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What will be used in Western Funerals?
• 圣水 • 蜡烛 • 十字架 • holy water • candles • cross / crucifix
holy water
cross / crucifix
A Comparison between Chinese Funeral and Western Funerals
The Procedures of Chinese Funeral
• 1.小殓 The deceased is dressed in clean funeral dress. • 2.报丧 An obituary notice is commonly sent to relatives and friends announcing the date and time of the funeral procession. • 3. 守灵 Shou Ling, relatives to hold vigils over the dying, in order to accompany them till the very last moment before entering the afterlife. Singing masters are invited to sing funeral music with gongs and drums.
Similarities: • 遵循某种丧葬习俗或宗教仪式; follow some funeral customs or religious rites • 为逝者精心挑选墓地; select cemetery for the deceased • 对逝者的缅怀。 mourn for the deceased
• 7. 头七 The seventh day after the deceased died. • According to the custom, the spirit of the deceased is supposed to return to the house on this day, and people used to arrange the room exactly as the deceased had left it, putting his old clothes on the bed and his old shoes by the bedside for the returning spirit to take a farewell look. People also used to invite Taoist monks to recite incantations, calling to the spirit to visit the deathbed and then sending it away. People prepare wine and dishes and leave them in the dead man’s chamber, while the whole family would go away in order to “avoid the spirit”. • 8. 安葬 Bury the deceased.
• • • • • • • •
bathing the corpse for the deceased dressing up for the deceased prayers hymns an eulogy given by the clergy burial feast holding a memorial ceremony for the deceased
food items
joss paper
altar lamp burning day and night
gong and drums
The Procedures of Western Funerals
• • • • • • • • 洗尸 停尸整容 祷告 唱赞美诗 牧师致颂辞 入葬 宴谢 祭奠
What will be used in Chinese Funerals?
• • • • • • 酒肴 焚香 纸钱 锣鼓伴和声 长明灯 花圈 • • • • • food items incense joss paper gong and drums altar lamp burning day and night • wreath
A Comparison between Chinese Funeral and Western Funerals
• 宗教文化不同--儒教/基督教 Different Religious Cultures – Confucianism/Christianity • 伦理文化不同—重孝/重个人 Different Ethical Cultures - filial piety / individual • 颜色文化不同—白/黑 Different Cultures in Colors – White/Black • 礼物文化不同—白花/鲜花 Different Cultures in Gifts – White Flowers/Colorful Flowers • 风俗不同-中国隆丧厚葬/西方简丧薄葬 Different Customs – Elaborate Funerals/Simple Funerals
• 4. 大殓 Dà liàn is the ritual of transferring the body of deceased into the coffin. • 5. 祭奠 Ji dian, according to the closeness and status of the family members, they will pay respects to the deceased. • 6. 送殡 The funeral procession is the process of bringing the hearse to the burial site or site of cremation.