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摘要 (1)

1.前言 (4)

1.1农药与农药残留 (4)

1.2农药残留分析技术的发展 (4)

1.2.1农药残留分析样品前处理方法的进展 (4)

1.2.2农药残留检测技术的发展 (5)

1.3丙溴磷的理化特性 (6)

1.4 本文研究的目的和意义 (7)

2.丙溴磷在水稻和土壤分析方法的建立 (8)

2.1仪器与材料 (8)

2.1.1 仪器设备 (8)

2.1.2实验试剂 (8)

2.2 方法 (8)

2.2.1 标准溶液的配制 (8)

2.2.2 样品前处理方法 (8) 土壤 (8) 稻米 (8) 水稻植株 (9) 稻壳 (9)

2.3 检测方法 (9)

2.4结果 (9)

2.4.1线性 (9)

2.4.2 准确度与精密度 (10)

2.4.3灵敏度 (11)

3 讨论 (11)

3.1提取溶剂的选择 (11)

3.2提取方式 (11)

3.3 分离 (11)

3.4 检测方法 (12)

3.5有关谱图 (12)

4.丙溴磷在水稻和土壤分析方法的应用 (15)

4.1田间实际样品的测定 (15)

4.2结果 (15)

4.2.1土壤消解动态结果 (15)

4.2.2水稻植株消解动态结果 (15)

4.2.3稻米和稻壳最终残留样品结果 (16)

5.结论 (17)

参考文献 (18)

致谢 (20)




本文建立了丙溴磷在土壤、水稻植株、稻壳和稻米中GC-FPD分析方法。土壤、水稻植株、稻壳和稻米采用乙腈提取,GC-FPD测定。仪器对丙溴磷的最小检出量为5×10-11 g,在所测基质中最低检出浓度均为0.005 mg/kg,在0.01 mg/kg、0.1 mg/kg、1 mg/kg添加水平下,丙溴磷在土壤中平均回收率为94.7~101.2%,变异系数为6.2~11.0%;丙溴磷在水稻植株中的平均回收率为90.2~92.1%,变异系数为8.1~11.5%;丙溴磷在水稻壳中的平均回收率为80.3~88.9%,变异系数为5.4~9.0%;丙溴磷在水稻粒中的平均回收率为94.7~112.7%,变异系数为5.8~7.2%;都符合农药残留分析的要求。



土壤的消解半衰期为4.1d、6.1d和2.6d。丙溴磷在水稻植株中的消解半衰期为3.7 d、2.2 d和2.6 d;经测定,北京,浙江和广西三地的结果都显示,距最后一次施药21d,丙溴磷的残留量均为检出(<0.01mg/kg)。由上述数据可知,丙溴磷在水稻植株中的降解比较迅速,而在土壤中消解半衰期较长,且差别较大,可能是由于土壤的PH,有机质含量等差异引起的。

参考其他国家的最大残留限量(MRL)值,结合本文的研究成果,本文推荐丙溴磷在水稻上防治棉铃虫和稻纵卷叶螟等,最多使用2次,用量为20 g/亩(有效成分6 g/亩),安全间隔期为21 d。在本文推荐的施药剂量、施药次数、施药间隔及安全间隔期下使用该农药,能保证其农产品的安全性及农药使用的有效性。



The residue analysis method, dynamics of digestion, the final residue and safety evaluation of the profenofos studied in rice. These provide an important theoretical and scientific basis for the formulation of guidelines of the pesticide, product registration and maximum residue limits of difenoconazole and propiconazole in the rice.

Residue analysis method of Profenofos was established in earth and rice. The earth and rice sample was extracted with acetonitrile. They all were determined by GC-FPD. The limit of detection in GC-FPD was 1×10-12g for profenofos, and limits of quantitation were 0.005 mg/kg for all matrices. In the three levels of 0.01 mg/kg, 0.1 mg/kg and 1 mg/kg, the average recoveries in soil, rice plant, rice husk and rice were 94.7~101.2%, 90.2~92.1%,80.3~88.9%and 94.7~112.7%, with the relative standard deviations of 6.2~11.0%, 8.1~11.5%, 5.4~9.0%, 5.8~7.2%respectively. The sensitivity, accuracy and precision of the method well satisfied the essential rules of pesticide residue determination.

The results of residual dynamics of Profenofos in soil, rice plant, rice husk and rice showed that: the half life of Profenofos were 4.1d、6.1d and 2.6d in soil of Beijing, Zhejiang and Guangxi. The half life of Profenofos were 3.7 d、2.2 d and 2.6 d in rice plant of Beijing, Zhejiang and Guangxi. The results of residual dynamies showed that Profenofos disspated fast in rice plant, while it is much longer in soil due to the
