培门冬酶与门冬酰胺酶对儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病诱导缓解治疗中凝血功能的影响王西阁;郭怡丹;赵雪莲;任瑞芳【摘要】目的比较培门冬酶(pegaspargase,PEG-Asp)和左旋门冬酰胺酶(L-asparaginase,L-Asp)对急性淋巴细胞白血病(acute lymphocytic leukemia,ALL)儿童患者凝血功能的影响,为ALL儿童患者化疗方案的选择提供依据,同时对应用二者过程中及时监测凝血功能及采取适当措施提供指导.方法回顾性收集2014年1月-2016年12月小儿血液科收治的分别采用PEG-Asp或L-Asp行诱导缓解方案的81例ALL儿童患者(PEG-Asp组和L-Asp组)的临床资料并进行分析.诱导缓解治疗第33天骨髓象检查结果显示两组儿童患者均处于完全缓解状态.结果 PEG-Asp组纤维蛋白原(FIB)降低50例次,活化的部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)延长19例次,凝血酶原时间(Pr)延长5例次,凝血酶时间(TT)延长4例次,国际标准化比值(INR)升高者为0例次,L-Asp组纤维蛋白原(FIB)降低25例次,活化的部分凝血活酶时间(APIT)延长2例次,凝血酶原时间(PT)延长0例次,凝血酶时间(TT)延长0例次,国际标准化比值(INR)升高者为0例次.结论培门冬酶与左旋门冬酰胺酶对ALL儿童患者凝血功能影响主要表现为不同程度的FIB下降及APTT延长,且二者对凝血功能的影响有统计学差异.【期刊名称】《实用医药杂志》【年(卷),期】2018(035)001【总页数】4页(P18-20,23)【关键词】急性淋巴细胞白血病;培门冬酶;门冬酰胺酶;凝血功能;儿童【作者】王西阁;郭怡丹;赵雪莲;任瑞芳【作者单位】450052 河南郑州,郑州大学第三附属医院儿内科;450052 河南郑州,郑州大学第三附属医院儿内科;450052 河南郑州,郑州大学第三附属医院儿内科;450052 河南郑州,郑州大学第三附属医院儿内科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R725.5;R733.7门冬酰胺酶(L-asparaginase,L-Asp)在治疗儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)诱导缓解过程中起着重要作用,对儿童患者缓解及改善远期预后起着至关重要的作用,但因其在临床使用过程中易出现过敏、淀粉酶及脂肪酶升高、凝血功能异常及肝功能损害等不良反应[1,2],且其需反复注射,近年来使其在临床应用受到限制。
urea clearance
coefficient of variation
double antibody solid phase
deoxycholate-citrate agar
direct bilirubin
total bilirubin
bovine serum albumin
酚四溴酞磺Байду номын сангаас钠
buffered salt〔saline〕solution
blood uric acid
flow cytometry
fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
free erythrocyte coproporphyria
free erythrocyte protoporphyrin
human growth hormone
heterogenous nuclear ribonucleic acid
L—天门冬酰胺酶是酰胺基水解酶,是从大肠杆菌菌体中提取分离的酶类药物,其商品名Elspar ,用于治疗白血病。
20 %水溶液贮存7 天, 5 ℃贮存14 天均不减少酶的活力。
干燥品50 ℃、15min 酶活力降低30 %,60 ℃、1h 内失活。
最适pH8.5 ,最适温度37 ℃。
L —天门冬酰胺酶的产生菌是霉菌和细菌,故可作制造酶的原料。
( 二) 生产工艺1 .工艺路线:L —天门冬酰胺酶生产的工艺流程见图 5 —1 。
图 5 — 1 门冬酰胺酶生产工艺流程图2 .工艺过程:①菌种培养采取大肠杆菌AS1-375 ,普通牛肉培养基,接种后于37 ℃培养24h 。
②种子培养16 %玉米浆,接种量1 %~ 1.5 %,37 ℃通气搅拌培养4 ~8h 。
③发酵罐培养玉米浆培养基,接种量8 %,37 ℃通气搅拌培养6 ~8h ,离心分离发酵液,得菌体,加 2 倍量丙酮搅拌,压滤,滤饼过筛,自然风干成菌体干粉。
④提取、沉淀、热处理每千克菌体干粉加入0.Olmol /L pH8.0 的硼酸缓冲液lOL 37 ℃保温搅拌 1.5h ,降温到30 ℃以后,用5mol/L 醋酸调节pH4.2 ~ 4.4 进行压滤,滤液中加入0.2 倍体积的丙酮,放置 3 ~4h ,过滤,收集沉淀,自然风干,即得干粗酶。
取粗制酶,加入0.3 %甘氨酸溶液,调节pH8.8 ,搅拌 1.5h ,离心,收集上清液,加热到60 ℃30min 进行热处理。
离心弃去沉淀,上清液加 2 倍体积的丙酮,析出沉淀,离心,收集酶沉淀,用0.01mol /L ,pH8.0 磷酸缓冲液溶解,再离心弃去不溶物,得上清酶溶液。
⑤精制、冻干上述酶溶液调节pH8.8 ,离心弃去沉淀,清液再调pH7.7 加入50 %聚乙二醇,使浓度达到16 %。
在 2 ~ 5 ℃放置 4 ~ 5 天,离心得沉淀。
洛铂50mg+NS250ml 分析:用NS溶解会增加洛铂的降解 建议:改用5%葡萄糖注射液 汇总:奥铂只用葡萄糖注射液或灭菌注射用
50%GS20ml+10%葡萄糖酸钙 10ml+DXM5mg+vitc0.5 iv st
地塞米松磷酸钠注射液与10%葡萄糖酸 钙注射液会形成沉淀
地塞米松磷酸钠注射液分开单独静推, 中间冲管或用其它组药间隔
去甲万古霉素2支+10%KCl+10%GS250ml 分析:与许多药物发生沉淀反应,不应添加
10%葡萄糖酸钙 10ml
脂溶性维生素 1支
水溶性维生素 2支
多种微量元素 1支
泡在针筒内;溶解本品只能用5%葡萄糖 注射液或灭菌注射用水,以免pH的原因 影响效价或浑浊 建议:改用5%葡萄糖注射液
青霉素钠640u+5%GS250ml 分析:青霉素钠在酸碱条件下会降解,产
生致敏物质 建议:改用NS
讲座-04 - 抗肿瘤药物药理学学习文档
第四类为纤维细胞生长因子受体(FGFR)家族,包括有FGFR1、FGFR2、 FGFR3、FGFR4和角化细胞生长因子等。此类细胞在血管生成方面起着 重要的作用;
不良反应 氮芥选择性低,作用剧烈,骨髓抑制较剧。胃肠症状显著,呕 吐剧烈,病人难于耐受局部刺激性最强
主要用于淋巴瘤类,包括淋巴肉瘤、蕈样肉芽肿等, 尤其适用于纵隔压迫症状明显者,利用其速效的特 点,可较快得到缓解。
NO 酰胺氮芥 CH2CH2Cl
朱孝峰 中山大学肿瘤防治中心
抗叶酸治疗(Antifolate) 法伯: 叶酸 氮芥 (Nitrogen mustards) 顺铂(Cisplatin, DDP)
上世纪50-60年代 肿瘤由快速分裂的细胞构成; (烷化剂 Alkylating agents)
不良反应 肺部毒性是BLM的最严重毒副作用
丝裂霉素C(mitomycin, MMC)
MMC可抑制DNA的合成,高浓度时可使已形成的DNA崩解、胞核溶 解,出现影子细胞。
一、通过影响原料供应阻止蛋白质合成的药物 L-门冬酰胺酶(L-ASP)
第五类为血管内皮细胞生成因子受体(VEGFR),是血管生成的重要的 正性调节因子;
重组天冬酰胺酶的制备、纯化与鉴定赵雅嫱黄妤璠龙益如王敏敏白华山1 原理本实验主要是利用基因工程手段构建L-天冬酰胺酶基因工程菌。
L-天冬酰胺酶的生理作用主要体现于其抗癌抗肿瘤活性,特别是对非霍奇金淋巴瘤和ALL 的有很强的抑制作用,目前适用于治疗黑色素瘤、非何杰金病淋巴瘤等,也可以用于治疗急性单核细胞性白血病、慢性淋巴细胞性白血病等。
本实验主要进行了重组克隆载体和表达载体构建、表达与鉴定的摸索;酶蛋白的诱导表达条件分析;酶蛋白分离纯化手段的比较和选择,如蔗糖溶液提取、硫酸铵分级沉淀、CM-Sephadex和DEAE-Sepharose 离子交换层析以及亲和层析;重组蛋白酶活力监控与本底蛋白活力测定等等。
2 实验材料实验仪器见表1.1。
表1.1 实验仪器或装置仪器名称型号生产厂家超净工作台PCR扩增仪恒温培养箱超低温冰箱台式离心机恒温摇床涡轮振荡器高压灭菌锅蛋白电泳仪核酸电泳仪凝胶成像仪紫外分光光度计高效液相色谱仪扫描型紫外分光光度计制冰机超声清洗机实验试剂和材料见表1.2。
表1.2 试剂和材料试剂或材料材质或规格来源E.coli 野生型菌株CPU21009 实验室储存pMD18-T 50ng/μl 宝生物工程有限公司pET-22b 50ng/μl 宝生物工程有限公司Nde Ⅰ10U/μl 宝生物工程有限公司Xho Ⅰ10U/μl 宝生物工程有限公司T4 DNA Ligase 350U/μl 宝生物工程有限公司DNA纯化试剂盒离心柱型天根生化科技(北京)有限公司Ni-NTA树脂纯化试剂盒离心柱型天根生化科技(北京)有限公司质粒提取试剂盒离心柱型天根生化科技(北京)有限公司胶回收试剂盒离心柱型天根生化科技(北京)有限公司CaCl260mmol/L 实验室储存PBS 50x 实验室储存NaCl 分析纯Taq 酶 Mix 分析纯(NH4)2S2O8分析纯C 2H6OS 分析纯CH4O 分析纯冰乙酸分析纯C 2H6O 分析纯氨基丁三醇分析纯考马斯亮蓝分析纯SDS 分析纯Nessler's 试剂Reagent,ACS 美国Spectrum公司酵母粉分析纯L-天冬酰胺分析纯英国OXOID公司蛋白胨分析纯甘氨酸分析纯琼脂糖分析纯葡萄糖食品级TEMED 优级纯溴酚蓝分析纯IPTG 优级纯丙三醇分析纯3 实验思路与步骤本实验设计从大肠杆菌野生型菌株CPU210009中提取总DNA,通过PCR 扩增目的基因ansB,随后对PCR产物进行纯化。
l sh nlO e a O m ̄d) hp riyeie i adhp rl e i w r 3 .9 ,15 ,. % ad6 1 , set e st 1 , y e r l r ma n yeg cm a ee 89 % 4 . % 5 6 tg e d y n . % r p cv— e i
【 e od】sa g a ; ctl pol t ue i s e fc t o be blm; ac at ;b ngn K y rsa r i s a e y hb sc ekma i f t h m o os pnr ti fr oe w p a n e u m a il ; d ee ; r m i ei i i s
制药工程专业英语unit 1、2、3、4、5、16、17、18、19、20中文翻译(庄永思,吴达俊版)
(表1对药物的可能性准备)方法举例1、全合成,超过75%的药剂(合成纤维)2、分离(天然产物)天然来源:2.1植物-生物碱;酶;心甙,多糖,维生素E;类固醇的前体(薯蓣皂素,sitosterin),柠檬醛(中间产品维生素A,E和K)2.2动物器官一酶;肽激素;胆酸从胆;胰岛素)从胰脏;血清和疫苗2.3从角蛋白和明胶L -氨基酸;三一胆固醇从羊毛油脂的其他来源水解3.一抗生素发酵; L -氨基酸,葡聚糖,对类固醇有针对性的修改,例如11 -羟基化;也胰岛素,干扰素,抗体,肽激素,酶,疫苗4。
部分合成修改(半合成剂)天然产品: 一生物碱化合物;半合成/ 3-内酰胺类抗生素;类固醇;人胰岛素其中几个重要的治疗作用最初是从天然产品天然来源获得更有效的今天,我。
这样的例子包括L-氨基酸,氯霉素,咖啡因,多巴胺,肾上腺素,左旋多巴,肽类激素,前列腺素,D -青霉胺,长春胺,以及几乎所有的维生素。
ANALYSIS & TEST 分析与检测食品安全导刊 2010年8月刊本文使用W a t e r s ® X e v o T Q M S对注射了重组激素的动物血浆样品进行分析,发现使用该法在注射后几天进行检测,可得到准确的检测结果。
色谱条件L C 系统:A C Q U I T Y U P L C ®系统;运行时间:8.00m i n ;色谱柱:A C Q U I T Y ®B E H C 18,1.7µm ,2.1x100m m;孔径:130A;流动相A:0.1%甲酸水溶液;流动相B:0.1%甲酸乙腈溶液;流速:0.6mL/min;进样体积:8.0µL。
ACQUITY UPLC ®流动相梯度详见表1。
牛体内重组牛生长激素(rbST)的快速高灵敏度检测Gaud Pinel,Sandrine Roulet-Rochereau,ylvain Chéreau □Fabrice Monteau & Bruno Le Bizec 法国LABERCA化学实验室Paul Silcock 沃特世英国曼彻斯特公司Marie-Hélène Le Breton 瑞士洛桑雀巢公司雀巢研究中心表1 ACQUITY UPLC ®流动相梯度MS条件MS系统:Xevo TQ MS;离子化模式:ESI+;毛细管电压:3kV;源温度:150℃;脱溶剂温度:550℃;脱溶剂气速:800L/h;碰撞气流速:0.15mL/min。
158 23 1871
261 / 15
144 / 24 0 1448
91.1% 0 77.4%
增修订项目 红外光谱鉴别 有关物质 残留溶剂 渗透压摩尔浓度 溶出度或释放度 含量均匀度 无菌检查方法 细菌内毒素 含量测定 HPLC法 原料 制剂 HPLC方法 2005年版 530 2 142 24 4 315 165 107 216 359 2010年版 580 73 707 97 45 414 219 132 372 694
剂与未在正文中列有此项检查的品种,如生产过程中引入或产品中残 留有机溶剂,均应按本版药典附录“残留溶剂测定法”检查并应符合
1 3 2 3 4 5 3 二部特点及品种收载情况
各论的增修订情况 现代分析技术的应用
正 文
• 八、正文系根据药物自身的理化与生物学特性,按照批准的处方来源、生
产工艺、贮藏条件等所制定的、用以检测药品质量是否达到用药要求并衡 量其质量是否稳定均一的技术规定。
附 录
• 十、附录主要收载制剂通则、通用检测方法和指导原则。制剂通则系按照 药物剂型分类,针对剂型特点所规定的基本技术要求;通用检测方法系各 正文品种进行相同检查项目的检测时所应采用的统一的设备、程序、方法 及限度;指导原则系为执行药典、考察药品质量、起草与复核药品标准等 所制定的指导性规定。
规范并真正反映药品的组成和剂型特点,明确了剂型的亚类,与制剂 通则一致。 将胶丸统一修改为软胶囊 硫糖铝片改硫糖铝咀嚼片。 替硝唑注射液(均为大容量规格)改名为替硝唑氯化钠注射液 把甲硝唑注射液中大容量规格改名为甲硝唑氯化钠注射液
Oncaspar(pegaspargase、PEG+L-门冬酰胺酶)培加帕加司<br>【英文名】 Pegaspargase(Oncaspar)<br>【结构式】本品是L-天门冬酰胺酶的修型(来自大肠杆菌)是由单甲氧基聚乙烯乙二醇(PEG)的共价结合单位产生的酶,分子量约5000。
人用药品注册技术要求国际协调会ICH三方指导文件新原料药和制剂的稳定性试验Q1A(R2)现第四版2003年2月6日制定Q1A(R2) 文件厉程新原料药和制剂的稳定性试验QIA(R)修订说明本修订的目的为了明确由于采用了 ICHQir在气候带山和【V注册申请的稳定性数据包"而使QIA(R)而产生的变更。
这些变更如下:L在下面章节中将中间储存条件从温度30匸±20柑对湿度60%±5%修改为温度3or±2r/ni 对湿度 65%+5%:2」・7・1原料药•储存条件•一般情况 227」制剂•储存条件•一般情况 227・3在半渗透性容器中包装的制剂 3术语匸中间试验‘‘2・在下面章节中可以使用温度30C±rC/柑对湿度65%±5%替代温度25C±2C/相对湿度60%±5%作为长期稳泄性试验的条件: 2」・7・1原料药•储存条件•一般情况 227」制剂•储存条件•一般情况3・在温度25“C±2°C/tH对湿度40%±5%的基础上增加了温度30匸±2匸/相对湿度35%±5% 作为长期稳定性试验条件,并且在后而的章节中包括了失水比率相关举例的相关情况: 227・3在半透性容器中包装的制剂在试验阶段中间将中间将储存条件从温度30匸±2^7相对湿度60%±5%调整为温度309±2X7相对湿度65%±5%是可以的,但相应的储存条件和调整的日期要在注册申报资料中清楚地说明和列出。
S TABILITY T ESTING OF N EW新原料药和制剂稳定性试验D RUG S UBSTANCES ANDP RODUCTS1. INTRODUCTIONThe guideline seeks to exemplify the core stability data package for new drug substances and products. but leaves sufficient flexibility to encompass the variety of different practical situations that may be encountered due to specific scientific considerations andcharacteristics of the materials being evaluated. Alternative approaches can be used when there are scientifically justifiable reasons.间去适应由于特殊的科学考虑和被评估物质 特殊性质而导致的各种不同的具体情况。
引用格式:范志颖, 王奇, 吴益淳, 等. 酶解-柱前衍生UPLC 法检测特医食品中天冬酰胺及谷氨酰胺[J]. 中国测试,2023, 49(11):127-131. FAN Zhiying, WANG Qi, WU Yichun, et al. Enzymatic hydrolysis pre-column derivatisation UPLC method for the detection of asparagine and glutamine in FSMP[J]. China Measurement & Test, 2023, 49(11): 127-131. DOI : 10.11857/j.issn.1674-5124.2023040135酶解-柱前衍生UPLC 法检测特医食品中天冬酰胺及谷氨酰胺范志颖1,2, 王 奇2, 吴益淳2, 罗 敏2, 肖伟敏2, 包跃超1, 蓝 雄2,陈佳平2, 杨国武2, 杨 燕3(1. 内蒙古科技大学包头医学院,内蒙古 包头 014040; 2. 深圳市计量质量检测研究院,广东 深圳 518109;3. 中山大学深圳校区公共卫生学院(深圳),广东 深圳 518107)摘 要: 建立酶水解-丹磺酰氯柱前衍生高效液相色谱法检测特殊医学用途配方食品(FSMP )中天冬酰胺(Asn )和谷氨酰胺(Gln )的方法。
样品经灰色链霉菌蛋白酶(Pronase E )酶解后,取上清液与Dns-Cl 进行柱前衍生,衍生化产物经Agilent Zorbax SB-C18色谱柱(250 mm×4. 6 mm ,5 μm )分离,以10 mmol/L 磷酸氢二钠溶液(pH 6.5)和甲醇作为流动相进行梯度洗脱,外标法定量。
结果表明,两种氨基酸在0.500~50.0 μg/mL 浓度范围内线性良好(R ≥0.999),回收率为95.3%~105%,RSD 为0.95%~3.22%。
用药顺序1、联用顺铂化疗化疗方案联用药物用药顺序原因GP 吉西他滨先用GEM 顺铂会影响吉西他滨的体内过程,加重骨髓抑制。
TP 紫杉醇先用PTX 顺铂对细胞色素P450酶有调节作用,可使PTX清除率大约降低33%,产生更为严重的骨髓抑制FP 5-FU 先用DDP 小剂量DDP能够增加细胞内蛋氨酸, 使细胞内活性叶酸生成增加, 从而增加5-FU的抗肿瘤作用。
PP 培美曲塞先用Alimta,30min后用顺铂说明书2、联合长春新碱化疗化疗方案联用药物用药顺序原因CHOP 环磷酰胺先用VCR,6-8小时后在给CTX VCR具有同步化作用,使细胞停滞在M期,约6~8h后细胞同步进入G1期,再用CTX可增效VCM 甲氨蝶呤先用VCR VCR阻止甲氨蝶呤从细胞内渗出而提高细胞内浓度VDLP 门冬酰胺酶先用VCR 合用加重神经系统血液系统毒性,先于门冬12~24小时给药3、甲氨蝶呤化疗方案联用药物用药顺序原因CMF 5-FU 用MTX4~6h后用5-FU 序贯抑制 MTX----二氢叶酸还原酶抑制剂 5-FU-----胸腺嘧啶合成酶抑制剂VCM 甲氨蝶呤先用VCR 阻止甲氨蝶呤从细胞内渗出而提高细胞内浓度,先注射VCR门冬酰胺酶使用门冬酰胺酶10日后使用本品或者使用本品24小时后给予门冬酰胺酶门冬酰胺酶能抑制蛋白质的合成,使细胞停止于G 1 期,不能进入S期,从而降低其对MTX的敏感性。
关键词:头孢哌酮钠舒巴坦钠;华法林;药物相互作用;消化道出血;药学监护中图分类号:R95 文献标志码:A文章编号1006-4931(2021)03-0088-04 Gastrointestinai Bleening Inducen by Cefoperazanc Sodium and SulOactam SodiumCombinen with Warfarin:A Cast AnalysitGUO Liuqink,LUO Mt,XU Ting1,DENG Shenaqi2(1.Degaaueji f0,^^P harmacy,Weg Chinn Hospiini f Sichuac Anighig,CCnye,Sichuun,Chian610041; 2. Sichuaa Industial A s UU/fAnU0wtue f Chenydu Universitn y ChenyUo,Sichuan,CCea610052,Abstract:Objective To povide a reference for pharmaceu/cal care of patients with acnte gastrointestinal blee/iny induce/by ce-fo/erazo/o sodium and suldactam sodium cembine/with waOa/n.Methodt The cngcal data of a patie/l with gastrointestinal blee/ing inguce/by cefo/erazo/o sodium anh suldactam sodium combine/with waOarin in West C/na Hospital of Sichuan Universi/8February 2015were analyze).Combine/with professioval hgowle/go of c nhcal pParmaca,the doa Weatme/l scheme,gastrointestinal blee/ing mechanism anh rescne measures were analyze/by a c/nicy1pParmacish ReseOt CUnical pharmachts suages/b thal the above two doas shovlU bo sto/peh imme/iately when fo/uh thal the pahegi had acnte gastrointestinal bleodiny,anh hiombin,somatostatin anh omeprazole shovlU bo use)to8/dil acid,stop blee/ing and protect s/mac/RhA posidve blooV anh symptomatic rehypratiov shovlU bo infuse),5pg pineracilUn sodium anh tazo/actam sodium shovlU bo replace),hho pahe/tW co/hitiov was stable after3h Conclusion CUnical penemnaneheeeoped eheetgheet hee penemnaephnaneanee oedepg aombntnhnot nt pnhnetheeeaenentg nthnaongpenthheeenpy ho neond ndeeeee eeethentdetepeeheeeneehyntd enhnotnenhyoedepgpee.Key words:cefo/erazo/o sodium and suldactam sodium;waOa/n;doa-doa interactions;aastrointestina1blee/iny;pParmace/tical care华法林为口服抗凝剂,用于防治血栓,价格便宜,服学指标易受饮食、合用药物、疾病状态等影响,治疗个体用方便,是众多患者的优选,但其治疗窗窄,且药代动力化强,需时常监护凝血指标。
P-Gemox方案化疗联合调强适形放疗治疗 结外鼻型NK/ T细胞淋巴瘤效果观察杜艳1黄韵红'胡云飞’陈梦翔1周姝慧2石春霞21贵州医科大学附属肿瘤医院贵州省肿瘤医院淋巴瘤科,贵阳550004;2贵州医科大学肿瘤学临床医学院,贵阳 550004通信作者:黄韵红,Email:1046403187@•论著•扫码阅读电子版【摘要】目的评价P-Gemox方案联合调强适形放疗治疗结外鼻型NK / T细胞淋巴瘤(ENKTL ) 的效果及不良反应。
结果60例患者完全缓解率为65.0% (39/60),部分缓解率为25.0% (15 / 60 ),总有效率为90.0% ( 54 / 60 )。
多因素分 析显示,是否合并噬血细胞综合征及放疗剂量与预后相关(均P<〇.〇5)。
【关键词】淋巴瘤;结外鼻型N K/T细胞淋巴瘤;P-Gem〇x方案;放射疗法,调强适形DOI: 10.3760/l 15356-20200507-00117Efficacy observation of P-Gemox chemotherapy combined with intensity modulated radiotherapy in treatment of extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal typeDu Yari1, Huang Yunhong1, Hu Yunfei\ Chen Mengxiang1, Zhou Shuhui2, Shi Chunxicr'Department o f Lymphoma, Guizhou Cancer Hospital, the Affiliated Cwicer Hospital of Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang 550004, China; 20ncology Clinical Medical School, Guuhou Medical University, Guiyang 550004, ChinaCorresponding author: Huang Yunhong, Email: *****************【Abstract】Objective To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and side effects of P-Gemox regimen combined with intensity modulated radiotherapy in the treatment of extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal type (ENKTL). Methods The data of 60 patients with ENKTL confirmed by pathomorphology and immunohistochemistry in Guizhou Cancer Hospital from July 2014 to October 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients received P-Gemox chtunotherapy combined with intensity modulated radiotherapy (at least 2 cycles), and the efficacy and adverse reactions were evaluated. Results The complete remission rate of 60 patients was 65.0% (39/60), the partial remission rate was 25.0% (15/60), and the total effective rate was 90.0% (54/60). The main side reactions were myelosuppression, transaminase elevation and radiation mucositis; most of them were mild to moderate, which were relieved after treatment or the withdrawal of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. No treatment-related death cases were found. The overall survival rate of 1-year, 2-year, 3-year was 91%, 75% and 69%; the progression-free survival rate of 1-year, 2-year, 3-year was 86%, 68% and 62%. During the treatment, 3 cases died due to the progress of the disease and infection. Multivariate analysis showed that with and without hemophagocytic syndrome and radiotherapy dose were related to prognosis (all P <0.05). Conclusion P-Gemox, as the first-line induction chemotherapy regimen combined with intensity modulated radiotherapy has good short-term efficacy and safety for patients with ENKTL.【Key words】Lymphoma; Extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal type; P-Gemox regimen; Radiotherapy, intensity-modulatedDOI:10.3760/l 15356-20200507-00117结外鼻型NK/T细胞淋巴瘤(ENKTL)是起源 于成熟NK细胞或NK样T细胞的恶性肿瘤,占所有 非霍奇金淋巴瘤的11% ~ 14%,具有恶性程度高、预 后差的特点[1]。
实验一 重组表达门冬酰胺酶II工程菌的构建
实验一重组表达门冬酰胺酶II工程菌的构建【实验目的】1. 了解构建重组质粒的原理2. 掌握质粒提取方法、PCR技术、酶切、连接等基本技术方法【实验原理】门冬酰胺酶,别名L-门冬酰胺酶、天冬酰胺酶或天门冬酰胺酶。
目前临床上使用的L-ASP 泛指来源于大肠杆菌的E.coli L-ASP II。
从1974年天津生化制药厂开始生产L-ASP,到1995年吴梧桐教授等进行的E.coli天冬酰胺酶ansB 基因的克隆和表达研究,并首次在国内成功构建了高效表达L-ASP的基因工程菌pKA/ CPU210009,工程菌发酵单位比野生株高出100倍。
随后又优化了基因工程菌的培养条件和发酵工艺,确定了重组L-ASP 的纯化路线,并对重组产品进行了鉴定。
L-ASP的制备纯化工艺越来越成熟,这些研究成果为我国工业化生产优质、低价的注射用E. coli L-ASP开辟了新的道路。
1. 首先,MDH与门冬氨酸结合,形成一个酶-底物复合物。
2. 然后,MDH通过将门冬氨酸的羧基上的氧原子与一分子水反应,断裂C-N键,形成一分子门冬酰胺和一分子酸(一般是门冬酸)。
3. 最后,MDH释放门冬酸,并重新准备接受下一个门冬氨酸分子的结合。
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Experiment 1 Construction of Recombinant Expression Asparaginase IIEngineered Bacteria[Purpose]1.Learn the principle of building a recombinant plasmid2.Master the basic techniques of plasmid extraction, PCR technology and digestedmethod.[Principle]AsparaginaseAsparaginase, it is also called L-asparagine.L-asparagine is the essential amino acids of the protein synthesis in the cells. Asparagine synthetase enzyme content is very low in the tumor cells, it can not be synthesized L-asparagine and must rely on exogenous L-asparagine to survive. L-asparagine amidase can digest L-asparagin and thus suppressing the normal synthesis of the protein in the tumor cells, resulting in the death of the tumor cells. Normal cells can synthetize L-asparagine, and have no rely on L-ASP. Therefore, L-ASP can be used for treating acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Current clinical use of L-ASP mainly refers to E.coli L-ASP II. At present, the clinical use of asparaginase derives from E.coli. Biochemical pharmaceutical factory in Tianjin began producing L-ASP in 1974. In 1995, Professor Wu Wutong clone and express E.coli asparaginase gene named ansB, and for the first time successfully build a highly efficient expression of L-ASP genetic engineering bacteria pKA / CPU210009 in our country,which has 100 times fermentation units than the wild-type strains. Subsequently, he optimized the culture conditions and fermentation process, determined the purification of recombinant L-ASP route, and recombinant products were identified. Preparation of L-ASP and purification process is more and more mature. This result opened a new road for high-quality and low-cost injection L-ASP with E. coli.Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is enzymatic synthesis of specific DNA fragments in vitro, using a DNA denaturation and refolding characteristics, denatured by the high temperature, low temperature annealing (renaturation) and the optimum temperature extension reaction steps to form a cycle, rapidly amplify of the target DNA with specificity, high sensitivity, easy to operate and saving time.The double digestionPerforming PCR amplification time, designed restriction sites to both ends of the primer, the choice of restriction enzyme is very important. Generally, try to choose the sticky ends digested and high efficiency restriction enzyme, such as BamHI, HindIII.You should know the public buffer in advance, as well as the efficiency of each enzyme in public buffer. Plus a protective base on both sides of the respective enzyme after cleavage sites has been selected. Many people recommend digested overnight. It’s not necessary. Generally digested three hours, in fact, one hour is sufficient if application of large systems, such as 100 microliters.PurificationPCR products were purified with pillar or column. It is easy to cut chunks of rubber when using tapping techniques thus affecting the efficiency of the purification. Column purification can remove the primer; in that case, several digested bases are also purified away. Therefore, the PCR product and the product of double digestion can be purified with column.[Materials]1. ReagentspET22b broththe pET28a-AnsB plasmidLB liquid mediumAmpicillin (Amp)AgaroseTAE bufferDyeLoading BufferMarkerPCR kitDigestion kitPurification kit2. ApparatusMicropipetStandard Clean BenchElectronic balance (accurate to 10mg)Constant temperature water bathCentrifugeEppendorf tube rackSterile pipette tipsSterilized Eppendorf tube (1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube)PCR InstrumentElectrophoresis SystemGel Imaging SystemShaker[Procedures]1 PCR1.1 PCR reaction system is as followsPrimer sequenceECAnsB-1: catgccatggatggagtttttcaaaaagacggc (Nco I)ECAnsB-2a: cccaagcttgtactgattgaagatctgctgga (Hind III)10× PCR Buffer 5 µldNTP Mixture(各 2.54 µlmmol/L)TaKaRa rTaq(5 u/µl)0.5 µlMgCl2 4 µlForward Primer(20 μmol/L)2 µlReverse Primer(20 μmol/L)2 µlDNA template1 µl(pET28a-AnsB)Sterile distilled water up to 50 µlDNA template is plasmid pET28a-AnsB (pre-prepared) and the program is designated “Z1”.PCR amplification program: 95 ℃,1.5 min;95 ℃,30 sec,52 ℃,30 sec,72 ℃,1.5 min,30 cycles;72 ℃ 10min.1.2 ElectrophoresisElectrophoresis conditions: 1% agarose gel electrophoresisPreparation method: 50ml TAE buffer +0.5 g agarose, microwave heating to boiling to fully clarified, adding 5μl GOLDWA VE staining liquid, insert a small comb. Spotting: 2.5 μl sample +1 μl 6 × or 10 × Loading BufferElectrophoresis time: 120V constant voltage 30 minMarker:①. DL2000: each 5 μl of electro phoresis, a 750 bp DNA fragment is about 150 ng, display bright band, the remaining bands of DNA about 50 ng.②. λDNA digest DNA: Heat before electrophoresis (60 °C, 5 minutes), enabling the Marker electrophoretic image becomes more clear.2 Plasmid extractionThe plasmid used in this experiment is pET22b.Culture conditions: LB liquid medium (containing ampicillin 100 μg / ml) at 37 ° C 200 rpm shaker oscillation cultured overnight. Take 3ml broth for centrifugation (the same EP tube repeated centrifugal twice), cells were collected in accordance with the completion of the operation process of Axygen kit. Note as follows:①. The culture supernatants clean.②. The solution2 cleavage time should not be too long.③. After adding the solution 3, mix upside and down.④. Solution1 contain RNase, to be stored at 4 ℃.⑤. Plasmid extraction is complete, and dissolved in 50μl of eluent.Plasmid electrophoresis detection conditions are the same as PCR detection conditions.see 1.2.3 DigestionDigest plasmid and PCR product in accordance with the following systems in a PCR tube.10×Buffer 5 µlNco I 1 µlHind III 1 µlPlasmid or PCR product 20 µl50 µlNuclease-Free Water to finalvolumeIf it is fast enzyme, the restriction endonuclease amount is 1μl. If it is a common enzyme, restriction endonuclease adds 2μl.Digestion conditions: 37 ° C incubation 3h.The plasmid can not be fully used for digestion, to take 5μl empty vector as positive control used for transformation experiments.4 Digestion products purifiedThe cleavage products and the PCR products should be purified before connection.The length of purified PCR fragment is 5.8kb (plasmid digested fragment) and 1.2kb (PCR digested).4.1 PurifiedDigested PCR product and plasmid purification process refer to manual.4.2 ElectrophoresisThe condition of electrophoresis and PCR conditions is the same, see 1.2.Compare the brightness of the purified product with the DNA Marker to evaluate the molecular content.(DL2, 000 DNA Marker is composed of DNA fragments 2,000 bp ,1,000 bp, 750 bp, 500 bp, 250 bp and 100 bp. 5 μl for each electrophoresis, the 750 bp DNA fragment is about 150 ng, showing bright band, the remaining strips of DNA are about 50 ng.)[Questions]How to select the system of the restriction sites and double digestion buffer?Experiment 2 Preliminary identification of the engineered bacteria which isRecombinant expression of Asparaginase II[Purpose]1. Understand the principle that prokaryotic cells express recombinant protein vectors.2. Grasp the preliminary identification methods of the recombinant plasmid.[Principle]The connection of digested and the recovered PCR product with the vectorThe calculation of the molar ratio, beginners should carefully calculate from the beginning. Vector fragment recovered: Recycling PCR product fragment from 1:3 to 1:10, generally the former 0.03pmol, latter take 0.3pmol. pmol units of DNA is converted to μg DNA units: (X pmoles of × length bp × 650) / 1,000,000 (Note: Length bp × 650 is the molecular weight of the double-stranded DNA) The resulting figure is the μg, it can be directly used the formula set .1 pmol of 1000bp of DNA =0.66μg, such as the carrier is 5380bp, 0.03pmol the 0.03 × 5.38 × 0.66 = 0.106524μg.The concentration of DNA can be measured using micro-visible spectrophotometer, OD value is typically about 1.7-1.9. The ligase units defined as follows: 20 μl of the ligation reaction system, 6 μg the λDNA-Hind III of decomposition reaction for 30 minutes at 16 ℃, more than 90% of the DNA segment is connected, the required amount of the enzyme is defined as an activity unit (U). The concentration is completely sufficient about 350 U / μl. Ligase is easily inactivated, so operate it in the low-temperature, for example using ice and three hours is enough.Competent cellInduce cells using physical and chemical methods to make the cells in the optimum physiological state of intaking and accommodating foreign DNA. In the molecular biology experiments, cells can turn into competent cells which can accept foreign DNA by special treatment .Not only we can test whether the recombinant vector was successfully constructed, the most important is competent cells can host a follow-up experiment as a recombinant vector when the constructed vectors were transfected into competent cells for expression, such as protein expression and purification an so on.. Two common methods are used:Electroporation:After the cells and DNA were mixed, high voltage pulse is used. Then they are recovery within eutrophic ed for transformation of yeast cells.Chemical methods:The cells were suspended in the calcium chloride solution at 0℃, then the foreign DNA is put in (generally plasmids), placed for about half an hour after mixing. They are heated to 42℃ (heat shock) by Short-term (usually 75-90 seconds), adding nutritious medium for recovery.The method generally used for prokaryotic cells, in particular the transformation of E.coli.The method of CaCl2:1. Puting the rapid growth of E. coli at a low temperature (0 ℃) pretreatment of hypotonic solution of calcium chloride, will cause cell expansion.At the same time, Ca2 +causes the membrane phospholipid bilayer to form a liquid crystal structure, which prompt the part of the nucleic acid enzymatic hydrolysis of the cells in the adventitia and intima gap left to leave area and induced the cells to become competent cells. The permeability of cell membrane is changed, making it easily adhered with foreign DNA and formed anti-deoxyribonuclease hydroxy - calcium phosphate complexes on the cell surface.2. At this time, the system was transferred at the temperature of 42℃being a short thermal stimulation (90s).The liquid crystal structure of the cell membrane violent disturbances, and then many gaps appear. Foreign DNA can be absorbed by cells.The Foreign DNA in the cells is in the progress of replication and expression, achieving the transfer of genetic information.Then the receptor cells emerge the new genetic trait.3. The transformed cells were cultured on selective medium to screen the positive clones having foreign DNA.[The experimental material]1. ReagentConnection KitE. coli Bl21.LB liquid medium.LB solid medium.Ampicillin (Amp).CaCl2 solution.2. ApparatusMicropipettorStandard Clean BenchConstant temperature water bathRefrigerated centrifugeEppendorf tube rackSterile pipette pipette tipsSterilized Eppendorf tube (1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube)ShakerSpectrophotometerIce makerIncubatorElectromagnetic stirrerPH meter[Procedures]1 Connection systemConnecting in the PCR tube as the following systems:T4 DNA Ligase ( 400 U/µl,0.5 µlNEB )10×Ligase buffer 2 µlPlasmid 50~100ngPCR product 50~100ng20 µlNuclease-Free Water to finalvolumePlace on ice for 3h or 16℃overnight. When the content of the plasmids and PCR product considerable, both the ends of the molar concentration ratio of about 1:5.2 Transformation2.1 The preparation of E. coli competent cell (the method of CaCl2)Separate the single bacteria of E. coli Bl21 (DE3) through streaking in advance. Take 300μl from the glycerol tube. Then inoculate into LB liquid medium and cultured overnight. The next day, transfer to 100 ml LB medium as the ratio of 1:50. When the OD600 reaches 0.5-1.0, prepare the competent cells as the following processes:1.Transfer 1.5ml broth to a centrifuge tube. And place on ice for 10 minutes. Then centrifuge at 5000 rpm for 5 minutes at 4 ℃.2.Discard the supernatant (dumping off the supernatant gently and remove excessive moisture with a pipette).3.Adding 1ml precooling 0.05 mol/L CaCl2 solution, gently struck the bottom of the tube to make the cells completely suspended. Then placed on ice for 15 min, centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5 minutes at 4℃.4.Discard supernatant, adding 0.2ml 0.05 mol/L pre-cooling CaCl2 solution, then gently suspended cells. That is competent cells. Distribute the state of cell suspension into two parts, each 100µl (pay attention to the suspension density should be uniform). Placed on ice to spare (preparation 4 parts for each team).5.Stored at -80℃ for the unused competent cells.Attention:The cells which have been treated with CaCl2 are relatively weak, so operate as tenderly as we can.2.2 The Transformation of Ligation products1. Add 10μl ligation product, 10μl deionized water (negative control) and 1μl pET22b empty vector (positive control) to three 100μl competent cells, respectively, using sterile suction. And gently rotate or flick wall to mix. The contents were placed on ice for 30 min.2. Place the tube at 42℃, heat shock for 90s, and without shaking the centrifuge tube.3. Transfer the centrifuge tube in an ice bath quickly and cooled to 1-2 min.4. Add 800 ml LB liquid medium to each tube, shaking culture 37℃ for 1 h.5. Lessons 100μl competent cells that have been transformed and add to the LB plates containing a selective. Then daub gently cells evenly to the surface of the agar plate using an L-type glass rod.6. Culture at 37℃ for 12-16h, observe with the petri dishes and take a picture. [Questions]1.What is the problem established using the negative control and positive control inthe conversion experiments?2.What is the reason to cause recombinant plasmid PCR results for negative?Experiment 3 Separation and Purification of Recombinant Asparaginase II [Purpose]1.Understand the principle and method of the recombinant engineered bacteria fermentation and induced expression of recombinant asparaginase II.2.Master the fractional precipitation of protein by ammonium sulfate [Principle]FermentationMulti-fingered the process that organism decompose some kind of organic matter .Fermentation is a biochemical reaction that human contact earlier, and now is widely used in the food industry, biotechnology and chemical industries.It is also the basic process of bioengineering--fermentation engineering.The study of the mechanism as well as process control continues.Fermentation is such a biological oxidation:In the absence of exogenous final electron acceptor,energy heterotrophic microorganism cells on the reduction of the energy of oxidation of organic couple compounds with the endogenous (already after the cell metabolism) for ually phosphorylated by containing cytochrome, etc. on the electron transfer chain of electron transfer and electron transfer does not occur,but to obtain the metabolizable energy of ATP by substrate (a substrate of the kinase) level phosphorylation.NAD,the one-level electron carrier which is released with energy organic compounds, directly hand the electron to endogenous organic electron acceptor as the form of NADH to regenerate NAD,while restoring the latter into the fermentation product (incomplete oxidation products).Salting-out:There are hydrophobic amino acids and hydrophilic amino acids in protein molecules. After protein folding in aqueous solution, hydrophobic amino acids usually form protected hydrophobic areas while hydrophilic amino acids interact with the molecules of solvation and allow proteins to form hydrogen bonds with the surrounding water molecules. If enough of the protein surface is hydrophilic, the protein can be dissolved in water. When the salt concentration is increased, some of the water molecules are attracted by the salt ions, which decreases the number of water molecules available to interact with the charged part of the protein. As a result of the increased demand for solvent molecules, the protein-protein interactions are stronger than the solvent-solute interactions; the protein molecules coagulate by forming hydrophobic interactions with each other. This process is known as salting out.Ammonium sulfate precipitation:Ammonium sulfate precipitation is a method used to purify proteins by altering their solubility. It is a specific case of a more general technique known as salting out. Ammonium sulfate is commonly used as its solubility is so high that salt solutions with high ionic strength are allowed. The solubility of proteins varies according to the ionic strength of the solution, and hence according to the salt concentration. Two distinct effects are observed: at low salt concentrations, the solubility of the protein increases with increasing salt concentration (i.e. increasing ionic strength), an effect termed salting in. As the salt concentration (ionic strength) is increased further, the solubility of the protein begins to decrease. At sufficiently high ionic strength, the protein will be almost completely precipitated from the solution (salting out).[Materials]1. ReagentsLB liquid mediumAmmonium sulfateBroken wall liquid: 45% sucrose, 10 mmol/L EDTA, 200 mg/L lysozyme, pH 7.5 Sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.6)Fermentation medium (corn steep liquor medium):Corn steep liquor 50g / L ,beef extract 35g / L and monosodium glutamate 10g / L, pH 7.0, autoclaved.Adding the antibiotic ampicillin into it under sterile conditions before vaccinating.2. ApparatusMicro pipetteMagnetic stirrerPh meterV ortex mixerUltrasonic Processor[Procedures]1 Cell disruption1.1 Inocula cultivationThe recombinant plasmid used for separation and purification of protein is pET22b - AnsB.Fermentation conditions:1Take 400 µl broth from glycerol pipe to 50 ml LB liquid medium (including Kanamycin 50 µ g/ml), 37 ℃12 h (150 RPM).2Take 10 ml inocula, access to 200 ml corn steep liquor culture solution in 500 ml triangular flask, 25 ℃ 4 h (150 RPM), then add the lactose to final concentration of 10 mmol/L (200 ml add 4 ml 0.5 mol/L lactose), cultue overnight.3Centrifuged 6000 rpm 15 min in 4 ℃ for collection broth.1.2 UltrasonicationResuspension of 1 g broth with 20 ml 20 mmol/L sodium acetate buffer (pH 5.6). Ultrasonication condition:1Crushing in ice bath 20 min, pause 30 S after each 15 S, power 400 w.2In case the liquid temperature too high, centrifugal pipe of cell suspension should be kept in ice water mixture during all process,.3Centrifuged 6000 rpm 15 min, take supernatant fluid as crude enzyme extract. After Ultrasonication, determinate the activity of crude enzyme extract and precipitation to determine the formation of inclusion body from protein.Retention 1 ml samples for protein content, enzyme activity and SDS-PAGE electrophoresis analysis.2 Protein crude extraction (first ammonium sulfate precipitation)Add buffer to the enzyme extract to 50 ml, and then add 18.1 g ammonium sulfate in enzyme extract to to 55% saturation, adjust pH to 7.0, magnetic stirring 60 min in ice water bath, precipitation 4 ℃ 3 h3 Protein purification (second ammonium sulfate precipitation)1Centrifuged the first product of ammonium sulfate precipitation 6000 rpm 20 min to remove precipitation.2Add 13.6 g ammonium sulfate in the supernatant fluid to 90% saturation, adjust pH near to the isoelectric point (about pH 5.0), stirring 60 min, and 4 ℃ overnight, centrifuged 6000 rpm 30 min, frozen storage precipitation.[Questions]1. What are the reasons for the formation of inclusion bodies?2. What are the purposes of two ammonium sulfate precipitations, respectively?Experiment 4 Dialysis Desalination of Recombinant Asparaginase II [Purpose]1.Understand the principle of recombinant asparaginase II through dialysisdesalination2.Master the basic operation of dialysis[Principle]DialysisIn biochemistry, dialysis is the process of separating molecules in solution by the difference in their rates ofdiffusion through a semipermeable membrane, such as dialysis tubing. Dialysis is a common laboratory technique that operates on the same principle as medical dialysis. Typically a solution of several types of molecules is placed into a semipermeable dialysis bag, such as a cellulose membrane with pores, and the bag is sealed. The sealed dialysis bag is placed in a container of a different solution, or pure water. Molecules small enough to pass through the tubing (often water, salts and other small molecules) tend to move into or out of the dialysis bag, in the direction of decreasing concentration. Larger molecules (oftenproteins, DNA, or polysaccharides) that have dimensions significantly greater than the pore diameter are retained inside the dialysis bag. One common reason for using this technique would be to remove the salt from aprotein solution. The technique will not distinguish between proteins effectively.[Materials]1. ReagentsPhosphate buffer (pH 6.4)Sodium bicarbonate 2% (W/V)1 mmol/L EDTA (pH 8.0)2. ApparatusDialysis tubingBeakerMagnetic stirrerMicro pipette[Procedures]The collection of sediment of experiment 3 is resuspension with 10 ml 5 mmol/L phosphate buffer solution (pH 6.4).1 Dialysis tubing pretreatment methodDialysis tubing size: sift molecular weight 12000-14000.1The dialysis tubing is cut into small section of appropriate length (15 cm).2Boil the dialysis tubing 10 min in 300 ml of 2% (W/V) sodium bicarbonate and 1 mmol/L EDTA (pH 8.0).3Rinse thoroughly dialysis tubing in distilled water.4Boil the dialysis tubing 10 min in 200 ml 1 mmol/L EDTA (pH 8.0).5After cooling, deposited in the 4 degrees, must ensure that dialysis tubing always submerged in the solution. Since then must wear the gloves when take dialysis tubing. 6Before use, dialysis tubing must be filled with water and then clean.2 Dialysis1Clip clips and then check whether the dialysis tubing leakage. Fill asparagine II crude products in qualified dialysis tubing with pipette, and then dialysis with 5 mmol/L phosphate buffer.2At the beginning, change dialysis solution every 20 - 30 min, after three or four times, prolong time of changing the solution, dialysis 8 h or overnight.3Adjust the total volume to 20ml and retain 1 ml sample for protein content, enzyme activity and SDS-PAGE electrophoresis analysis.[Questions]What are the influence factors on dialysis effectivity?Experiment 5 Preliminary Identification of Recombinant Asparaginase II [Purpose]1.Learn the principle of ion column exchange adsorption technology.2.Master the methods how to isolate and purify recombinant asparaginase II byusing ion column the exchange adsorption technology.3.Master the method for detecting enzyme activity of the recombinant asparaginaseenzyme II using Nessler reagent.[Principle]Ion exchange chromatographyIon exchange chromatography is a separation analysis technology to determine the content of cations and anions in the solution based on an integrated technique of ion exchange and liquid chromatographic. Any material able to ionize in solution can be detected and separated by ion-exchange chromatography. Now it is not only applicable to the separation of a mixture of inorganic ion, but also widely used for separation of organic matter, for example, amino acids, nucleic acids, proteins and other biological macromolecules.DEAE-cellulose column chromatographyDEAE-cellulose column chromatography is an ion-exchange chromatography based on the principle that the charged biological macromolecules are isolated and purified by making exchange with the ionic groups on ion exchange chromatography medium. Its separation efficiency depends on the binding force between two reversible exchange counterparts, the macromolecules of the mobile phase and the counter ion from the ion exchange agent of the stationary phase.[Materials]1. ReagentsPhosphate buffer (pH 6.4)DEAE-52 anion cellulose0.5M NaOH0.5M HClBoric acid bufferTrichloroacetic acidNessler’s reagent2. ApparatusMicropipetteChromatography columnIron support standPeristaltic pumpAutomatic fraction collectionVacuum pump and vacuum desiccatorsRecorder[Procedures]1 PretreatmentFresh DEAE-52, a type of pre-swollen ion exchange cellulose, could be used directly without pretreatment. The used DEAE-52 should be regenerated following step 4 before column packing.2 Column packing2.1 Preparation of the exchanger1.Fetch 10 g pre-swollen DEAE52 powder, add 50 ml 5mmol / L phosphate buffersolution (pH 6.4), stand still for 10min, and then remove the fine particles in the supernatant.2.Repeat steps 1 for several times until the pH value of filtrate or supernatant is thesame with that of phosphate buffer solution.2.2 Column packingFix the clean washed chromatography column vertically on the rack, add 1/3 volume of deionized water, open the lower water outlet, and instantly pour the medium from a small beaker gently into the chromatography column, and the medium are naturally and gradually settled in the bottom of the column. Stop packing until the top of deposited gel is 1.5-2cm away from top end of chromatographic column. Connect the upper inlet port of chromatography column to a peristaltic pump, and the lower water outlet to a protein monitor. Keep liquid flow until medium inside the column is equilibrizied.2.3 Chromatography column equilibrizingTurn on the lower water outlet of the chromatography column and pump the balancing buffer into chromatography column constantly with peristaltic pump, adjust its flow rate to 0.5-1 ml/min. The balance of chromatography column is not reached until the pH value of filtrate turns the same with that of balancing buffer. In the presentexperiment, DEAE-cellulose column is equilibrizied with 5mmol / L phosphate buffer (pH 6.4).3 Sample loading and elution3.1 Sample loadingLoad the eluted enzyme solution into equilibrizied chromatography column with peristaltic pump system, and wash the hybrid protein with 5 mmol / L phosphate buffer solution until a stable baseline is achieved.3.2 Elution1.Connect gradient elution device with chromatography column.2.Fill elution bottle A (reservoir) and bottle B (mixer) of gradient elution device,with 0.2 mol / L phosphate buffer (pH 6.4) and 50 mmol / L phosphate buffer (pH6.4) respectively. Make sure liquid level of both containers are the same andremove the bubbles in their connecting vessel.3.Turn on the magnetic stirrer of gradient elution device, set its appropriate stirringspeed at which the buffers are mixed without significant swirl.4.Turn on switches of bottle A, bottle B and their connecting vessel, adjust theliquid flow rate to 5ml/5min, and collect the eluent with fraction collector.3.3 Results and calculatingDetect enzyme activity of the samples collected with fraction collection, merge the active samples into one tube, and measure its total volume. Take 1ml sample from the merged tube for protein determination and SDS-PAGE electrophoresis analysis (for SDS-PAGE analysis, the sample should be taken corresponding to the peak top of chromatography map).4 Chromatography media regenerationChromatography media could be recycled following the steps below.1.Transfer the media from the column into a beaker, shake gently while adding500ml 0.5M NaOH, and soak for 30 minutes.2.Filter, remove the supernatant. Wash the media with water until pH value reaches8.0. Filter, remove the water.3.Shake gently while adding 500ml 0.5M HCl, and soak for 30 minutes. Wash themedia with water until pH value reaches 4.0. Filter, remove the water.4.Shake gently while adding 500ml 0.5M NaOH, and soak for 30 minutes. Wash themedia with water until pH value reaches 8.0. Filter, remove the water.5.Rinse the media with deionized water, and filter with filter funnels Buehner andstore in 20% alcohol solution.。