international economic-NTBs
国际经济学英文课件 (2)
Shortcomings of IMF:
• Moral hazard created by IMF bailouts • Conditionality requirements of IMF loans (fiscal
austerity measures) increase poverty in LDCs • Inappropriateness of IMF measures (i.e. 1997
• Prior to the Uruguay round, sectors such as agriculture, textiles & apparel, services, intellectual property rights, were ignored
• role expanded also to dumping, subsidies, NTBs
George is a professor at HBS and the former CEO of Medtronic, which has been involved in one of this year’s highest-profile inversion transactions, a merger with Irelandbased Covidien.
• International Finance Corporation
– Private sector arm of the WB
• Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
– Provides political risk insurance (guarantees)
• 159 members
国际经济学英语International Economics in EnglishThe global economy has become increasingly interconnected, with countries and regions around the world relying on each other for trade, investment, and economic growth. International economics is the study of the complex web of relationships and interactions that shape the flow of goods, services, and capital across national borders. This field encompasses a wide range of topics, from trade policies and exchange rates to international financial markets and development strategies.One of the fundamental principles of international economics is the concept of comparative advantage. This principle suggests that countries should specialize in producing and exporting the goods and services for which they have the most efficient production processes, and then use the proceeds from these exports to import goods and services that they can produce less efficiently. This allows for a more efficient allocation of resources and can lead to increased overall economic prosperity.Another key aspect of international economics is the role of tradeagreements and policies. Governments often use tariffs, quotas, and other trade barriers to protect domestic industries from foreign competition, but these measures can also lead to retaliation and trade wars that ultimately harm all parties involved. Multilateral trade agreements, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), aim to promote free and fair trade by establishing rules and regulations that govern international commerce.The global financial system is another crucial component of international economics. Exchange rates, which determine the relative value of different currencies, can have a significant impact on trade flows, investment decisions, and economic stability. Central banks and other financial institutions play a crucial role in managing exchange rates and maintaining financial stability in an increasingly interconnected world.International development is another important area of study within international economics. Developing countries often face unique challenges, such as limited access to capital, infrastructure deficiencies, and political instability, which can hinder their ability to participate fully in the global economy. Development economists and policymakers work to identify strategies and policies that can promote economic growth and improve living standards in these countries.One of the key challenges facing international economists today is the rise of economic nationalism and protectionism. In recent years, we have seen a growing trend towards policies that prioritize domestic interests over global cooperation, such as the imposition of tariffs, the renegotiation of trade agreements, and the promotion of "America First" or "China First" economic strategies. These trends can have far-reaching consequences, potentially leading to trade wars, disruptions in global supply chains, and a decline in overall economic prosperity.Despite these challenges, international economics remains a vital field of study, as the world becomes increasingly interconnected and interdependent. Understanding the complex web of relationships and interactions that shape the global economy is essential for policymakers, businesses, and individuals who seek to navigate the ever-changing landscape of international commerce and finance.In conclusion, international economics is a dynamic and multifaceted field that encompasses a wide range of topics, from trade and investment to financial systems and development strategies. As the world becomes increasingly globalized, the study of international economics will continue to be of paramount importance, as we seek to promote economic growth, prosperity, and stability on a global scale.。
Labor Nondiscrimination in employment Other potential standards including minimum wages , limits on the number of hours someone can work in a day, and health and safety issues in the workplace.
Standards, and the countries with high standards are forced to lower their standards or experience a loss of jobs and industry. And they considered that this type of trade is unfair, since the failure to enact or to enforce standards gives firms in the countries with lower standards a commercial advantage. Defining labor standards:
Large external economies that result from them and enhance its future growth prospects. This is similar to the infant-industry argument in developing nations, except that it is advanced for industrial nations to acquire a comparative advantage in crucial high-technology industries. Most nations do some of this. Examples of strategic trade and industrial policy are found in tployed environmentally friendly? And if not, trade barriers such as tariffs, quotas, or complete prohibition of imports can be imposed effectively to pressure the exporting nation to change its practices. Recently, U.S.A and other developed nations have demanded that labor and environment Standards be
前言学弟学妹们,当你们看到这篇复习资料的时候, 学长已经在文档上传的当天上午参加了国际金融的考试, 本复习资料主要针对对象为成都信息工程学院(CUIT)英语系大三学生, 且立足教材也基于托马斯·A ·普格尔(Thomas A. Pugel)先生所著国际金融英文版·第15版, 其他版本或者相似教材也可作为参考, 本资料的整理除了参考维基百科,百度百科以及MBA 智库百科,当然最重要的是我们老师的课件. 为了帮助同学们顺利通过考试, 当然是拿到高分, 希望此资料能够帮助你们节省时间, 达到高效复习的效果.外国语学院2011级,陈爵歌(Louis) 2014年1月6日晚于宿舍 Chapter 2Transnationality Index (跨国化指数)(TNI ) is a means of ranking multinational corporations that is employed by economists and politicians. (反映跨国公司海外经营活动的经济强度,是衡量海外业务在公司整体业务中地位的重要指标) Foreign assets to total assets(外国资产占总资产比)Foreign sales to total sales(海外销售占总销售)Foreign employees to total employees(外籍雇员占总雇员)跨国化指数的构成联合国跨国公司与投资司使用的跨国化指数由三个指标构成:国外资产对公司总资产的百分比;国外销售对公司总销售的百分比;国外雇员人数对公司雇员总人数的百分比关于TNI 的计算公式:International Economic Integration( 国际经济一体化)International economic integration refers to the extent and strength of real -sector and financial -sector linkages among national economies.(国际经济一体化是指两个或两个以上的国家在现有生产力发展水平和国际分工的基础上,由政府间通过协商缔结条约,让渡一定的国家主权,建立两国或多国的经济联盟,从而使经济达到某种程度的结合以提高其在国际经济中的地位)Real Sector(实际经济部门): The sector of the economy engaged in the production and sale of goods and services(指物质的、精神的产品和服务的生产、流通等经济活动。
大学实用翻译教程(英汉双向)第十四章 WTO英文文本的翻译
在司法和行政程序方面,各成员 均可利用本条第一款允许之例外, 包括在各成员管辖权范围内指定 服务地址或任命代理人,但此例 外应为确保遵守与本协议规定不 相符合的法律和法规所必需,且 此类行为的实施未构成对贸易的 变相限制。
All quantitative restrictions within bilateral agreements maintained under Article 4 or notified under Article 7 or 8 of the MFA in force on the day before the entry into force of the WTO Agreement shall, within 60 days following such entry into force, be notified in detail, including the restraint levels, growth rates and flexibility provisions, by the Members maintaining such restrictions to the Textiles Monitoring Body provided for in Article 8 (referred to in this Agreement as the "TMB"). ( word count=80)
terms and conditions(条款) rights and interests(权益) losses and damages(损失)
(2)由两个或两个以上词性相同、 词义相近/相对的词用or连接构成
INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICSLecture 1MAIN CONTENTS⏹Importance of International Economics 国际经济学的重要性⏹The subject matter of international economics 国际经济学的主要内容⏹Purpose of international economic theory and policies 国际经济理论和政策的目的⏹Current international economic problems 当前国际经济问题Importance of International Economics 国际经济学的重要性⏹Why is it important to study international economics?为什么学习国际经济学如此重要?⏹Many topics such as international trade ,interaction of international trade policy in different nations ,thestudy of interdependence of world economy ,the balance of payments ,foreign exchange markets and open-economy macroeconomics are either directly or indirectly the subject matter of international economics.很多话题如国际贸易,国际贸易政策在不同的国家的相互作用,研究相互依存的世界经济、国际收支、外汇市场和开放经济宏观经济学等成为直接或间接国际经济的主要内容。
⏹Some knowledge of international economics is necessary to understand what goes on in the world oftoday .On a more practical level ,the study of international economics is required for numerous jobs in multinational corporations , international banking government agencies and international organizations such as the United Nations.一些关于国际经济学知识是很有必要去了解的,如今天世界到底发生了什么。
Int Econ-Ch06-S2012 International Economics 国际经济学课
Quota rent
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Allocation of Quota Licenses, and welfare Effects:
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
the product.
What is special about quota?
Thus depending up on who gets the quota rent, the net welfare effect of a quota on the imposing country could the same as tariff, worse or lower.
Domestic production may 70
increase (from 20 to 30
units), again just as with 50
a tariff.
40 Quota
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
√(HS 6位码)
√(HS 6位码)
TRAINS UNCTAD:Trade Analysis and Information System
√(HS 6-8位码) ×
√(HS 6位码)
√(HS 6-10位码)
√(HS 6-10位码)
总贸易额 双边贸易额
√(进口额,HS 6位码) √(进口额,HS 6位码, SITC 5位码,BEC 3位码)
[$ 41138.5 per
China 2009 6 HS07 890120
1 11 11 7.9
1686.68 Number/each/head]
[$ 1000000.0 per
China 2009 6 HS07 890130
1 1 1 9.0
1000.00 Number/each/head]
– 时间:1996-2011 – 数据来源:WTO’s Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database;
WTO’s Integrated Database (IDB)
非关税 (NTBS)
实施关税 约束关税 关税配额
国际标准产业分类 (ISIC 3.0,4位码): 联合国统计司
2位码工业行业: 采矿业: 5个 制造业:31个 电力、热力等供应:3个 建筑业:4个 工业总计:43个
国家统计局,国民 经济行业分类 (GB/T 4754-2011)
10个大类(1位数) 63章(2位数) 233组(3位数) 786个分组(4位数) 1924个基本项目(5位数)
International Trade
国际贸易标准分类 Rew.3
International Trade
(Production theory)
等成本线(Isocost lines)
生产者均衡(Producer equilibrium)
生产可能性边界(Production Possibility
技术差异 (劳动生产率的差异) 决定贸易模式:李 嘉图模型(Ricardian Model)
要素禀赋的差异决定贸易模式:赫克谢尔-俄林 模型(Heckesher-Ohlin Model)
规模经济(Economies of Scale)和不完全竞争 (Imperfect Competition)
需求相似理论(Theory of Demand Similarity) 跨国公司的相关理论(Theory of MNC)
国际贸易政策措施(International trade policy & measure)
----考察贸易保护的原因及其影响 国际贸易发展中的重大现实问题和前沿问题
International Trade
Pattern of Trade: who sells what to whom?
As long as countries exist, international economics will be a body analysis distinct from the rest of economics.
3.7036元人民币。 1989年12月26日,由1美元3.7036元人民币调到1美元换
1990年11月17日,由1美元换4.7221元人民币调到1美元 换5.2221元人民币,贬值对宏观经济运行的冲击相当大。
1994年1月1日,汇率体制重大改革,实施有管理的浮动汇 率制。人民币一步并轨到1美元兑换8.70元人民币,国家 外汇储备大幅度上升。
Four Events
Steel Poor Workers in Poor Countries The Euro Argentina: From Darling to Delinquent
Outsourcing 外包 Immigration移民 China’s exchange rate中国的汇率 sovereign wealth funds主权财富基金
统计数字显示,目前从美国转移到其他国家的工作职位每 年高达几十万个,流失到印度、马来西亚、菲律宾、俄罗 斯等国的工作职位不仅包括电脑编程和呼叫服务,而且涉 及会计、保险,甚至医疗卫生领域。有报道称,2004年年 底,每20个美国高科技工作岗位当中至少有1个外迁。
目前,一些美国团体片面地将本国就业难题归咎于业务 “外包”。麻省理工学院的约西•沙菲就将欧美科技企业 越来越多的业务“外包”称为“陷阱”,认为美国和欧洲 把大量低端科技产业职位迁到亚洲,无疑是在培养潜在的 竞争对手。
据国际权威的麦肯锡公司预计,到2008年,服务外包将成 为价值150亿美元的行业,印度在全球软件和后端办公服 务外包市场所占份额将达到51%,届时印度这一产业的年 销售收入将达到480亿美元。
International Economic Theories and Policies ■ International Trade Theory 国际贸易理论
■ Analyzes the basis of and the gains from international trade.
FIGURE 1-3 Imports and Exports as a Percentage of U.S. GDP, 1965-2001.
Salvatore: International Economics, 10th Edition © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
■ 1980 to present
■ Most pervasive and dramatic period of globalization 全球化最广泛和剧烈的阶段
■ Fueled by improvements in telecommunications and transportation 受益于电信和运输极大改善
imports and exports of goods and services to GDP 用一国商品和服务进出口总值比上GDP的比值来 粗略衡量
Salvatore: International Economics, 10th Edition © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Salvatore: International Economics, 10th Edition © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
International Trade and the Nation’s Standard of Living
Dumping: dumping is defined as selling a product in a foreign country at a price that is lower than the price charged by the same firm in its home market or at a price below costs of production. In U.S law ,sale at less than fair value is defined as dumping.
Such deference between the actual (lower) selling price and the (higher) fair market value is defined as dumping margin.
Export subsidy
Export subsidy : an export subsidy is a direct or indirect payment from a nation’s government to one or more of its exporters.
案例评析: 进口配额指的是对可能进口的商
品实行直接的进口数量限制。这种限 制通常是以向一些个人和公司颁发进 口许可证来得到实现。进口配额总是 抬高进口商品的国内价格的。当进口 被限制时,立即出现的结果就是在初 始价位上,国内的需求超过国内供给 加进口,于是价格不断上升直到市场 达到均衡为止。最终,进口配额抬高 国内价格的幅度会达到同样限制水平 的关税所抬高的幅度一样。
Predatory dumpingodity at below cost or at a lower price abroad in order to drive foreign producers out of business , after which Prices are
disguised restriction on trade.
Page 10
■ 在司法和行政程序方面,各成员均可 利用本条第一款允许之例外,包括在各成 员管辖权范围内指定服务地址或任命代理 人,但此例外应为确保遵守与本协议规定 不相符合的法律和法规所必需,且此类行 为的实施未构成对贸易的变相限制。
Page 10
■在该英文法律文本中,就连续使用了6个andsation and damages 赔偿或赔偿金(连 接近义词,表示互补关系)
■person or persons 一人或多人(连接同义词, 表示选择关系)
■injury, or damage 损伤或损坏(连接近义词, 表示递进关系)
Page 10
■WTO 英文法律文本的又一个显著的语言特 点便是频 繁使用术语和套语, 而这些术语和套语一般也只 在法律、合同和正式公文中被大量使用。这几乎已 成为法律文本用词的一种习惯和惯例。 “法律专 业术语的使用不仅可以提高法律语言的 准确性, 还使法律语言具有了不同于一般语言的 专业色彩” ( 马小丰,1995);“法律术语大 致可以分为 两种: 一种是法律特有的术语, 它们 仅出现在或 绝大多数情况下出现在法律语体中。 另一种是并 非为法律语体所独有的术语, 可出现在其他语体 中。但在法律语体中,有其确切的含 义” (肖云 枢., 2001 )
■misuse, or abuse 误用或滥用(连接近义词, 表示递进关系)
■ in contract or in tort 在合同中或在侵权行为中 (连接相对词,表示补充关系)
■express or implied 明示的或暗示的(连接反义 词,表示对照关系)
Page 10
国际经济法(International Economic
1.国际贸易法(International Trade
3.世界贸易组织(World Trade
4.自由贸易区(Free Trade
5.国际投资法(International Investment
术语词汇表英汉对照Autarky 自给自足经济ad valorem tariff 从价关税antidumping duty 反倾销税advanced nations 发达国家Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 亚太经济合作组织appreciation 升值arbitrage 套汇asset-markets approach 资产市场分析法adjustment mechanism 调整机制automatic adjustment 自动调整absorption approach 吸收分析法adjustable pegged exchange rates 可调整的钉住汇率制auction price 拍卖价格aggressive protective trade policy 侵略性保护贸易政策alternative duty 选择税absolute quota 绝对配额autonomous quota 自主配额agreement quota 协议配额American Selling Price ,ASP 美国售价制Anti-dumping Code 反倾销守则Arms trade 军火贸易Association of South East Asian Nations , ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟Basis for trade 贸易基础Business services 商业服务Beggar-thy-neighbor policy 以邻为壑政策Bonded warehouse 保税仓库Buy-national policies 购买国货政策Buffer stock 缓冲存货Benelux 比卢荷(比利时\荷兰\卢森堡)Brain drain 人才外流Balance of international indebtedness 国际债务平衡表Balance of payments 国际收支Bid rate 买价Bretton woods system 布雷顿森林体系Bank for international settlements (BIS) 国际结算银行Basket valuation 一篮子定价法Buffer-stock facility 缓冲存货贷款Bilateral trade 双边贸易Balance of trade 贸易差额Barter trade 易货贸易Buyer’s credit买方信贷Blockade 封锁Bilateral trade agreement 双边贸易协定Bonds 债券Complete specialization 完全专业化Constant opportunity costs 机会成本不变Commodity terms of trade 商品贸易条件Community indifference curve 社会无差曲线Compound tariff 混合关税Consumer surplus 消费者剩余Consumption effect 消费效应Cost-insurance-freight (CIF) valuation 到岸价格估价Customs valuation 海关估价Corporate average fuel economy standards (CAFE) 公司平均燃料经济标准Cost-based definition of dumping 倾销的成本定义Commodity Credit Corporation 商品信用公司Countervailing duty 反补贴税Cartel 卡特尔Common agricultural policy 共同农业政策Common market 共同市场Convergence criteria 趋同标准Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA COMECON) 经济互助委员会Customs union 关税同盟Counter-trade 补偿贸易Conglomerate integration 混合一体化Capital account 资本账户Credit transaction 贷方交易Current account 经常账户Call option 看涨期权Covered interest arbitrage 抛补套利Cross exchange rate 交叉汇率Currency swap 货币掉期交易Currency pass-through 货币转嫁Clean float 清洁浮动Crawling peg 爬行钉住汇率制Currency board 货币局制Compensatory financing facility 补偿性融资贷款Conditionality 附加条件Country risk 国家风险Credit risk 信用风险Currency risk 货币风险Distribution of income 收入分配Dynamic comparative advantage 动态比较优势Deadweight loss 无谓损失Domestic revenue effect 国内收入效应Domestic content requirement 国内含量条件Dumping 倾销Development nations 发展中国家Dynamic effects of economic integration 经济一体化的动态效应Debit transaction 借方交易Double-entry accounting 复式记账Depreciation 贬值Destabilizing speculation 破坏稳定的投机Discount 贴水Devaluation 法定贬值Dirty float 肮脏浮动Dollarization 美元化Dual exchange rates 二元汇率制Demand-pull inflation 需求拉动的通货膨胀Direct controls 直接控制Debt /equity swap 债权/股权转换Debt reduction 债务削减Debt forgiveness 债务豁免Debt service/export ratio 债务清偿/出口比率Demand for international reserves 国际储备需求Debt-to-export ratio 债务出口比率Demonetization of gold 黄金的非货币化Economic interdependence 经济相互依存性Exit barriers 退出壁垒Economics of scale 经济规模Environment regulation 环境管制Effective tariff rate 有效关税率Export credit subsidy 出口信贷补贴Export quota 出口配额Export-revenue effect 出口收入效应Economic sanctions 经济制裁Escape clause 豁免条款Export –Import bank 进出口银行East Asian tigers东亚老虎Export controls 出口控制Export-oriented policy 出口导向型政策Export-led growth 出口带动型增长Economic integration 经济一体化Economic union 经济同盟Euro 欧元European economic Area 欧洲经济区European Monetary Union (EMU) 欧元货币联盟European Union (EU) 欧洲联盟Export subsidies 出口补贴Effective exchange rate 有效汇率Exchange arbitrage 套汇Exchange rate 汇率Elasticity approach 弹性方法分析法Exchange controls 外汇管制Exchange-stabilization fund 外汇稳定基金Expenditure-changing policies 支出变动政策Expenditure-switching policies 支出转移政策External balance 外部均衡Eurocurrency market 欧洲货币市场Free trade 自由贸易Factor-endowment theory 要素禀赋论Factor-price equalization 要素价格均等化Foreign-trade zone (FTZ) 对外贸易区Free-on-board (FOB) valuation 离岸价格估价Free-trade argument 自由贸易理论Free-trade-biased sector 赞成自由贸易的部门Foreign sourcing 国外外包Fast-track authority 快速通道权力Flying-geese pattern of economic growth 经济增长的飞鹅模式Free-trade area 自由贸易区Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) 美洲自由贸易区Foreign direct investment 对外直接投资Foreign-exchange market 外汇市场Forward market 远期市场Foreign-currency options 外汇期权Forward rate 远期汇率Forward transaction 远期交易Futures market 期货市场Forecasting exchange rates 汇率的预测Fundamental analysis 基本面分析法Foreign-trade multiplier 对外贸易乘数Fixed exchange rates 固定汇率制Foreign repercussion effect 外国反应效应Floating exchange rates 浮动汇率制Fundamental disequilibrium 根本性失衡Fiscal policy 财政政策Gains from international trade 国际贸易收益Global quota 全球配额General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 关税与贸易总协定Generalized system of preferences (GSP) 普惠制Guest workers 客座工人Goods and services balance 货物和服务贸易差额Gold standard 金本位制Group of Five (G-5) 五国集团Group of Seven G-7) 七国集团General Arrangements to Borrow 一般借款协定Gold exchange standard 金汇兑本位制Heckscher –Ohlin theory 赫克歇尔-俄林理论Horizontal integration 横向一体化Hedging 套期保值Increasing opportunity costs 机会成本递增Immiserizing growth 贫困化增长Importance of being unimportant 充当不重要角色的重要性Indifference curve 无差异曲线Indifference map 无差异图Industrial policy 产业政策Inter-industry specialization 产业间专业化Inter-industry trade 产业间贸易Intra-industry trade 产业内贸易Intra-industry specialization 产业内专业化Infant-industry argument 幼稚产业保护论Import quota 进口配额Intellectual property rights (IPRs) 知识产权Import substitution 进口替代International commodity agreements 国际商品协定International joint ventures 国际合资企业Inter-bank market 银行同业市场Interest arbitrage 套利International Monetary Market (IMM) 国际货币市场International capital movements 国际资本移动Income determination 收入决定Institutional constraints 制度约束Internal balance 内部均衡International economic policy 国际经济政策International economic –policy coordination 国际经济政策协调IMF drawings IMF提款International reserves 国际储备International monetary fund 国际货币基金组织Judgmental forecasts 判断预测法J-curve effect J-曲线效应Kennedy Round 肯尼迪回合Knowledge-based growth policy 基于知识的增长政策Key currency 关键货币Law of comparative advantage 比较优势原理Labor theory of value 劳动价值论Leontief paradox 里昂惕夫之迷Large nation 大国Level playing field 公平的竞技场Labor mobility 劳动力流动性Long position 多头Law of one price 一价定律Leaning against the wind 逆势干预Louver Accord 卢孚协定Liquidity problem 流动性问题Marginal rate of transformation (MRT) 边际转换率Mercantilists 重商主义Marginal rate of substitution (MRS) 边际替代率Margin of dumping 倾销利润Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) 国际贸易和产业部Most-favored –nation (MFN) clause 最惠国条款Multilateral contract 多边合同Maastricht Treaty 马斯特里赫特条约Market economy 市场经济Monetary economy 货币经济Monetary union 货币联盟Maquiladoras 工业园Migration 移民Multinational enterprise (MNE) 跨国企业Merchandise trade balance 商品贸易差额Market fundamentals 市场基本因素Market expectations 市场预期Monetary approach 货币分析法Multiplier process 乘数过程Marshall-Lerner condition 马歇尔-特纳条件Managed floating system 管理浮动汇率制Multiple exchange rates 复式汇率制Monetary policy 货币政策No-trade boundary 不贸易边界Nominal tariff rate 名义关税率Non-restrained suppliers 非限制性供货商Non-tariff trade harriers (NTBs) 非关税贸易壁垒Normal trade relations 正常贸易关系New international economic order 国际经济新秩序Non-market ecomomy 非市场经济North American Free Trade ( NAFTA) 北美自由贸易协定Net creditor 贷方净额Net debtor 借方净额Net foreign investment 国外投资净额Nominal interest rate 名义利率Offer curve 提供曲线Outer limits for the equilibrium terms of trade 贸易均衡条件的外部限制Offshore-assembly provision (OAP) 境外装备条款Optimum tariff 最优关税Orderly marketing agreement (OMA) 有序销售协定Organization of petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) 石油输出国组织Optimum currency area 最优货币区Official reserve assets 官方储备资产Official settlements transactions 官方结算交易Offer rate 卖价Option 期权Option market 期权市场Overshooting 超调Official exchange rate 官方汇率Operation twist 经营办法Overall balance 总收支差额Oil facility 石油贷款Partial specialization 部分专业化Price-specie-flow doctrine 价格流转学说Principle of absolute advantage 绝对优势原理Principle of comparative advantage 比较优势原理Production gains from specialization 专业化的生产收益Production possibilities schedule 生产可能性曲线Polluter-pays principle 污染者付费原则Product life cycle theory产品生命周期理论Producer surplus 生产者剩余Production sharing 生产分工Protection-biased sector 赞成贸易保护的部门Protective effect 保护效应Protective tariff 保护关税Persistent dumping 持续性倾销Predatory dumping 掠夺性倾销Price-based definition of dumping 倾销的价格定义Primary products 初级产品Production controls 生产控制Premium 升水Put option 看跌期权Purchasing –power –parity approach 购买力平价分析法Par value 平价Policy agreement 政策协调Policy conflict 政策冲突Quantity theory of money 货币数量理论Region of mutually beneficial 互惠贸易区Redistributive effect 再分配效应Revenue effect 收入效应Revenue tariff 财政关税Reciprocal trade agreement act 互惠贸易协定法案Regional trading arrangement 区域贸易协定Real interest rate 实际利率Relative purchasing power parity 相对购买力平价Rules of the game 游戏规则Revaluation 法定升值Specific-factors theory 特定要素理论Scientific tariff 科学关税Small nation 小国Specific tariff 从量关税Selective quota 选择性配额Social regulation 社会管制Sporadic dumping 偶发性倾销Subsidies 补贴Section 301 301条款Smoot-hawley act 斯母特-赫利法案Strategic trade policy 战略性贸易政策Static effects of economic integration 经济一体化的静态效应Statistical discrepancy 统计差异Short position 空头Speculation 投机Spot market 即期市场Spot transaction 即期交易Spread 价差Stabilizing speculation 促进稳定的投机Strike price 协定价格Speculative bubble 投机泡沫Seigniorage 铸造利差Special drawing right (SDR) 特别提款权Special drawing rights特别提款权Supply of international reserves 国际储备供给Swap arrangements 货币互换协议Terms of trade 贸易条件Trade triangle 贸易三角Trading possibilities line 贸易可能性曲线Theory of reciprocal demands 相互需求理论Theory of overlapping demands 需求重叠理论Transportation costs 运输成本Tariff 关税Tariff escalation 关税升级Terms-of-trade effect 贸易条件效应Tariff-rate quota 关税税率配额Trade-diversion effect 贸易转移效应Tokyo round 东京回合Trade adjustment assistance 贸易调整援助Trade-creation effect 贸易创造效应Trade-diversion effect 贸易转移效应Transition economies 转性经济Technology transfer 技术转移Transfer pricing 转移定价Transplants 跨国工厂Trade balance 贸易差额Three-point arbitrage 三角套汇Trade-weighted dollar 美元的贸易加权价值Two-point arbitrage 两角套汇Technical analysis 技术分析预测法Target exchange rates 目标汇率Uruguay round 乌拉圭回合United national conference on trade and development (UNCTAD) 联合国贸易与发展会议U.S-Canada free trade Agreement 美加自由贸易协定Unilateral transfers 单方转移Uncovered interest arbitrage 无抛补套利Voluntary export restraints (VER) 自愿出口限制Variable levies 差价税Vertical integration 纵向一体化World trade Organization (WTO) 世界贸易组织Wage and price controls 工资和价格控制Foreign trade 对外贸易Oversea(s) trade 海外贸易International trade 国际贸易World trade 世界贸易Tradable goods 可贸易商品Tangible goods 有形商品Visible trade 有形商品Intangible goods 无形商品Invisible trade 无形商品Trade in services 服务贸易Technology trade 技术贸易Value of foreign trade 对外贸易额Value of imports 进口贸易额Value of exports 出口贸易额Commodity composition of foreign trade 对外贸易商品结构Commodity composition of international trade 国际贸易商品结构Manufactured goods 工业制成品Semi-manufactured goods 半制成品Direction of foreign trade 对外贸易地理方向International trade by regions 国际贸易地区分布Stagflation 滞胀Developed country 发达国家Developing country 发展中国家Quantum of export trade 出口贸易量Quantum of international trade 国际贸易量Economics of scale 规模经济Trade as an engine of growth 对外是经济增长的发动机Carrying trade 贩运贸易International division of labor 国际分工World market 世界市场Territorial division of labor 地域分工Plantation 种植园Triangular trade 三角贸易Market capacity 市场容量Industrial revolution 产业革命Multilateral trade 多边贸易Favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差Trade surplus 贸易盈余Unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差Trade deficit 贸易赤字Theory of absolute cost 绝对成本论Theory of comparative advantage 比较成本论Principle of comparative advantage 比较优势原则Theory of factor endowments 要素禀赋论Heckscher-Ohlin model , H-O model 赫-俄模式Labor intensive product 劳动密集型产品Capital intensive product 资本密集型产品Technology intensive product 技术密集型产品Specialization of product 专业化生产Degree of dependence on foreign trade 对外贸易依存度Foreign trade coefficient 对外贸易系数Intermediate product 中间产品Capital goods 资本货物Horizontal division of labor 水平分工Vertical division of labor 垂直分工International value 国际价值Exchange of unequal values 不等价交换Law of reciprocal demand 相互需求原理Net barter terms of trade 纯易货贸易条件Income terms of trade 收入贸易条件International market price 国际市场价格World market price 世界市场价格Free market price 自由市场价格Tender price 开标价格Reference price 参考价格Monopolistic price 垄断价格Managed price 管理价格Support price 支持价格Transfer price 转移价格Strategic stockpiling 战略屯储Foreign trade policy 对外贸易政策Free trade policy 自由贸易政策Protective trade policy 保护贸易政策Ultra protective trade policy 超保护贸易政策Protectionism 贸易保护主义Infant industry 幼稚工业Trade liberalization 贸易自由化Trade war 贸易战Corn law 谷物法Tariff ,customs duty 关税Customs frontier 关境Protective tariff 保护关税Import duty进口税Export duty 出口税Transit duty 过境税Tariff barrier 关税壁垒Surtax 附加税Normal tariff正税Preferential duty 特惠税Imperial preferential system 帝国特惠税Commonwealth preferential system 英联邦特惠税Lome convention 洛美协定Dutiable price ,customs value 完税价格Net weight 净重Gross weight 毛重Legal weight 法定重量Customs tariffs 海关税则Tariff no./heading no./tariff item 税则号列Rate of duty, tariff rate 税率Single tariffs 单式税则Complex tariffs 复式税则National tariffs 国定税则Conventional tariffs , agreement tariffs 协定税则Customs cooperation council nomenclature ,CCCN 海关合作理事会商品目录Standard international trade classification ,SITC 国际贸易标准分类Harmonized commodity description and coding system, harmonized system, HS 协调商品名称与编码制度Nominal rate of protection 名义保护率Effective rate of protection 有效保护率Added value 增加价值Trade barriers 贸易壁垒Quantitative restrictions 出口限制Import quota system 进口配额制Global quota , unallocated quota 全球配额Country quota国别配额Tariff quota 关税配额‘voluntary’ export restraint, VER 自动出口配额制Market disruption 市场扰乱Import license system 进口许可证Open general license 公开一般许可证Special license, validated license 特种许可证Multiple exchange rate 复汇率Internal tax 国内税Trigger price system 启动价格制Import deposit scheme 进口押金制Customs valuation 海关估价Tariff war 关税战Export credit 出口信贷Supplier’s credit 卖方信贷Export-import bank 进出口银行(美国)Export credit guarantee system 出口信贷国家担保制Tied loan约束性贷款Commodity credit corporation ,CCC商品信贷公司Intermittent dumping 间歇性倾销Long-run dumping 长期性倾销Hidden dumping隐蔽性倾销Foreign exchange dumping外汇倾销Coordinating committee, COCOM巴黎统筹委员会Embargo禁运Economic sanction 经济制裁Free economic zone自由经济区Free port 自由港Bonded area 保税区Export processing zone 出口加工区Free frontier 自由边境区Multilateral trade agreement 多边贸易协定Plurilateral trade agreement 诸边贸易协定Commercial treaty贸易条约Treaty of commerce and navigation 通商航海条约Trade agreement 贸易协定Payment agreement 支付协定Most-favored-nation treatment , MFN最惠国待遇National treatment 国民待遇Multinational corporation, MNC多国公司International capital movement国际资本移动Foreign direct investment, FDI对外直接投资International cartel 国际卡特尔Restrictive business practice, RBP 限制性商业惯例Host country 东道国Mother country母国Parent company母公司Subsidiary company子公司Export of capital资本输出Portfolio investment 证券投资Stocks 股票Foreign aid 对外援助Loans贷款Sole enterprises独资企业Joint venture合资企业Reinvestment 再投资European payment union欧洲支付同盟Frontier trade边境贸易International trade organization, ITO国际贸易组织Havana charter哈瓦那宪章CONTRACTING PARTIES缔约国全体Contracting party 缔约方Trade liberalization贸易自由化Enabling clause授权条款Market access市场准入Cairns group 凯恩斯集团Multi-fibre arrangement, MFA多种纤维协定Fair value 正常价值Material injury 实质性损害Constructed price 结构价格Counter-vailing duty 反补贴税General agreement on trade in services, GATS服务贸易总协定Trade related investment measures, TRIMs与贸易有关的投资措施Trade related intellectual properties, TRIPs 与贸易有关的知识产权Intellectual property 知识产权Industrial property 工业产权Copyright著作权Patent专利Trademark商标World bank世界银行International bank for reconstruction and development ,IBRD 国际复兴开发银行Non-discrimination非歧视原则Tariff concession negotiation关税减让谈判Multilateral trade negotiation, MTN多边贸易谈判Primary industry第一产业Secondary industry第二产业Tertiary industry第三产业Transparency透明度General trade总贸易Special trade专门贸易Export drawback出口退税Certificate of origin原产地证书Staple commodity大宗商品Re-export再出口Gains from trade贸易利益Dumping margin倾销幅度East-west trade东西贸易South-south cooperation 南南合作Collective self-reliance集体自力更生Posted price 标价International economic integration国际经济一体化Complete economic integration完全经济一体化Preferential trade arrangement优惠贸易安排Council for mutual economic assistance ,CMEA经济互助委员会European economic community, EEC欧洲经济共同体European community, EC欧洲共同体Rome treaty罗马条约European free trade association, EFTA欧洲自由贸易联盟Trade creation贸易创立Trade diversion贸易转向Variable levy差价税General tariff rate 普通税率Conventional tariff rate协定税率Common agricultural policy, CAP共同农业政策Intra-regional trade区内贸易Mutual trade相互贸易European monetary system, EMS欧洲货币体系Single market统一大市场Pacific rim economic cooperation环太平洋经济合作Pacific economic cooperation council ,PECC 太平洋经济合作理事会World economic pattern 世界经济格局“super 301” clause “超级301”条款Least developed countries, LDCs 最不发达国家Export orientation 出口导向Group of 77 77国集团Research and development ,R&D研究与开发International commodity agreement 国际商品协定Newly industrialized countries (economies) , NICs/NIEs新兴工业化国家International debt crisis 国际债务危机。
国际贸易关键名词英语International Trade Key Terms in EnglishTrade is a fundamental aspect of the global economy, enabling the exchange of goods and services between countries and regions. Understanding the key terms and concepts related to international trade is crucial for businesses, policymakers, and individuals to navigate the complex landscape of global commerce. In this essay, we will explore some of the essential terms and their significance in the context of international trade.One of the most fundamental concepts in international trade is the balance of trade, which refers to the difference between a country's exports and imports. A positive balance of trade, also known as a trade surplus, occurs when a country's exports exceed its imports, while a negative balance of trade, or trade deficit, arises when a country's imports are greater than its exports. The balance of trade is an important indicator of a country's economic performance and can influence its currency exchange rates, foreign investment, and overall economic policies.Another key term in international trade is tariff, which is a tax or dutyimposed on imported goods. Tariffs are often used by governments to protect domestic industries from foreign competition, to generate revenue, or to retaliate against trade practices of other countries. Tariffs can take various forms, such as ad valorem tariffs (based on the value of the imported goods), specific tariffs (based on the quantity or weight of the imported goods), or compound tariffs (a combination of ad valorem and specific tariffs).Closely related to tariffs is the concept of non-tariff barriers (NTBs), which are policy measures other than tariffs that restrict or distort international trade. NTBs can include quotas, licensing requirements, technical standards, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and other administrative procedures. These barriers can be used to protect domestic industries or to address legitimate concerns, such as consumer safety or environmental protection, but they can also be used as protectionist measures.Another important term in international trade is exchange rate, which is the value of one currency in relation to another. Exchange rates can be fixed (determined by the government) or floating (determined by market forces of supply and demand). Exchange rate fluctuations can have significant impacts on the competitiveness of a country's exports and the cost of its imports, as well as on the investment and financial flows between countries.The concept of comparative advantage is also crucial in international trade. Comparative advantage refers to a country's ability to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another country. Countries tend to specialize in and export the goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage, while importing the goods and services in which they have a comparative disadvantage. This specialization and trade can lead to greater overall economic efficiency and higher living standards for all participating countries.Another key term in international trade is foreign direct investment (FDI), which refers to the investment made by a company or individual in one country in business interests in another country. FDI can take the form of establishing a new business, acquiring an existing one, or expanding operations in a foreign country. FDI can bring benefits such as technology transfer, job creation, and access to new markets, but it can also raise concerns about the potential for exploitation or loss of domestic control.The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a crucial institution in the global trading system. The WTO is an international organization that sets the rules and regulations for international trade, and it plays a key role in facilitating trade negotiations, resolving trade disputes, and promoting free trade. Membership in the WTO can provide countries with access to larger markets, increased investment, and the opportunity to participate in the global trading system.Another important term in international trade is supply chain, which refers to the network of organizations, resources, and activities involved in the production, distribution, and delivery of a product or service. In the context of global trade, supply chains can span multiple countries and involve complex logistics, transportation, and communication systems. Efficient and resilient supply chains are essential for businesses to remain competitive in the global marketplace.Finally, the concept of globalization is closely tied to international trade. Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of economies, societies, and cultures around the world, driven by factors such as technological advancements, reduced trade barriers, and the growth of multinational corporations. Globalization has had a significant impact on international trade, enabling the flow of goods, services, capital, and labor across borders, and creating new opportunities and challenges for businesses and policymakers.In conclusion, understanding the key terms and concepts related to international trade is crucial for navigating the complex and ever-evolving global economy. From the balance of trade and tariffs to exchange rates and comparative advantage, these terms and their underlying principles shape the way countries and businessesengage in international trade. By familiarizing ourselves with these concepts, we can better understand the dynamics of global commerce and make informed decisions that contribute to the growth and prosperity of the global economy.。
国际经济与贸易专业主干课程 英文版.
Syllabus of International Economics and Trade Names of Main Courses:1.International Clearance2.International Finance3.A Brief Introduction of International Trade4.International Trade Practice5.Customs Clearance Practices6.Management and Practice of Multinational Company7.Business Correspondence8.Trade negotiations9.Western EconomicsSyllabus of International FinanceFor: International Economics and TradeTotal Class Hours: 54Aims:This course introduces students to International Finance and equips them with basic concepts, and methods to study and analyze international economic issues and problems. It will lay a hard foundation for on Finance study and work in the future.Prerequisites:1.To understand properties, tasks and its researching targets; its system,structure overall2.To grasp basic concepts and theories, basic principles and methods,and development of international finance3.To learn to apply theories and principles to practice and analyzefinancial problems and specific cases with relevant theories.Teaching Mode:Lectures and case studyCourse Contents:Chapter one Foreign Currency and Exchange Rate1.1Definition and categories of currency1.2Definition, exchange quotation and categories of currency Rate1.3Currency basis and main factors affecting it1.4Function of currency changes to economyKey points and Difficulties:Exchange Quotation; main factors and functions of currency and currency change Chapter Two Currency System and Exchange Control2.1 Categories of currency system2.2 Fixed exchange rate and floating exchange rate2.3 History and purpose of exchange control2.4 Measures of exchange control2.5 Functions of exchange control2.6 Evolution and contents of foreign currency management in China2.7 RMB exchange rate system and its theoretical parityKey points and difficulties:Fixed exchange rate system and floating exchange rate system; pegging exchange rate, exchange control, complex exchange rate system, evasion, and arbitrage and Currency convertibilityChapter Three Foreign Exchange Market and Foreign Exchange Transactions3.1W hat is foreign exchange market3.2M ajor international markets and their transaction systems3.3T ransaction means3.3.1Spot transactions and forward transactions3.3.2Arbitrage trading and arbitrage trading3.3.3Swap3.3.4Foreign exchange futures and optionsKey points and difficulties:Foreign exchange market, foreign transaction, spot transaction and forward transaction; arbitrage trading and arbitrage trading, swap, foreign exchange futures and optionsChapter Four Foreign Exchange Risk Management4.1 What is exchange risk4.2 Causes and measures of exchange risk4.3 Enterprise Foreign exchange risk management approaches4.4 Bank Foreign exchange risk management approachKey points and difficulties:Recognize and measure all kinds of risks of foreign exchange and management approachesChapter Five International balance of payments5.1 What is international balance of payments5.2 Economic functions fo balance of payments5.3 Imbalance of international payments and its function5.4 Adjustment methods of imbalance of international paymentsKey points and difficulties:International balance of payments and its preparing methods; causes of imbalance and its functions to economy and adjustment methodsChapter Six International Reserves6.1 What are international reserves6.2 Management principles and policy options of international reserves 6.3 international reserves management in ChinaKey points and difficulties:International reserves, international liquidity, foreign exchange reserves, SDR; management principles and its functions,management principles in ChinaChapter Seven International Financial Markets7.1 What are international financial markets7.2 Classifications of international financial markets7.2.1 Foreign exchange market7.2.2 Money market7.2.3 Capital markets7.3 What are money markets in Europe7.4 Financial derivatives market7.4.1 Financial futures markets and futures trading rules7.4.2 Financial options market and options trading rulesKey points and difficulties:International financial markets, foreign exchange market, money markets, capital markets, money markets in Europe, offshore financial markets, financial derivatives; differences between offshore financial markets and traditional financial markets; financial derivatives trading rules and its supervision.Chapter Eight International Capital Flows8.1 What is international capital flows8.2 Benefits and risks of international capital flows8.3 International debt and its measurement index8.4 Causes and solutions of international debt crisis8.5 International capital flows and financial crisis in developing countries Key points and difficulties:Categories, contents and features of international capital flows; benefits and risks of international capital flowsChapter Nine International Settlement9.1N otes and documents in international settlement9.2M eans of international settlementKey points and difficulties:Categories and definitions of notes and documents in international settlement; different settlement means and usage; general business credit, standby letters of credit and bank guaranteeChapter Ten International Monetary Systems10.1 What are international monetary systems10.2 International monetary system10.2.1 International gold standard10.2.2 Bretton Woods system10.2.3 Jamaica monetary system10.3 Regional monetary system10.3.1 Effect of European Monetary System and European Monetary Union on economy10.4 Functions of European financial institutions in international monetary systemKey points and difficulties:International gold standard, Bretton Woods system, Jamaica monetary system, European Monetary Union, Euro; requirements of developing countries to international monetary system; History of Euro and its functions to world economyChapter Eleven International Finance Theory11.1 International balance of payments theory11.2 Exchange Rate Theory11.3 Theory of international capital flowsKey points and difficulties:Typical views on international balance of payment s theory, such as Mercantilism’ theory of the balance of trade, Hume’s Price-cash flow mechanism; Purchasing power parity, psychological exchange, Export of capital, Capital input, Theory of capital controlsClass hour allocation:5 hours per chapter(4 hours for Chapter 11 only, totally 54 hours.Main references:Biaoru, C. (1990. Introduction of International Finance. Shanghai: Huadong Normal University Press.Obstfeld, P. R. K. M. (1998. International Economics. Beijing: Renmin University of China Press.Salvatore, D. (1998. International Economics. Beijing: Qinghua University Press.Shunian, L. (1995. International Finance. Beijing: International Business and Economics University Press.Xiang, T., & Yulu, C. (1996. International Finance and Management.Beijing: Renmin University of China Press.Syllabus of Introduction of International TradeFor: International Economics and TradeTotal Class Hours: 72Aims:This course introduces students to International trade and its theories and policies, and equips them with basic theories, viewpoints and methods to analyze international economic issues and trade problems. It will lay a hard foundation for on Finance study and work in the future.Courses contents:Part One Basis of International TradeChapter One Summary of international tradeAims and requirements:This chapter focuses on the researching objects, means and contents of international trade; students are required to master the basic concepts and the whole frame of international trade system.Key points and difficulties: researching objects, contents and basic conceptsChapter Two International Division of Labor and International Trade Aims and requirements:This chapter mainly touches on the relation between internationaldivision of labor and international trade; students are required to know factors causing labor division and different features of it at different stages; interactive relation between labor division and international trade. Key points and difficulties: main factors affecting international labor division.Chapter Three International Labor Division and World MarketAims and requirements:Students are required to know production and development of world market, systems and main features of world market and makeup and manifestations of price of world market.Key points and difficulties:Current world market systemChapter Four International Trade and Economic GrowthAims and requirements:Students are required to know the growing role of international trade in economy and the interactive relation between international trade and economic growth.Key points and difficulties:Economic growth’s effect to balance of international tradeChapter Five International Trade and Economic StructureAims and requirements:Studens are required to know the interactive relation between international trade and economic structure.Key points and difficulties:Infant industries and their protectionChapter Six Strategic Model of International TradeAims and requirements:Students are required to know the definition of Export and import substitution strategy and the main factors and selection principles affecting Export and import substitution strategyKey points and difficulties:Import substitution strategy and its theoretical basis, Export-oriented strategyPart Two International Trade TheoriesChapter Seven Classical International Trade ModelAims and requirements:Students are required to grasp the main theories of Mercantilism, absolute cost theory, comparative cost theory and Dornbush Fisher Samuelson Model.Key points and difficulties:Ricardo - Krugman modelChapter Eight Neoclassical International Trade ModelAims and requirements:Students are required to know Equilibrium open economy, mutual needs theory, factor endowment theory and Leontief MysteryKey points and difficulties:Mutual needs theory and factor endowment theoryChapter Nine Imperfect Competition Model of International TradeAims and requirements:Students are required to master scale economy and international trade, intraindustrial international trade, imperfect competitive market and International Competitive AdvantageKey points and difficulties:Intraindustrial international tradeChapter Ten Dynamic International Trade ModelAims and requirements:Students are required to master product life cycle theory, technological gap theory, technology spillover and “scientific” model and neoclassicaltheory.Key points and difficulties:Product life cycle theory and technological gap theoryChapter Eleven New Elements Model of International TradeAims and requirements:Students are required to know human capital and international trade; R&D and international trade, information and international trade, systems and international trade.Key points and requirements:Human capital and international tradeChapter Twelve Model of International Factor MobilityAims and requirements:Students are required to master international capital flow model, international factor and goods mobility and international technology mobility model.Key points and difficulties:International capital flow modelPart Three International Trade PolicyChapter Thirteen Introduction of International Trade PolicyAims and requirements:Students are required to know the evolution of international trade, options of international trade policy and its features, to lay a basis for future study.Chapter Fourteen Tariff MeasuresAims and requirements:Students are required to grasp rate of tariff protection and tariff effects models and know of tariff, tariff system and types of tariffKey points and difficulties:Tariff effects modelChapter Fifteen Non-tariff MeasuresAims and requirements:Students are required to grasp analysis of non-tariff effects and know types of non-tariff measures and its basic featuresKey points and difficulties:Analysis of non-tariff measure effectsChapter Sixteen Export Promotion and Export ControlAims and requirements:Students are required to grasp measures of export promotion and knowhow to analyze the economic effects export promotion and export control. Key points and difficulties:Measures of export promotionChapter Seventeen Strategic Trade PolicyAims and requirements:Students are required to know the theoretical basis of strategic trade policy, basic model and its applicationKey points and difficulties:Theoretical basis of strategic trade policyChapter Eighteen Political Economy of Trade PolicyAims and requirements:Students are required to know trade policy and political factors, rent-seeking and trade policy; game and coordination in international trade policy.Key points and difficulties:Trade policy and political factorPart Four International Trade TopicsChapter Nineteen World Trade Organization and International Trade Aims and requirements:Students are required to grasp the principles and main functions of WTO; know features of GATT related with WTO, analyze the relation among WTO, world trade and China.Key points and difficulties:Principles and functions of WTOChapter Twenty Regional Economic Integration and International Trade Aims and requirements:Students are required to know main content and forms, interactive relation and models of regional economic integrationKey points and difficulties:Models of regional economic integrationChapter Twenty One International Investment and TradeAims and requirements:Students are required to learn the main content and forms, interactive relation and theories of international investmentKey points and difficulties:International investment theoryChapter Twenty Two Transnational Corporation and International Trade Aims and requirements:Students are required to know general features of transnational corporation, major features of management and its effect on macro economyKey points and difficulties:Management of transnational corporationChapter Twenty Three International Trade in ServiceAims and requirements:Students are required to general features of transnational corporation, major features of management and its effect on macro economyKey points and difficulties:Models of international trade in serviceChapter Twenty Four International Trade PatternsAims and requirements:Students are required to know trade features of developed countries and developing countries; to know international economic order and trade patterns and their adjustments.Key points and difficulties:International economic order and trade patterns, and their adjustments.\Main referenceSalvatore, D. (1998. International Economics. Beijing: QingHua University Press.Xian, C. (1998. International Trade Shanghai Lixin Accounting Publishing HouseXinlei, S. (2001. Theories and Policies of International Economics.Chengdu: Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Press.Syllabus of International Trade PracticeFor: International economics and tradeTotal class hours: 36International Trade Practice is a backbone course of specialty of Trade Economics,and it is a course of studying the procedure of international exchange of commodities, and it also have characteristics of foreign activities. The task of this courseis: In terms of practice and law, analyzing and studying various kinds of methods of international exchange of commodities, summarizing foreign practical experiences in order to carry out the principles and policies of foreign trade of our country, not only can guarantee the best economic benefits, but also can handle affairs according to the international practice, and make our basic methods can be generally accepted for the international community. Through this course students are required to master basic theories, knowledge and basic skill of the foreign trade business, understand the trade procedure of imports and exports and grasp the method and skill of drafting sales contract clauses.Part One International Trade TermsChapter One International Trade TermsAims:Trade term is the key content of this course. It requires students tograsp the explanations for 13 trade terms of INCO terms 2000 through studying, especially the definitions, characteristic and applications of some important trade term.Key points:The coverage of INCO terms 2000; the meaning of FOB, CFR, CIF, FCA ,CPT, CIP, shipment contract, Symbol Delivery, the varieties of trade term.Teaching difficulties:The same points and different points of FOB, CFR, CIF and the difference among FCA, CPT, CIP, summary of trade terms, choosing of trade terms.Teaching contentLaws and practices for sales of international cargo, the main content of sales contracts, general procedure of sale-goods and main content of this course.Part Two International Sale of GoodsChapter Two Name, Quality and PackingAims:This chapter requires students to study and grasp the importance concluding the quality clause and basic method in the sales contract through this Section, and grasp how to stipulate quantity clauses, andstudy the basic content of the packaging clause, and grasp the general description about the goods on the whole.Key points:Choosing the methods of descript quality correctly, using chipping mark, more and short clause and neutral packing.Teaching Difficulties:Related stipulations about quantity clause of ConversionChapter Three Transport of International GoodsAims:This Section is emphasis the modes of transport,how to stipulate the shipment clause in the contract,how to deal with the shipment document, especially the ocean transportation.Key points:Mode of ocean transport, related documents, clause, accounting the freight of line transportTeaching difficulties:Nature of B/L, kinds of B/L, stipulations about partial shipment and transshipmentin UCP500Chapter Four Insurance of International GoodsAims:This Section tells mainly that transports the range that the cargo insurance gives cover for by sea, our country transports cargo insurance risk and such contents as the clause and transportation insurance practice of cargoes imported and exported, etc. by sea.Key points:Related knowledge about insurance of ocean transportTeaching difficulties:Decision of insurance amount, Choice of insurance averageChapter Five Price of International GoodsAims:Through the studying of this chapter, student can grasp the price of the imported and exported goods correctly, adopting various kinds of and fix a price for the method rationally, selecting the favorable pricing currency for use, using relevant commission and discount properly, and ordering the price clause in the contract.Key points:Accounting the commission and discount, exchange the price. Teaching difficulties:Choice to the method of accounting the priceChapter Six Collection and PaymentAims:This chapter mainly introduces the process of international settlement, such as means of payment, payment time, payment place, etc. Among them the L/C and its related issues are discussed in great details. This Section is a key Section of this book.Key points:Draft, L/C, International Factor and Choice of payment instruments. Teaching difficulties:Transferable L/C, relationship of 3 periods of L/C, Usance L/ C payable at sight.Chapter Seven Inspection, Claim, Arbitration and Force Majeure Aims:This chapter mainly introduces inspection, claim, arbitration, Force Majeure and related knowledge in international merchandise trade.Key points:Choosing the time and the place of inspection, deciding the claim party, stipulating the claim clause, judgment of Force Majeure matter, forms and functions of arbitration, results of arbitrationTeaching difficulties:Commencement and termination of Force MajeurePart Three Trade Negotiation and Contract PreparationChapter Eight Export Business Negotiation and Conclusion of ContractAims:This Section tells the general procedures of business negotiation, the basically contents and establishment of contract, etc.Key points:This Section is key on offer and accept, effective time, whether to revocable or withdraw.Teaching difficulties:Stipulations about offer and accept in ConventionChapter Nine Performance of Import and Export ContrastAims:This chapter mainly talks about the main steps in the general process in performance of the contract and its related issues that should be pay close attention to.Key points:The key points of Urging establishment of L/C, notices of verify the L/C Teaching difficulties:Auditing of credit amount and Export bill purchasePart Four International Trade Forms Chapter Ten International Trade Forms Aims: This chapter mainly tells about the concept and characteristic of various trade forms; main contents of various trade agreement; and issues of using various trade forms. Key points: Distribution, Sole Distribution, Solo Agent or Exclusive Agent, Consignment,Fairs and Sales, Invitation to Tender and Submission, Auction, Processing trade Teaching difficulties: The Comparison of Sole Distribution and Solo Agent, differences of processing with imported material and supplied material. Main reference: Baifu, W. (1996. Textbook of Import and Export Trade Practice. Shanghai: Shanghai People's Press. Xiaoxian, L. (1994. International Trade Practice. Beijing University Press of International Business and Economics. Yongyou, Y. (1999. International Trade Practice. Wuhan: Hubei People's Press.。
• 有三种类型的新贸易理论模型: • 由克鲁格曼和赫尔普曼等人在垄断竞争模型基础上提出的新贸易理论模型。 • 由布兰德(A.Brander)和斯潘瑟(B.J.Spencer)在寡头垄断模型基础上提
出的新贸易理论模型,该模型不仅阐述了规模经济在国际贸易中的决定作用, 而且还指出了在同质产品条件下,因厂商的非合作行为也会产生产业内贸易。 “相互倾销”便是其中的一个特例。在寡头垄断市场上,围绕着垄断利润, 不仅厂商之间,而且政府之间也可能发生争夺垄断利润的博弈行为。因此, 该理论模型具有重要的政策含义。20世纪80年代中期,引发众多争论的战略 性贸易政策便是基于这一思想提出的。 • 由埃塞尔(W.Ethiar)最早提出的外部经济模型。该理论模型不仅指出外部 规模经济在国际贸易中的重要性,更重要的是,该模型还指出了国际分工格 局对贸易利益不平衡性的影响,即不同的国际分工格局对参与贸易的各方的 经济发展有不同的影响。 • 新贸易理论的出现,并不意味着它替代了传统的要素禀赋理论。从解释对象 上看,两种理论分别解释不同的贸易现象。新贸易理论主要解释产生在发达 国家之间的产业内贸易现象;而传统的要素禀赋理论则主要解释发达国家与 发展中国家之间的产业间贸易(Inter-industry Trade)。从理论基础上看, 新贸易理论以规模经济和不完全竞争为前提,强调产业和企业的市场结构和 竞争性差异;传统的要素禀赋理论则以规模收益不变和完全竞争为前提,强 调国家之间在要素禀赋上的差异性。两派的观点不仅不是相互替代的关系, 相反实际上表现出一种互补性,两者共同丰富和完善了贸易理论。
• 2.国际经济关系发生在具有独立主权的不同经济实体之 间,与之相联系,就产生了不同的疆界和不同的货币。
• 不同疆界的存在,产生了对贸易的关税和非关税限制,而 这在一国内是不存在的;不同的货币通过汇率随时间的变 动,产生了相对价格随时间变动的复杂性,而这在一国之 内同样是不存在的。
第一节国际经济法总论International Economic Law ----- 国际经济法International Economic Relations ----- 国际经济关系The Subjects of International Economic Law ----- 国际经济法的主体Transnational Corporations ----- 跨国公司definitioncharacteristicssourcesThe Fundamental Principles of International Economic Law ----- 国际经济法的基本原则The Principle of National Economic Sovereignty ----- 国家经济主权原则The Principle of Equality and Mutual Benefit ----- 公平互利原则The Principle of International Cooperation for Development ------ 国际合作以谋发展原则第二节国际贸易法United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods, CISG -----《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》International Trade Practice----- 国际贸易惯例International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms ----- 《国际贸易术语解释通则》Principles of International Commercial Contracts,PICC ----- 《国际商事合同通则》Offer ----- 要约Acceptance ----- 承诺Withdrawal ----- 撤回Revocation ----- 撤销Fundamental breach of contract----- 根本违约Anticipatory breach of contract----- 预期违约Remedies for Breach of Contract ----- 违约救济Bill of Lading,B∕L ----- 提单Shipped B∕L ----- 已装船提单Received for shipment B∕L ----- 收货待运提单Clean B∕L ----- 清洁提单Unclean B∕L ----- 不清洁提单Strai ght B∕L ----- 记名提单Open B∕L ----- 不记名提单Order B∕L ----- 提示提单Multimodal transport B∕L ----- 多式联运提单Anti-dated B∕L ----- 倒签提单Advanced B∕L ----- 预借提单Documents against Payment,D/P ------ 付款交单Documents against Acceptance,D/A ----- 承兑交单Hague Rules -----《海牙规则》Visby Rules ------《维斯比规则》Hamburg Rules ------《汉堡规则》Insurance Policy ----- 保险单General average ----- 共同海损Particular average ------ 单独海损Free from particular average ----- 平安险With particular average ----- 水渍险All risks ----- 一切险Additional risks ----- 附加险Right of subrogation ------ 代位求偿权Abandonment ----- 委付Remittance —- 汇付Collection ----- 托收Letter of Credit,L∕C ----- 信用证Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits,UCP600 ----- 《跟单信用证统一惯例》International Factoring ------ 国际保付代理Tariff Measures ----- 关税措施Non-Tariff Measures ----- 非关税措施Dumping ------ 倾销Anti-dumping ------ 反倾销Subsidies ------ 补贴Countervailing ------ 反补贴Safeguard Measures ----- 保障措施Non discrimination principle -----非歧视原则The Principle of Transparency -----透明度原则The Principle of Fair Competition ----- 公平竞争原则Most-Favored-Nation Treatment,MFN ----- 最惠国待遇National Treatment,NT------ 国民待遇Tariff Protection ----- 关税保护The General Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions ---- 一般取消数量限制第三节国际投资法International Investment Law ------ 国际投资法BOT,Build-Operate-Transfer ------ 建设-经营-转让Joint Venture------合资企业Overseas Investment Insurance System ----- 海外投资保险制Currency risk ------ 汇兑险Expropriation risk ------ 征收险Foreign exchange risk ----- 外汇险Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency,MIGA ------ 多边投资担保机构International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes,ICSID ------ 解决投资争端国际中心Bilateral Investment Treaties,BITs ------ 双边投资条约第四节国际金融法(ps这章不考)International Financial Law ----- 国际金融法International Monetary Fund,IMF ------ 国际货币基金组织Weighted Voting System ------ 加权表决制General Drawing Right ------ 普通提款权Special Drawing Right,SDR ------ 特别提款权第五节国际税法International Tax Law ----- 国际税法International Double Taxation ----- 国际重复征税International Overlap Taxation ----- 国际重叠征税Tax Jurisdiction -----税收管辖权Resident Tax Jurisdiction ----- 居民税收管辖权Source Tax Jurisdiction -----来源地税收管辖权第六节国际经济争端解决处理法Legal System of the International Economic Dispute Settlement ----- 国际经济争端解决处理法International Civil and Commercial Litigation ----- 国际民商事诉讼International Civil and Commercial Arbitration ----- 国际民商事仲裁International Civil and Commercial Mediation ----- 国际民商事调解arbitration agreement仲裁协议第六节国际经济争端解决处理法WTO Disputes Settlement Mechanism ----- WTO争端解决机制The Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of disputes, DSU ----- 《关于争端解决规则和程序的谅解》Dispute Settlement Body,DSB ---- 争端解决机构Panels ----- 专家组Appellate Body ---- 上诉机构Negative Consensus ---- 反向协商一致,否定式共识Trade Policy Review Mechanism ----- 贸易政策评审机制Trade Policy Review Body,TPRB ----- 贸易政策审查机构。
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– Like a tariff, quota may induce foreign firms to produce here – Unlike a tariff, the quota becomes more restrictive if foreign supply increases or world price drops
Lecture 6: NTBs 17
Effects of Quota: Large Country (if Rent given to foreigners)
Domestic Country: • Suppliers gain +a • Demanders lose −(a+b+c+d) • Net effect on country = −(b+c+d) Foreign Country: • License holders gain +(c+e) • (Supplier/Demanders also lose)
Lecture 6: NTBs 16
Effects of a Quota
• Effects of quota compared to tariff
– Effects on price and quantity are the same
• hence “tariff equivalent”
– Effect on welfare is different if quota rents are lost to rent seeking and/or accrue to foreigners:
• e.g., Export subsidy
– Sometimes called “Nontariff Measures” (NTMs)
• Main Types of NTB
– See outline above
Lecture 6: NTBs 4
Outline: Nontariff Barriers
• What Are NTBs? • Quotas
– Effects Equivalent to Tariffs – Who Gets the Rents
• Other NTBs
– – – – – – – – Tariff-Rate Quotas Voluntary Export Restraints (VERs) Variable Levies Government Procurement Regulations Customs Procedures Standards Unfair Trade Laws Export taxes
• For market to clear, domestic price must rise to the point that desired imports equal the quota • See this with supply and demand
Lecture 6: NTBs 7
Effects of a Quota: Small Country
Lecture 6: NTBs 3
• Subsidies
What Are NTBs?
• What Are They?
– Any institutional or policy arrangement that interferes with trade, other than tariffs – Term NTB is also used more broadly to include policies that artificially expand trade
D Q Lecture 6: NTBs 18
c e
Effects of a Quota
• Other effects of a quota
– Quality upgrading
• Limited to a fixed quantity, foreign exporters seek higher value by improving quality
Lecture 6: NTBs 19
Effects of a Fall in World Price
P Pa S
Quota D
Lecture 6: NTBs
Other NTBs: Tariff-Rate Quota (TRQ)
Lecture 6 Nontariff Barriers
• Students doing Honors Conversion: Topic due by next Monday, Jan 31.
Lecture 7: Reasons
Outline: Nontariff Barriers
• Results
– Suppliers gain area +a PQ a – Demanders lose area P W −(a+b+c+d) – Somebody gets area c, but who?
b c d D Q
• Area c is called “quota rents”
P Pa S Suppose quota limits imports to this amount Quota
Lecture 6: NTBs
Effects of a Quota: Small Country
P Pa S Suppose quota limits imports to this amount Quota which is less than initial imports PW D
Lecture 6: NTBs 5
• Subsidies
• Definition: An import quota is a direct restriction on the quantity of an import
– E.g., US might limit the imports of steel to some number of tons per year – Until Jan 1, 2005, US and EU had elaborate import quotas on many textile and apparel products from developing countries – We still have quotas on many agricultural products, e.g., cheddar cheese, dried milk, etc
– First-come, first-served: Rents go to whoever gets there before quota is exhausted – Sell (or “auction”) import licenses: Rents go to government as revenue from sale of licenses – Give import licenses away to domestic people or firms: those people or firms then get the rents – Give licenses away to foreign firms or governments: foreigners get the rents
• Importing country loses more from quota than from equivalent tariff
• What if country is large?
– Picture is also same as for tariff – But if quota rent is lost or goes to foreigners, importing country cannot gain
– It is the profit from buyinБайду номын сангаас at world price, PW, and selling at higher domestic price, PQ
Lecture 6: NTBs 14
Effects of a Quota: Small Country
• Who gets quota rents? • Depends on how quota is administered:
Effects of a Quota: Small Country
P Pa S Effects on Welfare Same as tariff, except c
PQ a PW b c d
Lecture 6: NTBs
Effects of a Quota: Small Country
P Pa S Thus price is…
Lecture 6: NTBs
Effects of a Quota: Small Country
P Pa S …and quantities are
Lecture 6: NTBs