Unit 2 翻译中词义的选择

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3)政府派了一个慰问团去慰问洪水灾区的 人民。 The government sent a special group to the flood-stricken area to express sympathy and solicitude for the people there. 4)这些慰问袋春节之前要发到下岗职工手 里。 These gift (comfort) bags must be extended to our layoffs before the Spring Festival comes.
一个和尚挑水吃, 两个和尚抬水吃, 三个和尚没水吃。 One boy’s a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.
人类语言中,有些说法其意不在字表,而在其功能, 即语用意义上,如一些寒暄语。 1) 吃饭没有? ---How are you?/ Hi!/ Hello! 2)请慢走! --- Good bye!/ Bye!/ See you! 3)辛苦你了! ---You’ve been working very hard; Thank you for all the trouble you’ve taken; Thank you for your work!/ Good job,thank you!
1)“久仰大名,如雷贯耳。” I have long looked up to your great name with admiration and it goes into my ears like a deafening thunder.(X) I am pleased to meet you. I feel highly honored to meet you. 2)“大驾光临,蓬荜生辉。” I feel greatly honored by your visit. 3) “班上的好人好事应该受到表扬。” Good-doers and their deeds in the class should be praised.
9)她竟然没有认出那是你?可真有意思! And she didn’t realize it was you? What a laugh! 10)我请假去照顾生病的妻子,老板欣然答应,非 常够意思。 My boss was very decent about my being away when my wife was ill. 11)这是我们的一点小意思。 This is out little gift as a token of our appreciation. 12)我没有要改变主意的意思。 I have no idea of changing my mind.
1)这个人私贩鸦片。 (secretly sell?) This man is a trafficker of opium. 2) 和这里的人们一样,他也喜欢吃土豆。 *Like all people here, he likes to eat potatoes. Like most people here, he likes to eat potatoes.
搞调查 conduct (make) an investigation 搞马列 practice Maxism 搞特殊化 seek for privileges 一心一意搞建设 concentrate on economic development 搞小动作 play tricks 搞改革 carry out reform 大搞现代化 bring about modernization

(1)打铃: (2)打稻谷: (3)打败仗: (4)打老婆: (5)打地基: (6)打家具: (7)打毛衣: (8)打井: (9)打借条: (10)打篮球:
思想: 毛泽东思想 Mao Zedong Thought 解放思想 Liberate one’s mind 军事思想 military thinking 人民战争思想 concept of people’s war
精神文明 Cultural and ideological progress/cultural and intellectual civilization 精神创伤 Emotional trauma 精神食粮 Nourishment for the mind 精神枷锁 Mental yoke/ideological shackles 精神寄托 Spiritual sustenance 精神鼓励 Moral encouragement (support) 精神生活 Cultural life
Unit 2 翻译中词义的选择
Diction in Translation
如何才能译出地道的英语译文? 一、译文必须符合英语的语法
二、译文必须符合英语的习惯表达,避免“ 中国式英语”(Chinglish)
三、译文必须符合英语句法套式 四、化“一般”为“具体” 五、化“动”为“静” 六、文化难点
来自百度文库 “慰问” 的翻译
1)这些村民每年都到附近去慰问解放军。 Every year,the villagers go to see the PLA men stationed nearby,bringing gifts and greetings to them. 2)每年春节期间,当地官员往往去慰问军烈军属 。 At Spring Festival every year, the local officials tend to pay New Year calls to servicemen’s families and revolutionary martyrs’ families.
1)他们对我真好。 2)好了,这下可麻烦了。 3)这个问题好回答。 4)人人尽说江南好,游人只合江南老。 5)楚王好细腰。 6)她身材苗条,形容娇好。 7)论事业,他是个好丈夫;论脾气,她是 个好妻子。
1)They are really kind to me. 2)Well, we are in for trouble now. 3)This question is easy to answer. 4)Everybody says Jiangnan is a place quite fair; Wanderers will wander no more after being there. 5)The king of Chu liked the slender waist person. 6)She is slim and beautiful. 7)He is a successful husband in his business and she is a tender wife in her nature.

13)他的讲话虽然简短但是非常有意思。 What he said was brief but significant. 14)猴子是很有意思的动物。 Monkeys are very amusing animals. 15)这个女生对她的英语老师有了意思。 The girl student behaved amorously towards her teacher of English. 16)我把你的生日给忘了,真不好意思。 To my shame, I forgot your birthday. 17)你好意思向你年迈的父母借钱么? Do you have the nerve (effrontery) to borrow money from your old parents?
3)合同的基本条款和内容不完善。 (*imperfect) The basic provisions and content of the contract are incomplete. 4)他总算把记者招待会对付过去了。 After all, he survived the press conference. 5)公共汽车为人们去长城参观提供了方 便。 Buses provide easy access to the Great Wall. (more vivid than “provide convenience for…)
严峻的考验 严格的训练 严谨的推理 激烈的竞争 简朴的文风 急刹车 强辐射 过载/超载 严厉批评 严重污染 (1)severe test: (2)severe training: (3)severe reasoning: (4)severe competition: (5)severe style: (6)severe brake: (7)severe radiation: (8)severe load: (9)severe criticism: (10)severe pollution:
5)在我看来,这出戏到最后一幕才真正有点儿意思 。 For me, the play only came alive in its final act. 6)他这个人有意思。 He is rather humorous. 7)够意思!不过,我的意思你还是收下,不要不好 意思。 Really kind you are! But I insist that you should accept it. Don’t feel embarrassed. 8)她的话真没意思。 Her remarks were in very poor taste.
6)在历史上,由于长江不断改道,在武汉地 区形成了众多的湖泊。 The constant change of the course of the Changjiang River in history helped form a great many lakes in the areas around Wuhan----a city in central China.

to ring a bell to thresh rice to suffer a defeat to batter one’s wife to lay the foundation to make furniture to knit a sweater to dig a well to write an IOU to play basketball
替换包括替代和转换两种方法。替代指的是用译入语中现成的 说法替代原文中的说法。替代可分为语义性替代和语用性替代。 语义性替代常常表现为一种文化词语的借用: e.g. 风水轮流转: Every dog has his day; 巧妇难为无米之炊: to make bricks without straw; 眼中钉: a thorn in the flesh; 新官上任三把火: New brooms sweep clean; 脱胎换骨: to turn over a new leaf; 涸泽而渔:to kill the goose that lays the golden egg
2013-5-8 Song C-E 5 10
1)新生大部分不好意思多问问题。 Most freshmen are bashful about asking questions. 2)她有点不好意思地说:“请原谅,我本来是应该 敲门的。” “I beg your pardon,” said she, with some embarrassment, “I suppose I should have knocked.” 3)他这个人可真有意思! He has a character! 4)天有点要下雨的意思。 It looks like rain.