a. Copper is the best conductor but silver. 铜是仅次于银的最优导体。 b. All iron case will keep the Earth’s magnetic field away from the compass. 铁箱会使地球磁场对指南针不起作用。
(3)英语介词本身表达行为意义 a. He is in plain clothes. 他衣着朴素。 b. I remember him at a banquet on that night. 我记得那天晚上他参加了一个宴会。 c. Mike is at his computer, downloading an encyclopedia into his PDA. 麦克正在鼓捣电脑,把一部百科全书下载到他的 笔记本里。
(6)英语多用名词和介词,汉语多用动词。翻译时 可考虑将英语介词短语译成动词短语。 a. He has someone behind him. 有人给他撑腰。 b. It is against the law for an employer to knowingly hire illegal aliens. 雇主知情却有意雇用非法外籍人士是违法的。 c. And I’m for you, whatever you’ve done. 不管你做了什么,我都支持你。 d. With all due respect, the premise of your question in incorrect. 恕我冒昧,您的问题前提就不对。
C-E c.鸡鸣犬吠,和小贩们的吆喝声,都能传达到 很远,隔着街能听到些响亮清脆的声儿。 The crowing of cocks, the barking of dogs and the calls of vendors carried a long way so that they could be heard clearly in the next street.
(1)表达事物所处状态时,需介词引出 a. He soul was at peace. 他心里好受了。 b.Tracking a group of 49 dialysis patients, scientists found that they were mostly in good moods and just as happy as a healthy control group of 49. 通过对49名透析病人的跟踪调查,科学家发现这组 病人大都精神良好,幸福感和控制组的49名健康 人一样。
(4)英语中有些拟声词兼做及物或不及物动词,有些 声音带有动作,汉译时常需要把动作方式和动作 分别表达出来。 Eg: a1. He banged at the door. 他砰砰砰地敲门。 a2. Helen banged the door open and ran blindly out into the train. 海伦砰地一声把门踢开,没头没脑地冲进雨中。
(3)英语介词短语可译为汉语动词短语 a. The two countries are at war. 两国交战了。 b. Any time you’re in business, you take risks. 做生意就得冒风险。 c. Hong Kong shares rise on rate cut hopes. 香港股市因降息预期而走高。 d. Even if you’re on a budget, you can find better bargains elsewhere. 即便手头紧,你也可以在别处买到又好又便宜的货。
(1)拟声词多循着各自的音系系统去模仿,肯定都 “失真”,英汉语中真正相似的拟声词很少 (2)英语中的多半属于动词或名词,可做谓语、主 语或宾语。 (3)汉语中的多带形容词性质,可做定语、状语或 谓语。 (4)翻译时注意拟声词使用的描述对象。
拟声词的描述对象 例如:
狮吼 虎啸 狼嚎 to roar to growl to howl
拟声词:又成象声词,即用语言符号来模拟 声音。分两种: 1.感叹词:表达各种情绪但无实在意义。 2.纯拟声词:主要模拟人能听到的各种声音
1.感叹词:只做独立成分。英汉互译时,需根据句子表达的 情感或态度选择汉语的对应词,可用音译法、转译法等。 Eg: a. Ah! So you are back now! 啊!你回来了! b. Well, what shall we do next? 嗯,下一步怎么办? c. Why, you are ahead of time too! 怎么,你们也提前完成了!
b. The present onslaught of vehicles poses a serious threat to urban life and pedestrian peace of mind. 当前,车辆横冲直撞,严重地威胁着城市生活,路 上行人无不提心吊胆。 c. Change of information, if any, concerning the contents of this section will be found in the appendix at the end of this book. 本节内容如有更改,均见本书末附录。
b. Sparrows twittered sleepily in the eaves--for a little while the scene might have been a country churchyard. 屋檐下的燕雀在睡梦中几声啁啾----这会儿有 如乡村中教堂墓地的气氛。
(2)转译 英语中的专用模声词,汉语中不一定有对应词,这 时可译成“…叫”“…声” Eg: a. We heard the machines whir. 我们听到机器在嗡鸣。 b. I heard a bird chirping among the flowers. 我听见有只鸟在花丛里叫。
英汉介词短语都能做状语、定语、补语。英语介 词还可以单独做表语。 英语介词使用频率较高。英语造句几乎离不开介 词,汉语则常常不用或省略介词。 Eg: a.The many colors of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside. 彩虹有多种颜色,外圈红,内圈紫。
(2)英语介词多义性强,用途广,汉译时注意区分。 a. The crisis really is upon us. 危机即将到来。 b. A good plan is above rubies. 计划好,胜珠宝。 c. Riots in Toronto over G-20 二十国集团峰会期间多伦多骚乱频发。
(4)表限定的介词短语有时可视为定语从句的一种 简略形式,而做状语时,可看作状语从句的简 略形式,在汉译时可考虑拆句分译。 a. With all its disadvantages this design is considered to be one of the best. 该设计虽然有些缺陷,但仍可将其视为最佳设计 之一。 b. We can not see it clearly for the fog. 我们看不清楚,有雾。