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E. 鲁迅:一当然力求其易解,一则保存原作的 丰姿。反对牛头不对马嘴,提出“宁信而 不顺”之原则。
翻译有“标准”, 却又没有标准; 仁者见仁, 智者见智
Process of Translation
A. Preparation: basic knowledge about both languages as well as the background knowledge; basic skills in translation are necessary; B. Comprehension: understanding accurately the meaning of the source language; C. Expression: try to express the meaning in idiomatic Chinese; D. Revision: (proofread) check again and again to polish the language.
直译和意译所关注的核心问题是如何在语言 层面处理形式和意义;
异化和归化则突破语言因素的局限,将视 野扩展到语言、文化和美学等因素。
Kill two birds with one stone。
归化 一箭双雕 意译 一举两得 异化 一石二鸟
霍译: Man proposes, God disposes.
a. Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched the Second World War. b. People ridicule poverty but not prostitute. 笑贫不笑娼 The girl is a dead shot.
异化和归化翻译表现为文化的思考,从 翻译的意识形态看其对文学乃至文化产 生的影响,属于文学批评和哲学范畴。 归化(Domesticating method):文化帝 国主义
Foreignizing Translation and Domesticating Translation
1、采取归化与异化的原因 长期以来,翻译中一直存在着源语(source
He went west by stage coach and succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever in Nevada‘s Washoe Region.
误:他乘公共马车到了西部,患了瓦肖地区的金银发烧流行病。 正:他乘公共马车到了西部,卷入了淘金热和淘银热。
2. History of Translation in China
1) 佛经翻译时期 2)明朝后期:传教士 3)中国近代翻译史:“五四”运动是分 水岭 4)繁荣阶段:新中国的成立
Criteria and Principles of Translation
翻译的标准之争由来已久,“文质之争”、 “直译意译之争”、“归化异化之争”,不
A contented mind is a perpetual feast. (直譯)知足的心是永恆的享受。 (意譯)事能知足心常愜,人到無求品自高。
She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. 她长生在富贵之家。
Foreignizing Translation and Domesticating Translation
1. What is translation
到底什么是翻译?这是翻译理论家和翻译实践 者都无法回避的问题。其实,人们对翻译并不 陌生,因为它时刻都会发生。比如,一个不懂 粤语的东北人和一个广东人交谈时出现了语言 交流的障碍,这时有一个既懂东北话又懂粤语 的人帮助他们进行解释和沟通,那么这个(既 懂东北话又懂粤语的)人所做的工作其实就是 翻译。翻译的涵盖面很广,除了方言之间转换, 还有将古汉语用白话文来解释,将汉语意思用 少数民族的语言来表达等都属于广义的翻译范 畴。由此可见,你我在日常生活中经常扮演翻 译的角色。
异化(foreignization): 在译文中保留源语的文化观念和价值观,
特别是保留原文的比喻、形象和民族地方色彩 等。
All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马。 “ 女儿是水做的骨肉,男人是泥做的骨肉。”
“Girls are made of water,men of mud.”
Translation is a science. Translation is an art. Translation is a craft. Translation is a skill. Translation is an operation. Translation is a language activity. Translation is a communication.
He felt a rush of fear churning his stomach. 直译: 他感到一阵恐惧涌上胃口 意译:他感到一阵恐惧涌上心头 Their accent couldn’t fool a native speaker. A.他们的口音不能愚弄本地人 B.本地人是不会听不出他们是外乡人的。 C.本地人一听他们的口音便知道他们是外乡人的。
Literal translation and free translation
“所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许 可时,在译文中既持原文的内容, 又保持原文的形式——特别是指明 保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、地 方色彩等。但直译不是死译或硬 译。”(张培基等1980:13)
Literal translation and free translation
化”和“异化”将永远同时并存,缺一就 不成其为翻译。
Translate the following, using idiomatic Chinese: 1)extremely urgent 十万火急 2)underestimate one’s own capabilities 妄自菲薄 3)commit the same error 重蹈覆辙 4) full of conceit(自负,狂想) 目空一切 5) miss a good chance 错失良机 6) fellow sufferers 难兄难弟 7)make a superficial change 换汤不换药
Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it. 不必担心太早.(不要杞人忧天)
John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.
He met his Waterloo.
意译是指按照原文的句子结构翻译,所 得译文不符合汉语习惯的情况下,重新 组织句子结构,即舍形式而取内容,用 贴切的译入语准确传达原作的意义。 (赵桂华2002:31)
Cast pearls before swine. 对牛弹琴(offer valuable things to people who do not understand its value)
Unit 1 General Principles
Begin by a story: Tower of Babel
《越人歌》 “山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知”
教学目标 翻 译的定义 翻 译的历史 翻 译的标准 翻 译的策略 翻 译的过程
A. Yan Fu’s (严复) “three character guide”, which was first proposed in 1898, is the principle of “faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance” (信、达、雅).
目的语中的文化观念和价值观来替代,特别是 把原文的比喻、形象和民族地方色彩等用相应 的目的语中的比喻、形象和民族地方色彩来替 代。
High building and large mansions are springing up like mushroom in Beijing. 在北京,高楼大厦犹如雨后春笋地涌现。
boy,three boys nobody.
ballet cigar
crocodile tears an olive branch sour grapes the cold war
Unless you’ve an ace up your sleeve, we are dished.
翻译中“归化”和“异化”不仅是不矛 盾的,
杨译: Man proposes, Heaven disposes.
1. Strike while the iron is hot. 2. go through fire and water 3. add fuel to the flames / pour oil on the flames 4. an ass in a lion’s skin(Aesop’s Fable) 5. a wolf in sheep’s clothing
B. Some revisions such as faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness (信、达、切), 刘重德 ;
C. Fu Lei’s (傅雷) spiritual conformity (神似)
D. Qian Zhongshu (钱钟书)’s sublimed(升华 了的) adaptation (化境)
1. Love me, love my dog. 2.a lion in the way 3.lick one’s boots 4.Diamond cuts diamond 5.A flash in a pan 6.Have one foot in the grave 7.To grow like mushrooms 8.One boy is a boy,two boys half a
8) The dishes from Chinese cuisine are meant to be both visually appealing and flavorous. 中国菜色香味俱全。
9) The evil which they did lives after them. 他们所做的坏事将遗臭万年。
language)与目的语(target language),原文作 者与目的语读者之间的矛盾。 如何解决这些矛盾呢? 怎样尊重及保存民族文化? 怎样将有中国特色的文化传统译介给国外的读 者? 如何在翻译中保持源语的文化特征?
归化(domestication): 在译文中把源语的文化观念和价值观,用