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专题五 介词

考点二 地点介词

1. 方位介词in/on/to


When did you arrive in Shanghai?


(2)包含在整体内部的用in ,接壤用on ,不相邻用to 。

B is in the east of A.

C is on the east of A.

D is to the east of A.


①Shandong is in the east of China. 山东在中国的东部。

②Jiangxi is on the east of Hunan. 江西在湖南的东部。

③Shanghai is to the east of Hubei. 上海在湖北的东部。

2. “上下”介词on/above/over/below/under





①The teacher put his book on the teacher’s desk. 老师把课本放在讲桌上。

②We can build a bridge over the river. 我们可以在河上建一座桥。

③My cat is lying under the chair. 我的猫正躺在椅子下面。

There’s a pay phone in front of the library and a swimming pool behind it.


②The boy likes to sit in the front of his father’s car.


4. “左右”介词on the left/right of;“旁边”介词beside/by;“对面”介词across from。Linda sits beside/by me, just on my left. 琳达坐在我旁边,正好在我左边。

5. “之间”介词between/among

(1)between 在……(两者)之间;between. . . and. . . 在……和……之间。


例如:①Long live the friendship between you and me! 你和我之间的友谊长存!

②You can find Mr. Ma among the students. 在学生中你能找到马先生。

6. “里外”介词in/inside/into/outside/out of

(1)in 在……内部。


(3)into到……内,其反义短语为out of。

例如:①The pen is in my pencil case. 钢笔在我的铅笔盒里。

②We are asked to stay inside the building at work. 我们被要求待在楼里工作。

③Pour some milk into the blender. 把牛奶倒入搅拌机里。


1. (2012·安顺中考)I like going to school _______ my bike.

A. in

B. on

C. by

D. at

2. (2011·重庆中考)I go to school _______ bus every morning.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. by

3. (2011·黄石中考)I wrote _______ my brother last Saturday, but I haven’t heard _______ him up to now.

A. from; to

B. to; of

C. to; to

D. to; from

4. (2011·台州中考)Shanghai Disneyland has started to be built and it will be open _______ five years.

A. in

B. for

C. from

D. before

5. (2011·宜宾中考)John is standing _______ Gina and Jim.

A. at

B. during

C. between

D. in

6. (2012·黔西南州中考)—Your sweater looks very nice. What’s it made ______? —Wool, and it is made _______ Guiyang.

A. from; on

B. of; in

C. of; on

D. from; in

7. (2012·六盘水中考)— How do you learn English words?

— _______ making flashcards.

A. To

B. By

C. For

D. With

8. (2011·潍坊中考)The moonlight goes ______ the window and makes the room bright.

A. across

B. through

C. over

D. in

9. (2011·包头中考)I don’t know how to begin a talk with Betty. She can sit all day long _______ a word.

A. by

B. with

C. in

D. without

10. (2012·孝感中考)The two kids practice spoken English _______ joining the English club.

A. by

B. in

C. on

D. with
