第二节 增补与省略

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The price of the products should be set according to the price in the international market. It should be fixed by the two parties at a level that will bring profit to both. 产品价格应该根据国际市场的价格,由 双方共同商定,须照顾到双方的共同利 益。 Part-time waitress applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not. 应聘业余女服务员者,有工作经验者优 先。
4. Brains or beauty? Women still conflicted. 要智慧还是要容貌?女人很矛盾。 5. According to scientists, it takes nature 500 years to create an inch of topsoil. 根据科学家们的看法 的看法,自然界要用500 的看法 年的时间 的时间才能形成一英寸厚的表层土壤。 的时间 6. The Americans and Japanese conducted a completely secret exchange of message.
Omission of the Pronoun
1) He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders. 他将双手放进衣袋,然后耸了耸肩。
2)For two weeks, he had been studying the house, looking at its rooms, its electric wiring, its path and its garden. 两周以来,他一直注意观察房子的情况,察 看各个房间,留心电线的走向、通道和花园 的布局。
1. He looked gloomy and troubled. 他看上去有些忧郁不安。 2. As it is late, let us go to bed. 不早啦, 睡吧! 3. Summer is hot but winter is cold. 夏热冬冷。 4. If we lose our freedom, we have nothing else to lose. 丧失了自由就丧失了一切。
4. Amplification for Purposes of
Coherence or Rhetoric
This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine. 这部打字机真是价廉物美。 价 物 2.Theory is something, but practice is everything. 理论固然必要,实践尤其重要。 3. A scientist constantly tried to defeat his hypotheses, his theories and his conclusion. 科学家经常设法否定 否定自己的假设,推翻 推翻自己 否定 推翻 放弃自己的结论。 的理论,并放弃 放弃
Success is often just an idea away. A:成功往往只是一念之差。 B:成功与否,往往只是一念之差。 Nothing happened in the night. A: 夜间什么事也没发生。 B:夜间倒是风平浪静,什么事也没发 生。 Away flies the arrow! A: 箭飞走了! B:箭嗖的一声飞走了!
她们有的长着漂亮的眼睛,有的生着俏 丽的鼻子,有的有着妩媚的嘴巴、婀娜 的身段;但是,这样样都美的,虽然不 能说一个没有,却也是寥寥无几。
2. Amplification by Supplying Necessary Connectives
Heated, water will change into vapor. 水如受热,就会汽化。 如 就 2. Since air has weight, it exerts force on any object immersed in it. 因为空气具有重量,所以 所以处在空气中的 所以 任一物体都会受到空气的作用力。
Please let us know the detailed information on your market. 请告知贵方市场详情。 We assure you of our prompt attention to this matter. 我们保证立即处理此事。
Omission of the Preposition
Amplification by Supplying Words Omitted in the Original 增加原文中省略的成分
1.Matter can be changed into energy, and energy into matter.
物质可以转化为Baidu Nhomakorabea,能也可以转化 转化为物质。 转化
Standing as it does on a high hill, the church commands a beautiful view. 教堂建在高山上,向下眺望,风景 优美。 We take this opportunity to inform you that we are now in a position to make prompt shipment of the merchandise. 兹奉告,该商品可即期装运。 Suitable for men, women and children 男女老少咸宜
Amplification (or addition), means supplying necessary words in our translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original.
增补大致可以分为两种情形: 1、增补原文句法上的省略成分; 2、根据上下文意思、逻辑关系、以及 目的语的行文习惯,在表达时增加 原文字面上没有、意思上却包含的 字词。
美日双方 双方在完全保密的情况下互相交换了 双方 信件。
7. Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration. 无知是恐惧的根源 根源,也是崇拜的根源 根源。 根源 根源 8. Where there is water, there is life. 哪里有水,哪里就有生命。 9. Rich men have their cares while poor men have their happiness. 富人有富人的苦恼,穷人也有穷人的快 乐。
Omission/pruning is a technique opposite to amplification.
Original English: The time-keeping devices of electronic watches are much more accurate than those of mechanical ones. 电子表比机械表准确得多。 Don’t cough more than you can help.
4. She would spend hours dressing herself in fine clothes, and brushing her black hair. Then she would stand by the mirror and admire herself. 她总是要花好几个小时为自己盛装打扮, 梳理她乌黑的头发。之后她还常常照着 镜子自我欣赏一番。 5. Man, was, is and always will be trying to improve his living conditions. 人类过去、现在而且将来总是在尽力改 善生活条件。
AfterAfter-class exercises: Put the following sentences into Chinese, using the technique of amplification. 1.Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. 2.Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice. 3.We won’t retreat, we never have and never will.
思考题: The fan, with its modern, elegant ,bright, and harmoniously colored design, is an excellent electrical household appliance for cooling purposes on hot summer days. 本电扇款式新颖,造型大方,色彩艳丽, 色泽调和,是炎炎夏日消暑纳凉之家电 精品。
2.The Italians are wise before the deed, the Germans in the deed, the French after the deed. 意大利人事前聪明,德国人事中聪明,法 国人事后聪明。
3. Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep. 历史使人明智,诗歌使人灵秀,数学使 人周密,哲学使人深刻。 4. John is peeling an apple, and Peter an orange. 约翰正在削苹果,彼得正剥桔子。 5. Some had beautiful eyes, others a beautiful nose, others a beautiful mouth and figure: few, if any, had all.
Smoking is prohibited in public places. 公共场所不许吸烟。 Hydrogen is the lightest element with an atomic weight of 1.0008. 氢是最轻的元素,原子量为1.0008。
Omission of the Conjunction
AfterAfter-class exercises: Put the following sentences into Chinese, using the technique of omission.
1) 2)
If you give him an inch, he will take a mile. Never trouble yourself with trouble till trouble troubles you. The true joy of joys is the joy that joys in the joy of others. In order to survive, to feed, clothe and shelter himself and his children, man is engaged in a constant struggle with nature.
3. Amplification to meet the need of grammar
1. There were rows of houses which he had never seen before. 那一排排 一排排的房子都是他从来没有见过的。 一排排 2. If I were there! 我要是在那儿,就好了! 3. The lion is the king of animals. 狮子是百兽之王。