Chapter Two
汉英翻译(chapter two)
1、词汇特点(1exical features)
新闻报道在用词上具有新颖、精巧和别致 的特点,以增强新闻的宣传效果,形成 “新闻词汇”(journalistic words)。新闻词 汇的构成大致有以下六种情况。 (1)旧词换新义 老总
general or high-ranking commander of the
the ruling clique; anti-Party clique( clique:an exclusive circle of
people with a common purpose
This regional bloc has fallen apart.
琼州学院外国语学院 18
① 英语新闻标题:一般过去时表过去; 不定式表将来 ② 汉语新闻标题:借助时间词 施罗德将出访美国
Shroeder to visit US forging ties with the new Bush
(DPA德意志新闻社) 我国承担的人类基因组“天书”接近完成 China to complete draft of 1% Human Genome
英文标题无引题,因此应将汉语标题中的引题和 主题合二为一。 例如: (引题)大坝出现“大裂缝”? 资金是个“无底洞”? (主题)三峡总公司避谣:空穴来风 Big Rift and Fund Shortage: A Rumor
琼州学院外国语学院 17
2.1.1 以-s结尾的疾病名称和游戏名称
mumps(腮腺炎), diabetes(糖尿病)-用作单数
Mumps is a kind of infectious disease. Arthritis is a disease causing pain and swelling in the joints of body. Phlebitis(静脉炎) is a swollen condition of the blood vessels.
The herd of cows and claves are moving toward the sheds by twos and threes.
2.2.4 a committee of 等+复数名词
如果主语是由a committee of/a panel of/a(the)board of+复数名词构成,动词通 常用单数。 A committee of five men and three women is to consider the matter. A panel of distinguished people has been chosen to judge this competition, It is meeting tomorrow.
2.5 Concord of Others
Concord Notional Concord Principle of Proximity
Chapter Two.How to Read a poem
诗人把笔墨重点用在了他最擅胜场的方面——写景。 作者出使,恰在春天。途中见数行归雁北翔,诗人即景 设喻,用归雁自比,既叙事,又写景,一笔两到,贴切 自然。尤其是“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”一联,写进 入边塞后所看到的塞外奇特壮丽的风光,画面开阔,意 境雄浑,近人王国维称之为“千古壮观”的名句。边疆 沙漠,浩瀚无边,所以用了“大漠“的“大”字。边塞 荒凉,没有什么奇观异景,烽火台燃起的那一股浓烟就 显得格外醒目,因此称作“孤烟”。一个“孤”字写出 了景物的单调,紧接一个“直”字,却又表现了它的劲 拔、坚毅之美。沙漠上没有山峦林木,那横贯其间的黄 河,就非用一个“长”字不能表达诗人的感觉。
• 首句连用三个“鹅”字,表达了诗人对鹅十 分喜爱之情。这三个“鹅”字,可以理解为 孩子听到鹅叫了三声,也可以理解为孩子看 到鹅在水中嬉戏,十分欣喜,高兴地连呼三 声“鹅、鹅、鹅”。 次句“曲项向天歌”,描写鹅鸣叫的神态。 “曲项”二字形容鹅向天高歌之态,十分确 切。鹅的高歌与鸡鸣不同,鸡是引颈长鸣, 鹅是曲项高歌。
2. Take a deep breath and relax.
Read the poem once slowly aloud without writing or marking anything. Don't stop until you finish the poem, even if you don't know the meaning or pronunciation of a word. When you have finished, reflect for a moment on any words, images, and characters that caught your attention. Jot down these items in your notebook, along with one sentence in which you try to summarize the poem.
Characters introduction
Mrs.Wilson(Myrtle) Mr.Wilson McKees Catherine
The dog vendor
spousal relationship
and his determination to have my company bordered on violence. 他硬要我陪他的做法近乎暴力行为 "Go and buy ten more dogs with it.” 给你钱。拿去再买十只狗。 “Daisy! Daisy! Daisy!” shouted Mrs. Wilson. “I’ll say it whenever I want to! Daisy! Dai——” Making a short deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand. "黛西!黛西!黛西!"威尔逊太太大喊大叫,"我什么时候想 叫就叫!黛西!黛……" 汤姆· 布坎农动作敏捷,伸出手一巴掌打破了威尔逊太太的鼻 子。
pride violence conceit self-righteousness but rational
Mrs. Wilson gathered up her dog and her other purchases, and went haughtily in. 威尔逊太太向四周扫视一番,俨然一副皇后回宫的神气, 一面捧起小狗和其他买来的东西,趾高气扬地走了进去。 “I married him because I thought he was a gentleman,” she said finally. “I thought he knew something about breeding, but he wasn’t fit to lick my shoe.” "我嫁给了他,是因为我以为他是个上等人,"她最后说, "我以为他还有点教养,不料他连舔我的鞋都不配。"
国际商务函电Chapter two
You may find them through the following channels 1.Overseas Chamber of Commerce 海外商会 2.The Economic and Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Embassy of People’s Republic of China in Foreign Countries
3. We are a government-owned corporation, handling both the import and export of garments. • 我们是国营公司,从事服装的进出口业务。 我们是国营公司,从事服装的进出口业务。 1) a government-owned corporation (enterprise) :国有企业 ) 国有企业 • a state-operated corporation / a public-owned corporation • a private corporation 私有公司 企业 私有公司/ 2) handle v. 经营 • to deal in , to trade in , be in line , fall within one’s business activities • line n. business, profession, trade行业 职业 行业, 行业 • in the line of cotton piece goods 经营棉布业
Our line is porcelain.我们经营瓷器。 我们经营瓷器。 我们经营瓷器 Tea is in our line .我们是经营茶叶的。 我们是经营茶叶的。 我们是经营茶叶的 Tea falls within our business activities. We are a state-operated company, handling exclusively the import and export of Cotton Piece Goods.我们是国营公司,专门经营棉布的 我们是国营公司, 我们是国营公司 进出口业务。 进出口业务。 • We trade in all kinds of cotton piece goods.我 我 们经营各种各样的棉布。 们经营各种各样的棉布。 • They are mainly dealing in fertilizers.他们主要 他们主要 经营化肥。 经营化肥。 • We have been for many years in the chemical line.我们从事化工产品这一行业已有多年。 我们从事化工产品这一行业已有多年。 我们从事化工产品这一行业已有多年 • • • •
chapter two.ppt2008
2.3.1 Gestural use vs. Symbolic use
小说中就存在典型的指示映射:这时的指 示中心不再是发话者---作者本人,而是小 说中的人物,或者是虚构的叙述者 (narrator)。
指示语映射现象主要通过以下两种方式实现: 第一种情况是说话人把指示中心从“自我” 转移到他人身上:或者以听话人为中心;或者 是以其他非受话参与者(non-addressed participant)为中心;再或者以其他事物为 中心,可以是两个人之中任何一个人的家宅 所在地为中心,语用学家把这种用法称为 “以家宅为基础”(home-based)。
第二种情况是在叙述文中,指示中心从话语 生产者(作者本人)转移到故事中的某个角 色身上或者转移到隐藏在幕后虚构的叙述 者身上。 (12) I was looking at this little puppy in a cage with such a sad look on its face. It was like,“Oh, I’m so unhappy here, will you set me free?”
Chapter two Deixis
2.1 What is deixis? 2.2 Deictic center 2.3 Different uses
2.3.1 Deictic Use and Non-deictic Use 2.3.2 Gestural Use and Symbolic Use 2.3.3 Anaphoric Use and Cataphoric Use
Major Writers and Literary Works
--- several names attached to Irving (1) the first American writer who gained international fame (2) started short story as a literary genre (3) father of American literature
• Characteristics of Romanticism • 1. subjectivity • (1) feeling and emotions, finding truth • (2) emphasis on imagination • (3) emphasis on individualism –
(Rousseau: French Philosopher)
American Romanticism
• Background • (1) Political background • a. economic boom • b. calling for culture independence • c. eagerness in literary expression • (2) Romantic movement in European
• Major work:
• The Sketch Book , including his best-known short stories The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle
• (1) American romanticism was in essence the expression of “a real new experience” and blended with “an alien quality” for the simple reason that “the spirit of the place” was radically new and alien.
Chapter Two 词汇翻译
China policy 对华政策(不是“中国政策”
black art 妖术(不是“黑色艺术”) black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是“陌生 的黑人”) white coal (作动力来源用的)水(不是 “白煤”) white man 忠实可靠的人(不是“皮肤白的 人”) yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以 黄纸为封)(不是“黄色书籍”) red tape 官僚习气(不是“红色带子”) green hand 新手(不是“绿手”)
standing: To our knowledge, their financial standing is sound. (据我们了解,他们的财务状况良好) business standing (营业状况) commercial standing (商业信用)
turnover: This product has a fast turnover, three shipments going out per day. 这产品的成交量很高,每天可出三批 货 Starbucks’ annual turnover is 60 million yuan. The company has a fast turnover because of the poor working condition.
We are sorry to say we had to lodge a claim against you to cover our loss and hope you will take action immediately. 译文:十分遗憾的奉告,我方不得不向你方提 出索赔以弥补我方损失,并望尽快落实。
• Gary:I’d like to speak to Peter who is in charge of warehousing. • Peter:This is Peter. May I ask who’s calling? • Gary:Great! This is Gary from DaZhong Electric Company. I have been looking forward to meeting you. Do you have any appointments today? • Peter:Nice to meet you! I have no appointment today.
Oral Practics: Visiting a Logistics Company
• Gary:Ok, let’s go. • Peter:Take it easy. Where we stand is the headquarters. Let’s go down stairs. Since the whole company is very large, we’ll take a car to warehouse. • Gary:After you! (arriving at the warehouse) • Peter:This is our warehouse. • Gary:Wow, what a big space! • Peter:Our company can provide customers with a variety of goods inventory, such as raw material, semi-finished products, finished products, spare parts etc. We have special concessions on predominant goods and long-term contract.
外贸英语函电(第六版,兰天编著)Chapter Two
Good opening lines in self-introduction letters用于自我 介绍的开头语: 1.We are pleased to announce that we intend to intensify our activities in your country. It is our serious and keen interest to realized such a development for our mutual benefit. 2.We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for textiles.
Letter one
关键词:interest n. 兴趣,嗜好,利息,股份 equity interest 股东权益,股权 to promote one’s own interests 谋取私利
词汇的扩展记忆 interested interested=related adj. the interested parties/the parties concerned 有关各方
3.Through the courtesy of our Commercial Counselor’s Office in London, we notice that you are interested in doing business with us. 4.The Foreign Department of Bank of China here has recommended your corporations being interested in establishing business relations with Chinese corporation for the purpose of selling light industrial products of your country. 5.Your communication of the 28th May addressed to our sister corporation in Shanghai has been passed on to us for attention and reply as the export of enamelware falls within the scope of our business activities.
Chapter Two Lexical Translation 2.1 The Comparison between English & Chinese:2.1.1 The Comparison in vocabulary. From their meanings. eg:●车●船●门●酒●人●cousin ●wear ●arm ●aunt ●sister2.1.2 From sentence structureA Eg. He’s a good singer.He is an ardent lover of classic music.B Eg. I would not believe what he said.I did not remember a single point discussed at the meeting.I know Mr. Wang.He is the best singer.C Eg. The boy, who was crying as if his heart would break, said, when I spoke to him, that he was very hungry because he had had no food for two days.2.2 Translation techniques由于汉英词汇意义存在不对应现象,翻译时应通过各种手段对靶语(TL)的词义加以补充或限定,技巧上表现为词语的增减、阐释、借用、音译等。
如:2.3.1Equivalence (对等译法)1) words:2) idioms:●speak one’s mind●fish in troubled water●in deep water●turn up one’s nose at●touch and go●破斧成舟●大惊小怪●颠倒黑白●视而不见●得意忘形3) Proverbs:●Look before you leap.●Make hay while the sun shines..●There is no smoke without fire.●Ill news travels fast.●Practice makes perfect.●欲速则不达.●出门一里,不如家里.●皇天不负苦心人.●小巫见大巫.Practice:1.这些国家的经济形势每况愈下.2.扪心自问,他不得不承认自己是错了.3.你为什么要引狼入室4.侵略者已经走投无路.5.他是信口开河,他对经济一窍不通.6. I took the news with a grain of salt.7. You have a lucky star above you.8. He is reaping what he has sown.9. She is an easy-going woman. She always throws her cares to the winds.10.That little girl has a ready tongue.2.2.2None quivalence (不对等译法)英汉词义对比(张春柏2003: 31-36)1) Semantic scope(语义范围、指称意义、外延意义、认知意义)⑴Japanese army killed millions of innocent people during the war.⑵Three men were killed in the accident.⑶The engine was killed by the flood.⑷Your joke nearly killed me.⑸I’m reading this book just to kill time.⑹日服3次,每次一片。
Part One Word-meaning Choosing
1.词义理解。(Lexical level) 2.语义理解。(Sentence level) 3.上下文理解。(Co-text level) 4.文化背景理解。(Social level)
1. 词义的理解。 (1) Polysemous words are common in both Chinese and English.
Part Two Collocation in expressing
1. Expressing on the lexical level. 2. Expressing on the syntactic level. 3. Expressing on the logical level. 4. Expressing on style and implied
Miss Jonhson is the manager’s girl Friday. Tom is a green hand. Chia pao-yu is a Green Boy. He may always possess merits which make or everything; if
A. 大量的美国无线电台运行良好。 B. 许多美国无线电台竞争激烈。 C. 许多美国广播电台向红色国家广播。 D. 大量的美国无线电台在惨淡经营。
e.g. Miss Johnson is the manager's girl Friday.
A 约翰逊小姐是经理的“星期五情妇”。 B 约翰逊小姐是经理的“小秘”。 C 约翰逊小姐星期五为经理当秘书。 D 约翰逊小姐是经理的私人助理。
e.g. head 和 头
He was badly wounded in his head. You should use your head a bit. He has a good head for mathematics. Prick with the head of a needle. The dinner cost us five dollars a head.
Chapter Two 词汇记忆
Chapter Two词汇记忆一.发音记忆法英语是拼音文字,语音感很强,发好音是学好英语记忆单词的第一关,记一个单词时,我们常常首先默念一下这个单词的发音,如[gud],然后才拼出这个单词的字母g-o-o-d。
例如:我们知道元音字母0在重读音节时读[əu],根据这条规则,go,hope,note 等词,不用费什么劲就记住了。
分类方法灵活多样,例如:1)星期(week)Monday(星期一)、Tuesday(星期二)、Wednesday(星期三)、Thursday(星期四)、Friday (星期五)、Saturday(星期六)、Sunday(星期天)(2)月份(month)January(一月)、February(二月)、March(三月)、April(四月)、May(五月)、June (六月)、July(七月)、August(八月)、September(九月)、October(十月)、November (十一月)、December(十二月)(3)季节(season)spring(春节)、summer(夏天)、autumn(秋天)、winter(冬天)(4)颜色(color)red 红色(的)、yellow黄色(的)、blue蓝色(的)、green绿色(的)、black黑色(的)、white白色(的)、orange橙黄色(的)、brown棕色(的)、褐色(的)、pink粉红色(的)、purple紫色(的)、gray灰色(的)(5)国家(country)China(中国)、Japan(日本)、England(英国)、India(印度)、Canada(加拿大)、America / the United States(美国)、Australia(澳大利亚)、Germany(德国)、Russia(俄罗斯)、France(法国)(6)大洲Asia(亚洲)、Africa(非洲)、America(美洲)、Europe(欧洲)(7)动物(animal)lion(狮子)、tiger(老虎)、elephant(大象)、camel(骆驼)、cow(奶牛)、pig(猪)、fox(狐狸)、snake(蛇)、duck(鸭子)、chicken(鸡)、hen(母鸡)、bird(小鸟)、rabbit(兔子)、panda(熊猫)、deer(鹿)、giraffe(长颈鹿)、sheep(羊)、fish(鱼)、ant(蚂蚁)、mouse (mice) / rat(老鼠)、dog(狗)、cat(猫)、monkey(猴子)、pig (猪)(8)衣着clothes(衣服)、hat(帽子)、shirt(衬衫)、T-shirt(男衬衫)、coat(外套、上衣)、raincoat(雨衣)、uniform(制服)、skirt(裙子)、dress(连衣裙)、trousers(裤子)、jeans(牛仔裤)、sock(袜子)、shoe(鞋子)(9)科目(subject)Chinese(汉语)、math(数学)、English(英语)、history(历史)、geography(地理)、biology(生物)、physics(物理)、chemistry(化学)、P.E.(体育)(10)亲属father(父亲)、mother(母亲)、parents(父母)、grandfather / grandpa(爷爷、外公)、grandmother / grandma(奶奶、外婆)、grandparents(爷爷奶奶、外公外婆)、brother(哥、弟)、sister(姐、妹)、cousin堂(表)兄弟、堂(表)姐妹、husband (丈夫)、wife(妻子)、son(儿子)、daughter(女儿)、uncle(叔、伯、舅、姨夫、姑父)、aunt(姨母、姑母、伯母、婶母、舅母)三.构词记忆法大家都见过葡萄,摘葡萄都是一串一串地摘。
Chapter Two
a lot 常用来修饰动词、形容词或副词的比较级。
I’ve thought about it a lot. 这事儿我想了许多。 a lot of = lots of 可修饰可数和不可数名词
Pollution Fighters
2. repeat / rI5pi:t / v. 重复
7. point / pCInt / n. 观点;理由
8. campaign / kAm5peIn / n. 专为某一目的活动;运动 tree-planting campaign
10. complete / kEm5pli:t / v. 完成
11. make sure 查明; 确定 12. bracket /. general / 5dVenErEl / adj. 普遍的;整体的;大致的,笼统的 3. poster / 5pEJstE/ n. 海报 4. oxygen / 5CksIdVEn / n. 氧气 5. alive / E5laIv / adj. 活着的 6. reduce / rI5dju:s / v. 减少
10. pass /pB:s / v. 传递 13. breathe / bri:T / v. 呼吸 15. insect / Insekt / n. 昆虫
New Words
11. collect / kE5lekt/ v. 收集;搜集 12. project / 5prCdVekt / n. 课题研究 ~ on sth. ~ fresh air
26. on the end of 在…末端 (on侧重于“面”的接触) at the end of (at侧重于“点”的接触)
27. thank sb. for 因…而感谢某人
同济 大学英语 PPT ChapterTwo.ppt
Body Message
Memorandum To: All staff From: John Miller, Manager Date: 5 May, 2008 Subject: Time for blood donations Good News! Each year we work with the Red Cross in setting up a special room for blood donations from employees. This year the oneday drive kicks off after lunch on Friday and will be held in the main conference room on the 4th floor. As a bonus, Gole Sam, our president, said that anyone who donates can take the rest of the afternoon off!
Chapter Two
Writing Memos
A memo (more formally, memorandum or plural memoranda )
is an administrative document.
Memo writing guidelines
• is used only for communication within a comment and not used for inter-company communication)
them. 3.The size of each class will be limited to 12 participants.
山东财经大学chapter two 汉译英 词语的翻译1
• 每天老大爷亲自送孙子上幼儿园。 • Everyday the grandpa himself takes his grandson to the kindergarten. • 把犯罪分子送交法院审判。 • Hand the criminal over to the court for trial. • 送君千里,终须一别。 • Although you escort your guest a thousand miles, yet must the parting come at last.
• 你们村子上有多少人家? • How many households are there in your village?
• 他妹妹已经有人家了。 • His sister is already engaged.
• 这件事我是听人家说的。 • I hear it from others.
纺织品 纸币 四季豆 防水油布 高中 黄皮书、黄页 变质的奶 公共厕所 承认说的错话 当心,留神 假正经
• • • • • • • • • • •
dried goods joss paper mung bean oily skin university/ college pornography yogurt lounge break a promise look outside yes-man
• • • • 完全对等 部分对等 不对等 一词多义
• 完全对等是指英语中有些词所表达的意义,在汉 语中可以找到完全对应的词来表达,它们的意义 在上下文中完全对等。这类词主要是专有名词及 简单的普通名词以及术语。 • China = 中国 , Germany = 德国, • New York = 纽约, table = 桌子, • watch = 手表, sun = 太阳 • Marxism = 马克思主义 Aspirin = 阿斯匹林 • 激光= laser 白血病= leukemia
2.chapter two
Material Culture
breakfast “…‘巧媳妇难为无米之炊’,叫我怎么办呢? 杨译:“…Even the cleverest housewife can’t cook a meal without rice. What do you expect me to do?…” 霍译:“… I don’t see what I am supposed to do without any capital. Even the cleverest housewife can’t make bread without flour…”
1. Ecology 2. Material Culture 3. Social Culture 4. Religious Culture 5. Linguistic Culture
生态学 物质文化 社会文化 宗教文化 语言文化
II. Different features about English and Chinese
Hera and the Milky Way
“The myth involves Hera, queen of the deities on Mount Olympus. She is the wife of Zeus, boss of the Greek pantheon. One of Zeus’s many offspring is Hercules, who like Jesus had a mortal mother. To nourish Hercules at the fountain of immortality, Zeus brings him to Mount Olympus to suckle at the breast of his wife. Unaware that her own husband is the child’s father, knowing only that the infant has been abandoned, Hera nurses him. Unfortunately, Hercules sucks at her breast so energetically that droplets of milk spill. In fact, already endowed with godlike strength, the infant sucks so hard that he causes Hera pain. When she pulls him from her breast, milk spurts across the heavens. Its droplets form stars. This is the origin of what came to be called the Milky Way.”
物流专业英语 Chapter Two Establish Business Relationgs
commencement [kə'mensm(ə)nt]n. 开始,开端 appreciate [ə'priːʃɪeɪt]vt. 感谢(后接动名词);vi. 涨价 catalogue ['kæt(ə)lɒg]n. 目录 recommend [rekə'mend]vt.;vi. 推荐,介绍 take the liberty 擅自,冒昧 potential [pəˈtenʃl]adj. 潜在的,可能的;n. 潜能,潜 力 scope [skəʊp]n. 范围,余地 cooperation [kəʊ,ɒpə'reɪʃ(ə)n]n. 合作,协作
item ['aɪtəm] n. 条款,项目;一则;一件商品(或物 品) branch [brɑːn(t)ʃ] n. 树枝,分枝;分部;支流 associate [ə'səʊʃɪeɪt; -sɪeɪt] n. 同事,伙伴;关联的事物 reference ['ref(ə)r(ə)ns] n. 参考,参照;涉及,提及; 参考书目;介绍信;证明书
Learning Goals
1. Understand job responsibilities in marketing department 2. Master methods to approaching customers 3. Express clearly your desire of cooperation 4. Learn how to greet customers on the phone 5. Learn how to write a letter to establish business relations with customers.
比较文学 chapter two The History and Development of Comparative Literature
台湾大学 《淡江评论》(Tamkang Review) 台湾比较文学会,《中外文学》---会刊 1967年开始招硕士 1970年开招博士 香港大学:中文及比较文学研究所;英文研究及比 较文学系;比较文学与翻译中心 • 香港比较文学会(1973-1975年成立) • 北京大学比较文学研究会(1987年成立),《北京 大学比较文学研究通讯》 • 硕士、博士、博士后、本科生的培养
• 1895, 贝茨(Lous Paul Betz, 18611903),《海涅在法国》(贝茨的博士 论文);《比较文学目录初稿》(一工 具书) • 丹麦,勃兰兑斯(Georg Brandes, 18421927),他打破了国别界限,全面考察 欧洲浪漫主义运动 ,《十九世纪文学 主流》。 勃
兰 兑 斯
• 歌德(Goethe,1749-1832), 《少年维特之烦 恼》(1774)----书信体
• • • •
元杂剧《赵氏孤儿》 马若瑟(Joseph de Pré mare 1666-1736) 伏尔泰 (Voltaire,1694-1778) 《中国孤儿》---法译本 伏
尔 泰
• 莱辛(Gotthold Ephraim Lessing,17291781) • 《汉堡剧评》----影响研究 • “鬼魂”——《哈姆雷特》;《塞密拉 密斯》-----平行研究 • 《拉奥孔》 副标题为:论诗与画的界 限---- 跨学科研究
• 欧洲→美洲→亚洲 • 西方文学→东方文学 • “在某一层意义说来,东西比较文学研究是, 或应该是这么多年来(西方)的比较文学研 究所准备达致的高潮,只有当两大系统的诗 歌互相认识、互相关照,一般文学中理论的大 争端始可以全面处理。” • ——纪廉(Claudio Guillen)
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Negotiation skills test
• Case 1: As a seller You want to sell your yacht and you know that you would be very fortunate to get as much as £225, 000 for it. While you are considering placing the advertisement, a keen yachtsman approaches you and offers £250 000 in cash immediately for your boat. Do you: • A: Accept his offer without further ado? • B: Tell him to wait until the boat is advertised? • C: Haggle(讨价还价)?
Guidelines for Making Enquiries
1. Have a specific idea before the inquiry. 2. For the first time enquiry, give a brief introduction. 3. Be reasonable in the information requested and exact in each requirement. 4. The use of printed enquiry forms. 5. Be addressed to the company instead of an individual.
Chapter Two
Modules of Business Negotiation
• What are inquiry, offer, counter-offer, acceptance and conclusion of a contract? • Example
• A Beverly Hills home is sold for $10 million with a closing to occur in 60 days, and the seller makes it on a pre-printed form of contract containing various terms and conditions. Madonna may want to purchase the house and enquire about the price. If she "accepts" every terms and conditions by countersigning the offer, then a contract has occurred.
When not to negotiate
Reasons for saying no when necessary:
It prevents you from having to concede substantial ground unnecessarily. It avoids raising false hopes, which would make it difficult for us later to satisfy later. It stamps your personal authority and professionalism on the situation.
• But if Madonna doesn't like the price offered or some of the terms, she may counter, say, at $8 million with closing to occur in 90 days. This counter offer acts as a rejection of the seller's offer. If the seller accepts the counter offer, the contract comes into existence then. If the seller rejects it, makes a counter offer, or doesn't respond within the time required, there is no "acceptance" of the seller's counter offer and thus no contract.
• Enquiry & Reply • When not to negotiate • Offer & Counter-offer • Breaking Deadlocks • Acceptance & Conclusion of a Contract • Managing Time • Negotiation Skills Test
>>Case 2
• A. You are thinking only of the profit you might make and not about the problems you might create. • These are the characteristics of a sheep. • Always challenge a first offer!
• What is wrong with Tianjin company’s enquiry?
• 1. 组织不够严谨。没准备好探寻的条件(没钱,没许可 证),探寻方式,预测后果等方面准备不够,直到对方不 理才换方式。 • 2. 间接探寻时,委托人选择正确,但管理不到位:双方关 系不明确,责任不清,利益不明确,使探寻力度不够。 • 3. 策略上,急需之情流露无遗,探寻结果不好。
How to say No:
1. A clear and honest “No, I'm afraid not” 2. Suitable explanation and empathy for the other
Case I • I have a problem with a supplier who is the sole supplier of our organization. The supplier manufactures various items for us which are used in our products. Now the supplier is insisting a price increase of about 50%without any justification. We are a government-owned organization involved in manufacturing several products for our clients– which are other industrial concerns.
Case of enquiry
• 天津某公司欲购日本丰田佳美轿车,先直接向丰田公司驻 中国代表处询价,没有得到答复。于是该公司转而请北京 A公司(与丰田公司有过直接交易)代其向丰田询价。天 津公司代表给北京A公司打了多次电话催问结果。A公司 代表也找到了在丰田公司的熟人探讨可能性。丰田公司认 为汽车进口需要许可证,所需资金金额也较大,需落实了 才愿报价。A公司把条件转告天津公司代表。天津公司代 表认为可以开信用证,等车到码头后再说许可证。于是北 京公司和丰田公司代表均不再表态了。天津公司代表又多 次打电话催问探寻结果,均未得到报价。
Guidelines for Replying Enquiry
1. Be correct and exact 2. Focus on what you can do 3. Make a product catalogue list 4. Fulfill the function of a salesman 5. To make the buyer reply as soon as possible
• How crazy can you get? His offer is already more than you were hoping for and to delay a decision by sending him out of your sight is foolhardy—he might see another boat on the way back to his car. This is the stubborn characteristic of a donkey.
Enquiry & Reply
• Enquiry and offer start the negotiation
– general enquiry – specific enquiry
• Guidelines for making enquiries • Guidelines for replying enquiry
• Case II • I am negotiating with a client about offering our products to them. I do not know what the other side wants in the form of a concession from us. I have asked them to tell me what they are offering to pay and the following is the best counter-offer I’ve gotten from them. “We have your recent invoice but suggest a revised one be sent, reflecting the reality of the situation. They actually don’t tell me what they want.