第二章 义务论和康德的道德哲学
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做到无论是你自己还是别人,你始终把人 当成目的,总不把他当作工具. )
§1.3 What gives an act moral worth?
One way to begin your examination of Kant’s moral theory is to think about Fra Baidu bibliotekow he would answer the question, What gives an act moral worth? It is not the consequences(结果) of the act, according to Kant. Suppose, for example, that I try to do what is right by complimenting(称赞,表扬) someone on her achievements. Through no fault(缺点, 过错) of my own, my action ends up(结束) hurting that person because she misunderstands my efforts.
§1.2 绝对命令 (The categorical imperative)
§1.2.1 The first form Kant’s own statement of it is basically the following:
Act only on that maxim that you can will as a universal law.(仅依据你能同时意欲它 成为一项普遍法则的那项格律而行动)
§1.1 康德(Immanuel Kant)
In his moral philosophy, Kant addressed a question, “What ought I do?” His answers can be found for the most part in two works. One is the Fundamental Principles(or Foundations) of the Metaphysics of Morals(1785)(道德形 而上学基础原理), which one commentator (评论者) described as “one of the most important ethical treatises(论文) ever written.” The other is the Critique of Practical Reason(1788)(实践理性批判).
He asked for volunteers for a “learning experiment.” The volunteers or “teachers” were told to ask questions of learners who were in an adjoining(邻 接的,隔壁的) room but who could not be seen. The teachers were to administer(管理,给予,执行) an electric shock to the learners when they gave the wrong answer.
在实验中,每当学生出错,主试就命令 教师施与电击,而且要逐步加大强度, 随着电击强度的增加,学生也由呻吟、 叫喊、怒骂逐渐到哀求、讨饶、踢打, 最后昏厥。若被试表现犹豫,主试则严 厉地督促他们继续实验,并说一切后果 由实验者承担。
结果显示,在整个实验过程中,当电压增加到 300V时,只有5人拒绝再提高电压;当电压增 加到315V时,又有4人拒绝服从命令;电压为 330V时,又有2人表示拒绝;之后,在电压达 到345V、360V、375V时,又各有1人拒绝 服从命令。共有14人(占被试的35%)做出 了种种反抗,拒绝执行主试的命令。另外26名 被试(占被试的65%)则服从了实验者的命 令,坚持到实验的最后,尽管他们表现出了不 同程度的紧张和焦虑。
As the experiment proceeded, the volunteers were instructed(命令,指示, 通知) by a researcher in a white coat to increase the shock strength. The learners were actually part of the experiment and were not really being shocked.
In other words, whatever I consider doing, it must be something that I can will or accept that all do.
§1.2 绝对命令 (The categorical imperative)
§1.2.2 The second form
关于服从的经典研究是由社会心理学家 米尔格拉姆(S.Milgram)于1963年在 美国的耶鲁大学进行的。这项研究是社 会心理学领域中最具影响力的实验之一。 米尔格拉姆通过公开招聘的方式,以每 小时付给4.5美元的价格招聘到40名自 愿参加者,他们包括教师、工程师、邮 局职员、工人和商人,平均年龄在 25~50岁之间。
Not surprisingly, many subjects were quite upset when they learned this. They were angry both at being lied to and on realizing what they had done or had been willing to do.
They were later informed that they themselves had been the subjects(被 试者) of the research and that it was an experiment about people’s obedience(服从,顺从) to authorities, not about learning.
( Chapter 2 Kant’s Moral Theory)
Thirty-five years ago, a Yale University professor designed and conducted an experiment to determine whether ordinary people would follow the directions(指挥、指示、命令) of an authority figure even when the directions required them to act against commonly held moral beliefs.
§1.3 What gives an act moral worth?
According to Kant, because I intended and tried to do what I thought was right, I ought not to be blamed for things having turned out badly. The idea is that we generally ought not to be blamed or praised for what is not in our control. The consequences of our acts are not always in our control and things do not always turn out as we want.
§1.1 康德(Immanuel Kant)
Immanuel Kant(1724-1804) was a German philosophy professor who taught at the University of Konigsberg(柯尼斯堡) He was such a poular lecturer that university students who wanted a seat had to arrive at his classroom at six in the morning, one hour before Kant was due to begin his lecture.
事实上,研究者事先已经安排了每次抽 签的结果总是真正的被试作为教师,而 作为学生的却是实验者助手。实验过程 中,当学生的假被试和当教师的真被试 被分别安排在不同的房间里,学生的胳 膊上绑上电极,被绑在椅子上,以便在 记忆词汇发生错误时被教师惩罚。
教师与学生之间是通过声讯的方式进行 联系的。教师的操作台上每个电键都标 明了电击的严重程度,从15V的轻微, 到450V的致命。这些电击实际上都是假 的,但为了使教师相信整个实验,首先 让其接受一次强度为45V的电击作为体 验。
Kant’s statement of this second form of the categorical imperative is as follows:
Always treat humanity, whether in your own person or that of another, never simply as a means but always at the same time as an end.(你须要这样行为,
§1.1 康德(Immanuel Kant)
After many years of financial(财政的,金融 的) and professional(专业的,职业的) insecurity(不安全), he finally was appointed(指定,任命) to a chair(教授职 位) in philosophy. The writings that followed made him renowned(有名的,有声誉的) even in his own time. Kant is now regarded as a central(中心的,重要的,主要的) figure in the history of modern philosophy. Modern philosophy itself is sometimes divided into pre-Kantian and post-Kantian periods.
Even though a learner in the next room would cry out(大声呼喊,大声抱怨) in pain(疼痛) after the shocks, and at one point(一度,在某一时刻 ) was seemingly reduced(使变弱) to unconsciousness(无意识,意识不清), many of the teachers continued to do what the researcher told them to do.
实验者告诉被试,他们将参加一项研究 惩罚对学生学习的影响的实验,要求两 人一组,用抽签的方式决定其中一人当 学生,另一人当教师。教师的任务是朗 读配对的关联词,学生的任务是记住这 些词,然后教师呈现这些词,让学生在 给定的四个词中选择一个正确的答案, 如果选错了,教师就通过按电钮给学生 以电击作为惩罚。