第十二章人格一、人格的概述一)人格的含义(人格的结构)二)人格的特征(4)二、人格理论一)人格特质理论1、奥尔波特的特质理论(2)2、卡特尔的人格特质理论(4)3、现代特质理论1,三因素模型(艾森克)2,五因素模型(塔佩斯)3,七因素模型(特里跟)二)人格类型理论1、单一类型理论(弗兰克法利)2、对立类型理论1,A-B型人格(塔斯曼和罗斯曼)2,内外型人格(荣格)3、多元类型理论(斯普兰格)三)精神分析人格理论四)人本主义人格理论1、马斯洛的需要层次2、罗杰斯的人格理论三、气质一)气质的含义二)气质的类型和理论1、体液说2、体型说3、高级神经活动类型说四、性格一)性格的含义二)性格的特征(3)三)性格与气质的关系(2)四)认知风格1、场独立-场依存2、冲动-沉思3、同时性-继时性五、影响人格形成和发展的因素(7)第十二章人格一、人格的概述一)人格的含义人格就是构成一个人的思维,情感和行为当中所特有的统合模式,这个特有模式包含了一个人区别与另一个人所特有的稳定和统一的心理品质;外在的人格品质是可观察到的自我,是人格的面具;在内在的人格特质是个体不展示给他人的一面;是真实的自我;人格的结构二)人格的特征1、独特性;一个人的人格是在遗传,成熟和环境,教育等先后天的交互作用下形成的,不同的遗传,生存及教育环境,形成了各自独特的心理特点;2、稳定性;3、综合性;人格的综合性是心理健康的重要标志;否则,会出现适应性困难,甚至是人格分裂;4、功能性;人格决定一个人的生活方式,甚至决定一个人命运的;因而是人生成败的根源之一;当人面对挫折和失败时,坚强者奋发拼搏,怯弱者会一蹶不振;这就是人格功能性的体现;二、人格理论一)人格的特质理论1、奥尔波特的特质理论1937奥尔波特将人格分为个人特质和共同特质;个人特质是个人所具有的独特的特质;共同特质是大多数人或是一个群体所具有的相同或类似的特质;共同特质可分为首要特质,中心特质和次要特质;首要特质是一个人的最典型,最重要的特质;中心特质是组成个体独特性特质的几个重要的特质;次要特质是一些不重要的特质;2、卡特尔的人格特质理论卡特尔受到化学周期表的影响,运用因素分析的方式将人格分成了四层特质;一个别特质和共同特质;二根源特质和表面特质;三体质特质和环境特质;四动力特质,能力特质和气质特质;1,个别特质和共同特质2,根源特质和表面特质表面特质是从人的外表本身可以观察到的特质;根源特质是以相同原因为基础的相互联系的行为特质;表面特质和根源特质可以使个别特质,也可以是共同特质;1949卡特尔提出了卡特尔16种人格特征(根源特质);3,体质特质和环境特质体质特质是有先天的因素决定的,如兴奋性,情绪稳定性;而环境则是由后天的环境因素决定的,如焦虑,有恒性;卡特尔提出了多元抽象变异分析MA V A;4,动力特质,能力特质和气质特质动力特质是具有动力性质的特质,是个体指向一个目标,包括生理驱力,态度和情操;能力特质是表现在直觉和运动方面的特质;包括晶体智力和流体智力;气质特质是决定一个人的情绪反应与强度的人格特质;3、现代特质理论1,三因素模型是由美国心理学家艾森克运用因素分析法提出的;他将人格分成三个成分;外倾性,神经质和精神质;外倾性就是指人格内外倾的差异;神经质表现为情绪的稳定性方面;精神质表现在孤独,冷傲,敌视,怪异等负面的人格特质上;他编制了艾森克人格问卷EPQ;2,五因素模型塔佩斯等用词汇学的方式对卡特尔人格特质进行分析时将人格的特征分为五个方面;这五个因素是;1开放性;想象,审美,情感丰富,求异,创造,智能等;2责任心;胜任,公正,尽职,成就,自律,谨慎,克制等;3外倾性;热情;社交,果断,活跃,冒险,乐观等;4宜人性;信任,直率,利他,依从,谦虚,移情等;5神经质;焦虑,敌对,自我意识,冲动,脆弱等;1989年麦克雷和可塔斯编制了大五因素人格量表;3,七因素模型是由特里跟提出的;根据不同的选词原则,获得了七种因素;正,负效价;正,负情绪;宜人性,可靠性和因袭性;二)人格的类型理论产生于20世纪30-40年代的德国;1、单一类型理论人格类型是由一群人身上具有的一种人格特征来确定的;是由美国心理学家弗兰克-法利提出的T类型人格;法利认为T型人格是一种好冒险爱刺激的人格特征;根据好冒险的特征可分为;T+型的人格和T-型的人格;T+型的人格是健康积极,创造性方向;如赛车,探险等;T-型的人格则是具有破坏性的;如酗酒,吸毒,暴力等;在T+型的人格中还分为体质T+人格和智力T+人格,体质T+人格就是通过身体运动来实现追求满足好奇的动机;如极限运动员等;智力T+型人格就是通过智力活动来满足好冒险的行为;如科学家;2、对立类型理论1,A-B型人格是由塔斯曼和罗斯曼提出的A-B型人格;A型人格主要是性格急躁,缺乏耐性,成就欲高,有吃苦的精神,工作投入,做事认真负责,时间紧迫感,富有竞争意识,外向,动作敏捷,说话快,生活处于紧张状态等,这种人办事匆忙,社会适应性差,属于一种不安定性的人格;易患冠心病B型的人格属于一种性情温和,举止得当,对工作和生活满足感强,喜欢慢节奏的生活,可以胜任耐心和谨慎的思考工作;2,内-外型人格是由荣格将心理倾向分成了内倾性和外倾性;内倾性是指把兴趣和关注点指向个体;外倾性是把兴趣和关注点指向外部客体;内向型的人格的特点主要是自我剖析,做事谨慎,深思熟虑,疑虑困惑,交往面窄,有时会有适应性差的特点;外向型人格的特点主要是,注重外部世界,情感外露,热情,当机立断,独立自主,行动敏捷,有时轻率;荣格认为人的心理活动应该分为思维,感情,感觉和直觉四种基本功能;依据人的倾向性可将人格分成八种;外向思维型,外向感情型,外向感觉型,外向直觉型;内向思维型,内向感情型,内向感觉型,内向直觉型;3,多元类型理论这种理论认为人格是由不同质的人格特性成分组成的;德国心理学家斯普兰格依据人类社会文化形态分成了六种性格类型;1经济型,2审美型,3权力型,4社交型,5宗教型,6理论型;三)精神分析人格理论弗洛伊德将人格分成本我,自我和超我;他们具有各自的特点,功能和结构;本我是人格的基础,是人的冲动和欲望的来源,为自我和超我提供能量;本我的机能是被压抑的欲望和冲动的满足;这个过程遵循快乐法则;自我是为了实现本我和现实的接触而产生的,本我不能接触现实,这就需要本我来实现;自我的机能是为了更好的了解世界和现实,是对环境的反应合理化;自我人格中是控制行为,选择符合现实状况的行为的部分;自我一方面要接受现实的要求,一方面又要使本我的欲望和冲动和现实情境相一致;自我是从本我中分化出来的;是在本我和外界世界之间媒介的基础;遵循现实原则;超我可以分成道德的自我和理想的自我,理想的自我是超我当中积极的部分,而道德的自我是超我中惩罚的部分;超我接受社会中道德的约束;超我是禁止本能的冲动和欲望;又要实现自我从现实想道德的方面转化;弗洛伊德认为健康的状态就是自我成为人格的主体;一边使欲望适应于超我和现实的要求;一边又满足现实的这种欲望;四)人本主义人格理论人本主义不同于其他学派的特点是强调人的正面的本质和价值,并非集中研究人的问题行为,并强调人的成长和发展,即自我实现;1、马斯洛的需要层次在心理学上,马斯洛的需要层次理论是解释人的的重要理论,也是解释动机的重要理论;自我实现是马斯洛观点的核心;定义为不断实现人本身的潜能,定义为更充分的认识承认了人的内在天性,使人内部不断实现统一,整合和协同的过程;也就是说,个体之所以存在,之所以有生命意义,就是为了自我实现;2、罗杰斯的人格理论罗杰斯提倡人格的自我理论;这种理论受到新精神分析,场论和现象论的影响;罗杰斯强调人的本身和主观经验的重要性,所以又叫族人本论;罗杰斯在大量的临床试验中,逐渐接受了自我概念所以也叫做自我理论;罗杰斯认为,随着儿童和外界更为广泛的相互作用,儿童开始意识到他是谁和她可能是谁的表象;即自我观念;在罗杰斯看来;自我的发展以及能否形成健康的自我,取决于在儿童期是否得到爱抚;在自我的形成时期,儿童需要爱的哺育,这就是积极性的尊重;儿童是否能达到一种健康的人格,完全取决于儿童的积极性尊重是否能得到满足;有机体的一切经验都是把现实去想作为参照系来评估的;他将这种经验的评估方式叫做机体估价过程;罗杰斯认为,一个健康的人格就像一个婴儿一样他是按自己的估价过程而不是价值条件拉生活的;这种忠实于自己的生活方式是完善的生活,标志着一个纯洁的自我和真正的善;他认为一个健康的人格包含五个方面;开放性的经验;机体估价过程,无条件的自我尊重,人际关系,和睦相处;三、气质一)气质的含义气质是人心理活动的强度,速度,灵活性和指向性上的一种稳定的心理特征;气质是人的心理动力的特征;它使人的人格感染上了独特的色彩;气质是与生俱来的,比起能力和性格;气质很难改变,具有稳定性;有时可以稍微改变;气质没有好坏之分;气质能给人格染上个性的色彩,但不能赋予社会的价值;也不具有社会道德的意义;气质也不决定人的成就,但可以说不同气质的人适合不同领域的工作;二)气质的类型与理论1、体液说;气质学说最先起源于希波克拉底的体液说,他将人分成四种不同类型的人;胆汁质,多血质,粘液质和抑郁质;1,胆汁质;情绪体验强烈,爆发迅猛,平息迅速,思维灵活但粗枝大叶,精力旺盛,争强好胜,勇敢果断,为人热情正直,朴实真诚,表里如一,行动敏捷,生气勃勃,刚毅顽强,做事欠思量,鲁莽冒失,刚愎自用;2,多血质;情感丰富,外露但不稳定,思维敏捷单不求甚解,活泼好动,热情大方,善于交往但交情浅薄,行动敏捷,适应力强,弱点就在于缺乏耐心和毅力,稳定性差,见异思迁;3,粘液质;情绪平稳,表情平淡,思维灵活性较差但考虑问题细致周到,安静沉稳,踏踏实实,沉默寡言,喜欢沉思,自制力强,内刚外柔,交往适度,交情深厚,但这种人主动性差,缺乏生气,行动缓慢;4,抑郁质;情绪体验深刻,细腻持久,情绪抑郁,多愁善感,思维敏锐,想象丰富,不善交际,孤僻离群,踏实稳重,自制力强;但行动缓慢,软弱胆小,优柔寡断;2、体型说德国心理学家克瑞奇米尔根据对临床精神病人的观察,认为身体的结构与气质的特点有关;肥胖型的人易患躁狂症和抑郁症;瘦长型的人易患精神分裂;3、高级神经活动类型说巴甫洛夫用高级神经活动类型说来解释气质的生理基础;巴甫洛夫根据高级神经活动的基本特性,即兴奋性和抑制过程的强度,平衡性和灵活性;划分四种基本的神经活动类型;四种气质类型和高级神经活动的类型的关系;强,不平衡——冲动型——胆汁质强,平衡,灵活——活泼型——多血质强,平衡,不灵活——安静型——粘液质弱——抑制型——抑郁质整合理论四、性格一)性格的含义性格就是人对现实的稳定的态度和习惯化了的行为方式;性格是一种和社会相关的人格特征;在性格中包含了许多社会道德的意义;性格主要体现在人们对自己,对他人,对事物的态度和所采取的行为方式上;所谓态度就是人们对社会,对自己和对他人的一种心理倾向性;它包括评价,好恶和趋避等方面;性格表现了一个人的道德品质,受人的人生观,价值观,世界观等影响;是在后天环境中逐渐形成的;是人格中最核心的人格差异;性格的好坏代表了一个人的道德风貌;性格是在社会生活中逐渐形成的,同时受个体的生物学因素的影响;罗和富尔顿研究发现,额叶受损,性格会明显发生变化;二)性格的特征1、各种性格特这个之间有内在的联系;2、各种性格特征在不同场合有不同的组合;3、各种性格特征有稳定性和可塑性;三)气质和性格的关系气质和性格之间有密切的联系;一气质和性格之间相互影响,气质影响性格的外部表现,是性格带有独特的色个性色彩;性格对气质也有深远的影响,它可以掩盖或者改造气质;二同一气质的人可以形成不同性格特征;不同气质类型的人也可以形成相同的性格特征;四)认知风格认知风格就是人们比较偏爱的信息加工方式;也叫认知方式;通俗的说就是在从事认知活动时所表现出来的特点;1、场独立-场依存场独立就是人在信息加工是对人的内在参考依赖性较大;他们的心理分化水平较高;在加工是主要依赖于人的内在参考因素,与人交往时,不够细心,也不能体察入微;场依存就是在信息加工时人对外界的参考有加大的依赖性;其心理分化水平较低;在处理问题是依赖于场,能够考虑他人的感受;场独立和场依存没有好坏之分,场独立的人具有较强的认知重构能力;在人认知占优势;而场依存的人的社会技巧高,在人际交往时占优势;2、冲动型-沉思型卡跟将认知风格分成两种;冲动型和沉思型;二者的差异主要表现在考虑问题的速度上;冲动型;反应速度快,但准确性差,这种认知风格的人容易急于求成,不能全面分析问题的各种可能性;多适用整体的信息加工策略;沉思型;考虑速度慢,但准确性高;这种认知风格的人把问题考虑周全之后再作反应,考虑到问题的各个方面;重视的是解决问题的质量,而不是速度;这种认知风格多采用细节性的信息加工策略;3、同时性-继时性达斯根据脑功能的研究,区分了两种认知风格,同时性和继时性;他们认为左脑半球占优势的人表现出继时性的加工风格;而右半球占优势的人表现出同时性加工风格;继时性加工风格是指人们在解决问题的时候;能一步一步的分析问题,每一个步骤只考虑一个假设或是属性,提出的假设在时间上有明显的先后顺序;如言语操作和记忆都属于继时性加工风格;女性擅长于继时性加工;同时性加工风格是指人们在解决问题的时候;一次会考虑形成多个假设,采用宽视野的方式,并兼顾到问题的所有可能性;这种加工方式是发散的;如数学能力,空间问题操作都依赖于同时性的加工;一般来说;男性在同时性加工上占优势;五、影响人格形成和发展的因素一)生物遗传因素1、遗传是人格形成不可缺少的因素;2、遗传因素对人格的作用随着人格因素的不同而不同;3、人格的发展受遗传和环境的相互租用的影响;二)社会文化因素一个人所处的特定社会文化度人格的形成有很重要的作用,社会文化塑造了社会成员的人格特征,是社会成员朝着相似的方向发展;不同社会文化的民族具有不同的民族特征;是社会文化对人格塑造得很好体现;三)家庭环境因素家庭对一个人仍的形成和发展有着重要的作用;家庭对人格的影响主要体现在父母对子女的教育方式上;家庭教养方式有三种;1权威型;2民主型;3放纵型;四)早期的儿童经验早期的童年经验对人格的影响受到心理学家的重视;童年的不幸会影响人一生的发展,幸福的童年有利于人格健康的发展;但是童年经验不单独起作用,而是和其他因素共同决定着人格的形成和发展;五)学校教育因素学校是一种有目的,有计划的向学生施加压力的教育场所,教师对学生具有指导定向的作用学校对人格的形成和发展是不容忽视的,学校是人格社会化的主要场所;教师对学生具有导向的作用;而同伴具有弃恶扬善的作用;六)自然物理因素自然物理环境包括生态环境,气候条件,空间拥挤程度对人格的形成发展有影响;但是自然环境对人格不起决定作用,而且还受主观因素的影响;自我调控系统是人各种的调控系统;外界的环境通过自我调控系统才能起作用;七)自我调控因素人格的自我调控系统是人格发展的内在因素;人格调控系统是以自我意识为核心的;自我意识是对自身和自己同客观世界的关系的意识;具有自我认识,自我体验好自我控制三个子系统;人格测验练习题1、性格的结构特性有,可塑性,稳定性,完整性和复杂性;2、性格的意志特征体现在果断性上;3、早期的亲子关系确定了行为的模式,塑造出一切日后的行为;这句话与精神分析学派观点符合;4、场独立性的人与场依存性的人相比在信息加工时;根据内在的标准加工信息,认知重建能力高;。
1.普心各章知识点 (1)修改版
2014 年南京师范大学新闻传播学专业课精品辅导资料1、《新闻学概论》学习笔记《新闻学概论》章节知识点汇总及答案详解2、《传播学教程》学习笔记《传播学教程》章节知识点汇总及答案详解3、《中国新闻史》学习笔记《中国新闻史》章节知识点汇总及答案详解4、《外国新闻史》学习笔记《外国新闻史》章节知识点汇总及答案详解5、《中国广播电视通史》学习辅导与重点归纳6、近年新闻热点、网络事件汇总及深度解析7、新闻传播学历年真题及答案解析(2006-2011)新闻史论2000,2002-2005年新闻综合知识2002-2005年传播史论2003-2005年传播实务2002-2005年8、2012独家更新资料优秀新闻传播学考研精品套餐笔记2012 年独家更新资料,南京师范大学新闻学传播学专业考研精品笔记套餐(165页):资料总共分为两部分,第一部分:内部信息,包括新闻传播学院新闻传播学专业介绍,新闻传播学专业课导师信息,联系方式,我们提供导师邮箱,方便同学联系导师,师兄考研的时候,也是给自己的导师发过邮件,在考研过程中就给自己想考的导师发过邮件,在考研的过程中得到了导师的悉心教导。
(一)经典条件作用1)无条件反射:(unconditioned reflex):先天遗传获得,食物、防御、性三类。
2)条件反射(conditioned reflex):后天习得,具有概括、灵活的性质,能随环境变化而变化3)经典性条件反射的实质是(无条件)刺激与(中性)刺激之间的联结,又称S-S学习。
2)消退和恢复3)泛化与分化4)二级条件作用(三)操作性条件反射操作性条件反射的形成:对行为结果的学习1)桑代克的尝试-错误学习(trial and error)猫—迷笼实验2)斯金纳的操作性条件作用应答性条件反射:刺激情景引发反应操作性条件反射:不是刺激情景引发的,是有机体的自发行为。
recent initiaatives by the basel-based r_qt0806
BIS Quarterly ReviewJune 2008 International banking and financial market developmentsBIS Quarterly ReviewMonetary and Economic DepartmentEditorial Committee:Claudio Borio Frank Packer Paul Van den BerghWhite Már Gudmundsson Eli Remolona William Robert McCauley Philip TurnerGeneral queries concerning this commentary should be addressed to Frank Packer(tel +41 61 280 8449, e-mail: frank.packer@), queries concerning specific parts to theauthors, whose details appear at the head of each section, and queries concerning the statisticsto Philippe Mesny (tel +41 61 280 8425, e-mail: philippe.mesny@).Requests for copies of publications, or for additions/changes to the mailing list, should be sent to:Bank for International SettlementsPress & CommunicationsCH-4002 Basel, SwitzerlandE-mail: publications@Fax: +41 61 280 9100 and +41 61 280 8100This publication is available on the BIS website ().©Bank for International Settlements 2008. All rights reserved. Brief excerpts may be reproduced or translated provided the source is cited.ISSN 1683-0121 (print)ISSN 1683-013X (online)BIS Quarterly ReviewJune 2008International banking and financial market developmentsOverview : a cautious return of risk tolerance (1)Credit market turmoil gives way to fragile recovery (1)Box: Estimating valuation losses on subprime MBS with theABX HE index – some potential pitfalls (6)Bond yields recover as markets stabilise (8)A turning point for equity prices? (11)Emerging market investors discount growth risks (12)Tensions in interbank markets remain high (13)Highlights of international banking and financial market activity (17)The international banking market (17)The international debt securities market (23)Derivatives markets (24)Box: An update on local currency debt securities marketsin emerging market economies (28)Special featuresInternational banking activity amidst the turmoil (31)Patrick McGuire and Goetz von PeterThe build-up of international bank balance sheets (32)Developments in the second half of 2007 (36)Bilateral exposures of national banking systems (39)Concluding remarks (42)Managing international reserves: how does diversification affect financial costs? 45 Srichander RamaswamyFramework of the analysis (46)Risk-return trade-offs (48)Financial cost of acquiring reserves through FX intervention (49)Box: Methodology for computing estimates of financial cost (51)Central bank objectives and FX reserve allocation (53)Conclusions (54)Credit derivatives and structured credit: the nascent markets of Asiaand the Pacific (57)Eli M Remolona and Ilhyock ShimCredit default swaps (58)Traded CDS indices (60)Collaterised debt obligations (61)How the region’s markets have fared in the global turmoil (63)Conclusion (65)Asian banks and the international interbank market (67)Robert N McCauley and Jens ZukunftAsian banks’ international interbank liquidity: where do we stand? (68)Foreign banks and the local funding gap (73)Box: The Asian financial crisis: international liquidity lessons (76)Conclusions (78)BIS Quarterly Review, June 2008 iiiRecent initiatives by Basel-based committees and groupsBasel Committee on Banking Supervision (81)Joint Forum (84)Financial Stability Forum (87)Statistical Annex ........................................................................................ A1 Special features in the BIS Quarterly Review ................................ B1 List of recent BIS publications .............................................................. B2Notations used in this Reviewe estimatedlhs, rhs left-hand scale, right-hand scalemillionbillion thousand… notavailableapplicable. not– nil0 negligible$ US dollar unless specified otherwiseDifferences in totals are due to rounding.iv BIS Quarterly Review, June 2008BIS Quarterly Review, June 20081Ingo Fender +41 61 280 8415ingo.fender@Peter Hördahl+41 61 280 8434peter.hoerdahl@Overview: a cautious return of risk toleranceFollowing deepening turmoil and rising concerns about systemic risks in the first two weeks of March, financial markets witnessed a cautious return of investor risk tolerance over the remainder of the period to end-May 2008. The process of disorderly deleveraging which had started in 2007 intensified from end-February, with asset markets becoming increasingly illiquid and valuations plunging to levels implying severe stress. However, markets subsequently rebounded in the wake of repeated central bank action and the Federal Reserve-facilitated takeover of a large US investment bank. In sharp contrast to these favourable developments, interbank money markets failed to recover, as liquidity demand remained elevated.Mid-March was a turning point for many asset classes. Amid signs of short covering, credit spreads rallied back to their mid-January values before fluctuating around these levels throughout May. Market liquidity improved, allowing for better price differentiation across instruments. The stabilisation of financial markets and the emergence of a somewhat less pessimistic economic outlook also contributed to a turnaround in equity markets. In this environment, government bond yields bottomed out and subsequently rose considerably. A reduction in the demand for safe government securities contributed to this, as did growing perceptions among investors that the impact from the financial turmoil on real economic activity might turn out to be less severe than had been anticipated. Emerging market assets, in turn, performed broadly in line with assets in the industrialised economies, as the balance of risk shifted from concerns about economic growth to those about inflation.Credit market turmoil gives way to fragile recoveryFollowing two weeks of increasingly unstable conditions in early March, credit markets were buoyed by a cautious return of risk tolerance, with spreads recovering from the very wide levels reached during the first quarter of 2008. Sentiment turned in mid-March, following repeated interventions by the Federal Reserve to improve market functioning and to help avert the collapse of a major US investment bank. As these actions alleviated earlier concerns about risks to the financial system, previously dysfunctional markets resumed trading and prices rallied across a variety of risky assets.2BIS Quarterly Review, June 2008Between end-February and end-May, the US five-year CDX high-yield index spread tightened by about 144 basis points to 573, while corresponding investment grade spreads fell by 63 basis points to 102. European and Japanese spreads broadly mirrored the performance of the major US indices, declining by between 25 and 153 basis points overall. Between 10 and 17 March, all five major indices had been pushed out to or near the widest levels seen since their inception. They then rallied back and seemed to stabilise around their mid-January values, remaining significantly above the levels prevailing before the start of the market turmoil in mid-2007 (Graph 1).business lines, tightening repo haircuts caused a number of hedge funds and other leveraged investors to unwind existing positions. As a result, concerns underlying exposures are almost entirely protected by federal guarantees, as summer of 2007 (Graph 3, right-hand panel).BIS Quarterly Review, June 20083Fears about collapsing financial markets reached a peak in the week March, triggering repeated policy actions by the US authorities. investment grade credit default swap (CDS) indices underperforming lower-quality benchmarks (Graph 4, left-hand and centre panels). Spreads were temporarily arrested when, on 11 March, the Federal Reserve announced an expansion of its securities lending activities targeting the large US dealer banks (see section on money markets and Table 1 below). European CDS indices tightened by more than 10 basis points on the news, while the two key basis points down, respectively (Graph 1). allowing it to make secured advance payments to the troubled investment These developments appeared to herald a turning point in the market, funds target down to 2.25%. Earnings announcements by major investment banks on 18 and 19 March that were better than anticipated provided further support, with investors increasingly adopting the view that various central bank initiatives aimed at reliquifying previously dysfunctional markets were gradually gaining traction. Consistent with perceptions of a considerable reduction in systemic risk, spreads, and particularly those for financial sector and other investment grade firms, tightened from the peaks reached in early March(Graph 4). Movements were partially driven by the unwinding of speculative short positions, as suggested by changes in pricing differentials across products with similar exposures, according to the ease with which such positions can be opened or closed. For example, spreads on CDS contracts referencing the major credit indices moved more strongly than those on the same indices’ constituent names (Graph 1, centre and right-hand panels). Similarly, CDS markets outperformed those for comparable cash bonds, as market participants adjusted their synthetic trades.risks (Graph 1, centre and right-hand panels). Similarly, implied volatilities from CDS index options eased into the second quarter, indicating a somewhat reduced uncertainty about shorter-run credit spread movements (Graph 3, centre and right-hand panels).losses based on ABX prices (see box). This was despite the lack of a recovery for the index series with lower original ratings, whose prices continued to4 BIS Quarterly Review, June 2008BIS Quarterly Review, June 20085suggest expectations of complete writedowns of all underlying bonds by mid-2009 (Graph 2, centre panel). At these low levels, and with none of the ABX indices having experienced any principal writedowns so far, investors appeared to be pricing in the possibility of legislation writing down mortgage principal. Against this background, issuance of private-label mortgage-backed securities remained depressed, with volume growth coming mainly from US agency-Supported by optimism about banks’ recapitalisation efforts, spreads pace of capital replenishment. Following news of a rights issue on 31 March, CDS spreads referencing debt issued by Lehman Brothers tightened. UBS announced large first quarter losses and a fully underwritten capital increase on 1 April, and other institutions followed over the rest of the month. Globally, banks managed to raise more than $100 billion of new capital in April alone, stemming the deterioration in capital ratios. Financial CDS spreads, the monoline segment excluded, outperformed corresponding equity prices in the process (Graph 4, right-hand panel), reflecting diminishing concerns about imminent financial sector risk as well as the dilutory effects of equity financing. Markets retraced some of these gains in early May, partially driven by strong supply flows from corporate issuers that included, at $9 billion, the largest US dollar deal by a non-US borrower in seven years. Volumes were dominated by6 BIS Quarterly Review, June 2008Pitfalls in using the ABX. Estimated mark to market losses and actual writedowns made by banks and other investors can differ for a variety of reasons. Analysts, depending on their objective, thus have to be mindful of potential sources of bias. At least three such sources can be identified, of which two are specific to the ABX index:•Accounting treatment. Subprime MBS are held by a variety of investors and for different purposes. While large amounts of outstanding subprime MBS are known to reside inbanks’ trading books, banks and other investors may also hold these securities tomaturity. This can result in different accounting treatments, which would tend to deflateactual writedowns and impairment charges relative to estimates of mark to market losseson the basis of market indices, such as the ABX. The size of this effect, however, isdifficult to determine. Further complexities are added once securities cease to be tradedin active markets, implying the use of valuation techniques, which may differ acrossinvestors, in establishing fair value.5•Market coverage. ABX prices may not be representative of the total subprime universe, due to limited index coverage of the overall market. Original balance across all four serieshas averaged about $31 billion. This compares to average monthly MBS issuance ofsome $36 billion over the 10 quarters up to mid-2007, ie almost a month’s worth ofsubprime MBS supply per index series. Similarly, with 2004–07 vintage subprime MBSvolumes estimated at around $600 billion in outstanding amounts, each series representssome 5% of the overall universe on average. At the same time, ABX deal composition isknown to be quite similar in terms of collateral attributes (such as FICO scores and loan-to-value ratios) to the overall market (by vintage).6 Therefore, despite somewhat limitedcoverage, this particular source of bias may not be large.•Deal-level coverage. Similarly, ABX prices may not be representative because each index series covers only part of the capital structure of the 20 deals included in the index(see Graph A, right-hand panel, for an illustration).7 In particular, tranches referenced bythe AAA indices are not the most senior pieces in the capital structure, but those with thelongest duration (expected average life) – the so-called “last cash flow bonds”. Theseclaims will receive any cash flow allocations sequentially after all other AAA trancheshave been paid; and tend to switch to pro rata pay only when the highest mezzaninebond has been written down. It follows that AAA ABX index prices are going to reflectdurations that are longer, and effective subordinations that are lower, than those of theremaining AAA subprime MBS universe. As a result, using newly available data for MBStranches with shorter durations, the $119 billion of losses implied by the ABX AAA indicesas of end-May would be some 62% larger than those implied under more realisticassumptions.8_________________________________1 See, for example, International Monetary Fund, Global Financial Stability Report, April 2008, pp 46–52, and Box 1 in Bank of England, Financial Stability Report, April 2008.2 Supplementary indices, called ABX HE PENAAA, were introduced in May 2008 to provide additional pricing information for all four existing vintages.3 An alternative approach, likely to lead to very different results, would estimate future default-related cash flow shortfalls on the basis of deal-level or aggregate data for subprime securities. To obtain these estimates, such methodologies rely on information about collateral performance and require the analyst to make assumptions about structural relationships and model parameters. Typical subprime loss projections, for example, use delinquency data and assumptions about factors such as delinquency-to-default transitions, default timing, and losses-given-default. See Box 1 in the Overview section of the December 2007 BIS Quarterly Review for an example on the basis of an approach devised by UBS. 4Mark to market losses (relative to par) are calculated assuming that unrated tranches are written down completely; ABX prices for the BBB– indices are used to mark BB collateral; rated tranches from the 2004 vintage are assumed unimpaired; outstanding amounts remain static.5 For details, see Global Public Policy Committee, Determining fair value of financial instruments under IFRS in current market conditions, December 2007.6 See, for example, UBS, Mortgage Strategist, 17 October 2006. 7 Incomplete coverage at the deal level further reduces effective market coverage: typical subprime MBS structures have some 15 tranches per deal, of which only five were originally included in the ABX indices. As a result, each series references less than 15% of the underlying deal volume at issuance.8 Duration effects at the AAA level are bound to be significant for overall loss estimates as the AAA classes account for the lion’s share of MBS capital structures. Using prices for the newly instituted PENAAA indices, which reference “second to last” AAA bonds, to calculate AAA mark to market losses generates an estimate of $73 billion. This, in turn, translates into an overall valuation loss of $205 billion (ie some 18% below the unadjusted estimate of $250 billion).capitalisation had recovered, while remaining weaker than before the crisis. At the same time, still-elevated implied volatilities suggested ongoing investor uncertainty over the future trajectory of credit markets. With the credit cycle continuing to deteriorate and related losses on exposures outside the residential mortgage sector looming, it was thus unclear whether liquidity supply and risk tolerance had recovered to an extent that would help maintain this improved environment on a sustained basis.Bond yields recover as markets stabiliseFrom its low point on 17 March, the 10-year US Treasury bond yield rose by 75 basis points to reach 4.05% at the end of May. During this period, 10-year yields in the euro area and Japan climbed by around 70 and 50 basis points, respectively, to 4.40% and 1.75% (Graph 5, left-hand panel). In US and euro area bond markets, the increase in yields was particularly pronounced for short maturities, with two-year yields rising by 130 basis points in the United States and by almost 120 basis points in the euro area (Graph 5, centre panel). Two-year yields went up in Japan too, but by a more modest 35 basis points. In addition to reduced safe haven demand for government securities, the rise in short-term yields reflected a reassessment among investors of the need for monetary easing, following the stabilisation of financial markets.In the first two weeks of March, as the financial turmoil deepened and forward rates dropping (Graph 6, right-hand panel). While flight to safety and other effects relating to the volatility in financial markets may have influenced consistent with the observed fall at the short end of the forward break-evencurve. At the same time, these same concerns led investors to increasinglyexpect the Federal Reserve to maintain a more accommodative policy stancethan normal in an effort to contain the fallout on economic growth. Insofar asthis was seen as likely to lead to higher prices down the road, it could explainthe rise in distant forward break-even rates at the time.As the situation in financial markets stabilised after the rescue of BearStearns in mid-March, and perceptions of the economic outlook improvedsomewhat, the US forward break-even curve shifted in the opposite directionand flattened considerably. To a large extent, this shift in the forward curve islikely to have reflected a reversal of the same influences that had been at playin the first two weeks of March: the dampening effect on prices coming from theturmoil was perceived to be weaker after mid-March, while the Federal Reservewas seen to be less likely to deliver further sharp rate cuts. Moreover, upwardprice pressures appeared to intensify in the short to medium term, with foodprices rising continuously and oil prices reaching new all-time highs during thisperiod (Graph 5, right-hand panel), pushing near-term forward break-evenrates further upwards.real yields reflected a combination of expectations of higher average realinterest rates in coming years and a reversal of flight to safety pressures. Theformer component, in turn, was due to perceptions among investors that thereal economic fallout from the financial turmoil was likely to be less severe thanhad previously been anticipated. This was despite indications of deterioratingconsumer confidence amid tighter bank lending standards and continuedweakness in US housing markets. The revival in investor confidence seemedinstead to follow from the stabilisation in markets and from a number ofrelatively upbeat macroeconomic announcements. These included better thangovernment securities.In line with perceptions that the stabilisation of markets had reduced therisks to economic growth somewhat, prices of short-term interest rateindicating expectations of a period of stable rates, followed by rising rates inthe first half of 2009 (Graph 7, left-hand panel). In the euro area, EONIA swapprices at the beginning of March had signalled expectations of sizeable ECBrate cuts, but by end-May prices had shifted to reflect expectations of graduallyincreasing policy rates (Graph 7, centre panel). Meanwhile in Japan,expectations of mildly falling policy rates in March had by May been revised toindicate rising rates (Graph 7, right-hand panel).A turning point for equity prices?to end-2007 levels, gained almost 10% between 17 March and end-May. Equity markets in Europe and Japan, which had seen losses in excess of 20% between the turn of the year and 17 March, subsequently also displayed a strong recovery, with the EURO STOXX gaining 11% and the Nikkei 225 rising Reflecting the improved situation in financial markets during this period, by almost 20% and 34%, respectively. These gains occurred despiteannouncements by several banks of record losses during the first quarter amidcontinued credit-related write-offs. Investors obviously took solace from the factthat losses – although big – were no worse than expected, and that a numberof banks had been successful in their recapitalisation efforts (see credit marketsection above).surprises remained well above that of negative surprises, provided somesupport for equity prices. In addition, as fears failed to materialise that economic growth might slow dramatically in the first few months of the year,investors increasingly began to see equity valuations as attractive following thesharp price declines in late 2007 and early 2008. markets recovered after a sharp dip in March (Graph 8, right-hand panel).Emerging market investors discount growth risksequities fell up to mid-March, before rebounding in the wake of the change inmarket sentiment following the Bear Stearns rescue in the United States.Between end-February and end-May, the MSCI emerging market indexgained about 4% in local currency terms, and was up more than 14% from thelows established in mid-March. Latin American markets, which had seen ahigh trading volumes in commodity derivatives (see the Highlights section inthis issue) and speculative demand as a source of part of that strength, otherspointed to low supply elasticities and expectations of sustained rates ofindustrialisation throughout the emerging markets. With the region being amajor net commodities importer and natural disaster contributing to weakerequity prices in China, Asian markets were broadly flat over the period.Emerging Europe, in turn, remained exposed to the risk of a reversal in privatecapital flows, owing to large current account deficits and associated financingneeds in a number of countries. Nevertheless, strong gains in Russia and thebetter than expected growth performance of major European economies in thefirst quarter seemed to aid equity markets in May.Emerging market credit spreads, as measured by the EMBIG index,accounting for most of the spread tightening, the EMBIG remained almost flatin return terms, gaining about 1.1% between end-February and end-May(Graph 9, left-hand panel). Large stocks of foreign reserves and favourablemacroeconomic performance in key emerging market economies continued toprovide support, aiding the market recovery. Spread dispersion remained high,pointing to ongoing price differentiation according to credit quality (Graph 10,centre panel). At the same time, with inflation running well above target in anumber of major emerging market economies, policy credibility appeared tobecome more of a concern, putting pressure on local bond markets. Risinginflation expectations, combined with increasing US Treasury yields andrelatively resilient markets during the earlier stages of the recent marketturmoil, may thus have contributed to a somewhat more muted performancefrom emerging market bonds relative to other asset markets over the periodsince mid-March.Tensions in interbank markets remain highas high at the end of May as three months earlier, across most horizons and inall three major markets (Graph 10). This appeared to imply expectations thatinterbank strains were likely to remain severe well into the future.After a relatively smooth turn of the year, interbank market tensions hadappeared to ease somewhat until early March 2008, and Libor-OIS spreadshad shown some signs of stabilising. However, as the financial turmoilsuddenly deepened in the second week of March, following an acceleration inmargin calls and rapid unwinding of trades (see the credit section above),interbank market pressures quickly increased. With market rumoursproliferating about imminent liquidity problems in one or more large investmentbanks, banks became increasingly wary of lending to others. At the same time,their own demand for funds jumped as they sought to avoid being perceived ashaving a shortage of liquidity.Selected central bank liquidity measures during the period under review7 March The Federal Reserve increases the size of its Term Auction Facility (TAF) to $100 billion andextends the maturity of its repos to up to one month.11 March The Federal Reserve introduces the Term Securities Lending Facility (TSLF), which allowsprimary dealers to borrow up to $200 billion of Treasury securities against collateral. Theexisting dollar swap arrangements between the Federal Reserve and the ECB and the SNB areincreased from a total of $24 billion to $36 billion.16 March The Federal Reserve introduces the Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF), which providesovernight funding for primary dealers in exchange for collateral. The Federal Reserve alsolowers the spread between the discount rate and the federal funds rate from 50 to 25 basispoints, and lengthens the maximum maturity from 30 to 90 days.28 March The ECB announces that the maturity of its longer-term refinancing operations (LTROs) wouldbe extended from up to three months to a maximum of six months.21 April The Bank of England introduces the Special Liquidity Scheme, under which banks can swapilliquid assets for Treasury bills.2 May The Federal Reserve boosts the size of its TAF programme to $150 billion, and announces abroadening of the collateral eligible for the TSLF auctions. The dollar swap arrangements withthe ECB and the SNB are increased further, from $36 billion to $62 billion.Source: Central bank press releases. Table 1The near collapse and subsequent takeover of Bear Stearns onMarch highlighted the risks that banks face in such situations. On the would not be allowed to fail, and this helped restore order in other markets. On the other hand, the speed with which Bear Stearns’ access to market liquidity had collapsed underscored the vulnerability of other banks in this regard, which kept Libor-OIS spreads high even as CDS spreads on banks and brokerages Throughout the period, central banks maintained and even stepped up activity from central banks seemed to have limited immediate impact oninterbank rates. To some extent, this may have reflected the fact that while thesums involved in central bank liquidity schemes were large in absolute terms,they were still rather limited compared to banks’ assessment of their overallliquidity needs against the background of a sharp decline in traditional sourcesof funding. One significant source of short-term funding for banks in the pasthas been money market mutual funds. Such funds have seen substantialinflows since the outbreak of the financial turmoil (Graph 11, left-hand panel),reflecting a noticeable reduction in investors’ appetite for risk. However, thisloss of risk appetite also resulted in money market funds shifting theirinvestments increasingly into treasury bills and other safe short-term securities,hence depriving banks of a key funding source (Graph 11, centre panel). Thissuggests that determining how persistent the interbank tensions will be maydepend significantly, among other things, on how long the risk appetite ofmoney market fund managers, and investors more broadly, will continue to bedepressed.。
LESSON 12-处理反对
1. 信徒並非辯護律師,只是 證人 。
A. 以柔制剛法(柔道法): 利用對方的推力將他推倒。當上述 反對是出現於講述福音 之前 ,
1. 聖經其中一種最佳的自證方法是藉 著 預言 的應驗
4. 將舊約中八個有關 基督 的預言 逐一讀出。
8. 完全應驗在基督身上的舊約預言 遠超八個,乃是 333 個。
單元十二 處理反對
A. 你的首要任務是 傳福音 ,
b. 你的 態度 必須尊重別人
1. 意思是在對方未提出反對
之前 已回答了
1. 如果你會在 稍後 的講述中處理
該問題,大可延遲至該部分的講 述時才作答。
D. 迅速回答
如果你有把握,便一針見血地回 答,並且回到大綱繼續 講述 。
是 非 1. 所有反對其實都是迴避的煙幕。(153)
是 非 2. 處理任何反對福音的最佳方法,是迎頭痛擊法。 (154) 3. 處理反對的基本態度有三:(153) a. 切勿爭論 b. 表達欣賞 c. 給予稱讚
. . .
4. 五個處理反對的常規是:(154-156) a. 懇切祈禱 b. 預先排除 c. 稍為拖延 d. 迅速解答 e. 虛心研究
. . . . .
5. 在佈道的過程上,信徒是被稱為:(156) a. 對方屬靈情況的審判官; b. 見證人; c. 見證專家; d. 未信者的辯護律師。 6. 有關基督的預言遠超八個,最少有 333 個。
Evidence of the voice-related cortical potential:An electroencephalographic studyJessica Galgano and Karen Froud ⁎Department of Biobehavioral Sciences,Teachers College,Columbia University,USA Received 1October 2007;revised 4March 2008;accepted 12March 2008Available online 21March 2008The Bereitschaftspotential (BP)is a slow negative-going cortical potential associated with preparation for volitional movement.Studies since the 1960s have provided evidence for a BP preceding speech-related volitional motor acts.However,the BP associated specifically with voice initiation (i.e.a volitional motor act involving bilateral true vocal fold adduction)has not to date been systematically investigated.The current investigation utilizes a novel experimental design to address methodological confounds typically found in studies of movement-related cortical potentials,to demonstrate the existence and localization of generators for the voice-related cortical potential (VRCP).Using high-density EEG,we recorded scalp potentials in preparation for voice onset and for exhalation in a stimulus-induced voluntary movement task.Results showed a slow,increasingly negative cortical potential in the time window of up to 2500ms prior to the mean onset of phonation.This VRCP peaked at a greater amplitude and shorter latency than the BP associated with exhalation alone.VRCP sources were localized to the anterior rostral regions of the medial frontal gyrus (Supplementary Motor Area (SMA))and in bilateral laryngeal motor areas before and immediately following the mean initiation of phonation.Additional sources were localized to the bilateral cerebellum and occipital lobe in the time window following the mean onset of phonation.We speculate that these results provide additional support for fine somatotopic organization of the SMA.Further examination of the spatiotemporal change of the VRCP yielded source models which indicated involvement of the laryngeal motor cortices and cerebellum,likely responsible for the initiation and continuation of phonation.©2008Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.IntroductionThe event-preceding brain component associated with prepara-tion for volitional movement,referred to as the Bereitschaftspo-tential (BP),has been described in detail over many years of research (Kornhuber and Deecke,1965;Deecke et al.,1969,1976).Several studies have attempted to identify and isolate the BP related specifically to preparation for speech.For example,Brooker and Donald (1980)put a significant amount of consideration into matching the time constants of instrumentation,and included EMG recordings of several muscles that are active during speech.Wohlert (1993)and Wohlert and Larson (1991)investigated the BP preceding speech and nonspeech movements of various levels of complexity.Both experiments controlled for respiratory artifact by having subjects hold their breath prior to task initiation.In addition,electro-ocular and EMG activity were monitored,and (in the 1993study)a pneumatic respiration transducer was utilized to monitor breathing patterns.Additionally,EMG activity from the orbicularis oris muscle was used to trigger and average segments.More recent advances in electroencephalo-graphic and electromyographic techniques have made it possible for examinations of this nature to more accurately identify BPs associated with vocalization and oral movements.These advances have also permitted investigations aiming to specify the cortical and subcortical pathways involved in volitional control of exhalation,which is required for voice production.Kuna et al.(1988)found thyroarytenoid muscle activity during exhalation,suggesting that cortical control of volitional respiration may be related,in part,to the requirement for precise management of vocal fold position during respiration.Although a significant amount is understood about the BP,it has been difficult to extract these components from EEG recordings,since the BP is typically a slow change in amplitude with a wide bilateral distribution (Brooker and Donald,1980;Deecke et al.,1986;Ertl and Schafer,1967;Grabow and Elliott,1974;McAdam and Whitaker,1971;Morrell and Huntington,1971;Schafer,1967),representing shifts of only a few microvolts.Thus,accurate triggering by the exact onset of movement is extremely important.Studies attempting to identify the BP associated with the volitional motor act of laryngeal or vocal fold movement (which we will refer to as the V oice-Related Cortical Potential,or VRCP)have encountered other obstacles too:in particular,difficulties withco-/locate/ynimg NeuroImage 41(2008)1313–1323Corresponding author.Department of Biobehavioral Sciences,Box 180,Teachers College,Columbia University,New York,NY 10027,USA.Fax:+12126788233.E-mail address:kfroud@ (K.Froud).Available online on ScienceDirect ().1053-8119/$-see front matter ©2008Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.03.019registration between physiological measurements and electrophy-siological instrumentation,inaccurate identification of vocal fold movement onset,and methodological confounds between voice, speech and language(Brooker and Donald,1980;Deecke et al., 1986;Ertl and Schafer,1967;Grabow and Elliott,1974;McAdam and Whitaker,1971;Morrell and Huntington,1971;Schafer,1967). In addition,respiratory artifact or R-wave contamination of the BP preceding speech has proven a major difficulty,particularly in early studies(Deecke et al.,1986).Larger-amplitude artifacts due to head-,eye-,lip-,mouth movements and respiration must also be eliminated before signal averaging(Grözinger et al.,1980).Earlier studies investigating voice-related brain activations typically confounded the distinctions between voice,speech and language.Voice refers to the sound produced by action of the vocal organs,in particular the larynx and its associated musculature. Speech is concerned with articulation,and the movement of organs responsible for the production of the sounds of language—in particular,those of the oral tract,including the lips,tongue and nguage refers to the complex set of cognitive operations involved in producing and understanding the systematic processes which underpin communication.Therefore,studies which have at-tempted to isolate voice or speech-related activity by the use of word production instead have described activation relating to a combina-tion of these cognitive and motor operations(for example,Grözinger et al.(1975)used word utterances amongst their tasks designed to elicit speech-related activations;Ikeda and Shibasaki(1995)used single words as well as nonspeech-related movements like lingual protrusion;McAdam and Whitaker(1971)used unspecified three-syllable words to elicit ostensibly speech-related activity).Con-versely,in a magnetoencephalography(MEG)study,Gunji et al. (2000)examined the vocalization-related cortical fields(VRCF) associated with repeated production of the vowel[u].Microphones placed close to the mouth were used to capture the sound waveform from the vocalization;the onset of the waveform provided the trigger for segmenting and averaging epochs.This design carefully attempts to identify vocalization-related fields;however,operationalizing a procedure which is able to most closely capture the onset of voicing is particularly difficult.Difficulty stems,in part,from the limited number of compatible neuroimaging techniques and instruments able to capture these phenomena.The present study contributes to understanding of the timing and distribution of the VRCP by addressing two major sources of methodological confound:the blurring of distinctions between voice, speech and language;and the accurate identification of movement onset for triggering and epoch segmentation.Furthermore,we use high-density EEG recordings,providing an increased level of detail in terms of the scalp topography,and additionally enabling the application of source modeling techniques to ensure accurate identification of the VRCP.Our results provide novel insight into voice generation by addressing the following research question: Can the true VRCP,associated only with laryngeal activity,be isolated from related movement potentials,by utilizing the right combination of control and experimental tasks?We predicted that a stimulus-induced voluntary movement paradigm would yield significant differences in the characteristics of the Readiness Potentials associated with(a)initiation of phonation and(b)respiration.To be specific,we predicted the existence of an isolable voice-related cortical potential associated only with prepara-tion for initiation of phonation and greater amplitude of the VRCP vs. the respiration-related cortical potential.We also predicted that VRCP sources would be localized to the Supplementary Motor Area, primary motor cortices,and sensori-motor regions.Elucidation of the neural mechanisms of normal voice is a crucial step towards understanding the role of functional reorganization in cortical and subcortical networks associated with voice production, both for changes in the normal aging voice,and in pathological populations.This approach to determining the neural correlates of voice initiation could provide a foundation for creating neurophy-siologic models of normal and disordered voice,ultimately informing our understanding of the effects of surgical,medicinal and/or behavioral interventions in voice-disordered populations. The findings could ultimately provide us with new basic science information regarding the relative benefit of different treatment approaches in the clinical management of neurogenic voice disorders.In addition,the larger significance of this work is related to the fact that voice disorders are currently recognized as the most common cause of communication difficulty across the lifespan,with a lifetime prevalence of almost30%(Roy et al.,2005). Materials and methodsA stimulus-induced voluntary movement paradigm in which trials of different types were presented in subject-specific rando-mized orders was utilized.This method addressed the documented problem of the classic BP paradigm which involves self-paced movements separated by short breaks:the person is already conscious of and preparing for a particular movement and there is a known repetition rate of the movements(Libet et al.,1982,1983). This can lead to automatic movements,which change the presentation of the VRCP.In our procedure,it is not possible for the participant to predict ahead of time which task they have to perform,which allows for a spontaneous movement.The movements were chosen to avoid another methodological confound,between voice,speech and language tasks.Requiring subjects to produce linguistically complex units,such as sounds or words(e.g.Ikeda and Shibasaki,1995;Wohlert and Larson,1991; Wohlert,1993)led to some debate concerning whether BPs for speech might be lateralized to the dominant hemisphere for language.This problem is avoided in the current study,and the problem of movement artifacts involved in speech and speech-like movements such as lip-pursing or vowel-production(Gunji et al., 2000;Wohlert and Larson,1991;Wohlert,1993),in particular of back,tense,rounded vowels(such as the[u]used in Gunji et al's experiments),by utilizing a task which involves voicing only,and has no related speech or language overlay.The actions of breathing out through the nose,and gentle-onset humming of the bilabial nasal [m]without labial pressing,are equivalent actions in terms of involvement of the articulatory tract,the only difference being the initiation of vocal fold movement in the humming condition.By having participants breathe or hum following a period of breath-holding,the possibility of R-wave contamination is also reduced (Deecke et al.,1986).Onset of phonation is established by mea-suring vocal fold closure using electroglottography(EGG),and a telethermometer attached to a trans-nasal temperature probe was used for the earliest possible identification of exhalation onset. Subjects24healthy subjects(21females and3males)with an age range of21–35years of age(mean age=26years)participated in the study.All subjects were informed of the purpose of the study and1314J.Galgano,K.Froud/NeuroImage41(2008)1313–1323gave informed consent to participate,following procedures ap-proved by the local Institutional Review Board.All participants took part in a training phase,which was identical to the experi-mental procedure and served to train participants on the expected response to each screen.Each step of the procedure was discussed and explained as it was occurring,and there was ample opportunity for feedback to be provided to ensure accurate task performance.EEG/ERP experimental set-up and proceduresEEG data acquisitionScalp voltages were collected with a 128channel Geodesic Sensor Net (Tucker,1993)connected to a high-input impedance amplifier (Net Amps200,Electrical Geodesics Inc.,Eugene,OR).Amplified analog voltages (.1–100Hz bandpass)were digitized at 250Hz.Individual sensors were adjusted until impedances were less than 30–50k Ω,and all electrodes were referenced to the vertex (Cz)during recording.The net included channels above and below the eyes,and at the outer canthi,for identification of EOG.The EEG,EOG,stimulus triggered responses,EGG and telethermometer data were acquired simultaneously and later processed offline.Recording of respirationA nasal telethermometer (YSI Model 43single-channel)with a small sensor (YSI Precision 4400Series probe,style 4491A)was placed 2–4cm inside one nostril transnasally and used to measure the temperature of inhaled and exhaled air.Readings from the telethermometer were digitally recorded by interfacing the teletherm-ometer with one outrider channel input to the EEG net amplifier connection,for co-registration of the time course of respiration with the continuous EEG.Recording of voice onsetA Kay Telemetric Computerized Speech Lab,Model 4500(housing a Computerized Speech Lab Main Program Model 6103Electroglottography)with 2electrodes placed bilaterally on the thyroid cartilage,adjacent to the thyroid notch,was used to measurevocal fold closure and opening.The EGG trace was acquired in the Computerized Speech Lab (CSL)proprietary software and co registered offline with EEG and telethermometer recordings,in order to determine error trial locations and confirm onset of vocal fold adduction and controlled exhalation.V oice sounds were also recorded by microphone on a sound track acquired on the CSL computer,sampling at 44.1kHz.A response button box permitted participant regulation of the start of each trial.At each button press,an audible “beep ”was generated by the system which provided an additional point of co-registration between the EGG system and the time of trial onset.In addition,pressing the button permitted the subject to move to the next trial set from a screen that allowed physical adjustment into a more comfortable position if needed in between tasks (to reduce movement artifact).Instructions and experimental taskThe experimental task required subjects to hold their breath for 4s,followed by breathing out or humming through the nose.The action carried out was determined by presentation of a “Go ”screen after the breath-holding interval;the “Go ”screen randomly presented either a “Breathe ”or “Hum ”instruction.To avoid using language-based stimuli in this experiment,the instructions to breath or hum were represented instead by letter symbols:a large 0for breathing,and a large M for humming.There were eighty trials altogether (forty voice and forty breathe).Experimental stimuli were presented using Eprime stimulus presentation software (Psychology Software Tools,Pittsburgh,PA).Subjects were visually monitored via a closed circuit visual surveillance system,to ensure compliance with experimental conditions.Each trial (breathe or hum)was followed by a black screen,which indicated to participants that they could take a break before the next trial,swallow,blink and make themselves comfortable (this was intended to reduce movement artifacts during trials).Participants used button presses to indicate when they were ready to continue on to the next trial (Fig.1).Data analysisRecorded EEG was digitally low-pass filtered at 30Hz.Trials were discarded from analyses if they contained incorrectresponses,Fig.1.The following experimental control module display shows the timeline of stimulus presentation during the experiment.Initially,a red screen instructed the subject to hold their breath with a closed mouth (4s).This was followed by a green screen which displayed either an “M ”or “0”,prompting the subject to hum or breathe out,respectively.Following each trial,a black screen instructed the subjects to make themselves comfortable to minimize movement artifact before moving onto the next trial.When subjects were ready,a button press triggered an audio beep which allowed for co-registration of instrumentation being utilized.1315J.Galgano,K.Froud /NeuroImage 41(2008)1313–1323eye movements (EOG over 70µV),or more than 20%of the channels were bad (average amplitude over 100µV).This resulted in rejection of less than 5%of trials for any individual.EEG was rereferenced offline to the average potential over the scalp (Picton et al.,2000).EEG epochs were segmented from −3000to +500ms from onset of voicing or exhalation,and averaged within subjects.Data were baseline-corrected to a 100ms period from the start of the segment,to provide additional control for drift or other low amplitude artifact.For identification of ERPs and for further statistical analyses,two regions of interest (ROIs)were selected:the Supplementary Motor Area (SMA)ROI,and the Primary Motor Region (M1)ROI.The 7SMA sensors were centered around FCz,where SMA activations have previously been reported (e.g.Deecke et al.,1986).The M1ROI consisted of 25sensors,centered anterior to the central sulcus and located around the 10–20system electrodes F7,F3,Fz,F4,F8,A1,T3,C3,Cz,C4,T4,A2(listed left-to-right,anterior-to-posterior),where Motor-Related Potentials have been previously identified (Jahanshahi et al.,1995).See Fig.2.Statistical analysesData from averaged segments were exported to standard statistical software packages (Microsoft Excel and SPSS),permit-ting further analysis of the ERP data.Repeated measures Analysis of Variance (ANOV A)was used to evaluate interactions and main effects in a 2(Condition:voicing vs.breathing)×2(region:SMA vs.M1)×3(time window:pre-stimulus,stimulus to voice onset,and post-voice onset)comparison.The dependent variable was grand-averaged voltages across relevant sensor arrays,determined following data preprocessing.The ANOV A was followed by planned comparisons,and all statistical analyses employed the Greenhouse –Geisser epsilon as needed to deal with violations of assumptions of sphericity.Point-to-point differences in mean amplitude between the 2conditions (humming vs.breathing)were evaluated for statistical significance,using separate repeated measures t -tests performed on mean amplitude measures within a 4ms sliding analysis window.Bonferroni corrections were employed to control for type 1error arising from multiplecomparisons.Fig.2.This sensor layout displays the 128-channel Geodesic Sensor Net utilized in the current experiment.Legend:Black=SMA montage;Grey=M1montage;Black+Grey=Channels entered into Grand Average.1316J.Galgano,K.Froud /NeuroImage 41(2008)1313–1323VRCP.Time-locking of the segmented EEG to the onset of true vocal fold adduction as recorded from the electroglottograph enabled identification of the standard BP topography,with a peak at the time of the movement onset,followed by a positive reafferent potential.The topography of the VRCP was examined using true vocal fold (TVF)adduction onset obtained from the EGG recording,and is subject-specific.Individual averaged files were placed into group grand-averages.The VRCP was identified in individual averaged data and in group grand-averages,based on the distribution and latency of ponent duration and mean amplitude for each subject(and for grand-averaged data)in each experimental condition were calculated.Three pre-movement components of the VRCP were measured, i.e.early(−1500to−1000ms prior to movement onset),late(about −500ms prior to movement onset),and peak VRCP(coincides with or occurs approximately50ms prior to movement onset)(Deecke et al.,1969,1976,1984;Barret et al.,1986).To determine the onset of each VRCP component,mean amplitude traces from individual and grand-averaged voice trials were examined independently by scientists with BP experience(Jahanshahi et al.,1995;Fuller et al., 1999).The mean latency of the early VRCP(rise of the slope from the baseline),the late VRCP(point of change in slope),and the peak VRCP(most negative point at or prior to vocal fold closure)were measured.The slope of the early VRCP was calculated(in microvolts per second)between the point of onset of the early VRCP and the onset of the late VRCP.The slope of the late component was calculated from the point of onset of the late VRCP to the onset of the peak VRCP.A2(region:SMA vs.M1)×2(time window:early VRCP te VRCP/late VRCP vs.peak VRCP)repeated measures ANOV A,followed up with planned comparisons,was used to examine interactions and main effects.BESA.In order to model the spatiotemporal properties of the VRCP sources,we used Brain Electrical Source Analysis(BESA: Scherg and Berg,1991).Source modeling procedures were applied to the voice produc-tion condition only(not to the exhalation condition).This is because a telethermometer was used to record changes in temperature associated with inhalation and exhalation;however,these associated changes do not reliably correlate with the true onset of exhalation or thyroarytenoid muscle activity associated with exhalation,as evidenced by the wide variety of measures reported in the literature for determination of respiration onset(e.g.Macefield and Gandevia (1991)used EMG measured over scalene and lateral abdominal muscles;Pause et al.(1999)used a thermistor placed at the nostril to determine onset of respiration based on changes to air temperature; Gross et al.(2003)determined onset of respiration to be associated with highest cyclic subglottal pressure;and other methods have also been reported).Source localization approaches are therefore not appropriate for the exhalation condition;consequently,we con-ducted comparisons between potentials associated with exhalation and voice using statistical analyses of differences in amplitude only. Source localization procedures were conducted on the voice pro-duction condition,because in that condition we were able to identify the initiation of voicing,using electroglottography.BESA attempts to separate and image the principal components of the recorded waveform as well as localizing multiple equivalent current dipoles(ECDs).Any equivalent current dipole was fit to the data over a specified time window,and the goodness of fit was expressed as a percentage of the variance.Our procedure for developing the ECD model was closely based on procedures detailed in Gunji et al.(2000),as follows.First,we selected an interval for analyzing the data in terms of a spatiotemporal dipole model.Following Gunji et al.,we selected the interval of−150ms to+100ms,because this interval covered the approximate period from the onset of the instruction screen to preparation to move the vocal folds,through to onset of phonation and the start of auditory feedback.Gunji et al.further recommend a dipole modeling approach limited to this time interval in order to focus on brain activations just before and after vocalization,rather than attempting to model the complex and persistent sources associated with Readiness Potentials.We therefore seeded sources and fit them for orientation and location in the time window from −150ms to0ms(the averaged time of the start of phonation).The time window from0to+100ms was examined separately.Sources seeded in both time windows are described below.ResultsIndividual data were grand-averaged and component identifica-tion was based on distribution,topography,and latency of activations (individual subjects and grand-averaged data).AVRCP was identified in all subjects,maximized over fronto-central electrodes(overlying the SMA).For grand-averaged data,all electrodes overlying the SMA showed a large VRCP in the specified time window(see Fig.3). Voicing vs.Controlled Exhalation ConditionsThe ANOV A revealed that the triple Condition×Region×Time interaction was significant(F(1,124)=2488.463,p b.0001),as were both two-way interactions(Condition×Region,F(1,124)=68.428, p b.0001;Condition×Time,F(1,124)=1808.242,p b.0001; Region×Time,F(1,124)=6651.504,p b.0001).Planned compar-isons revealed that the mean amplitudes of the VRCP were significantly more negative than the BP associated with the controlled exhalation condition,and SMA amplitudes were significantly more negative than M1.The significant interaction between Condition and Region for all subjects was found to be due to the fact that,although SMA sensors were always significantly more negative than M1 sensors(t(1939.233)=26.272,p b.0001),there was a greater difference in the measured negativities in V oice trials compared to Breathe trials(see Fig.4).Further examination of the main effect of Time revealed that,as time progressed,mean amplitudes became significantly more negative(i.e.VRCPs became significantly more negative from the pre-stimulus time window to the time of voice onset and beyond). Investigations of the Condition by Time interaction revealed sig-nificant progressive increases in the measured negativities from early to late time windows for the V oice condition.However, subjects showed a greater degree of negativity in the pre-and post-screen time windows for the breathe condition only(see Fig.5).For the Controlled Exhalation/Breathing Condition,the SMA BPs from stimulus to exhalation were significantly more negative than in the pre-stimulus interval.The M1region,however,showed no significant increase in negativity until the later time windows.In other words,over the SMA sensors the movement-related negativity increased in the period leading to exhalation,as well as later;over the M1sensors,however,readings did not become significantly more negative until after movement.Investigations of the Region×Time interaction for the voicing trials showed a significant increase in the negativity over both the SMA and M11317J.Galgano,K.Froud/NeuroImage41(2008)1313–1323regions between the pre-stimulus interval and the time to voice onset.Mean amplitudes continued to become significantly more negative across time intervals post-voice onset for both regions.This is summarized in Table 1and shown in Fig.5below.To summarize,several significant findings were revealed.The voicing condition was significantly more negative than the exhalation condition,activation over SMA sensors was significantly more negative than over M1sensors,and negativities significantly increased over the three time windows for the voice condition only.VRCP slope changesThe 2×3repeated measures ANOV A examining changes in the VRCP slope (microvolts per second)revealed a significant main effect of time,with the earlier time window being associated with ashallower slope than the later time window in both Regions.No other main effects or interactions were significant.Source localization using BESAUsing BESA,we fit dipoles to the grand-averaged data from 23subjects'responses to the V oice condition.We accepted an ECD model as a good fit when the residual variance dropped to 25%or below (standard for fitting to data from individuals is 10%RV).We began by seeding pairs of dipole sources to the left and right laryngeal motor areas,and in the middle frontal gyri,known to be associated with oro-facial movement planning in humans (Chainay et al.,2004)and the origination of human motor readiness potentials (Pedersen et al.,1998),respectively.A final pair of dipoleswasFig.3.The above waveform demonstrates grand-averages of 24subjects.In the voice condition,a peak negativity of the VRCP (SMA:−10.0086,V;M1:−5.2983,V)was found at bilateral TVF adduction,evidenced by onset movement shown in the Lx (EGG)waveform.A standard BP topography in M1is revealed.The late VRCP in M1shows a steeper slope,positive deflection preceding movement onset,and longer latency when compared to SMA.In the breathe condition,peaks showed longer latencies over both M1and SMA sensors,and reduced amplitude over SMA.Steps in the stimulus presentation/analysis procedure are superimposed:the breath-holding screen starts at −4000ms,and the “Go ”screen (instruction to hum through the nose)appears after 4s of breath-holding and is shown for a further 4s period.Initiation of phonation (recorded by EGG)was established for each individual trial within each subject.The interval between the onset of the “Go ”screen and phonation is where the specific VRCP could be identified.1318J.Galgano,K.Froud /NeuroImage 41(2008)1313–1323。
有明显的外部表现 具有激动性和冲动性 持续时间短
用下,可以提高活动的效率, 更好地完成某种活动。
消极的作用:人们在激情 的作用下,往往会作出并鲁 莽、甚至遗憾终身的事情。
这个姿势在北美洲 的意思是“一切顺 利”或“很好”, 在法国和比利时的 意思是“你一钱不 值”,而在意大利 南部的意思是“你
• 1、生理机制 • 生理反映基础 • 生物钟的影响(28天为一周期):与月球周期性
变化有关 • 2、心理机制 • 客体与需要、预期的关系 • 认知评价的作用 • 个性特征
• 积极情绪时,左半球出现较多的电位活动; • 消极情绪时,右半球出现较多的电位活动
• 1、情绪与植物性神经系统 • 植物性神经系统与情绪的生理反应密切相关。
在某些情绪状态下,植物性神经系统的变化主 要表现为交感神经系统相对亢进,如激动紧张 时,瞳孔放大、心率增快、血压上升、血糖升 高、呼吸加速、胃肠道活动抑制;突然惊惧时, 呼吸暂时中断、外周血管收缩、脸色变白、出 冷汗、口干;焦虑、抑郁则可抑制胃肠道的蠕 动和消化液的分泌,引起食欲减退。
– 适应功能 – 动机功能 – 组织功能 – 感染功能 – 迁移功能
第二节 情绪和情感的分类
• 1、情绪的分类 – 《礼记》七情说:喜、怒、哀、惧、爱、恶和欲。 – 生物进化观:基本情绪;复合情绪 – 伊扎德:复合情绪分三类,一是基本情绪的混合, 如兴趣—愉快;恐惧—害羞等;二是基本情绪和 内驱力的结合,如性驱力—兴趣—享乐、疼痛— 恐惧—怒等;三是基本情绪与认知的结合,如活 力—兴趣—愤怒、多疑—恐惧—内疚等。
2、感觉阈限(sensory threshold)指在刺激情境下感觉经验产生与否的界限。
3、绝对阈限(absolute threshold)刚刚能察觉到的最小物理刺激量。
绝对阈限是一个统计学上的概念4、差别阈限(difference threshold)是刚刚能察觉出两个刺激的最小差异量。
差别阈限是指为探测出两个刺激间差异所需的刺激的最小变化量,因此也叫最小可觉差(just noticeable difference, JND)其大小取决于刺激的初始强度。
第一部分学生发展心理1. 知觉的特性1)知觉的选择性知觉的选择性是指人在知觉客观世界时,总是有选择地把少数事物当做知觉的对象,而把其他事物当做知觉的背景,以便更清楚地感知一定的事物与现象。
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Personality type is destiny.
Ⅰ 气质体液说——源于古希腊医生希波克拉底,认为人体内四种液体:黏液、黄胆汁、黑胆汁、血液,四种体液配合比率不同,形成了四种不同类型的人。
胆汁质 - + + + + +
多血质 - + + + + +
黏液质 - + - - - -
抑郁质 + - - - + -
Ⅱ 气质体型说——内胚层、中胚层、外胚层
Ⅲ 气质血型说——A、B、O、AB
Ⅳ 气质激素说——人的气质特点是由内分泌活动所决定
Ⅰ 奥尔波特的特质理论
Ⅱ 卡特尔的人格特质理论
Ⅲ 艾森克三因素模型
Ⅳ 五因素模型